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Circuit Training Workout # 39 Six Pack Attack

Need: Dumbbells, Medicine Ball, Bosu

Alternating Squat Side Kicks 1m (execute quickly) TO Prone Lift Light Ball Around the World 1m TO One Arm Planks 30s- 1m Each Side

Flip the Dog with Knee Tuck 1m Each Side (down dog do a knee tuck, raise leg and flip into partial wheel pose, flip back & repeat) TO Burpee Climbers Cobras 1m (4 Mt. Climbers, drop & lift into cobra 4 count, jump to burpee, repeat) TO Wall Knee Tucks 1m

Jacked Forward Frog Hops 1m (alternate narrow and wide frog hops forward in a forward jack motion) TO Dumbbell Butt Blaster 1m (Squat down and pick up dumbbell in front of OPPOSITE foot , stand then get other weight, stand, lower and return, repeat) TO Pilates Single Leg Pulls 1m
(alternate legs into chest, catch behind knee and gently pull closer for 2 counts, lower and repeat on other side)

4 x 4 Renegade Rows to Dumbbell Thrusters 1m 30s(4 rows * complete each side as one row, into 4 thrusters, repeat) TO Dumbbell Horizontal Chops 1m (arms out straight holding 1 dumbbell) TO Medicine Ball Reach Sit Ups 1m

Body Blasters 1m (roll back into reverse crunch, explode to standing , jump back into push up, leap up, lower & repeat) TO Switch Hitters 1m (alternate opposite leg raise at top and elbow) TO Bosu Bicycle Crunches 1m

Fifer Scissor Pause with Exploding Switches 1m (explosively switch legs then pause at top, repeat) TO Bosu Split Squats 1m Each Side TO Leg Climbs 1m Each Side (walk hands up to top of raised leg then lower) TO Squat with Dumbbell Reach 1m

Dynamic Push Ups into Low Held Squat 1m (complete 2 dynamic push ups * as you lower feet jump wide, as you raise feet jump in* then jump forward into low tucked squat, hold 4 counts) TO 4 x 4 Knee & Elbow Crunches 1m (4 full sit ups elbows to knee, 4 reverse crunches knees to elbow, repeat) TO Warrior II Walks Across Gym Floor & Switch Directions Back

Commando Knee Tuck Press Ups 1m (from stomach press up into plank, do knee tuck, lower into push up, alternate knee tuck, push up) TO 4 x 4 Leaping Halfbacks Reverse Run 1m (leap forward, side to side 4 times, jog backwards 4 counts and repeat) TO Surrender Half -Lowered Sit Ups 1m (hands behind head in surrender position, lower back slowly, stop when feet come off floor, pause, raise & repeat)

Dumbbell Bow Extensions 1m Each Side TO Samurai Switches with Front Touch Downs 1m TO One-Legged Flat Foot Sit Ups with Twist 1m Each Side (bent knee leg has
foot flattened)

4 x 4 Alternating Samurai Squat Dumbbell Rows 1m (in samurai squat quickly execute 4 dumbbell rows, jump switch side &repeat) TO Low Carioca Across Gym Floor (stay low & switch lead leg each stride) TO Lateral Walking Push Ups Back (walk laterally in plank 4 steps lower into push up, repeat, core tight) TO 3 Point Press 1m Each Side (lift & lower)

Medicine Ball Side to Side Bikes 1m TO Medicine Ball Overhead Tricep Extention SIt Ups 1m TO Elevated Leg Crunches 1m

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