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I'll Be Waiting Lyrics

from 21 "I'll Be Waiting" is track #8 on the album 21. It was written by Adkins Adele !aurie Blue " #$worth %aul &ichar &ead more' Adele ( I'll Be Waiting !yrics ) *etro!yrics +old me closer one more time ,ay that you lo-e me in your last goodbye %lease .orgi-e me .or my sins /es I swam dirty waters but you $ushed me in I'-e seen your .ace under e-ery sky 0-er e-ery border and on e-ery line /ou know my heart more than I do We were the greatest me and you But we had time against us and miles between us 1he hea-ens cried I know I le.t you s$eechless But now the sky has cleared and it's blue And I see my .uture in you I'll be waiting .or you when you're ready to lo-e me again I $ut my hands u$ I'll do e-erything di..erent I'll be better to you I'll be waiting .or you when you're ready to lo-e me again I $ut my hands u$ I'll be somebody di..erent I'll be better to you !et me stay here .or 2ust one more night Build your world around me and $ull me to the light ,o I can tell you that I was wrong I was a child then but now I'm willing to learn But we had time against us and miles between us 1he hea-ens cried I know I le.t you s$eechless But now the sky has cleared and it's blue And I see my .uture in you I'll be waiting .or you when you're ready to lo-e me again I $ut my hands u$ I'll do e-erything di..erent I'll be better to you

I'll be waiting .or you when you're ready to lo-e me again I $ut my hands u$ I'll be somebody di..erent I'll be better to you 1ime against us miles between us +ea-ens cried I know I le.t you s$eechless 1ime against us miles between us +ea-ens cried I know I le.t you s$eechless I know I le.t you s$eechless I'll be waiting I'll be waiting .or you when you're ready to lo-e me again I $ut my hands u$ I'll do e-erything di..erent I'll be better to you I'll be waiting .or you when you're ready to lo-e me again I $ut my hands u$ I'll be somebody di..erent I'll be better to you Songwriters A34I5, A3#!# !A6&I# B!6# " #%W0&1+ %A6! &I7+A&3 Published by !yrics 8 6ni-ersal *usic %ublishing 9rou$ #*I *usic %ublishing &ead more' Adele ( I'll Be Waiting !yrics ) *etro!yrics

Tired Lyrics
from 19 "1ired" is track #: on the album 1;. It was written by 7hamberlain 7arson " White *ichael Ben2amin. &ead more' Adele ( 1ired !yrics ) *etro!yrics +old my hand While you cut me down It'd only 2ust begun But now it's o-er now And youre in the heat o. moments With your heart $laying u$ cold

I'm between the middle Watching hastiness un.old 0n my eyes /ou were smiling in the s$otlight 3ancing with the night When I .ell o.. your mind I'm tired o. trying /our teasing ain't enough <ed u$ o. buying your time When I don't get nothing back And .or what and .or what and .or what When I don't get nothing back 0i I'm tired Where'd you go When you stayed behind I looked u$ and inside down And outside only to .ind A double taking $unching heart ache laughing at my smile I get closer /ou ob-iously $ her I'm tired o. trying /our teasing ain't enough <ed u$ o. buying your time When I don't get nothing back And .or what and .or what and .or what When I don't get nothing back 0i I'm tired o. trying /our teasing ain't enough <ed u$ o. buying your time When I don't get nothing back And .or what and .or what and .or what When I don't get nothing back 0i I'm tired I should ha-e known

5e-er mind ,aid your o$en arms I couldn't hel$ the lea$ 1hat tri$$ed me back into them #-en though I'm tired o. trying /our teasing ain't enough <ed u$ o. buying your time When I don't get nothing back And .or what and .or what and .or what When I don't get nothing back 0i I'm tired o. trying /our teasing ain't enough <ed u$ o. buying your time When I don't get nothing back And .or what and .or what and .or what When I don't get nothing back 0i I'm tired Songwriters 7+A*B#&!AI5 7A&,05 " W+I1# *I7+A#! B#5=A*I5 Published by !yrics 8 6ni-ersal *usic %ublishing 9rou &ead more' Adele ( 1ired !yrics ) *etro!yrics

One And Only Lyrics

from 21 "0ne And 0nly" is track #; on the album 21. It was written by Adkins Adele !aurie Blue " Wells 9reg " Wilson 3aniel &ead more' Adele ( 0ne And 0nly !yrics ) *etro!yrics /ou'-e been on my mind I grow .onder e-ery day !ose mysel. in time 2ust thinking o. your .ace 9od only knows why it's taken me so long to let my doubts go /ou're the only one that I want

I don't know why I'm scared I'-e been here be.ore #-ery .eeling e-ery word I'-e imagined it all /ou'll ne-er know i. you ne-er try 1o .orget your $ast and sim$ly be mine I dare you to let me be your your one and only %romise I'm worthy to hold in your arms ,o come on and gi-e me a chance 1o $ro-e I am the one who can walk that mile 6ntil the end starts I. I'-e been on your mind do you hang on e-ery word I say !ose yoursel. in time at the mention o. my name Will I e-er know how it .eels to hold you close And ha-e you tell me whiche-er road I choose you'll go I don't know why I'm scared 'cause I'-e been here be.ore #-ery .eeling e-ery word I'-e imagined it all /ou'll ne-er know i. you ne-er try 1o .orget your $ast and sim$ly be mine I dare you to let me be your your one and only %romise I'm worthy to hold in your arms ,o come on and gi-e me a chance 1o $ro-e I am the one who can walk that mile 6ntil the end starts I know it ain't easy gi-ing u$ your heart I know it ain't easy gi-ing u$ your heart 5obody's $er.ect >I know it ain't easy gi-ing u$ your heart? 1rust me I'-e learned it 5obody's $er.ect >I know it ain't easy gi-ing u$ your heart? 1rust me I'-e learned it 5obody's $er.ect >I know it ain't easy gi-ing u$ your heart? 1rust me I'-e learned it 5obody's $er.ect >I know it ain't easy gi-ing u$ your heart? 1rust me I'-e learned it ,o I dare you to let me be your your one and only I $romise I'm worthy to hold in your arms

,o come on and gi-e me a chance 1o $ro-e I am the one who can walk that mile 6ntil the end starts 7ome on and gi-e me a chance 1o $ro-e I am the one who can walk that mile 6ntil the end starts >2@? &ead more' Adele ( 0ne And 0nly !yrics ) *etro!yrics

Make You eel My Lo!e Lyrics

from 19 "*ake /ou <eel *y !o-e" is track #1 on the album 1;. It was written by Bob 3ylan. &ead more' Adele ( *ake /ou <eel *y !o-e !yrics ) *etro!yrics When the rain is blowing in your .ace And the whole world is on your case I could you a warm embrace 1o make you .eel my lo-e When the e-ening shadows and the stars a$$ear And there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you .or a million years 1o make you .eel my lo-e I know you ha-en't made your mind u$ yet But I would ne-er do you wrong I'-e known it .rom the moment that we met no doubt in my mind were you belong I'd go hungry I'd go black and blue I'd go crawling down the a-enue 5o there's nothing that I wouldn't do 1o make you .eel my lo-e 1he storms are raging on the rolling sea And on the highway o. regret 1he winds o. change are blowing wild and .ree /ou ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you ha$$y make your dreams come true 5othing that I wouldn't do 9o to the ends o. the #arth .or you 1o make you .eel my lo-e 1o make you .eel my lo-e Songwriters Bob 3ylan Published by ,%#7IA! &I3#& *6,I7 &ead more' Adele ( *ake /ou <eel *y !o-e !yrics ) *etro!yrics

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