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Classroom Management Plan

Statement of Purpose Purposeful Pupils

The statement of purpose: The goal of our classroom learning is to create well-rounded, analytical thinkers who feel confident to engage in global and community happenings. The material covered is intended to give students the tools they need to grow into confident young adults. We will be respectful, considerate, and open minded in our journey together as a united class.

Rules Miss Landaus Learning Laws

Rules: Rule 1: Come to class ready to learn, with all materials and assignments prepared beforehand. Rule 2: Respect your classmates' space, feelings, and learning processes. Rule 3: Notify the teacher if, for any reason, you cannot complete an assignment before it is due. Rule 4: Use only appropriate classroom language. Rule 5: Be helpful, accommodating, and courteous to your classmates and teacher.

Procedures Daily Doings

Procedure: Locker Leave unnecessary materials in your locker
o Sub-step: Come to lesson with materials needed for only our class. Teacher will specify what will be needed for present class during previous meeting. This is done to avoid distractions and to focus only on today's lessons ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: Take home all materials you will need to complete any homework assignments given in class. If something is not needed at home that day, then store it in your locker to be used in the future. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior

Take home only what is needed to complete assignments


Procedure: Cell Phones Turn off your cell phone during class
o Sub-step: If you bring your cellphone to class, it must stay turn off and stored in your bag throughout the entire period. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: Do not remove your cell phone from your bag during class for any reason. If

No texting during class


caught texting, your cell phone will be confiscated and returned to you after the class period. ! Positive Consequences: Verbal praise, Smiles ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior

Procedure: Bathroom Wait until anyone who is currently gone from the classroom to return
o Sub-step: If someone is using the bathroom or out of the classroom please wait until they return before you leave. Only one student is permitted outside the classroom at a time. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior Sub-step: Try to avoid making noise when leaving the classroom. This includes commotion and chatting. There is no need to ask the teacher to leave or to tell classmates where you are going. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: Take the bathroom card located next to the door when leaving. This is done to indicate where you are going and to ensure only one person is absent at a time. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: Return the bathroom card to its place when you return back to the classroom so that other students may now excuse themselves. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: Try to follow along the best you can after returning from the restroom. Wait until the teacher asks for questions, or the class takes a break, for clarification on what you have missed. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules

Leave the classroom quietly


Take the bathroom card with you


Return the bathroom card back up when you reenter


Take your seat quietly and resume the lesson or activity


Procedure: Homework Homework is to be turned in at the beginning of the class period

o Sub-step: When entering the classroom, please place your homework in the homework file located on the teachers desk. Be sure to turn in your assignments; they will be used to track attendance. ! Positive Consequences: Verbal praise, Smiles ! Negative Consequences: General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: If homework assignments are late, 5% will be deducted off of the assignment for every day it is late. If all homework assignments have been turned in on time, the student will receive a 5% increase on their final course grade. ! Positive Consequences: Notes home, Phone calls home, Special privileges ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior

Turn in homework the day it is due


Copy homework off the board for the upcoming week

Sub-step: Homework will be posted for the upcoming week on the board through out the entire period. It is your responsibility to write down what is due. ! Positive Consequences: Verbal praise, Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Sub-step: Teacher will take the last 5 minutes of class to review upcoming assignments. Save questions regarding homework for this time. ! Positive Consequences: Verbal praise, Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules

Save questions about homework until the end of the period


Procedure: Tardiness Check in with front office

o Sub-step: Check in with the front office before coming to the classroom. Obtain a note from an administrator verifying that you have been checked in. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: Ask student to come in at lunch to discuss the issues associated with their behavior Sub-step: Place office note on teachers desk in specified area for late-notes. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior Sub-step: Enter room without disturbing your fellow classmates. Save greetings for after the class period. Take any available seat. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior

Place note on teachers desk


Enter room quietly and find an open seat


Immediately begin working and save questions regarding what you have missed for an appropriate opportunity
o Sub-step: Try to follow along the best you can. Wait until teacher asks for questions or we take a break in the lesson to be caught up on what you have missed. If necessary, plan a time with the teacher after class to catch up on what you have missed. ! Positive Consequences: Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules

Procedure: Absences If you are going to absent for any reason, other than illness, please let the teacher know beforehand
o Sub-step: If you are anticipating an absence for reasons other than illness, such as appointments or vacations, please give the teacher notification one week in advance. ! Positive Consequences: Verbal praise, Smiles, Thumbs-up ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules

Bring teacher a parents/guardians note verifying your reason for anticipated absences
o Sub-step: Once you have notified the teacher of your anticipated absence, please bring a parents/guardians note prior to the absence. If procedure is followed correctly, then absence will be counted as excused. ! Positive Consequences: Special privileges ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules

If absence is due to illness a note will be required once you return to class
o Sub-step: If an unexpected illness arises and you are unable to attend school, please bring a parents/guardians note within one week of your return. If procedure is followed correctly, then absence will be counted as excused. ! Positive Consequences: Special Privileges ! Negative Consequences: Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules

Three unexcused absences will result in a 5% lowering of final grade per unexcused absence from that point forward
o Sub-step: If a student fails to bring parents/guardians verification of reason for absence, they will receive a 5% lowering of their final grade per each class missed after the second unexcused absence. ! Positive Consequences: Not applicable ! Negative Consequences: Parents/guardians phone call to discuss their childs problematic behaviors in class Sub-step: If student has perfect attendance they will receive a 5% higher final grade. ! Positive Consequences: Recognition to the Principal, Student of the Month, Honor Roll, Increased Final Grade ! Negative Consequences: Not applicable

Perfect attendance will result in a 5% increase of final grade


Positive Consequences Rightful Rewards

Positive Consequence Timeline
Free and Frequent o Verbal praise, Smiles, Thumbs-up Intermittent o Notes home, Phone calls home, Special privileges Strong and Long-Term o Field trips, Special projects, Recognition to the Principal, Student of the Month, Honor Roll, Increased final grade

Negative Consequences Unfortunate Undergoing

Positive Consequence Timeline
Level 1 o Level 2 o Level 3 o Level 4 o Level 5 o Level 6 o General class reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Individual reminder of expected behavior based on class rules Individual reminder specifically focusing on problematic behavior Ask student to come in at lunch to discuss the issues associated with their behavior Parents/guardians phone call to discuss their childs problematic behaviors in our class Office referral

Crisis Plan Crisis Conduct

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Send T.A. directly to Front Office to ask for assistance. (If there is no T.A. in the room then Student of the Week will perform this duty.) Send the rest of the class outside the room in a single file line to sit quietly against the wall. Contain the student during the episode until further help arrives. Try to reestablish student's selfcontrol. Bring other students back into the room once deemed appropriate by teacher. Make sure the student in crisis is fully composed or has left the room before bringing the rest of the class back in. Fill out a report regarding the crisis as soon as possible after the incident to avoid leaving out any critical details. Call student's parents/guardians to inform them of the situation and answer any questions they may have about the episode. Ask parents/guardians any questions you may have in the event that future episodes occur. Send T.A. directly to Nurses Office to ask for assistance. (If there is no T.A. in the room then Student of the Week will perform this duty.) Have students help move any furniture that may cause a potential hazard to classmate having a medical issue. (ex. move desks out of the way if student is seizing) Monitor student until further help arrives. Explain what happened to other students once the situation has been dealt with. Reassure them that their classmate will be ok. Fill out a report regarding the crisis as soon as possible after the incident to avoid leaving out any critical details. Call student's parents/guardians to inform them of the situation and answer any questions they may have about the occurrence. Ask parents/guardians any questions you may have in the event that future episodes occur.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Action Plan Administering Actions

Action Plan Task: Teaching the Plan to Students Action Plan Parameters
Process: The first day of class will be dedicated to creating the structure of our classroom. On this day, the lesson will be spent explaining what is expected of students. Students will also have an opportunity to set forth their expectations from the teacher. The teacher will first explain the 'Statement of Purpose'. A short activity will be planned where we pull apart the different aspects of the 'Statement of Purpose'. Each student will be provided with construction paper on which they can illustrate the ideal classroom based on the statement. They will be able to use words, illustrations, poems etc.. to complete the activity. Next, 'Rules', 'Procedures List', 'Consequences', and 'Crisis Plan' will be reviewed. Student will then have an opportunity to discuss the information and ask questions of the teacher. Finally, a worksheet will be filled out individually by each student in which they can agree or disagree with the teacher's expectations and then can write a private note to the teacher about anything on their mind. Materials: Computer Syllabi Construction paper Markers Intended date of completion: First day of class Outcome:

The first day of class is intended to give students an opportunity to contribute to the classroom environment both in classroom discussion format and privately on paper. This lesson is also intended to allow students a comprehensive understanding of how the class should proceed throughout the year.

Action Plan Task: Plan Toolkit Action Plan Parameters

Process: Our classroom 'Statement of Purpose' will be posted on a large brightly colored poster in the front of the classroom. An activity will be planned for the first day of class during which we pull apart the meaning and outcomes of the 'Statement of Purpose'. 'Classroom Rules' will be posted on a large brightly colored poster in the front of the classroom. The rules will also be listed on the front page of the syllabus and discussed on the first day of class. The 'Medical Crisis Plan' along with the 'Behavioral Crisis Plan' will be posted in simple bullet point format in the room. More details of student responsibilities during a medical or behavioral crisis will be listed in the syllabus and discussed on the first day of class. o Note: the procedures posted and discussed will only be those that apply to the student involvement of the plan. The bathroom card will be available the fist day of class and placed near the door. Bathroom procedures will be verbally explained. Locker procedures, late arrival procedures, and homework procedures will be listed in the syllabus and explained on the first day of class. Materials: Colorful poster paper Construction paper Glue Scissors Markers Computer Syllabi Intended date of completion: First day of class Outcome: Students will know from day one the behavior and procedures expected of them. Students will also know where in the classroom they can find reminders of these principles, which will be posted throughout the year. It is important to establish this structure from the beginning so that students can learn in a consistent and organized environment.

Action Plan Task: Booster Sessions for Students Action Plan Parameters
Process: On the last Friday of every month, 10 minutes will be spent at the end of lesson reviewing what went well and what we need to work on next month based on the Behavioral Management Plan. This will be an honest and respectful dialogue between the teacher and students. The teacher will list comments on the white board as the discussion goes along so that recurrent themes can be focused on. Materials: White board Intended date of completion: Every last Friday of the month during the school year Outcome: These discussions will serve as a way to recognize the positive aspects of our class and address the issues that can be fixed as we move into the next month.

Action Plan Task: Teaching the Plan to Parents/Guardians

Action Plan Parameters

Process: Parents/guardians will be asked to sign a provided space on their child's syllabus after the first day of class. The parents/guardians will be prompted to read through the child's syllabus. They will read through the 'Statement of Purpose', 'Rules', 'Procedures List', and 'Consequences' before signing off. Teacher contact information will be provided on the syllabus and parents/guardians will be encouraged to reach out to the teacher if they have any questions regarding the Classroom Management Plan. A summary of this information will be presented at parents/guardians teacher conferences. Materials: Computer Phone Syllabi Intended date of completion: First week of class After parents/guardians teacher conferences Outcome: By reading through their childs syllabus, parents/guardians will have an opportunity to see exactly what is expected of their student throughout the year. Reviewing the Behavior Management Plan with parents/guardians during conferences will allow the teacher to personalize the information based on the students progress.

Action Plan Task: Recognition Activities for Students Action Plan Parameters
Process: A Student of the Month will be announced on the first Monday of every month. The student will be chosen based on rule compliance, following procedures, homework completion, and attendance. This student will have an opportunity to choose one class activity during their month. The student will also receive a certificate recognizing their achievement to bring home. Other various recognition and responsibility will be assigned based on the curriculum for that particular month. Materials: Certificate Intended date of completion: First Monday of every month Outcome: This opportunity will give students motivation to comply with the Classroom Management Plan. This will also provide an attainable Positive Consequence every month.

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