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ENVIRONMENT is derived from the word Environner which mean encircle orsurround .

Environmental Studies deals with every issue that affects an or anism. So! ENVIRONMENT refers to surroundin s which vary from "lace to "lace and continent de"endin u"on #hysio ra"hy! To"o ra"hy! $limate and the availa%le Natural resources. Since the %e innin of the culture! the natural resources such as Soil! &and! 'ater etc are %ein over(e)"loited causin the environment ets "olluted or de raded. This has resulted in multi * dimensional environmental crisis li+e soil erosion! landslides and in turn have created soil "ollution! air "ollution! water "ollution! noise "ollution etc. IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENT: , Environment is concerned with day * to * day interaction with the surroundin s with which human %ein is closely associated. , Environmental Science is related to many %ranches of Sciences , Environment is concerned with the im"ortance of wild life and its "rotection. , Environmental Science e)"lains the si nificant role of %iodiversity in esta%lishin ecolo ical %alance. , Environmental Science ives information relatin to #o"ulation rowth! #o"ulation e)"losion and im"act on #o"ulation rowth .. , Environmental Science also ives information a%out water conservation! watershed mana ement and the im"ortance of water. -iodiversity. the e)istence of a lar e num%er of different +inds of animals and "lants which ma+e a %alanced environment or the totality of all s"ecies and ecosystems in a re ion.

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