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THE STORY OF CIVILIZATION Volume Two History Textbook for Class X ARJUN DEV acl even a area NCeERT Sara areas site wfgrarot afta NATIONAL COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ANO TRAINING First Edition May 1989 Vaisakha 1911 ‘Thirteenth Reprint Edition January 2002 Magha 1923 PD 70T+50T MB ONanonal Council of Educational Research and Traning, 1989 [ ALL Mone RESERVED | | 0 nopan ins sthaton mnt pase sega retest cr ansmtas | Byler yaar tat secu: aeoa ooaa euse w | Gasset et miata Senan amet nangorcoeste “chan thee in which 6 publi i" Thecarece pce of ths puleaton i the ance nntad an ths pape Any revised price ic tstee by 2 rubbor stamp o by # S0cker or By why guner means comect and anoUd be Soccepiabie * “ OFFICES OF THE PUBLICATION DIVISION, NCERT. Sea oe MOR se" ot ne Sats Rh | Rs. 40.00 National Council of Educational Research Published at the Publication Division by the Secretary, 7 3 printed at Unique Press (P) Ltd , A-37, and Training Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi 110016 ani Sector-4, Notda-201301 Foreword. _Arrer the adoption of the National Policy on Education in 1986, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) developed a framework of ‘national curriculum for elementary and secondary education, and syllabus guide- Ines and detatled syllabr in various subjects forall stages of school education New textbooks and other instructional snatenals have also been brought out. ‘The NCERT's courses in history, whichis one of thesocial science subjects from Class Vito Class X, have been designed keepingin view the requirements of general education. The course for Classes VIto VIII comprises a general introduction to the history of India from the earliest to the modern times. For Classes IX-X, it mainly comprises a general introduction to world historical development covering the period from the earliest ames to the most recent. The primary objective of these courses 1s to develop in the pupil a broad historical perspective and to introduce her/tum to the national as well as the world heritage. ‘The present course for Classes DX and X consists ofa broad survey of thehustory ofthe world with its focus on the mam stages in the growth of human civilization, and on major events and socio-economic, political and cultural developments which are of world historical importance, The emphasis ison the aspects of change and development and on the contributions of different peoples and cultures to the heritage of mankand. An attempt has also been made to focus on certain aspects of Indwa’s cultural heritage and modern Indian history that have a close bearing on contemporary India. The details of political history, particularly dynastic hustory, have been reduced to the mirumum. Many important developments snc many cultures and civilizations have had to be left out owing to the hmitations imposed by the time allotted to the teaching of the subject. However, in spite of these limitations, anattempthas been made to deal with the main course ofhumanhistory initsaspects of unity and diversity, continuity and change. {tis hoped that thestudy of this course willhelp to deepen the pupils’ understanding of the world, and help them appreciate that the world of man is indivisible ‘The course for Classes IX and X has been covered m two volumes. The first volume, for Class IX, covers the period from the pre-lustoric times toabout theend ofthe nineteenth century The second volume covers major trends mn the history of the world from the rise of imperialism to our own times when imperiahsm, at least 1n the form of direct political control, has ended. Besides introducing the young student to major trends in contemporary world history, this volume also attempts to provide a broad hustorical perspective to an understanding of contem- porary India. This has been sought to be done by introducing three chapters

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