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Escola E. B.

2, 3
Joo de Deus
Agrupamento de Escolas de Silves


English Language
Ano Letivo 2013 /2014


Class: D




This is a map of your town. You live on Oxford Street, just after the hotel. Today is Saturday and you
have a very busy timetable:
1. do the shopping
2. go to the bank on Brook Street
3. send letters
4. buy tennis balls
5. have a drink with John at the pub
near the Italian restaurant
6. buy the new Harry Potter
7. have lunch at the Indian restaurant
8. go to the park
9. visit Janice who is sick
10. watch the new film with Brad Pitt

Where will you go to. (give the name of the place)

do the shopping?
send letters? ...
buy tennis balls?
buy the new Harry Potter? .
visit Janice?
watch the film? ..
Where is
(use prepositions of place)
the supermarket? ..
the post office? .
the sports shop?
the bookshop? ...
the cinema? ...

Explain the way from your house to the supermarket: ..

Now give the directions to go from one shop on your list to the other:
1 2: ...
2 3: ...
3 4: ...
4 5: ...


Now, choose one building and give the correct direction to it. Read it aloud and see if your classmates
can find it for you.

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