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Ring of Love by Choice: Understanding the Female presence in Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings (Abstract Chandralekha !

" R" Research Assistant #ahithya Akademi

J. R. R Tolikiens, The Lord of the Rings is one of most popular books of the twentieth century. But India seems to have some kind of a prejudice a ainst this marvelous piece of work, that we seem to like Rowlin s and !eyers works more, for ettin the fact that all the contemporary fantasy fiction is in a way or another influenced by Tolkiens !iddle" #arth !ythopoeia. Tolkien advertised the importance of individual parts to be played in our society and fore rounded it to such a level that the concept $heroism became invisible but real. The Lord of the Rings still writhes under the critical lens of ender stru for creatin only few female characters and makin le. Tolkien has been always critici%ed them stereo typically feminine and

submissive. &nly a careful readin of the te't could reveal the real deal behind the presence of women in The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien cleverly inverted the roles of female characters in The lord of the Rings that they seem distant and sometimes invisible. But, a careful analysis shows that throu h these mea er appearances of female characters Tolkien was pronouncin the term of real power" (ove. The human female characters reach the maturity and understandin of real power way before the men, so and so that they choose love over power )which was the messa e behind the novel*. Thus by creatin minor and less female characters Tolkien was centrali%in

the women folk, surpassin all the traditional ender identities. This paper vouches to unriddle the prejudice laden on Tolkien for bein a se'ist, by analy%in each female characters and each female presence and absence in the te't.

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