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Crade 3 Leachers aL !akarLa lnLernauonal School are noL lmplemenung 1:1 lads ln
Lhe Lhelr classrooms eecuvely. 1hls ls noLed by pure lack of use as evldenced by
observauon from Lech supporL, conversauons wlLh Lhe Lech supporL, and daLa from
Lhe surveys. 1hese conversauons were boLh boLh lnformal and durlng plannlng
sesslons. 1he 3
grade Leachers expressed a lack of undersLandlng for how Lo use
lads more eecuvely, a somewhaL llmlLed and repeuuve use for research (looklng
for phoLos on Coogle lmages) and uslng 8ook CreaLor Lo make books aL Lhe end of
wrlung a sLory. ln november of 2013, Lhe admlnlsLrauon noLed Lhls lack of use and
puL a hold on any new app purchases, sLaung LhaL unul Lhe currenL apps (purchased
aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe school year) are used no new apps wlll be acqulred. AL Lhe rooL of
Lhls problem lles Lhe lack of sLudenL beneL from enhanced learnlng wlLh Lhe lad.
Crade 3 Leachers aL !akarLa lnLernauonal School are noL lmplemenung 1:1 lads ln
Lhe Lhelr classrooms eecuvely because of lack of Lralnlng and knowledge of Lhe
devlce as evldenced ln Lhe rsL/Leacher survey, and lack of courage Lo sLep beyond
Lhe LexL books, expressed ln plannlng conversauons. uue Lo Lhe lack of Lralnlng for
Crade 3 Leachers on 1:1 lad lmplemenLauon, only half of Lhe Leachers clalmed
Lhey've had Lralnlng and ln follow up conversauons lL was dlscovered Lhe Lralnlng
was llmlLed. 1he mosL common way Lhe lads are belng used ls for sLudenLs Lo make
a book on 8ook CreaLor aL Lhe end of a unlL of sLudy. lL seems aL Lhls polnL ln ume,
Leachers are uslng Lhe lads ln an lnsLrumenLal manner raLher Lhan a more
meanlngful mlsslonal pedagogy.
AL Lhe end of Lhe 2012-2013 school year all grade 3 Leachers were glven lads Lo
Lake wlLh Lhem on Lhe summer break. 1he hope was LhaL Lhey would use Lhe lads,
load all apps LhaL sLudenLs would have access Lo, and become famlllar wlLh whaL
lads can do. 1he Leachers le wlLh Lhe undersLandlng LhaL sLudenLs would be uslng
lads 1:1 very shorLly aer school began for Lhe followlng year. When Leachers
reLurned Lo school ln AugusL Lhey were Lold LhaL Lhe sLudenL lads were yeL Lo arrlve
ln lndonesla. 1eachers Lhen began uslng Lhelr lads as a Leachlng Lool such as for a
pro[ecuon devlce Lo show ?ou1ube cllps, 8ralnop vldeos, auendance, and mornlng
messages on Lhe Apple 1vs. 8y Lhe ume Lhe sLudenL lads nally arrlved lL was [usL
before Lhe mld-CcLober break. 1eachers were exclLed and sLudenLs were elaLed Lo
say Lhe leasL. 1eachers began playlng wlLh Lhe apps ln class such as lxL (a shorLcuL Lo
a maLh webslLe), 8ook CreaLor, whlch sLudenLs were famlllar wlLh from uslng Lhe
borrowable classroom seL ln grade 2 and a few Lrled LxplalnLveryLhlng. 1hls has noL
changed ln Lhe Lwo monLhs slnce Lhe lads were rsL lnLroduced. 1hls lack of use of
Lhe lads means LhaL sLudenLs are noL glven access Lo Lhe broader learnlng
opporLunlues LhaL Lhe lad oers and whlch sLrongly uphold Lhe mlsslon of Lhe
,3492$8 *$1)3"2 )4 )'$ @6'442AB C(BB(41?
!akarLa lnLernauonal School holds Lhe mlsslon LhaL !"#$%&%' &) # *"+",-./"%0#,1
,&2"3,-%' .$-4")) 05#0 0$#%)2-$/) 6) 78 45#,,"%'&%' 05&%9&%' #%* 76&,*&%' 9%-:,"*'"1
)9&,,)1 #%* 6%*"$)0#%*&%'; <5$-6'5 "%'#'&%' &% *&+"$)"1 $"#, "=."$&"%4") #%*
$">"4?-%1 :" 7"4-/"@ $").-%)&7," :-$,* 4&?A"%)1 "B"4?+" 4-//6%&4#0-$)1
4-,,#7-$#?+" :-$9"$)1 .$-7,"/ )-,+"$)1 4$"#?+" &%*&+&*6#,)1 #%* )",23*&$"40"*1
.-)&?+" #%* #*#.0#7," ,"#$%"$);C ln order Lo achleve Lhls mlsslon one rouLe !lS has
declded Lo Lake ls adopung a 1:1 Lech program for grades 3-12. ln grades 4-12
sLudenLs are 1:1 wlLh Mac8ook Alrs and ln grade 3 all sLudenLs wlll work 1:1 wlLh
lads. !lS's mlsslon ls aL Lhe core of our school along wlLh Lhe sLudenLs. lads brlng a
level of learnlng and communlcaung LhaL surpasses Lradluonal meLhods. lads noL
only engage sLudenLs wlLh lnLeracuve Lechnology and personallzed Lools for learnlng
buL Lhey also allow sLudenLs Lo be global cluzens, connecung wlLh experLs and peers
around Lhe world. 1hey are an excellenL Lool for communlcaung ln a number of
dlerenL ways, Leacher-sLudenL, sLudenL-sLudenL, sLudenL-parenL, parenL Leacher, as
well as Leacher- Leacher. Communlcauon ls a blg parL of Lhe mlsslon of our school.
1he lad opens up Lhe classroom Lo a myrlad of self dlrecLed-learnlng resources.
LveryLhlng from LvernoLe for organlzlng Lhelr learnlng Lo Lxplaln LveryLhlng for
showlng Lhelr undersLandlng uslng a mulu faceLed app LhaL caLers Lo Lhose who are
audlLory or vlsual learners, Lhose who prefer Lo handwrlLe and Lhose who prefer Lo
Lype, Lhose who are llmlLed ln Lhelr ablllues for communlcauon and Lhose who excel
aL communlcauon. 1hls belng sald, Lhe Leachers are noL Lralned Lo use Lhe lads
eecuvely, so hereln lles Lhe problem, lack of Leacher undersLandlng and knowledge
of lad lmplemenLauon ln Lhe classroom leads Lo sLudenLs noL uslng lads Lo be
eecuve communlcaLors, global cluzens, collaborauve workers, and self-dlrecLed
learners as eecuvely as Lhey can be, as our !lS mlsslon sLaLes. !lS has adopLed Lhe
lads Lo brlng Lhe level of learnlng up Lo daLe because !akarLa lnLernauonal School
ls commlued Lo lnnovauve and powerful sLudenL and adulL learnlng. Cur alm ls Lo
develop passlonaLe, lnqulsluve and creauve learners who Lake acuon Lo be besL for
Lhe world.

@)"D$'42E$3 @F3G$H?
l used a Coogle lorm Lo survey my colleagues abouL Lhelr lad use and comforL level.
Cne plece of feedback l nd valuable Lo Lhls soluuon ls LhaL slx ouL of Lhe elghL
people surveyed are noL famlllar wlLh Lhe Lerm 1ACk (. Mlshra, 2008). 1hls looks
closer aL parL of Lhe problem. uue Lo Lhls, parL of Lhe soluuon ls Lo provlde
professlonal developmenL on Lhe 1ACk model and lnsLrucL how Lo use lL ln
plannlng. 1hls survey sLaLes LhaL some Leachers have recelved lad Lralnlng, however
l know from experlence and belng a parL of Lhe communlLy LhaL excepL for one grade
3 Leacher Lhe Lralnlng Lhe oLhers recelved was llmlLed ln boLh quallLy and quanuLy as
far as whaL would bulld useful undersLandlng of uslng Lhe lad eecuvely ln Lhe
classroom. 1he survey dld show LhaL mosL Leachers use Lhe lads every oLher day,
lL's Lhe quallLy of use LhaL's ln quesuon. 1eachers Lend Lo use Lhe lad for Lhe sake of
havlng one as opposed Lo maklng Lhe learnlng deeper Lhrough lad use.
l've also devlsed a sLudenL survey Lo gaLher daLa from Lhose who are experlenclng
Lhls learnlng problem rsL hand. 1hls survey conslsLs of Len quesuons, whlch alm Lo
seek clarlLy on Lhe use and comforL level of Lhe 3
grade sLudenLs' use of lads. 1he
feedback galned from Lhls survey demonsLraLes whlch apps are used by Lhe sLudenLs
and for whaL. 1hls daLa furLher clarles Lhe learnlng problem. lrom Lhe sLudenL
survey lL ls evldenL LhaL Lhe lads are belng used on average every oLher day ln Lhe
classrooms. 1he mosL common app belng used accordlng Lo Lhe 61 sLudenL
paruclpanLs ln Lhe survey ls Coogle uocs. 1he Coogle uocs are currenLly only used as
a way Lo publlsh" sLudenL sLorles. Cne plece of lnformauon galned from Lhe survey
was Lhe deslre for changes wlLh lad use such as, We could have some more maLh
games because we only have llke 2 maLhemaucal educauon games," (anonymous,
lads ln Lhe Classroom Survey). CurrenLly on Lhe lads ln my classroom Lhere are no
maLh apps and a requesL has been made for one ln Lhe pasL week buL lL was denled.

8ecognlzlng LhaL, belng a grade level Lech coach was golng Lo Lake more ume Lhan l
had as a classroom Leacher, l looked for an answer from my Lechnology coach Leam.
1he proposed soluuon sLems from a group dlscusslon aer Lhe group members
auended an lad summlL. ldeally Lhe 3
grade Leam would have auended Lhe lad
summlL as well Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr undersLandlng of lad classroom lmplemenLauon.
Slnce Lhey dld noL, Lhe Lechnology coaches declded we needed Lo share whaL we
Look away from Lhe conference. Seelng an opporLunlLy Lo exerclse Lhe leadershlp
quallues l've been bulldlng wlLhln CL 813 l declded Lo unvell my vlslon sLraLeglcally.
l carefully consldered Lhe umlng slnce Lhe prlnclpal was ln Lhe meeung and we have
a good work relauonshlp. l welghed my sLrengLhs as a leader and LhoughL abouL who
could help Lo propel Lhls soluuon. 1here were several key people aL Lhe meeung who
would complemenL my leadershlp sLyle. l declded Lo presenL Lhe ldea ln a frlendly
buL dlrecL way ln order Lo be Laken serlously. l knew LhaL Lwo of my colleagues
wanLed Lo lmpress Lhe prlnclple because Lhey were applylng Lo be Lhe new Lech
leader so Lhey would be key ln supporung my ldea. When Lhe prlnclple looked
favorably on Lhe soluuon, Lhe oLher Lwo colleagues compleLely supporLed Lhls
soluuon. lL's noL Lo say Lhey dldn'L agree wlLh lL Lhemselves buL lL cerLalnly helped
Lhem Lo push Lhe ldea and lmpress Lhe prlnclpal aL Lhe same ume.
WlLh my mlndseL cenLered on a mlsslonal approach, l recommended LhaL Lhe ve
Lechnology coaches each palr wlLh a 3
grade Leacher. 8y havlng Lechnology co-
Leachers, Lhe 3
grade Leachers would geL onslLe and relevanL professlonal
developmenL. 1echnology coaches wlll meeL wlLh Lhe 3
Crade Leam Lo esLabllsh
Lhelr co-Leachers. nexL, Lechnology coaches would meeL Lo dlscuss Lhe maln ldeas
and apps LhaL would be mosL beneclal Lo Lhe 3
grade classrooms. l am boLh a 3

grade Leacher and a Lechnology coach so l can help Lo asslsL Lhls conversauon. 1hls ls
noL a negauve facLor ln Lhe susLalnablllLy of Lhls soluuon because of Lwo key people.
Cne ls a Lech coach who ls movlng Lo Lhe 3
grade Leam nexL year and Lhe oLher ls a
grade Leacher who ls capable of belng Lhe Lechnology coach for grade 3. ln
subsequenL years, Lhe 3
grade Leachers can Lhen branch ouL and buddy wlLh Lhe
oLher Leachers as Lhe 1:1 lad roll ouL conunues Lhrough Lhe oLher grades (see
llgure 1).
ln order Lo check LhaL Lhls plan ls worklng Lhere wlll be by-monLhly meeungs for Lhe
Lechnology coaches Lo Lalk abouL Lhe progress of Lhe co-Leachers sysLem. 1here wlll
also be monLhly meeungs for Lhe 3
grade Leachers Lo collaboraLe and share wlLh
Lhe Lechnology coaches.
1he Lechnology coaches wlll collaboraLe Lo Leam-Leach wlLh Lhelr 3
grade Leacher
buddy. 1hls plan wlll noL only help Lo glve Lhe Leachers supporL and real ume
professlonal developmenL buL lL wlll also be more beneclal Lo Lhe sLudenLs learnlng.
1hey wlll recelve boLh Lhe Leachlng from Lhe 3
grade Leacher who knows Lhem well
and Lhe experuse of Lhe Lechnology coach.
1he Lechnology coaches and 3
grade co-Leachers have already or wlll recelve
professlonal developmenL on co-Leachlng Lhrough Lhe co-Leachlng program already
ln place aL lL.

llgure 1: lad Co-1eachlng lan
I1>4(1> "1E *3$"#G$ @FJJ43)?
1he buddy sysLem ls susLalnable because of Lwo reasons. 1here ls hlgh faculLy
Lurnover aL !akarLa lnLernauonal School because LhaL ls Lhe naLure of lnLernauonal
schools. As Leachers leave Lhe school and new Leachers [oln Lhe faculLy Lhose
Leachers who conunue aL !lS wlll buddy wlLh Lhe new Leachers. ln essence, wlLh Lhls
model Lhere wlll always be a Leacher who has necessary experuse or knowledge Lo
co-Leach wlLh a Leacher who does noL have experlence wlLh lads.
As Lhe lad roll ouL conunues 3
graders wlll Lake Lhelr lads Lo 4
grade. Crades
klndergarLen - second wlll be recelvlng lads wlLhln Lhe nexL year as parL of Lhe lad
roll-ouL LhaL Lhe school has already begun.
ln order Lo measure Lhe eecL of Lechnology co-Leachers on sLudenL use and
learnlng Lhe lpad surveys wlll be conducLed Lwlce a semesLer. 1he surveys wlll
lnqulre abouL lad use and wlll be glven Lo boLh Leachers and sLudenLs. Success of
Lhe soluuon wlll be based on Lhe feedback from Lhe survey and comparlng lL Lo Lhe
lnlual survey. lf Lhere ls lncreased use and expressed condence growLh wlLh lad
lmplemenLauon Lhen we wlll know Lhe soluuon worked. 8ased on Lhe currenL survey
we would hope Lo have all Leachers expresslng lncreased use of Lhe lads and
correlaLe LhaL wlLh Lhe sLudenL feedback as well.
1he Lechnology coaches wlll also hosL u aernoons, as necessary for Lhe Crade 3
Leachers, on 1ACk as parL of Lhe plannlng necessary for uslng Lechnology eecuvely
ln Lhe classroom. 1ACk wlll provlde a framework for undersLandlng how Lo
eecuvely plan and use Lechnology Lo enhance learnlng.
1here wlll also be Pappy Appy Pours aer school on lrlday's once a monLh Lo gaLher
Leachers uslng lads and Lalk abouL app use sharlng and learnlng abouL new ldeas.
1hese wlll be llghLhearLed non-mandaLory aernoons sLraLeglcally Lo encourage
more paruclpauon. 1hey wlll conslsL of Lhe Lechnology leaders sharlng ouL apps and
ldeas for uslng apps for half Lhe ume and also half Lhe ume Lo allow for non-
Lechnology coaches Lo share ouL ldeas Lhey have.

@42F#41 *4B)?
uue Lo professlonal developmenL belng ln-house" and beneclal for all parues Lhe
soluuon ls cosL eecuve and free. 1he Lech coaches wlll share Lhelr experuse wlLh
Lhe grade 3 Leachers. 1he grade Lhree Leachers can Lhen share Lhelr experlence wlLh
Lhe subsequenL Leachers who wlll use lads ln fuLure years. WlLh Lhe experuse and
knowledge of Lhe Lech coaches Lhe employees of Lhe school wlll supporL Lhe
professlonal developmenL.
@42F#41 0F1E(1>? uue Lo ln-house professlonal developmenL, a susLalnable model,
currenL Lechnology, and currenL fundlng plans ln place aL !lS Lhe fundlng are a
needless concern. 1he soluuon relles on Lhose lndlvlduals already employed aL Lhe
school and Lechnology LhaL belongs Lo Lhe school. 1here ls no evldenL cosL Lo Lhls
llgure 2: Soluuon Map
K("92$ @42F#41?
As l began Lhls pro[ecL for CL 813, l was also beglnnlng Lo address a Lech-learnlng
problem aL Lhe same ume. l almed Lo Lake a mlsslonal approach Lo execuung Lhls
soluuon so Leachers would noL feel Lhe pressure Lo use Lhe lads slmply because
Lhey are ln Lhelr classroom buL raLher see Lhe lad as a way Lo enhance sLudenL
learnlng and ergo supporL Lhe school mlsslon.
l sLarLed by addresslng Lhls problem wlLh my Lech coachlng Leam durlng a meeung
abouL how we wlll share our learnlng from Lhe lad summlL wlLh our colleagues.
uurlng Lhls meeung, a vasL array of ldeas was consldered, and l gulded Lwo sLraLeglc
polnLs ln Lhe conversauon. 1he rsL ls LhaL 3
grade Leachers, as opposed Lo Lhe
whole faculLy, would beneL Lhe mosL from Lhe professlonal developmenL we can
provlde because 3
grade ls currenLly Lhe only grade wlLh lads and Lhere ls a lack of
condence wlLh uslng Lhe lads ln Lhe classroom. 1hls was supporLed by Lhe
admlnlsLrauon aL Lhe meeung. 1he conversauon shled Lo looklng aL whaL Lhe Leam
can oer Lo Lhe 3
grade Leachers. 1hls ls where l shared my second ldea, Lhe Lech
coaches would each be co-Leachers wlLh grade 3 Leachers Lo share Lhelr knowledge,
1hls would happen boLh ln plannlng and ln pracuce. We dlscussed how Lhls would
beneL Lhe 3
grade Leam and ln-Lurn Lhe 3
grade sLudenLs. Lveryone agreed LhaL
Lhls would be Lhe besL use of our ume aL Lhls polnL. 1he nexL sLep ln Lhe plan was Lo
meeL wlLh Lhe 3
grade Leachers and share our ldea.
When we meL we accompllshed Lwo Lhlngs. We deLermlned who would parLner wlLh
whom for Lhe Lech coach/buddy palrs. 1hls was deLermlned on several facLors such
as proxlmlLy and experLness comblned wlLh lnexperlence. We also declded LhaL we
would meeL and share our ldeas wlLhln Lwo weeks of Lhe meeung.
1he nexL sLeps would be Lo execuLe a lesson Lhrough a co-Leachlng model. ln Lhls
model elLher boLh Leachers Leach Lhe lesson Lo Lhe whole class or Lhe Lech coach
Leaches Lhe lesson whlle Lhe grade 3 Leachers observe and asslsL wlLh Lhe sLudenLs.
ln Lhe subsequenL monLhs Leachers and Lechnology coaches would meeL Lo plan and
co-Leach lesson one Lo Lwo umes a monLh dependlng on Lhe needs of Lhe classroom.
1eachers would also be lnvlLed Lo Pappy Appy Pours Lo oer more Lralnlng and
collaborauon wlLh eecuve lad lmplemenLauon. 1he Lech coaches wlll hosL Lhe
Pappy Appy Pours once or Lwlce a monLh dependlng on demand.
1hls ls a good soluuon Lo Lhe problem because noL only ls lL free and susLalnable lL's
also favorable Lo Lhe admlnlsLrauon due Lo Lhe co-Leachlng model. 1he
admlnlsLrauon supporLs and encourages co-Leachlng aL Lhls school.
1hls plan ls beneclal Lo all parues lnvolved aL Lhls ume. 1he Leachers galn
professlonally from Lhe co-LaughL class semng and Lhe experuse of Lhe Lech coaches.
1he Lechnology coaches galn from co-Leachlng, gemng experlence Lo Lry Lhelr lad
lesson ldeas and be ln anoLher classroom (whlch has layers of beneLs ln and of
lLself). 1he sLudenLs also beneL greaLly from noL only uslng Lhe lads ln a more
eecuve way such, as communlcaung wlLh a sLudenL ln anoLher counLry Lo
undersLand Lhelr culLure ln a rsLhand manner or recordlng Lhemselves readlng from
a book and glvlng an oral summary and Lhen playlng lL back Lo undersLand where
Lhey can lmprove wlLh readlng, or even sharlng Lhelr Lyped sLorles ln a Coogle uoc
wlLh Lhelr wrlung parLners, Leachers, and parenLs Lo recelve umely feedback.
1hls soluuon wlll work Lo enhance sLudenL learnlng, Lraln Leachers professlonally on
lad use, lL's susLalnable, lL's free, and lL's lnllne wlLh Lhe schools mlsslon.
unya Mlshra, 2008. 1ACk (was 1Ck). hup://

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