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Purpose: The SATech unconference series aims to connect student affairs professionals within the Puget Sound area and Northwest region who are interested in learning and sharing knowledge about technology in student affairs. The unconference model is an example of a democratic learning process in which the participants choose topics that interest them. This happens initially by soliciting electronic submissions before the event and then through facilitated discussion throughout the unconference. There is no traditional call for programs as all participants end up being both presenters and participants by sharing their experience, expertise, and questions. Featured speakers will be brought in via video in between breakout sessions, so there is no cost to bring presenters to campus. Date: Location: Costs: Saturday, October 5th, 2013 9:00am-4:30pm Engineering Building, Seattle University Given the short duration and unconventional model, costs for this conference will be relatively low compared to a traditional conference. A core tenet of the unconference series is that these events be accessible, so costs to the participants should be limited to what it would cost to get themselves to the conference (i.e. parking, lodging if necessary, etc.). A breakdown of necessary resources and their estimated costs are listed below Funding Source HRL HRL TBD Bookstore TBD TBD TBD Cost In Kind In-Kind $2.65 x 100 = $265 In-Kind $500 In-Kind ($9.25 + $1.25) x 100 = $1075


Resource Room Reservations (Wycoff Aud. + 4 classrooms) Printing (Nametags & Program Sheets) *Coffee Service for Check-In (Bon Appetit Catering) Conference Bags *Conference Shirts Lanyards for Nametags Lunch soup & sandwich (Bon Appetit Catering) Total Unmet Funding (needs only) Total Unmet Funding (needs & wants)

$1075 $1840

* represents a resource that, while desirable, is not integral to the conference experience

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