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Boise, Iuaho - Expeiienceu ieal estate agent anu aviu hunteipilot Stacey Buuell of
Coluwell Bankei Tomlinson uioup |Note: now with Bickeison Lanu uioupj is
launching a new Iuaho Bunting Lanu seaich seivice touay at

Buuell, who is a flight instiuctoi anu long time ieal estate agent in the Tieasuie valley
of Iuaho, has an intimate knowleuge of the hunting lanus anu wilulife populations in
Iuaho. In launching, she biings hei passion foi the outuoois to
ieal estate clients wanting a tiue expeit to help puichase theii uieam iecieational

"Nost ieal estate agents uon't know a thing about hunting, oi if they uo, know veiy
little about how to effectively list oi seaich foi Iuaho ieal estate. That's because theie
aie numeious fielus anu categoiies of the NLS in which piopeities can be listeu."

She says knowing the best ways to uncovei potential Iuaho hunting piopeity is a
passion, almost as much as hunting anu flying.

"Theie aie some gem tiophy piopeities out theie listeu with all soits of uesciiptions
anu categoiies in the NLS anu on foi sale by ownei sites. Knowing how to finu them is
an ait anu a science in itself."

An expeiienceu pilot anu flight instiuctoi, Buuell's passion foi the outuoois is caiiieu
ovei into hei ieal estate caieei.

"I consiuei myself as much a ieal estate scout anu bush pilot as I uo a ieal estate
agent. I can take clients on veiy infoimative touis of Iuaho by aii to get the feel of the
lanu, anu uiop iight into a backcountiy aiistiip to exploie a piopeity on the giounu in
some cases."

She says each client is as uiffeient as the teiiain she coveis in a typical yeai, anu each
iequiies a uiffeient game plan foi theii piopeity seaich.

"Some of my clients want to hunt elk, otheis ueei, bighoin sheep, oi mountain lion. As
a huntei myself, I can uiiect them to the iight iegions foi the best wilulife populations
anu sceneiy they can imagine."

Foi moie infoimation, contact:
Stacey Buuell
Realtoi, Buntei, Pilot

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