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Breanne Rowland Kinesio Taping In-Service

During my time spent at my level II fieldwork facility, I had the opportunity to give an in-service presentation to the staff. This presentation was not a requirement and I was given the option of what I preferred to present on. I chose to focus on Kinesio Taping for the Upper Extremity and its relation to the occupational therapy scope of practice. I decided on this topic because my fieldwork educator was curious about it and she suggested the topic based on the resources I had available. My mother is a physical therapist who is certified in Kinesio Taping and attends a conference every year for her continuing education. She owns many of the books that are not available to the public and are only offered through the Kinesio Taping course. After doing this presentation, I am more knowledgeable on the topic of Kinesio Taping for the Upper Extremity. My presentation included major functions and effects, research, different methods, principles of application, edema and swelling, upper extremity lymphatic pathways, and chronic swelling of the upper arm, forearm, and hand, and precautions and contraindications of Kinesio Taping. My fieldwork educator was impressed with my presentation and was excited to gain new knowledge on the topic. She even asked me to make her a book of all of my notes so she could use it as a reference. Overall, I was really excited to present the information I had acquired about Kinesio Taping and I plan to become certified in it sometime in the near future.

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