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New Born Care: Breast Feeding Initiative

Getting Motherhood is gift in life for every women. Here we explore abo t most prettiest !hallenges to !are of tiniest h mans. whi!h is des!ribe very hard tas" by every Mother#s. Breast Feeding Breast Feeding is nat ral healthy so r!e for every babies to s stain their life#s witho t illness. $very year %&B& ' %orld &llian!e of Breast Feeding ma"ing Global breastfeeding initiative for !hild s rvival basi!s. (o )now abo t New Born Care *ervi!es in India+ Call s: ,--.-/01 --02 3 ,4,.-565 -5,, 7%orld &llian!e of Breast Feeding is anno n!ed 56 & g st 8,5- that the slogan of %orld Breast Feeding %ee": & %inning Goal ' For 9ife:; ' %&B&

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