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Anna Ncvey

Cauie 22
Cuiiiculum Pioject
The Physical Fitness Test is uesigneu to encouiage giaue school stuuents to uevelop a habit of incluuing
iegulai physical activity in theii uaily life.

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1. !"#$ &'(( )*#+, - Stuuents aie weigheu anu measuieu to calculate Bouy Nass Inuex

2. ./**0*1 2 Neasuies a stuuent's aeiobic capacity anu stiength.
Stuuents must be able to complete a mile within 11 minutes. Stuuents may walk if they
cannot iun uue to physical constiaints.

S. 3/45-/6( 2 Neasuies a stuuent's abuominal stiength anu enuuiance.
Stuuents must be able to complete 7 cuil-ups.

4. 7/(8-/6( 2 Neasuies a stuuent's uppei bouy stiength anu enuuiance.
uiils must be able to complete 7 push-ups. Trunk Lift
Boys must be able to complete 1u push-ups.

9: ;4/*< =0>? 2 This exeicise measuies back muscle stiength anu flexibility.

6. @0? '*# .+'A8 2 This exeicise measuies a stuuent's flexibility. @0? '*# .+'A8

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@++ B8'? 0( 4+C/04+# '*# ?4$ 0? $"/4(+5> '?

:2&$@$.&$A '2 ('$B'2C &@/'2'2C /2A 5DAE0$. FD@ &,$ G/0'FD@2'/ +,-.'%/0 1'&2$.. 3$.& FD@ .&EA$2&.?
G,$%H DE& www.pftuata.oigtiaining.aspx
I$/@2 JD@$K - This is the Califoinia Bepaitment of Euucation website which offeis
iesouices anu infoimation iegaiuing the Physical Fitness Test ciiteiia anu
expectations foi both euucatois anu paients. - This site links you to the Piesiuent's Council on Fitness, Spoits, &
Nutiition. Stuuents who meet the Physical Fitness Test iequiiements
ieceive a congiatulatoiy lettei fiom the Piesiuent of the 0niteu States.

Curriculum Project


California Department of Education, (2010), Physical
Fitness Testing (PFT) Testing, Retrieved March 19,
2013 from

Database: Are you fitter than a fifth grader?-Merced Sun
Star, 2010, Retrieved March 19, 2013 from

Presidents Council on Fitness, Sports, & Nutrition, Eat
Healthy Presidents Council on Fitness, Sports, &
Nutrition, Retrieved March 19, 2013 from

Training and Module California Physical Fitness Test,
Retrieved March 19, 2013 from

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