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Interview Protocol

Teacher Interviewer: Emily Jackson Date: February 27, 2014 Planning Questions: Interviewee: Mrs. Beam Time: 3:30-4:30

How do you write a typical lesson plan?

I use the target, lesson, assessment format. Our class does three rotations: on Monday/Wednesday/Friday we do reading small groups and on Tuesday/Thursday we do writing.

What types of materials do you need available when you plan lessons?
I use my teacher grad (math guides, science book), a lot of extinct because of the common core, technology (Prezi, Smart board, other teacher material, google docs.)

In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual differences in the classroom?

Behavioral students: 6 circles on desk, mark one out when misbehaving; Individual behavior plans; give every child what they need; every day you make choices. School behavior plan: ROC- record of consequences: verbal warning, class pass (write note home), office. Students are allowed Friday fun if they have no more than one warning a week. Friday fun consists of 40 minutes of play on Friday. In our school the ROC is strongly enforced. Every kid has a den- good behavior/action ticket goes in den box, if ticket gets pulled at the end of the week the student gets to go to office and pull out ticket with the possible options: treasure box, class privilege in lunchroom, extra recess. The more enthusiastic you are they more involved they are. They know when you dont like them so dont be just their friend, make them respect you, but dont be mean- look like you know. Instructional Questions:

What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?

The overall class behavior, lack of knowledge about the content I am teaching- lack of resources the school provides (you must find novels on your own, given 1 copy of everything).

What have been some of your instructional successes as a teacher?

When I child makes visual growth on a test from one to another- when a child wants to do further research on a topic- extra work at home- not looking for 100 on a test- child engagement in classroom- teach to mastery (teach until they get it).

What do you consider essential characteristics for successful teaching?


How often do your students receive social studies/science instruction?

Social Studies is taught 2 days a week and Science is taught 3 days a week. We are allowed an hour for each.

Are you satisfied with the amount of time that you currently allot for social studies/science
instruction? Explain. No, I think we need more time for Social Studies but there is just no more time in the day. Science yes, I am satisfied.

What social studies: settlements and science: matter topics/units will be studied during the
second week of my clinical experience? What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my lessons? Do you have any instructional resources that would support these goals/objectives? I think we will be doing colonies for Social Studies and working on matter for Science.

What does reading instruction look like in your classroom (e.g. readers workshop, basals, etc.)?
What reading topics will be studied during the 2nd week of my clinical experience? What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my reading lesson? Do you have any instructional resources that would support these goals/objectives? We try to do reader workshop during our Daily 5 rotations. We will be working on fantasy stories and their elements.

Classroom Management Questions:

What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?

Rewards such as pick a friend for lunch, hat in the classroom, treasure box pick, etc.

Tell me about the classroom community.

What are the class rules? How is student behavior monitored? In what ways is positive behavior reinforced? In what ways are negative behaviors prevented? Tell me about the consequences for negative behavior. Refer back to the ROC rules mentioned earlier. aspects of timewait time, and time using teacher talk and student talk. What works well with your students? Students have to be kept on task at all times with speedy transitions to keep their attention.

Tell me about the pacing of lessons and interaction in the classroom- use of time- and other

Other questions: Any students with IEP: Yes (2)- 1 additional student in the process ELL? No Required modifications: Yes, 2 IEP general read aloud math, marking book, extended time, separate test setting; 504: student all same things Targeted Student Modifications: 3 KIDS ON BEHAVIOR PLANS Small Group Modifications: Students below, on, above grade level: no gifted kids, 14 out of 19 were on level ones- significantly below grade level

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