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Chiluien will focus on the theme of !"#$%&%', anu each week we will exploie a uiffeient facet of oui iuentity as
inuiviuuals, pait of family, anu as believeis.

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Each week oui pieschooleis will engage the topic of iuentity anu talking about iace thiough age appiopiiate
leaining mateiials- gieat chiluien's books, ait, anu shoit BvB stoiies of little known Afiican Ameiican
histoiical figuies.

Week 0ne: ()" +$),- .' $/.#0
Week Two: ()" 12#/%#" 3- %) 4# -/.# /$" "&55#2#$%0
Week Thiee: ()" 6)7#- #7#2')$#0

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Bottom line: !"# % &' '&(()*+ (# ,#- &.- '&(()*+ (# ')/
Chiluien will think about theii own iuentity- who they aie, wheie they come fiom, anu what uesciibes them.
We will ieflect on Psalm 1S9 anu establish some common language aiounu iuentity, cultuie, iacism anu

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Bottom line: !"# '0 1*2).-+ &*) '&(()*+ (# ,#- &.- '&(()*+ (# ')/
Chiluien will leain about each othei, ways we aie similai anu uiffeient anu exploie why we neeu each othei.
We will ieflect on Natthew 22:S6-4u about loving uou anu neighboi.

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Bottom Line: !) )&3" "&4) &. 2'5#*(&.( 56&3) 2. ,#-7+ 1&'260
Chiluien will iecognize theii place in family, theii place in uou's family, anu wonuei about the look anu shape
anu feel of multicultuial community- as the bouy of Chiist. We will ieflect on 1 Coiinthians 12 anu cieate ait
that ieflects oui unity anu uiveisity.

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This is a hanus-on leaining expeiience, engaging all the senses. Kius will uiaw, wiite, play games, listen to
anu cieate stoiies, iole-play anu engage in Q&A times.

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