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MODELING OSMOSIS (LAB) PROBLEM: Which way will water flow when a raw egg is placed in 250ml of vinegar?

HYPOTHESIS: If a raw egg is placed in vinegar (water) and left for four days, then the water will flow into the egg. From an area of high concentration through the membrane into an area of low concentration causing the egg to expand. THEORY: Osmosis is the diffusion of water from an area of high consecration through a selectively permeable membrane to an area of low concentration. The egg contains 74% water, while the vinegar contains of 95% water. The shell around the egg has calcium carbonate in it. Vinegar will have a chemical reaction with the calcium carbonate shell exposing the membrane of the egg. Being that there is more water out side of the shell than inside will result in water flowing into the egg. Place egg in beaker and fill with 150 mL of vinegar. 1. Record observations. 2. Measure circumference for 4 days and record observations. DATA/OBSERVATIONS: DAYS 1 CIRCUMFERENCE (cm) 13.5 LIQUID LEVEL (ml) 300 ml OBSERVATIONS 2 15.2 300 ml Bubbles collecting on the egg shell. Liquid level displaced 50 ml. Strong smell of vinegar Bubbles foaming across the surface of the broken down chalky shell. After we took the egg out the vinegar dropped back down to 250 ml Small bits of shell would come off when

4 15.7 280 ml TOTAL EXPANSION GROUP # = 2.2 cm AVERAGE EXPANSION CLASS = 2.6 cm AVERAGE EXPANSION (7th GRADE)= 2.7 cm 100% of the eggs (39) were tested expanded.

touching the egg The smell of vinegar was not as strong Egg was floating about 4 cm Egg wasnt floating Egg was more slimy then chalky Only slight signs of egg shell Liquid level went down 70ml


C I R C U M F R E N C E 16 15.5 15 I N 14.5 14 13.5 13.5 Egg Circumfrence 15.2 15.7

13 c m 12.5 12 1 2 DAYS MEASURED 3

3 A V E R A G E E 2.5 X P 2 A 1.5 T I 1 O 0.5 N 0 1 PERIOD 1 2 GROUP 5 3 7TH GRADE 2.2 2.6 2.8


CONCLUSION In this lab we were investigating which way will water flow when a raw egg with a circumference of 13.5 cm is placed in a 250 ml cup of vinegar (weak acid). After 4 days the water flowed from an area of high concentration through a selectively permeable membrane to an area of low concentration. By day 2 there was evidence of osmosis occurring within the egg when we measured the circumference of the egg. The egg grew 1.7 cm. Compared to the average 7th grade egg expansion 2.7 cm our egg being 2.2 cm was 0.5 smaller. I hypothesized that water flow into the egg. My hypothesis was correct. ANALYSIS The egg shell dissolved because, the egg shell is made out of calcium carbonate. And when the vinegar (weak acid) met with the calcium carbonate shell it had a chemical reaction making the egg shell dissolve, exposing the selectively permeable membrane. The difference in expiation between group 3s egg and group 7s egg is 3.4 cm. The rate between group 3s and group 7s egg was 4 days. The reason for the discrepancy between the two groups is group 3s cup had a bigger amount of vinegar and more of it flowed into the egg causing expansion. While group 7s cup had less vinegar making less water flow into the egg. Cells need water because water is essential to the cells function. Without water the cell would weaken and then die.

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