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uecember 20, 2013

1o Whom lL May Concern,

lL ls wlLh greaL pleasure LhaL l wrlLe Lhls leLLer of recommendaLlon for Mr. Andrew AlberLl. Andrew has
been my pracLlcum sLudenL aL Plghllne CommunlLy School (PLn) slnce AugusL 2013. PLn serves a
dlverse populaLlon of approxlmaLely 630 elemenLary sLudenLs. Cver 80 of our sLudenLs recelve free
and reduced lunch. We have a program for sLudenLs wlLh slgnlflcanL emoLlonal-behavloral concerns
(8ehavlor uevelopmenL rogram), as well a program for sLudenLs wlLh moderaLe Lo severe speclal
educaLlon needs (lnLegraLed Learnlng CenLer). 1hese feaLures have enabled Andrew Lo observe and
work wlLh a large varleLy of sLudenLs wlLh dlverse sLrengLhs and challenges.
uurlng Lhe course of Mr. AlberLls pracLlcum, l have observed hls Lremendous compasslon Lowards boLh
sLudenLs and adulLs. Pls passlon and commlLmenL Lo Lhe fleld of school psychology are evldenL ln hls
acLlons and durlng our conversaLlons. Mr. AlberLls ablllLy Lo Lake consLrucLlve feedback ls parLlcularly
lmpresslve, as well as hls lmmedlaLe lncorporaLlon of such feedback lnLo hls pracLlce.
As parL of Mr. AlberLls pracLlcum, he has experlenced Lhe opporLunlLy Lo observe a varleLy of sLudenLs
ln many dlfferenL seLLlngs. Pls observaLlons are lnslghLful, deLalled, and hlghllghL Lhe compasslon he has
for all sLudenLs. Andrew has also worked wlLh several sLudenLs ln Lhe classroom Lo faclllLaLe lmproved
sLudenL behavlor and academlc performance, and hls efforLs have led Lo lmproved sLudenL parLlclpaLlon,
behavlor, and work producLlon. AddlLlonally, Mr. AlberLl has been lnvolved ln several slLuaLlons
lnvolvlng lmmedlaLe crlsls response. Pe has been helpful, empaLhlc, and remalned calm.
Mr. AlberLl has counseled several sLudenLs on an lndlvldual basls. Pe connecLs well wlLh Lhese sLudenLs
and Lhey look forward Lo Lhelr Llme wlLh hlm. Andrew has used several counsellng approaches and
sLraLegles such as collaboraLlve problem solvlng and sLudenL drawlngs as a meLhod Lo gulde problem
solvlng. Mr. AlberLl aLLended Lhe 1ler 1 CollaboraLlve roblem Solvlng conference prlor Lo sLarLlng hls
pracLlcum, anoLher demonsLraLlon of hls commlLmenL Lo School sychology.
Andrew demonsLraLes excellenL wrlLLen communlcaLlon skllls. Pls cognlLlve assessmenL reporLs are
clear and he exhlblLs good ablllLy Lo lnLerpreL Lhe sLudenLs performance. AddlLlonally, Andrew shows
good [udgmenL ln chooslng Lhe approprlaLe assessmenL for sLudenLs. All of Andrews wrlLLen
communlcaLlons are excellenL and demonsLraLe hls lnLelllgence, common sense, and lnslghLful naLure.
Mr. AlberLl ls a hlghly dedlcaLed and compasslonaLe pracLlcum sLudenL. Pe ls open Lo consLrucLlve
feedback, Lo dlfferenL perspecLlves, and Lo educaLlng hlmself above and beyond Lhe school psychology
currlculum. Andrew would be a conslderable asseL Lo your school or program.
Clndy SLevens SchlpperL, hu
School sychologlsL
(720) 747-2309

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