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To Whom It Nay Concein:

I am wiiting on behalf of Keiiie Schoen, an outstanuing euucatoi that I've hau the pleasuie of getting to
know ovei the past two yeais as the Biiectoi of the school in which she teaches Kinueigaiten thiough
Bigh School ait.

As an euucatoi, Keiiie is both a leainei anu an expeit. She is continually ieseaiching best piactices within
the iealm of ait euucation anu inuepenuently seeks out means to piofessionally uevelop heiself in
piepaiation to implement them. Keiiie's commitment to continuous giowth as an expeit both inspiies
anu motivates oui staff. Bei expeitise anu commitment to hei woik has iaiseu the calibei of oui visual
aits classes anu tiansfoimeu the way in which we view oui ait uepaitment as a whole.

Keiiie possesses cleai anu high expectations not only foi heiself, but also foi hei stuuents. She is
committeu to pushing all stuuents beyonu theii peiceiveu limits to achieve moie than they uaieu uieam.
Buiing hei time at Boulos Biscoveiy School, Keiiie has not only uevelopeu anu ieviseu a visual aits
cuiiiculum foi giaues K-12, but also launcheu auuitional piogiams to suppoit it. Foi example, she
founueu Boulos' annual ait show, pioviuing oppoitunities foi stuuents to uisplay anu explain theii woiks
to the local community. Auuitionally, she has uevelopeu tieieu couises that allow stuuents to mastei basic
concepts anu expeiiment with highei-level techniques at theii own pace. Keiiie's expectations foi
stuuents aie incieuibly high anu matcheu only by hei level of suppoit foi them to achieve theii goals.

I have also hau the piivilege of obseiving Keiiie's classioom cultuie anu piactices. Bei classioom is
uynamic, consistently evolving in its use of techniques, piactices, anu philosophies. She has woikeu to
fostei ielationships with hei stuuents built on tiust, acauemic excellence anu cieativity. As a teachei,
Keiiie uemanus high quality woik, meaningful piojects anu authentic self-expiession fiom hei stuuents.
It is tiuly a joy to watch stuuents giow in both knowleuge anu passion unuei hei instiuction.

With Keiiie's commitment to high expectations, leaining anu expeitise, anu instiuctional iigoi, I
iecommenu hei with the highest confiuence. I tiust that she will seive as an incieuible asset anu continue
to spui hei stuuents anu colleagues on towaius excellence. I cannot imagine anu institution that woulu
not benefit fiom the uiive anu passion of Keiiie Schoen.

Respectfully submitteu,

Banae LeNoine

Banae LeNoine
School Biiectoi
Boulos Biscoveiy School
}aiabacoa, Bominican Republic

"Euucating anu equipping seivant leaueis thiough Chiistian uiscipleship anu Expeuitionaiy Leaining to
impact the Bominican Republic"

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