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Vazquez 1 Ashli Vazquez Ms.

Frank Senior capstone Period 6

Dont text and drive

Texting while driving is usually something that people find very common, people think that they can reply fast to a text or distract themselves for a second, but what people miss is that just in that second a life could be taken away. Texting and driving is an issue thats been happening a lot mostly between teenagers, this issue needs to stop because it is causing plenty of accidents, and deaths of innocent individuals. Think about it for one distraction you can cause someone to die; you can put someone in a comma, or even in a vegetative state. Its not worth it, having to live knowing that you are the cause of someones sad life for a simple text that you could have waited to reply to. The ational !ighway Traffic "afety #dministration reported that $in %&'& driver

distraction was the cause of '( percent of all fatal crashes ) with *,&+% people killed ) and crashes resulting in an injury ) with ,'-,&&& people wounded .. $/edestrians who text are four times less likely to look before crossing the street, cross in cross walks, or obey traffic signals. ow is not even while driving but also people that are

walking are having the problem of texting and distracting themselves from the road. # lot of issues had been occurring because of the irresponsibilitys of people texting

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at the wrong moment, it takes at least ' seconds to take your eyes off the road and cause major chaos, some which lead to worst accidents than others, but still a major problem. There is apps that can help you when you are driving it automatically lets the person that texted you know that you are driving and you will back at them when you can, or also another idea would be to put their phones in silent and somewhere else that doesnt catch their eyes so that way there wont be any distractions. Texting and driving is a global issue mainly between teenagers from ages '01'+. 2ost of the time it seems easy to just answer a call, text, check your email, etc. but in the time you do that, you dont reali3e the risk you are putting yourself and other people in. $4hecking email is a top priority for #mericans and since many have "mart phones they will do it on the road as well as send text messages. $2any drivers now days have a complicated live and never seem to have time to get stuff completed; this is leading many drivers to get things done while they are on the road. #s soon as a drivers eyes is into the cellular device is less likely for them to focus on the road again. 5hen driving teenagers as well as adults cant resist the need to check their phones and answer a text message, when hearing the phones vibration or ring tone it gives the driver that feeling of needing to check their phone and most of the time the driver just follows the need to check it. 6istractions like this leads to a major accident,

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because while the drivers eyes are focused on something else but the road he isnt aware of the chaos he may cause like hitting a car or running over someone, even killing himself. $#ctivities7such as texting7take the drivers attention away from driving more fre8uently and for longer periods than other distractions..

It is a better idea if a person that is going to drive somewhere puts their phone on silent that way there is no distractions for them not the ring tone or vibration. 9sing cell phones is an everyday task that we use in order to know whats going on around us. 2any people do this to stay connected with friends and know about the things that are happening. It is good to use your cell phone but there is always the good time to do it, dont do it knowing that you are putting yourself in risk. 5e dont need cell phones to distract us and take away an innocent life. Texting and driving is the same or worst than driving under the influence. 6rivers are usually concentrated on what they are typing, reading that they dont focus their eyes on the road. $#ccording to the ational !ighway traffic "afety #dministration 6riving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated. The federal; agency reports that sending or receiving a text takes a drivers eyes from the road for an average of ,.- seconds, the e8uivalent when traveling at 00 mph.. These two facts explain how texting and driving takes action as in how much time it takes to kill someone or injure a person really bad.

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Texting and driving is something really serious, it may sound like a topic that doesnt really matter but in the contrary it really does. This issue has been going on for a long time now and has been taking many lives away. :veryone should take part of this issue and make awareness, help our community be better and responsible. ;eep your eyes on the road dont be the cause of someones unhappiness. There are many organi3ations that support this issue, and they need your help to put awareness out there. If people knew that driving drunk and texting and driving is partially related maybe that would change their mind a little bit more and make them be more careful about what they need to do on the road. There have been many studies showing the relationship between $texting and driving. and $drinking and driving.. #lso driving on school 3one has a limited speed due to the fact that a lot of children walk across the street and some times they are not concentrated when crossing. ow imagine if a driver is not focusing on the street while texting and the kid is distracted as well, this is how problems start because of people not being aware of what is happening around them. Texting and driving can be a step to a serious crime, depending on the situation of causing death to the victim. <ou can get arrested for three in half years or more it all depends on how big the incident was. #s well as teenagers using texting lingo that include abbreviated words and sentences. These abbreviated word and sentences will affect you grammar because you are so use to the way you text that most of the time you will forget the correct way of spelling words. $#ccording to a clinical psychologist 2ichael =. >reus, /h.6.,

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teenagers send approximately '&& text messages per day, amounting to a whopping *,,&& text messages every month.. This fact makes us reali3e how much teens are texting now days most of the times when teens need to be sleeping so they can be fresh awake for school they are on their phones all night. Instead of doing work in school they are texting this is leading to a health problem towards teens. "tudies say that now teens have a problem of texting while they are asleep kind of like sleep walking but in this case is texting. The effect of this for the next day is that you are very tired, in a bad mood and sometimes you dont even remember sending a certain message. Teenagers communication with people is affected by texting in a way that when you speak to a teen they dont give you a face to face conversation. #nd this will affect them academically in reaching their plans to enter the working world. Texting is affecting people in a lot of different ways physically and mentally. Texting is a bad thing but it also has good things to it. Its a faster way of staying in communication with your friends, family, teachers, ect... It may also be a good thing for someone that doesnt have a good social interaction because by texting it makes it easier for them to communicate with another person. There is other ways to get distracted not only by texting but by; using a cell phone or a smart phone, eating and drinking, talking to passenger, grooming, reading maps books whatever it is, using a navigation system, watching a video and even changing your radio station ,cd player or mp* player. >ut because texting re8uires the most attention visual and manually it makes is more distractive than

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others. $?or drivers '01'+ years old involved in fatal crashes %' percent of the distracted drivers were distracted for using a cell phone device.. $#lso headset cell phone use is not substantially safer than hand held use..

Texting and driving is a global issue that has been going around for more than 01 - years. 2any people dont take this serious because until you live trough it you will understand what it is like. 5hat Ive learned from this situation is that no matter the age or gender texting and driving is dangerous. # lot of sad things happen because this issue doesnt stop in order to stop this we need to get united and enforce this law. 5e can do this by going around houses and parts of the world to raise awareness and let people know the importance of this issue.

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