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Lesson Plan Outline

Class being taught: 3 grade Sponsor Teacher :Mrs. Tina Erickson


Prepared on : To be used on :

Pre-Assessment Materials The teacher will divide the class into two. The teacher will give -white board marker each member of the group specific number. The teacher will then give %white board instruction on how the are going to do to finish the task. The teacher %eraser will call the first batch. The teacher will read them the sentence. Then! the students will go back to their own group and whisper it to the person ne"t to them. #s soon as the last person heard the sentence! he or she has to write it on the white board and shout it out. Then! person number two will run and do the same things as number one did and the will do it as long as ever bod gets their own turn. $hoever gets the most number of correct sentence wins. Course Objective Teach the students about different tenses in the target language. Lesson Objective(s) The students will learn different tenses in the target language. The students will also become a great listener as the complete the task. Overview Housekeeping ec!nolog" Component E"plain present tense! past role call and announcement laptop&digital clock' tense! and future tense in the of the upcoming event target language. #eview$%evelopment& an' ime Prepare the room in advance b putting the tables and chairs aside. (ivide the class into two. The teacher will give them specific numbers. The teacher will then give instructions on how are the going to complete the task. The teacher will e"plain the different tenses and e"plain when to use them. The teacher will call person number one of each group and read them the sentence. Person number one will go back to his group and whisper it to person ne"t to him)her. The person at the end has to write the sentence in whiteboard and shout it out. Person number two will also do what number one person did and the will continue as long as ever bod has their turns. Assignment$Practice P!ilosop!ical (usti)ication %$rite in their learner*s +ournal Teach the student tenses in the target language in a wa that the what the learned upon can en+o it at the same time. completing the task. *ummar" The students en+o ed *el)-evaluation learning tenses in the target The students en+o ed the telephone task. The learned correct language. The students were able tenses in the target language. The students also learned how to become a to correct themselves and their good listener. ,t would be better if the are group into smaller groups group members in the target because it is easier to monitor smaller group. language. Contingenc" Plan %-ave the students write their favorite e"perience using correct tenses.

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