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9 Essential Elements of Leadership A few months ago, in the span of one week, I found myself speaking about what

makes for effective leadership at three different leadership development programs at three different companies. Brevity is always important at such events, so I found myself whittling down my talking points down to what I considered the most essential elements. ere is where I landed in !"" words #more or less$%

Leadership is&

Earned by one's actions each and every day, not bestowed by virtue of having the word (manager) in your title Being in the service of others, not being served by them umility and integrity, not hubris and self*interest Listening more and talking less +nowing what ,uestions to ask rather than knowing all the answers -onnecting ideas, people and resources, not controlling them -reating opportunities and removing roadblocks -onsistency even in chaos and transparency in times of turmoil A .ourney not a destination% it is a process, not an outcome

/o these resonate with you0 ow would you define effective leadership0

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