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Main Entry: 1strain

Pronunciation: 'strn
Function: noun
Etymology: Middlc English streen rogcny, lincagc, from Old English stron gain,
acquisition; akin to Old High Gcrman gistriuni gain, Latin struere to hca u -
morc at STREW
Datc: 13th ccntury
1 a : LINEAGE, ANCESTRY b : a grou of rcsumcd common anccstry with clcar-cut hysiological
but usually not morhological distinctions _a high-yiclding strain of wintcr whcat;; broadly : a
sccificd infrasccific grou (as a stock, linc, or ccotyc) c : KIND, SORT _discussions of a lofty
2 a : inhcritcd or inhcrcnt charactcr, quality, or disosition _a strain of madncss in thc family; b :
TRACE, STREAK _a strain of fanaticism;
3 a : TUNE, AIR b : a assagc of vcrbal or musical cxrcssion c : a strcam or outburst of forccful
or imassioncd sccch
4 a : thc tcnor, crvading notc, burdcn, or tonc of an uttcrancc or of a coursc of action or conduct
2003 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated

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