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A Project Presentation on TYPES OF CRIME:

by Constantina Panayiotou & Marinos Lule

Vandalism is a crime that is committed by a wide range of people with a wide range of motives. Sometimes vandals commit this criminal act to entertain themselves. A good example is when teenagers decide to break the windows of a building or graffiti.



Vandalism can occur in many areas. Frequent targets include: -public telephone boxes, -bus shelters, -places of worship (churches), -cemeteries, -road and street signs, -street lighting, -parks, -playing fields, -railway stations.

Where and When does Vandalism Occur?

This criminal act also takes place under anonymity of course or concealment. Schools, shopping centres, public buildings, abandoned or open spaces, parked vehicles are vandalised almost everyday.

When people hear the word graffiti, many no doubt think of vandalism, but these days a growing number of enthusiasts are calling it art.

Watch a video here:

End of Presentation. Thank you for your attention!

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