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Alexceia Jackson 1/21/13 7th period Clinical Psychology My future career that I ould like to pursue is clinical psychology!

"ou #ay onder hat clinical psychology is! Psychology is the study of the hu#an #ind and its functions! Clinical #eans the o$ser%ations and treat#ents of patients!1 &o put it together in one lu#p su# it is the assess#ent and treat#ent of #ental illness! I ill discuss the follo ing' duties( responsi$ilities( )ualifications( entry le%el( *o$ outlook( and salary! &o practice in psychology you need a certificate or a license! +icensing la s %ary fro# state to state! Most clinical psychologists need a doctorate( internship( 1,2 experience and pass the -xa#ination for Professional Practice in Psychology! 2 If you ha%e a #aster.s degree in psychology( you can ork as an industrial,organi/ational psychologist! It has $een said that entry into psychology progra#s are co#petiti%e! 0or training it ould $e re)uired of you to do a pre doctoral or postdoctoral super%ised experience! &o actually put your psychology to use ould ha%e to do fi%e to se%en years in graduate school! &he duties of a clinical psychologist are to asses( diagnose( and treat #ental( e#otional and $eha%ioral disorders! &hey are trained to use a %ariety of approaches to help indi%iduals! Psychologists also gi%e diagnostic tests for fa#ily or group psychotherapy! &hese are not the only things that a psychologist needs!3 &hey need to $e a$le of analy/e infor#ation and a conclusion! Psychologist has to ha%e co##unications skills( o$ser%ational( people skills( pro$le# sol%ing skills! &hey also need the a$ility to oral

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expression( inducti%e and deducti%e reasoning( and speech clarity!2 A typical day for a clinical psychologist ould $e assessing patients! &hey run different test on their patients and the psychologist re%ie s the tests! Psychologists then co#e up ith a plan to help their patients! &he annual inco#e is di%ided into 3' for industrial,organi/ational psychologist 567(337( for clinical counseling and school psychologist 588( 617( and for psychologist other 569(977! &he ork schedule for a psychologist %aries! 1o#e ork e%ening and night shifts: others #ay ork on a dayti#e schedule! Psychologists that ha%e their o n pri%ate practice can arrange their ork ti#e! &he *o$ fro# 2717,2727 is supposed to gro 22 percent! &here is a greater de#and for school( hospital( and #ental health psychologist! ; &he $enefits for clinical psychology are $eing to see your patients o%erco#e their pro$le#s! Also the di%ersity of your patients and their different $ackgrounds are a plus! &he do nside of clinical psychology is that you are at risk of getting assaulted $y your patients! <hen orking cra/y hours ith patients on a day in and day out $asis( psychologist can get $urn out or exhausted fro# the *o$ and need to take a serious $reak! A lot of psychologists are isolated or not %ery social $ecause of confidentiality ith patients and this can lead to e#otional strain! I like clinical psychology honestly $ecause I feel as though I. a# helping people #ake a difference for the#sel%es! I.# *ust an all around good listener( ith great ad%ice! =othing ould $ring a s#ile to #y face( $y helping so#eone o%erco#e their struggle! As #y last state#ent( psychology doesn.t see# $oring: there ill $e a ne challenge e%eryday for #e and that.s hat I.# looking for in a *o$!

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<ork Cited 4ureau of +a$or 1tatistics! >ccupational >utlook hand$ook( Psychology( 1/21/13 http'// 1 Careerinfonet!org! >ccupation Profile! Clinical( Counseling and 1chool Psychologist' &ennesesse! 1/21/13 http'// !careerinfonet!org/occ@rep!aspA nextBocc@repC+e%elBCoptstatusB111111111C*o$fa#B19CidB1CnodeidB2Csoc codeB193731CstfipsB27CxB22CyB17 Cherry( Dendra! Eo long does it take to get a PE!F in PsychologyA 1/21/13 http'//psychology!a$out!co#/od/education/a/phd,psychology,ti#e!ht# <hat is Clinical PsychologyA 1/21/13 http'//psychology!a$out!co#/od/clinicalpsychology/f/clinical,psychology!ht# <orking conditions of Psychologists! 1/21/13 http'//psychology!a$out!co#/od/careersinpsychology/a/ orkconditions!ht# Inner4ody! 4eco#ing a Clinical Psychologist! 1/21/13 http'// !inner$ody!co#/careers,in,health/$eco#ing,clinical,psychologist!ht#l !$ls!go%/ooh/+ife,Physical,and,1ocial,1cience/Psychologists!ht#?ta$,

+e is( Janeen! &he disad%antages of $eing a psychologist! 1/21/13 http'// ork!chron!co#/disad%antages,$eing,psychologist,232;!ht#l 1chielt/( Matthe ! Clinical Psychology 4enefit! 1/21/13 http'// !eho !co#/list@88762;9@clinical,psychologist,$enefits!ht#l

Gaxx( Jag! Psychology Career Ad%antages C Fisad%antages! 1/21/13 http'// !eho !co#/info@77;9238@psychology,career,ad%antages, disad%antages!ht#l

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