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Criteria Sheet Chance and Probability

Student Name

Criteria Knowledge and application of key mathematical concepts surrounding chance and probability

A Demonstrates sophisticated knowledge and application of key mathematical concepts surrounding chance and probability Ability to predict, observe Highly distinguished and explain a range of ability to predict, data collected whilst observe and explain a conducting chance range of data experiments collections to conduct chance experiments Applies strategies to read, Demonstrates highly record and interpret data effective strategies to read, record and interpret data Knowledge and understanding of data representations to construct Demonstrates a highly sophisticated understanding of data collections by

B Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge and application of key mathematical concepts surrounding chance and probability Distinguished ability to predict, observe and explain a range of data collections to conduct chance experiments Demonstrates effective strategies to read, record and interpret data Demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of data collections by

C Demonstrates accurate knowledge and application of key mathematical concepts surrounding chance and probability Sound ability to predict, observe and explain a range of data collections to conduct chance experiments Demonstrates satisfactory strategies to read, record and interpret data Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of data collections by

D Demonstrates limited knowledge and application of key mathematical concepts surrounding chance and probability Limited ability to predict, observe and explain a range of data collections to conduct chance experiments Developing an awareness of the strategies used to read, record and interpret data Demonstrates a limited understanding of data collections by

E Requires attention to develop the knowledge and application of key mathematical concepts surrounding chance and probability Requires attention to develop the ability to predict, observe and explain a range of data collections to conduct chance experiments Requires attention to develop the strategies used to read, record and interpret data Requires attention to develop an understanding of data collections to be

graphs/charts/tables using digital technologies

Ability to work collaboratively with group members

constructing highly effective graphical representations using digital technologies Full participation and valuable contributions towards group work

constructing effective graphical representations using digital technologies Full participation and insightful contributions towards group work

constructing clear graphical representations using digital technologies Keen participation and helpful contributions towards group work

constructing some graphical representations using digital technologies Participation and contributions towards group work

able to construct graphical representations using digital technologies Little participation and/or contributions towards group work

Comments. Date. Overall Grade A B C D E

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