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3YearPastoralFormationTrack Year1





YFCFamilyCulture TABLEOFCONTENTS Chapter1:THEFAMILYFOCUSEDACTIVITIESANDTHEFAMILYCULTURE A. Rationale B. OverviewoftheFamilyFocusedActivities C. OverviewofFamilyCulture D. Objectives E. ScheduleofActivities F. GuidelinesInConductingtheActivity 1. RolesandDescriptionofServiceTeam 2. ResourceMaterials Chapter 2: YFC FAMILY CULTURE SESSION DYNAMICS AND EXPANDED TALK OUTLINES A. Talk1PicturePerfect B. Talk2MyFamilyandI C. Talk3MyFamily,MyChoice D. PraisefestExhortationPoints 25 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 619 6 10 15 19





The family is an important part in the formation and life of a person. It is where the person learns and establishes his values, beliefs and experiences that eventually moldhimtobewhatandwhoheis.Thefamilycaneitherbethesourceoflove,blessing and inspiration or can also be a cause of brokenness and frustration in the person. But whateverthesituationofthefamilyis,itisstillaveryimportantpartintheformationof theyoung. CFCYouthforChrist(YFC)believesintheroleofthefamily,mostparticularlythe parents,inthegrowthandformationoftheirchildren.AlthoughYFCisasupportgroup for young people ages 1321 in a stage of their life where they are forming their own identity and building their own dreams, we cannot discount the fact that YFC cannot do these alone. YFC provides only a supplement to the kind of environment the youth experiencesinhis/herhome. Throughtheyears,YFCsawtheneedtoreinforcetheimportanceofthefamilyin molding the young. YFC then seeks to bring the YFC members back to their family and acknowledgemorestronglythatthemoldingintheirownfamilytakesprecedenceinall other support groups for the young. And YFC seeks neither to alienate nor to replace the family. Hence, YFC introduces the FamilyFocused Activities, one of which is the FamilyCulture.

The FamilyFocused Activities was envisioned because of the need to nourish themembershiplevelbystrengtheningfamilyrelationships. TheobjectivesoftheFamilyFocusedActivitiesareasfollows: 1. To allow the young to realize and claim Gods plan for their present and futurefamily. 2. ToteachtheyoungtobringChristtotheirfamily. 3. Tostrengthenthefamilyrelationship. 4. Togrowintheirloveforsiblings. 5. ToencouragenonCFCParentstoloveandvaluecommunity. 6. Tocreateanalternativeenvironmentforfamilyfellowship.



ThefollowingarethedifferentFamilyFocusedActivities;eachwillhappenevery yearwithinthe3YearPastoralFormationTrackofYFCmembers: Year1:FamilyCulture Year2:ParentsHonoringNight Year3:BestWeekend a) MotherDaughterCamp b) FatherSonCamp

TheFamilyCultureactivityisconductedtoanewmemberofYFC3monthsafter thememberundergoestheCovenantOrientation.Afterlearninghowtolove,tohonor and to serve the family, this oneday activity seeks to reinforce and strengthen their appreciationforthefamily,believeintheplanofGodforthefamilyandhowtorespond totheGodsplanforthefamily.

1. This formation track aims for the YFC members to acknowledge, appreciate and understandthedistinctcultureineachoftheirfamily. 2. This seeks for the YFC members to believe and understand that the Lord has a uniqueplanfortheirfamily. 3. This aims to let YFC members realize that we are to fulfill Gods promises to our respectivefamilies.



8:00am 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:00pm 1:00 1:30 2:15 2:30 3:15 3:35 4:00 Registration OpeningWorship Icebreaker Session1:PicturePerfect Groupsharing Processingoftheactivity Lunch icebreaker Session2:MyFamilyandI PrayerWritingActivity Session3:MyChoice,MyFamily Reflection/Closingactivity Praisefest Closing/homesweethome

This is a wholeday activity conducted to YFC members who have already undergone the Covenant Orientation 3 months before. It will be done in the cluster level which is headed by the Cluster Couple Coordinators and the cluster youth heads for the Community Based Program and in a sector level by the Sector Program Heads andSectorProgramCoordinatorsfortheCampusandHighSchoolBasedPrograms. It is very much recommended that the same service team who served in the Covenant Orientation will serve in this activity for continuous guidance and mentoring ofthegrowthofthenewmembers. 1. RolesandDescriptionofServiceTeam a. Coordinator Incharge the Cluster Couple Coordinator will oversee the preparation of the activity; makes sure that the logistical needs, like venue and soundsystem,areprepared. b. Team Leader the YFC male cluster youth head will lead the whole activity. He makes surethat everything will be done on time, connects,wraps up and makes surethatobjectivesareachieved.



c. Assistant Team Leader the female counterpart of the team leader who assists and caters to the needs of the activity like food preparation, materials needed forthesessions,budgetingandothers. d. Facilitators assist and help in the group discussions during the sessions. They can be the YFC Chapter heads and YFC Household heads who have undergone thisactivity. e. Music ministry incharge of the music during the worships, gatherings and reflectionduringthesessions. f. Speakersdeliverthetalksassignedtothem. 2. ResourceMaterials a. Theparticipantsareaskedtobringtheirownfamilypictures. b. Registrationsheets c. Soundsystem d. Lunchandsnacks e. Bondpapers f. Coloringmaterials g. Glue h. M&Ms,Nips,oranysugarcoated(indifferentcolors)chocolates i. Note: The service team is asked to prepare icebreakers to break monotony in betweensessions.Thiscanbeinaformofgameorteambuildingactivities.



TALKONEOFTHEYFCFAMILYCULTURE SESSIONDYNAMICS DESCRIPTIONOFTHESESSION: This is the first of the three sessions of the Family Culture. This session is activitybased with two related parts which will be done one after the other. All the participants and group facilitators in the activities are expected to share about their family. The speaker also handles the whole session which includes giving the instructions and the processing points of the two activities. OBJECTIVES: 1. Lettheyouthappreciatetheirfamily. 2. Identifyandunderstandtheirfamilyculture. 3. Leadtheyouthintoarealizationthattheirfamilyisablessingtothem. PROFILEOFTHESPEAKER: A YFC leader who appreciates his/her family regardless of the brokenness he/ she experiencedinhis/herfamily. MATERIALSNEEDED: 1. Bring a Family picture or individual picture of the members of the family or a close relativewhomtheyconsiderasafamily 2. M&MsorNips(coatedchocolatecandies,indifferentcolorcoatings) DYNAMICS: 1. Thespeakerstartswithanoverviewofthefirstsession. 2. The speaker shares about his/her family and then asks the participants to share the sametotheirsmallergroup. 3. After the group sharing, the speaker will call on one representative from each group to sharetotheassembly. 4. Thespeakerwillthengivetheprocessingpointsofactivity. 5. Thesessionwillendwithaprayer.



ACTIVITY: 1. The speaker will show to the participants the coated chocolate candies in different colorsaskingthemwhattheysee. 2. Then the speaker will show his family picture and will introduce the members of the family one by one. (In introducing, it should not just be the name but also a short description of each family member. (E.g. educational background, and physical description,character,etc.) 3. Thespeakerwillalsosharetothegrouptheculturethattheypracticeintheirfamily.i.e. kissing of parents every mass during the peace part, practicing the gesture of bless as asignofrespect,familydinnereverybirthday,termsofendearmentetc. 4. The speaker will show the picture of his/her family and will share the positive traits of each family member. He/she should look beyond the perfect picture. (i.e. My dad is strict but that is his way of loving us, my sister might be stubborn but she taught me to extendmypatience) 5. The speaker will ask everyone to form a group of 46 members and everyone will be askedtoshareonthefollowing: a. Introducethemembersoftheirfamily b. The common activities, language, terminologies, practices, traditions in their family c. The positive traits of each family member. (at least one good trait or the thing thattheylearnfromeachofthefamilymember) 6. The group discussion will allow the participant to appreciate their own family. Each groupwillhaveafacilitatorforthediscussion. 7. A representative from each group will be called to share his/her family to the whole assembly. 8. Thespeakerwillgiveprocessingpointfollowedbyaprayer.



TALKONEOFTHEYFCFAMILYCULTURE EXPANDEDTALKOUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION Godchosetobringushereonearthwithawholepackageourfamily.Wehave different setup and composition in the family. Some of us dont have siblings while some have a dozen of it; some are not living with both parents, while others are living with their parents and even other extended family; and the list of different family set ups can go a long way yet we belong to a family. Like the M&Ms that we have, these comeindifferentcolorsbutthesamechocolateisinsideit. II. UNDERSTANDINGOURFAMILYCULTURE Our different family setups have our own way of nurturing the relationships among family members. God has His own way of bringing the family together or somehow giving us a personal experience with each of the family member. We made memories and experiences and eventually observe certain practices and traditions that sustainedtherelationship.Fromthesharing,welearnedthat: 1. FamilyCultureisasetofpractices,traditions,events,languagesthatwefirstand regularly experienced in our family. We have different setups and different culturethatdefinestheuniquenessofourfamily. 2. Different families have different family cultures, different practices/traditions, language,andendearmentswecalleachother. 3. The differences of our family cultures do not define the kind of family that we have. (e.g. What can be a common/usual activity for one family may be a preciousmomenttoanother.) 4. There is no standard of what a family culture should be. Different families have differenthobbiesandpastimeactivities. III. LOOKINGBEYOND As we live each day, we realize that there is more to our family members than what we see. Our family culture allows us to see the uniqueness and goodness of each andeverymemberofourfamily.



a. Throughourparents/guardians When they discipline us and give us rules to follow at home, this can be their way of showing their love and concern for us. It is important that we see beyond the actions that they are doing and appreciate the reason why they are doingthis. b. Throughoursiblings When we have small fights and misunderstandings with them, we need to realize that each of our brother/sister is different from us and we ought to respect that the differences that each has. We need to love them the way they areandalwayshavethepostureofforgiveness,humility,andrespect. More than just appreciating the uniqueness of our brothers and sisters, we could use these things to grow in our relationship with them. We will soon realize that the greatest friends that we can have are our siblings. These are the peoplethatwecanultimatelytrustandleanon. IV. CONCLUSION More often than not, what our family is to us is just a matter of perspective. Let us be thankful for our families because they are gifts from God. We now realize that each member of our family has a special touch in us and us in each of them. They contribute to who we are right now and the dreams that we want for our future families. The Lord has a great plan for our family. He has placed us there for a specific reasonandthisreason willultimatelyallowHimtofulfillthatgreatplan.Letusbeopen in being instruments to fulfill the Lords plan. Let us be hopeful that the Lord will fulfill HisplaninHistime.





OBJECTIVES: 1. For the participants to know, understand and believe in the great plan of the Lord for thefamily 2. For the participants to be encouraged to have a vision for their own families according tothegreatplanoftheLordforthefamily SPEAKERSPROFILE: 1. PreferablyasectoryouthheadoranyoftheYFCtopleaderofthearea 2. Ayouthleaderwhoknowsandwhocanhandlesensitiveissuesaboutthefamily. ACTIVITYDYNAMICS: 1. Thespeakerwillshowapieceofwoodandwillaskthemwhattheyseeataninstant. 2. Thespeakerwillcalloutfewparticipantstoanswer. 3. This time the speaker will ask the participants to look beyond what they see. (Participantshouldseetheendproductofthewoodlikeahouseorachair,atable,etc.) 4. Thespeakerstartsthetalkproper. 5. Before ending the whole session the speaker will lead them to a reflection and ask the participantstowriteaprayerforeachmemberoftheirfamily.




TALKTWOOFTHEYFCFAMILYCULTURE EXPANDEDTALKOUTLINE AsformyfamilyandmeIwillservetheLord(Joshua24:15) I. INTRODUCTION In our first activity today, we talked about the culture of our own family. Its amazing to realize that we have different culture inside our family that one way or another defines who we are at present. This culture makes our family special and uniquefromtheotherfamilies. Wehavetolookintowhatisbeyondourfamilyssituation.Theworlddictatesthat we can live without our family and sometimes implying that we can survive without them.Whatwouldwebecomeifwehaventexperiencedthefirstlove,ourfirstadviser, ourfirstfriend,andmanymorefirstthatweonlyexperienceinsideourhome. II. GODSPROMISESFORTHEFAMILY Aswehaveseentheuniquenessinourownfamily,wealsoopenoureyestothe futurethatstillawaitsourfamilies;afuturethattheLordheldpreciouslyinHishands;a futurefilledwithhope,healing,andlove. A. GodspromiseofHope God is at work in our family. Despite the misunderstandings and differences that we have, He has promised us the gift of transformation. God is assuring us that He will not waste the learning that we have from our experiences now. These will evenbeameansoftheLordtoteachustocontinuehopingforourfamily. Inthesameway,astheLordistransformingourfamilies,Heisalsopreparing us for our future families, through the learning and situations we are experiencing now.Thatiswhytherolethatweplayinourfamiliesisimportant. Godspromiseofhopedoesnotmeanweshouldjustleaveeverythingtothe Lord, but rather, we should allow God to use us and prepare us to be the vessels of GodsfulfillmentofHisplanstoourfamilies.




*Note to the speaker: Consider that there might be extreme situations which are seemingly impossible to resolve. (e.g. When both parents who are separated may have their own respective families already, the focus on this should be on hoping a better family of their own)

B. Godspromiseofhealing God is promising us His power of healing. Despite conflicts, and misunderstandings, God is assuring us that eventually all our relationships will be fullyhealed. We,too,mighthaveourownresentment,prejudices,ourbiases,againstour family members but healing is still possible. Healing can start with us. The actions that we make towards our family members and our change in perspective can contributegreatlytowardshealingwithinourfamilies. These bring about not only healing among family members but also healing within ourselves. Eventually, these promises of healing will give way to restoring relationshipswithourfamilymembers. C. Godspromiseoflove Ourfirstexperienceofloveiswithinourfamily.Ourparentsprovideandtake care of us because of their love. Our siblings gave us the first encounter of friendship. There may be moments that it will be hard for us to see/experience Gods love but God is promising us that in spite and despite of every situation we face, Godslove willalwaysbethere.Itisimportantforustohangontothispromiseand continuelovingthem.Letusnotstopmakingthemfeelthattheyarelovedby: a) Lovingthemdespitethemostuncomfortablecircumstance, b) Notgivinguponlovingthem, c) Remembering that they are gifts from God and there is something we can learnfromthem, d) Havingtheinitiativetoconcretelyshowthatloveisunconditional.




III. HINDRANCESTHATWILLSTOPUSFROMEXPERIENCINGGODSPROMISE As these promises are beautiful things, we should also be cautious because the evilonewillnotletushavealltheseunchallenged.Hewillsurelydeceiveanddisillusion us. He will feed us with false ideas that will hinder us from experiencing Gods promises;thesearewhen: A. Wefailtobelievewedontbelievethatourfamilyisourhopeandthattheyare the source of our strength. We see our family as the source of failures and disappointments because of the situation inside our home. We do not see that at theendofourentireproblem,itisourfamilywhowillbethereforus. B. We fail to accept we fall short accepting our family for who they are and whatever attitudes or characters they have. (e.g. family members who have different principles from us, a nagging mother, irresponsible father). We sometimestellpeoplethatwehateourparentsorsiblingsthatwemadethembad familymembersintheeyesofothers. C. WefailtorecognizewefallshortinrecognizingthatourfamilyisagiftfromGod and we should take care of it. We choose not to care; we dont take effort of looking at the problems of our family and helping them solve it. (E.g. we do not correctourbrothersorsistersthathaveviceslikesmoking,drinkingetc.) IV. GROUPSHARING:
NOTE:Itisencouragethatsiblingswithintheclustershouldbegroupedseparately.Thereshould beamaximumof3inagroup.

Bynow,weallrealizethatwehavesituationsinourfamilythatweneedtopray for.Liketheactivityearlier,thewoodwhichmaystandforoursituations,isallthatwe see. We must realize that there is something more to look forward to. We need to rememberthatGodisstillatworkinourfamilies,thatthereisavisionyettobefulfilled forus. DiscussionStarterforSharingofthesituationsofourfamily: 1)Whatisanidealfamilyforyou? 2)Whatareyourhopesforyourfamilies? V. PROCESSING/CONCLUSION:




We, too, need to realize that there we play an important role in fulfilling the Lords promiseforourfamily.Letusrememberthatthefutureofourfamiliesrestsonhowwedoour partinthefulfillmentofGodsplanforus. Despite all this, the Lord continues to bring about His promises of hope, healing, and love. Let us hang on to these promises and realize that there is something that we can look forward to. God is at work in our families and all we have to do is trust in His love and faithfulnesstous.

1) The speaker will open the activity with a prayer. The prayer should allow the participantstobeabletoreflectonthesituationsoftheirfamilies. 2) A reflection song should be played as the prayer starts. The song should be about fulfillmentofpromises,hope,orforgiveness. 3) The speaker will then give time for the participants to reflect on the song and at the sametimewritetheprayer. 4) Theparticipantsarethenaskedtowriteashortprayerforeachmemberofthefamily. 5) Afteramaximumof10minutes,thespeakerwillthencontinueandclosetheprayer.




TALKTHREEOFTHEYFCFAMILYCULTURE SESSIONDYNAMICS OBJECTIVES: 1. FortheparticipantstomakeapersonalresponsetoGodsplanintheirfamily. 2. For the participants to identify concrete steps in making Gods plan happen in their families. 3. Fortheparticipantstostartprayingfortheirfamily. DYNAMICS: 1. Thespeakerisintroduced. 2. Thespeakerwillconducttheopeningactivityfirst. 3. Thespeakerproceedswiththetalkproper. 4. Thesharerswillbecalledbeforetheconcludingstatement. 5. The speaker continues with the closing activity while the music ministry plays the reflectionsong. 6. The Cluster head/chapter head will lead everyone to a praisefest where they will read silentlytheprayerthattheyhavemade. MATERIALSNEEDED: Piecesofbondpaper Coloringmaterials Glueorpaste SPEAKERSPROFILE: 1. AtleastaYFCClusterHeadmember. 2. AYFCleaderwhocanknowtheissuesoftheYFCmembers. 3. AYFCLeaderwhocanhandlesensitiveissuesaboutthefamily. SHARERSPROFILE:(therewillbe2sharers) 1. A YFC member who did not appreciate his/her family before but now practiced his/her roleasason/daughterinthefamily. 2. A YFC sibling who used to frequently fight with each other but is now appreciating the blessingofeachother.




OPENINGACTIVITY 1. Theserviceteamwilldistributesheetsofpapertotheparticipants. 2. The speaker will ask them to draw on the upper right corner their dreams for their family. (if they have hard time drawing it, they can write their dreams on that same corner) 3. Thespeakeraskstheparticipantstoplacethepicture/softheirfamilyatthebottomleft ofthebondpaper. 4. The speaker then asks the participants to draw a ladder or staircase steps from the familypictureleadingtothevisiontheyhaveforthefamilywhichisdrawnattheupper rightpartofthebondpaper. 5. ThespeakerthenaskstoasktheparticipantstowriteconcretestepstofulfillGodsplan fortheirfamily. 6. Shareyourvision/stepstothepersonnexttoyou.Allow3minutesforthesharing.




TALKTHREEOFTHEYFCFAMILYCULTURE EXPANDEDTALKOUTLINE I. INTRODUCTION In the second session, we learned the plan of God for our family. We, as YFCs should believe that our family is at the heart of Gods creation. Our family is united through God, with God and in God. And our family is the source of love, the same love that comes from God. But we are faced with the hard and sad realities that we have imperfect families but still the plan of the Lord for our families still stands. Here, we are toproactivelyrespondandknowhowtofulfillHisgrandpromisesforus. II. OURRESPONSETOGODSPLANFOROURFAMILY A. Value our Family our family is priceless. Value the family you have right now. Whateverandwhoeverisinsidethathome,itisstillourfamilythattheLordgaveto value. 1. 2. 3. Serving our family serving our family in small ways (e.g. cleaning our room andhouse,cookingforthem,etc.) Respect Respecting our family members, (parents and siblings) or even our extendedfamily(grandma,grandpa,etc.)inourwordsorinaction. Loving showing affection that would make our family see the love for each other, e.g. giving quality time for our family. (Dinner with the family, playing withyoursiblings,watchingTVtogether,goingtomasstogether)


BegratefulBeingthankfulforthethingsthatourfamilyisdoingandgivingforus. 1. Appreciating their effort thanking them in small things that they do for us. (E.g. when they cook for you or prepare food for breakfast, expressing words ofaffirmationandlovelikesorry,thankyou,youarewelcome,pleaseetc) Remembering them in special dates giving them something special during theseoccasionssuchasvalentines,anniversaries,Christmasandetc. Prayingforthemincludingallthemembersofourfamilyinourprayertime.

2. 3.





BeObedientObeyingthemisourwayofshowingourloveandrespect. 1. Acknowledging authority God gave us our parents as our pastors in this world. As our parents and older siblings we ought to follow them as people whohaveauthorityoverus. 2. Obeyingtheirrulestheyaretheonewhowantsthebestforussotheywould notguideusinthewrongdirection. 3. Accepting corrections accepting our mistakes and listening to them for they loveusandtheywantustobeontherightpath.

(Speakernowcallsthesharersbeforestatingtheconclusion) III. CONCLUSION God envisions for us to be Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the Earth.TheLordiscallingustotakepartinthebiggermissionofbuildingthechurchof theHome. Letuscontinuetobelieveandhopeinthisvision,thatyoungasweare,wehave abigroletoplayinmakingourvisionareality.Letuscontinuetoinfluenceotherpeople inbelievinginthisvision.Letusstartnowwithourselvesandinourownhomes.

While they are doing their activity a reflection song is being played. The song should expressbeingthankfultoourfamily.

1. The Speaker will lead the participants to a prayer. As the prayer starts, the reflection songwillbesung. 2. Duringtheprayer,thespeakerwillasktheparticipantstobringouttheprayerthatthey madeduringthesecondsession. 3. Thespeakerwillgivetimefortheparticipantstoreadandreflectontheprayer. 4. Thespeakerwillinstructtheparticipantstokeepitintheirbiblesothattheycanreadit everydayintheirprayertime. 5. Thespeakerseguethereflectionsongtothepraisefest.




THEYFCFAMILYCULTURE EXHORTATIONPOINTS SuggestedPraiseFestExhortation WewillacknowledgeGodsgreatnessforthegiftoffamily. WewillthankGodforallowingustorealizethebeautyofeachofourfamily. WewillexpressourconvictionthatGodhasaspecialplanforourfamilynomatterwhat setuporbackgroundwearein. Placing us in us in a family is a great manifestation of Gods love. He loves us so much that he thought of us and believed that theres something we can do to make a differenceinoursituation. We will pray for Gods grace that we may continue to appreciate and accept the family thatGodhasgivenus.

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