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During 18th and 19th century due to Scientific revolution many inventions took place, out of which most popular invention was refrigerators. This invention spread like wild fire over the globe. Refrigerator was used widely for purpose like storing food. During this era CHEF AUGASTE ESCOFIER made FRENCH CLASSICAL MENU consisting of 17 courses. Roti was the 9th course in the French Classical Menu.

Roti (Introduction)

It is the course which is consisting of roast game or poultry chicken, turkey, pheasant, duck, quail. Each of this dishes is accompanied by its own particular sauce & gravy with green salad, served separately on a cresant shape dish or half moon salad plate. Later it was served on the left side of the cover. In this course there is always a particular cover setup and particular accompaniments for every particular items served in this course. The Details of the items are given below:-

Roasted Beef (Boeuf Roti)

Description:- roasted from topside, sirloin on or off the bone, ribs, fillet

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:- French & English Mustard, Horseradish Sauce, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Gravy

Roasted Mutton (Agneau Roti)

Description :- roast from leg, best end, crown, loin, saddle, shoulder

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:- Red currant jelly, Onion sauce, Roast gravy

Roasted Lamb (Mouton Roti)

Description :- roast from leg, best end, crown, loin, saddle, shoulder

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:- mint sauce or red currant jelly, roast gravy

Roasted Pork (Porc Roti)

Description :- roast from loin, leg, belly, spareribs

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:-sage & onion stuffing, apple sauce, roast gravy

Roasted Chicken (Poulet Roti)

Description :- whole

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:- bread sauce, roast gravy parsley & thyme stuffing, bacon rolls, game chips, watercress

Roasted Turkey (Dindonneau Roti)

Description :- whole

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:- Cranberry Sauce, bread sauce, chestnut stuffing, chipolatas game chips, watercress, roast gravy

Roasted Veal (Veau Roti)

Description :- roast from best ends, shoulder, saddle, loin, bonned breast

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork
Accompaniments:-Parsley & thyme stuffing, roast gravy

Roasted Duck (Caneton Roti)

Description :- Whole Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork Accompaniments:- sage & onion stuffing, apple sauce, roast gravy, watercress

Hare (Lievre Roti)

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork

Accompaniments:- heart shaped croutes, forcemeat balls, red currant jelly

Equipment's For Cover Setup:- hot joint plate, joint knife & fork

Accompaniments:- Cumberland sauce, red currant jelly

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