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Doublethink Guided Notes

1. Based on the name alone, what do you think doublethink means?

2. According to George Orwell, Doublethink is The power of holding _________________________________ in ones mind ____________________________________.

3. The INGSOC party slogan: War is _______________. Freedom is _______________. Ignorance is ________________.

4. According to Winston in the Youtube clip, how is war peace?

5. A woman who works next to Winston erases the names of people in the news who were executed by the party. She has to acknowledge that they existed in order to delete their existence from history. Is their existence really deleted from history? Why?

6.Newspeak was the official language of ______________, and had been devised to meet the ideological needs of INSOC. . . . The purpose of Newspeak was ______________________________________________________.

7. An example of a Newspeak word is ________________, which means ______________________________________.

8. Do you think Affirmative Action is an example of doublethink? Why?

9. How is doublethink like a paradox?

10. The definition of a paradox is:

11. Visit the Voicethread link and provide an example of doublethink or paradox.

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