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1. Decherney, et al, 2003, Current Diagnosis & Treatment : Obstetry & Gynecology, tenth edition, McGraw-Hill 2. French, et al, 2008, European Guideline on the Management of Syphilis, Camden Primary Care Trust and University College : London 3. Hook, Peeling, 2004. Syphilis Control A Continuing Challenge, The New England Journal of Medicine 4. Humphrey, Bradford, 1996, Congenital syphilis: still a reality in 1996, North Queensland Clinical School, The University of Queensland.

5. Levinsen, W,. 2008, Spirochetes In : Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Tenth Edition, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of California, San Francisco 6. McCalmont, 2009, Syphilis, Departments of Pathology and Dermatology, University of California at San Francisco.

7. Mims, et al, 1993, Medical Microbiology, Departement of Biology Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; London, UK

8. Price, Wilson, 2006, Patofisiologi : Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses Penyakit vol.2, edisi 6 , EGC; Jakarta 9. Robbins, Cotran, 2005, Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th edition 10. Sefton, 2001, The Great Pox that wassyphilis, Department of Medical Microbiology, Barts and the London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, Whitechapel, London, UK

11. California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center

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