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Use (uso del presente simple) Now that we know the structure/form it is IMPORTANT to understand when we use the

simple present. This will help us talk and participate in conversations. Without knowing the use, we will have problems expressing ourselves. We use present simple in the following situations: - To express habits and routines. Juan plays football on Saturday. I go to work everyday at 8:00 am. - General, mathematical and scientific truths: English people drink a lot of tea Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. NOTE: THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE IS NOT USED TO DESCRIBE SITUATIONS THAT ARE HAPPENNING AT THE MOMENT (NOW) **La forma y estructura es importante pero es indispensable saber el uso. Es decir, tenemos que entender cuando y en que situaciones utilizamos el simple present tense. Estas es la nica forma de empezar a pensar en ingles. Cuantas veces me encuentro con alumnos que saben rellenar un examen pero no saben hablar. Esto es porque no prestan atencin al uso. El uso les permitir usar el tiempo correcto en la situacin correcta y les ayudara a tener conversaciones fluidas. Olvdense de traducciones antes de hablar ingles. Esto les traer problemas y les har hablar lento. Simplemente piensen y practiquen el uso de los tiempos. Como vemos usamos el tiempo present simple cuando queremos expresar, rutinas, hbitos, y verdades generales, matemticas cientficas. NO SE UTILIZA EL PRESENT SIMPLE PARA EXPRESAR UNA ACCION QUE ESTA SUCEDIENDO EN EL MOMENTO: Figure #1: The positive form of the simple present tense Common errors: Remember that when we use other verbs we DO NOT use the verb to be: - Im have two sisters (INCORRECT) I have two sisters (Correct) - She is plays in the park (INCORRECT) She plays in the park (Correct) *Recuerden de no usar el verbo to be cuando quieran expresar otra accin. I va con am solo cuando ustedes quieran decir estoy o soy. SI quieren decir: Yo juego, no es posible decir I am play puesto que estn diciendo que yo soy/estoy jugar.

Figure#2: Lets practice

Figure # 3 (Look at the pictures and practice)


Present simple We use the present simple to talk about actions we see as long term or permanent. It is a very common and very important tense.

Here, we are talking about regular actions or events. They drive to the office every day. She doesn't come here very often. The news usually starts at 6.00 every evening. Do you usually have bacon and eggs for breakfast? Here, we are talking about facts. We have two children. Water freezes at 0 C or 32 F. What does this expression mean? The Thames flows through London. Here, we are talking about future facts, usually found in a timetable or a chart. Christmas Day falls on a Monday this year. The plane leaves at 5.00 tomorrow morning. Ramadan doesn't start for another 3 weeks. Does the class begin at 10 or 11 this week? Group the sentences Here, we are talking about our thoughts and feelings at the time of speaking. Although these feelings can be short-term, we use the present simple and not the present continuous. They don't ever agree with us. I think you are right. She doesn't want you to do it. Do you understand what I am trying to say. Mix and match Complete the sentences html

Complete the sentences

Ingls - Leccin 10: El presente simple El presente simple, tambin llamado del indicativo, es el tiempo verbal ms simple del ingls. Se suele utilizar para hablar sobre hechos que constituyen hbitos o costumbres. Se forma con la forma base del verbo del infinitivo. Este infinitivo consta de dos partculas: to y la forma base del verbo, as, por ejemplo, to eat es un infinitivo que significa comer. Conozcamos en la siguiente tabla el presente del indicativo:

Conjugacin Ingls 1 per. singular 2 per. singular 3 per. singular 1 per. plural 2 per. plural I work you work he works she works It works we work you work

Espaol yo trabajo t trabajas l trabaja ella trabaja (para objetos) nosotros/as trabajmos vosotros/as trabajais

3 per. plural

they work

ellos/as trabajan

La nica dificultad escriba, como de costumbre, en la 3 persona del singular; de hecho, esta 3 persona es especial a la hora de conjugar verbos. Como regla general se aade s, aunque veremos que existen algunas excepciones. Usos del presente simple Este tiempo verbal se utiliza para expresar hechos o verdades generales. The Sun warms the atmosphere. -> El Sol calienta la armsfera. Tambin usamos el presente simple para hablar de hbitos; en este caso, en la oracin suele aparecer expresiones de frecuencia, como usually oalways. We play tennis usually. -> Nosotros jugamos al tenis ocasionalmente. You study always. -> Vosotros estudiais siempre. Tambien lo usamos para expresar horarior o programas (como el programa de un espectculo teatral). The train leaves in an hour. -> El tren llega en una hora. Reglas ortogrficas para la 3 persona del singular Como regla general, a la forma verbal de la 3 persona del singular se le aade s; no obstante, existen unas cuantas reglas para una serie de formas verbales que son especiales: 1.- Cuando el verbo acaba ya en s, o en un sonido parecido como sh, ch o x: watch -> watches (mirar) dash -> dashes (arrojar) 2.- Cuando el verbo acaba en o, tambin se aade es: go -> goes (ir) do -> does (hacer) 3.- Cuando el verbo acaba en y, y a sta le precede una consonante, tenemos que cambiar la y por i, para a continuacin aadir es: fly -> flies (volar) study -> studies (estudiar) Observa que estas reglas ortogrficas son las mismas que se aplican para formar el plural . Tambin son las que se usan para formar otros tiempos verbales, por lo que una vez que las aprendas tendrs mucho ganado.

INGLS - LECCIN 11: LA INTERROGACIN Y NEGACIN EN INGLS Se ha apartado una leccin aparte para tratar la negacin y la interrogacin. Ahora que se ha avanzado en el conocimiento del ingls, podemos entrar de lleno en este tema de la negacin e interrogacin. Para negar y hacer preguntas debemos utilizar generalmente un nuevo verbo auxiliar; se trata del verbo to do. Es por esto que, antes de meternos con la interrogacin y negacin del ingls, vamos a ver este verbo. Ya te adelanto que es un verbo muy fcil que no reviste dificultad alguna. El verbo to do del ingls Este verbo, cuando se utiliza solo, significa hacer; pero no en el sentido de fabricar, sino en el sentido de llevar a cabo una accin. Su conjugacin es muy fcil, ya que todas las formas son iguales, menos la 3 del singular que se le aade -es. Las partcula not: la negacin Para negar en ingls debemos hacer uso de la partcula not; muchas veces esta partcula viene acompaada por el verbo auxiliar to do. Aprenderemos cuando se utiliza to do para auxiliar a not, y cuando no es necesario. Cuando queremos negar verbos que se pueden utilizar como auxiliares , como to be y to have, no debemos usar el to do como auxiliar. Aunque es mejor que te quedes con la idea, por ahora, de lo siguiente: para negar los verbos to have y to be no se utiliza el auxiliar. Para los dems verbos debemos utilizar el auxiliar. Aqu algunos ejemplos:

You are the best (eres el mejor). -> You are not the best. She have a car (ella tiene un coche). -> She have not a car. They eat apples (ellos comen manzanas). -> They dont eat apples. Como ves, en las oraciones con los verbos to have y to be no hemos utilizado el auxiliar to do. En cambio, en la ltima oracin si lo hemos hecho; adems de haberlo contrado con la partcula not. Para contraerlos vastaadosar las dos partculas y sustituir la o de not por el apstrofe. Los otros dos verbos tambin se pueden contraer con la partcula not, de hecho, es muy normal verlos contrados. Se sigue el mismo procedimiento: se adosan las dos partculas y a not se le sustituye la o por el apstrofe. La partcula am no se puede nunca contraer! are not -> arent is not -> isnt have not -> havent has not -> hasnt La interrogacin La idea ms fundamental que hay que tener en mente, a la hora de hacer oraciones interregativas, es que es necesario invertir el orden del sujeto y del verbo . Otra peculiaridad es que no es necesario poner la primera interrogacin, las frases interrogativas en ingls solo tienen la interrogacin del final.

Figura 3. Hay que poner primero el verbo y despus el sujeto para hacer preguntas.

Estructura de la frase en presente simple Para que tengis una visin general de cmo se construyen las frases en Simple Present en ingls, cuando utilizamos verbos que no son auxiliares, aqu os dejo un esquema: falta

Escrbe el tiempo verbal correcto en las siguientes frases: 1. John 2. I to Mary now (talk) television every night. (watch) to bed at

1. Daniel 2. She never 3. Lisa 4. Mark 5. The baby 6. He 7. Joe 8. A boy 9. Joana 10. Tim 11. Sara 12. The teacher 13. He

(fly) to Paris once a year. (do) her homework. (try) to help her sister. (go) home at seven. (cry) every night. (miss) her a lot. (study) really hard. (kiss) a girl. (buy) new stuff all the time. (watch) this show every night. (say) this all the time. (teach) us new things.

3. The children usually nine o'clock. (go) 4. a book at the moment?. (Richard read) 5. They often. (not go) 6. I 7. I I (study) 8. I I (stay) 9. I

to the theatre very at the moment. (not study) English, although at the moment. (not speak) / in Valencia, though in Madrid at the moment. (live) / in a hotel at the moment,

(pay) me well. (wash) the dishes, and Leo

14. Barbara washes the floor. 15. Nick

although I my own apartment. (stay) / (have) 10. She from Chile, though

(play) tennis twice a week. (push) somebody. (enjoy) listening to music. (mix) milk and eggs. (buzz). (fix) cars.

16. This girl always 17. Isabella 18. David never 19. The bee 20. Taylor

she in New York just now. (come) / (live) m

Complete using PRESENT SIMPLE: 1. I 2. You 3. She never 4. Tom always things. 6. Ann 7. Toronto 8. Cars 9. My mother 10. We 11. They 12. The building 13. Marta 14. I usually (go) to the city once a week. (play) the guitar very well. (visit) me. (find) new ways to do (want) to speak. (be) in Canada. (have) wheels. (have) a big house. (play) a lot. (sell) fruit and eggs. (be) on fire. (seem) sad. (help) my neighbors. (leave) town.

Turn the sentences into NEGATIVE: 1. I 2. You 3. He 4. She 5. It 6. We 7. They 8. Michael 9. Michel 10. Tim and Kate day. 11. Lucas and Clara 12. I 13. You (not ride) horses. (not sell) cars. (not bring) gifts. (not take) pictures. (not cost) so much. (not seem) so happy. (not buy) new products. (not dance). (not run) fast. (not work) every (not eat) meat.

(not swim) much. (not ski) at all.

15. His brother rarely

14. It 15. We

(not hurt). (not give up).

PRESENT SIMPLE 1. My sister 2. Frank 3. My parents 4. We sometimes cinema. 5. Uncle George 6. Our friends 7. She 8. He 9. We 10. Carol 11. She 12. My sister 13. The children 14. Bill 15. I (read) a book.

8. He 9. They

my name. (call) down. (sit) stamps. (collect)

(like) dogs. 10. Ken and Sam (do) the shopping. 11. Carol (meet) in front of the 12. She (go) to the doctor's. (play) football in the park. 13. He Tom. (help) in a big house. (live) up. (stand) good bye. (say)

14. The students 15. Bill

(go) to the park every Friday. (ride) his bike every day. (have) the best ideas. (say) good bye. (be) the best singer in our class. (live) in a big house. (eat) hamburgers.

got nine posters. (have)

Fill in the present tense. 1. My parents often 2. They 3. Mum 4. Peter 5. Dad 6. The boys 7. In summer it 8. I hungry. (be) all the dirty clothes. (wash) got a brother. (have) a new car. (buy) football. (play) hot. (be) westerns. (watch)

(have) got nine posters. (be) at home.

Fill in the present tense 1. They 2. Mary 3. Tom and Sue 4. We about stickers. (talk) stamps. (collect)

good at school. (be) our piano lesson.

9. On Friday we always (have) 10. Mary

her homework. (do) TV. (watch) big cities. (like) in the library. (study) to work at 7. (go)

two T-shirts. (buy) 11. Richard

behind a tree. (hide) 12. I in the garden. (play) 13. He my pencil. (borrow) 14. She always shopping. (go)

5. The children 6. She 7. My mother

15. Bill and Tom sometimes (drive) PRESENT TENSE NEGATION Use short forms (isn't, don't,...). 1. We have some milk. We milk. 2. Mother sews Jennys jeans. Mother Jenny's jeans.

to London.

17. The frog is under the caravan. The frog under the caravan. cool. a new

18. They are cool. They any 19. Dad buys a new car. Dad car. 20. The boys play football. The boys Maths

football. Final del formulario

3. I hate Maths lessons. I lessons.

PRESENT TENSE NEGATION Put the sentences into negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...) Example: I am hungry. - I am not hungry. 1. They wash the car. They car. 2. I get up early. I 3. They walk to school. They school. 4. Jim eats an orange. Jim orange. early. to the

4. The monkey likes to eat bananas. The monkey to eat bananas.

5. My parents often watch westerns. My parents often westerns.

6. Children like ice cream. Some children ice cream.

7. The monkey wants some bananas. The monkey some bananas. hungry.

8. They are hungry. They


9. Every Sunday we get up early. Every Sunday we up early.

5. My sister listens to her new CD. My sister to her new CD.

10. Sometimes Peter is very tired. Sometimes Peter very tired. a good pupil.

6. Ann cleans her shoes. Ann her shoes.

11. I am a good pupil. I

7. Henry climbs the tree. Henry the tree. at

12. School always starts at seven oclock. School always at seven o'clock.

13. On Friday we always have our piano lesson. On Friday we lesson. always our piano

8. They are at the cinema. They the cinema. 9. We like pizza. We pizza.

14. In summer its sometimes very hot. In summer it sometimes very hot.

10. Gary and Peter go to the party. Gary and Peter to the party.

15. Mum washes all my dirty clothes. Mum all my dirty clothes. a

11. My parents work in a restaurant. My parents in a restaurant. our

16. Peter has got a brother. Peter brother.

12. We like our uncle. We uncle.

13. She sings her favourite song. She her favourite song. a

15. My mother speaks Spanish. My mother Spanish. PRESENT TENSE NEGATION Put the sentences into negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...) Example: I am hungry. - I am not hungry. 1. They can dance. They 2. I like good books. I 3. We live in a big city. We city. to 4. I can play the guitar. I 5. They are cool. They 6. We are pen friends. We cool. pen friends. . bad books. in a big

14. Bill reads a book. Bill book. 15. Mary goes to the zoo. Mary to the zoo.

PRESENT TENSE NEGATION Put the sentences into negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...). Example: I am hungry. - I am not hungry. 1. Peter goes to the party. Peter the party. 2. His schoolbag is brown. His schoolbag red. . our

the guitar.

3. Mary can ski. Mary 4. We meet our friends. We friends.

7. The parrot eats apples. The parrot apples. Austrian.

5. The teacher hands out the books. The teacher the books. a clever boy.

8. She is Austrian. She 9. Brad listens to the radio. Brad

to the radio.

6. Pat is a clever boy. Pat

10. Elephants eat grass. Elephants meat. good at

7. The monkey takes the banana. The monkey the banana. hungry. a sister. at

8. Tony is hungry. Tony 9. Tim has a brother. Tim

11. I am good at school. I school.

12. They go to school by bus. They school by bus. 13. Henry does his homework. Henry his homework.


10. They are at Sarah's party. They home. 11. I like apples. I oranges.

14. Simon reads comics. Simon comics.

12. Winter begins in December. Winter in October. at home.

13. They are at home. They 14. Tom can play football. Tom football.

15. Sally smokes. Sally . PRESENT TENSE - QUESTIONS Form the questions. Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry? 1. Peter goes to the party.

? 2. His schoolbag is brown. ? 3. Mary can ski. ? 4. I meet my friends. ? 5. The teacher hands out the books. ? 6. Pat is a clever boy. ? 7. The monkey takes the banana. ? 8. Tony is hungry. ? 9. Tim goes to school. ? 10. They are at Sarah's party. ? 11. You like apples. ? 12. Winter begins in December. ? 13. They are at home. ? 14. Tom can play football. ? 15. His mother speaks Spanish. ? PRESENT TENSE - QUESTIONS Form the questions. Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry? 1. He goes to school. ? 2. She wants an ice cream. ? 3. We are ready. ? 4. Lions eat meat. ? 5. Donald can skate. ? 6. Tamara likes sweets. ? 7. The cat is on the chair.

? 8. Pam wants another T-shirt. ? 9. Mother irons the shirts. ? 10. They listen to the teacher. ? 11. I like black shoes. ? 12. We run to school. ? 13. It is raining. ? 14. They talk about stickers. ? 15. She helps Roger. ? PRESENT TENSE - QUESTIONS Form the questions. Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry? 1. They can dance. ? 2. I like reading books. ? 3. We live in a big city. ? 4. I can play the guitar. ? 5. They are cool. ? 6. We are pen friends. ? 7. The parrot eats apples. ? 8. They are Austrian. ? 9. Brad listens to the radio. ? 10. Elephants eat grass. ? 11. I am good at school. ? 12. They go to school by bus. ? 13. Henry does his homework.

? 14. Simon reads comics. ? 15. Sally smokes. ? PRESENT TENSE - QUESTIONS Form the questions. Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry? 1. I like grey. ? 2. The window is open. ? 3. Sam is happy. ? 4. Mother likes butterflies. ? 5. The children stand up. ? 6. I get up early. ? 7. Pamela watches TV. ? 8. Father has coffee. ? 9. I drink milk. ? 10. Robert has a plan. ? 11. We go to work. ? 12. He can come. ? 13. Mick opens the door. ? 14. All children come to the party. ? 15. The garden is full of flowers. ? PRESENT TENSE - QUESTIONS Form the questions. Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry?

1. Phil's book is boring. ? 2. Peter helps in the kitchen. ? 3. Laura likes popcorn. ? 4. Mary plays with her friends. ? 5. They work in the garden. ? 6. We hate spiders. ? 7. They are friendly. ? 8. Tina and Paul eat spaghetti. ? 9. I hate chocolate. ? 10. The rubber is red. ? 11. He has a blue bike. ? 12. They go to Italy. ? 13. His sister works hard. ? 14. I understand. ? 15. We are at the theatre. ? PRESENT TENSE - QUESTIONS Principio del formulario Form the questions Example: I am hungry. - Are you hungry? 1. They wash the car. ? 2. I get up early. ? 3. They walk to school. ? 4. Jim eats an orange. ? 5. My sister listens to her new CD. ? 6. Ann cleans her shoes.

? 7. Henry climbs the tree. ? 8. They are at the cinema. ? 9. We like pizza. ? 10. Gary and Peter go to the party. ? 11. My parents work in a restaurant. ? 12. We like our uncle. ? 13. She sings her favourite song. ? 14. Bill reads a book. ? 15. Mary goes to the zoo. ?

affirmative I you he she it we you they It is okay. I am hungry. You are Sam.



He is not here. Is she loud?

Are we fine? You are not friendly. Are they happy?

Write down the missing sentences.

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