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Assignment 6 1.

Ecology of Violence: I think the main contributors to violence in the United States come from economical, social environment, and individual behavioral determinants. Violence has never been an acceptable behavior in the United States for the most part. We dont have educators, public officials, and law enforcement advocating violence to solve social, individual or cultural problems. However, we do have things in our culture that do advocate violence in a subtle way that can be interpreted as acceptable. I would day that those factors are TV, movies, and video games. I know that the textbook states that violent crimes have decreased over that last decade and that a recent study shows no association between violent crimes and the media. I am not sure I believe this study. I am a firm believer that exposure to violence leads to desensitization and an overall acceptance of violent behavior. I have worked with youth aged 12-18 for many years and see how accepting they are to violence in games and movies. I have also gone to war in various theaters and know the affects that violence can have on your way of thinking. The more violence you experience the more accepting you are of it in your everyday life. Economically speaking poor people are going to experience more financial stress. Financial stress has a direct affect on relationships and is the number one cause of divorce. This is a recipe for violence in the home. Compound the stress and violence that the parents are having one with another in the home and now add children to the mix. Social

environment is now dictating to the children how to behave when stressed. Violent behavior will be learned and deemed acceptable and the cycle will perpetuate itself. Economical problems and social environment will heavily weigh ones individual behavior. Many people are convinced because they come from a poor situation in life that that is who they are, it defines them. Every person on earth is unique; we have all been given talents and abilities that are our own. Sometimes social environment inhibits these qualities to come out. Our families and friends and many others have a great influence on who we become. Individual behavior is directly affected by our economical and social environment. Regardless of our situation and station in life we can modify our behavior if we want to. This takes personal determination, education and a realization that individual behavior is a choice that is yours alone.

2) Self-Assessment Survey: I was a little surprised with my results. I am more environmentally friendly than I originally thought. I was able to respond with a #1, or Always ion well over half or the 28. Many of the things I do regularly I dont even think about as a way to help the environment, they are just natural logical ways that I do things in my life. For example, I always ride my bike or walk to most places that I go because it is good for me and I enjoy the physical activity. Obviously this is helping the environment in a small way, by limiting air pollution and reducing my carbon footprint. Three items I could incorporate into my life to help improve the environment are: 1st, purchase biodegradable soaps and detergents. This

is something I have not even considered and would be simple enough to remember when youre at the store. 2nd, I can buy prepackaged foods that have the least amount of packaging. Less packaging sometimes equals less expense as well; this may also save me money and reduce the amount of solid waste I create in a day. 3rd, I can pay closer attention to political candidates positions on environmental issues before casting my vote. I realize the impact our political officials have on helping bring an impact to our populations understanding on the environment and the key roll that they can have in bringing to pass change. 3) Healthy Web Surfing: What & where:, American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Naturopathic physicians will guide and empower people to discover and
experience improved health, optimal wellness, and effective management of disease through the principles and practices of naturopathic medicine.

Consider the source: The AANP board and staff officers run the website. The current president is Michael Cronin, ND.10 current N.D.s, sit
on the board of directors. The AANP has a CEO and various other officers who run the organization

Focus on quality: the information on the AANP website has to be approved by the House of Delegates. The House of Delegates also has the following functions: Amend the Corporation Bylaws
Adopt official Corporation Code of Ethics, Definitions, Standards, and position papers developed in cooperation with the Board, Committees or Taskforces of the Corporation Hear reports from Corporation officers and leadership Advise or recommend action to the Board of Directors by means of House resolutions Represent their constituents and communicate to them Corporation information

and actions Provide leadership and participate as members in Corporation committees and taskforces Adopt Rules for House procedure Nominate and elect the officers of the House of Delegates

The board and staff also have a function in reviewing articles and information that is posted to the website. Many of the staff members have written books or textbooks about naturopathic medicine. Be a cyber skeptic: Does the site make health claims that seem too good to be true? I dont think the site makes any health claims that are to good to be true. Everything that I read on the website sounds ligitemate because the ND practice is backed by an accredited degree program. Among the most common ailments they treat are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, obesity, respiratory conditions, heart disease, fertility problems, menopause, adrenal fatigue, cancer, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. NDs can perform minor surgeries, such as removing cysts or stitching up superficial wounds. However, they do not practice major surgery. NDs are trained to utilize prescription drugs, although the emphasis of naturopathic medicine is the use of natural healing agents. Look for evidence: Naturopathic Doctors have been practicing since the early 1900s. They have come and gone in waves of support and discredit. Its most recent resurfacing was in the 1950s and became an accredited degree in 1987. The field is growing but suffers from scrutiny from other medical professions. The website did not offer any exact evidence but provided what the doctors can treat, as mentioned above.

Check for currency: the information on the website was all dated 2013 and some documents from the board, for example ethical practices, and

laws was going to be under review in 2015. It appears that most of the information is reviewed annually or bi-annually. Beware of bias: I am sure that this website is bias to their cause and profession. This agency is run and supported by its own people, no government funding or subsidy. The websites purpose is to educate people about the services their doctors provide and to support their providers. Protect yourself: I did not find a privacy policy on any of the tabs on the site but I also did not find anywhere on the site that was asking for personal information. It is more of an informational website. To pass private information you would need to actually visit a provider.

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