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Cover Illustration The Unseen World by Aðalsteinn Eaglehawk

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Much of my Christian life I spent speaking to Christians of differing
denominations and visiting differing churches. In each place I visited I
learnt something new, but not often what they taught so much as what
the Holy Spirit taught me. Looking back I can see I was not merely a kind
of witness for God Who was prosecuting worldliness in the churches, but
I was God's detective, uncovering much that was hidden and much that
was disguised. I always felt led to do this as I was always discerning but it
seemed as if the Lord was unburdening His heart to me and saying, 'See!'


To the young Jonathan

How is it young man that in the books you read or the movies you see in
the world the pagans are portrayed as spiritual and powerful, even if in
fantasy, and the believers are not? Why is it young Jonathan that you can
say, 'Like Edward from Twilight I can sit in a restaurant and sense the
mindset of any and everyone around me and describe them accurately'?

Why is it Jonathan that you can say, 'As the dementors do to Harry Potter
in 'Prisoner of Azkaban' I have had evil spirits circle round above me and
descend to attack'? - And how did they look when they cried out, 'Let us
possess him, let us destroy him'?

I should perhaps write a book listing the fantasy and the factual elements
of the spiritual realm side by side comparing them and seeing how true or
false the fantasy is – and why it is that sometimes they get so close to the
reality when they don't even know it, as if they too are being manipulated
to subtly influence others for evil...

You have had in experience what the pagan world fantasises about and
what they teach the Christians know nothing of. On the other hand there
are Christians that would say that like the fictional characters of Edward
the vampyre and Harry the wizard you are involved with unchristian,
supernatural powers; as they too see nothing particularly stand out in
Christianity but instead a rather bland, sectarian conformity to the world's
values as they were say, fifty years ago...
What mind is it in you my Jonathan that so sets itself at odds with all the
world, Christian and pagan, and sees what no other can see, knows what
no other can know and pays the price for it? It is of course the Mind of
Christ in you and of course too the Apostle tells us we have the Mind of
Christ... Yet no one seemed to believe it but you. So you have as you
believe and you are as God made you – and for what were you made?
That is the greatest mystery of all. We are so alike and yet so unalike, my

In the NT Book of Revelation there is a four faced beast before the Throne
of God and like that beast you are a lion and I am an eagle. We are the
creatures of legend, prowling through 'the mist of darkness' [2 Peter 2:17]
and waiting to attack, with great power and unending zeal. To destroy
what others would heal and to annihilate what others would save. Why do
Christians hate and fear us when they love and welcome the deceptive
angels of light? As we seek only to destroy the evil and exalt the good?

Jesus rebuked his disciples when they wanted to reign down fire on their
enemies the way Elijah did. He said they did not know what spirit they
were of. We know what spirit we are of. We are a fire. The anger of
Jesus our Prophet is building and will one day pour itself out in a torrent
of fire. Jesus revealed to me that he regards many nominal Christians as
his enemies and particularly those ones who using occult power foster
illusions regarding the spiritual life, creating a substitute for real

Since you had a vision and a developing interest in Christianity this is

written for you so that it may acquaint you more fully with the religion to
which have been converted. It will help you as a young person to orient
yourself and to understand the direction you might want to take in this
world. Also the general Christian readership may find it helpful, especially
if they have not made a prior commitment to blind dogmatism of some

My view is unlike any other as from a child, a small child, I was chosen,
set apart and taught by God Who chose to appear to me more than to any
other mortal. I have seen what no other has seen and learned about things
not even revealed to Prophets and Apostles of old. People can understand
my gifts when I speak of visions but what in fact is the real evidence is
the light in my mind which is deeper and purer than those often
considered to be great teachers of the Church. That is the Holy Spirit
created me to bring glory to Jesus as in myself I am nothing and in him I
am something. These are his gifts in me that I am open about to inspire
confidence for your sake not my own; and in all things we give glory to

You were brought up Jonathan, without religion or without much good

education but having a vision from God you may assume that the
Christianity of your own reality and that of the Bible is somewhere to
found on the earth. Yet, Christians do not go around calling one another
‘brother’ or ‘sister’ or share their belongings and in fact there has been a
long history of Christians fighting in wars and in religious persecutions.
Christianity is like a fallen statue that has fragmented into a few large
pieces and hundreds of smaller ones as well as innumerable tiny

Even your own vision, by the standards of some believers, is a delusion as

they are convinced such things ceased with the Apostles.

I was convinced as a young believer that the older Christians who had
fought in the Second World War would have stories of incredible faith and
of how God had saved them in this or that situation. I never heard such
stories. I thought I was about to hear one once when a story was told of
how a believer prayed before landing on the beach of Normandy on D
Day. As the men got out of their pontoon and onto the beach many fell to
machine gun fire. Yet some did not and among them were some who did
not pray. The Christian who prayed was shot and wounded. It was not
how I expected the story to turn out. There was no great story of faith
conquering all and even some of the atheists in the boat faired better than

It is not so strange though as men in English bombers were bombing

Lutheran men in Bible study meetings in German cities; and of course the
next night men in German bombers were bombing men, women and
children in Bible studies in England- And no doubt the Christians among
the bombing crews were all praying for the success of their missions. It is
no wonder that the aftermath of both world wars was an increase in
atheism in Europe.

Out of such religion modern Christianity was born. It is feeble, sectarian,

worldly, hypocritical and self defeating and many Christians are likewise
the same. But you- you are spoken to by God and awakened to true
righteousness and with myself and only Christ knows how many others
you are born from the faith established by the Apostles even if in the
world today Christianity is largely an apostate religion.

The ascent of the USA as the supreme world power led to the ascent of
American Christianity as dominant – floating as it does on a sea of
money. Today at the beginning of the 21st C. there is a pre-packaged
religion sold like Coca Cola that promises instant gratification and is fed to
us in easily swallowable globules. With simplistic platitudes, bright and
breezy positivism and religious consumerism this has made it easy for the
Charismatic churches to infiltrate every corner of Christianity and among
many circles become dominant.
As a result people claiming to have signs and visions, unlike yourself, are
pouring forth a steady stream or rather flood of religious nonsense. This is
an attack upon your faith as who will respect the few true visions and
signs among a sea of counterfeits? Would you recognise and therefore
appreciate a single organic rose among a field of plastic ones? These hide
your true vision from those who would benefit by hearing of it.

As a result of this recent history we live in a world filled with plastic

apostles, prophets and evangelists and overrun with plastic teaching and
fairy tale religion that bears more resemblance to magic than to Christ: To
Aladdin and his cave of wonders and his ‘Open Sesame!’, rather than to
Christ and his signs and wonders and his faith of true discipleship.

Whether non spiritual or super spiritual or even anti-spiritual, the

Christians that you are surrounded by are wrong, counterfeit, half formed.
Multitudes like to play religion and few follow Christ.

What you find hard to understand in these pages will nether-the-less

guide you in years to come and save you from a lot of religious dead ends
and even nightmares that are presented to you as paths to your spiritual
dreams coming true.

World Christianity over centuries became Christian Humanism, moralistic

and spiritually dead. Within it a false movement faked everything
supernatural the Christian Humanists lacked by using self deception and
demonic power: The Charismatics and Pentecostals are witches and their
religion is Christian Satanism. Firstly it is true that many among them are
saved but these are a significant minority. Most people that call
themselves ‘born again Christians’ are not born again and do not
understand the truths of Jesus.

This book concentrates on exposing the Charismatic Movement, anti-

spiritual and super-spiritual Christians, Catholic haters, Protestant
dogmatists, false prophets and teachers without attacking specific
personalities: Bible worshippers who reject God by exalting His word as a
substitute for Him; others that reject God by exalting a false spirit instead
of the real Holy Spirit.

On the positive side I honour Jesus Christ and give plenty of guidance on
humility, holiness, living close to God and the need for the Bible ’s
fulfilment in a believer’s life – as opposed to using the Bible as a barrier to
God. In other words I insist upon the Gospel being a reality in the
believer’s life and hence there is no need for all this fakery.

My dear Jonathan I would not want Satan to seduce you as he seduced

Eve. What God has done in you has prepared your mind for this but to
older and worldlier minds realism is often confused with cynicism.
You may use each chapter, written to be read in sequence or
independently as the basis for Bible study and reflection on that topic.

What unenlightened people see in my writing as bitterness or even

harshness or even extremism may simply be the kind of insight that a
good psychiatrist, surgeon, or social commentator has in their particular
field. It’s like telling a dewy eyed girl her handsome hero is really a drug
dealer and pimp who has sweet talked her with the view to getting her
hooked on heroine and walking the streets. Should I shut up as it may hurt
her feelings and it is not seen a loving? Should I stand by and watch her -
the young Bride of Christ- fall? I will endure her tears, her protests and
even hatred and hope that she wakes up just in time. That is in essence
what I am doing in this book.

Because of mental conditioning, much of it that Christian people are

unaware of, this book needs to be read with an open mind and needs to
be read thoroughly before passing judgement – otherwise they may simply
just react. For you young ones, who are unaware of the history of the last
few decades especially and have seen only a little of the surface of
contemporary Christianity you may at first think I am being very cruel in
my dismissing and description of certain types of believers. This is rather
like living in a house next to a very nice family but meeting a private
detective who tells you they are a family that runs a credit card fraud
business and these nice people have left a trail of misery and heartbreak
behind them. I am that private detective and you need to listen to my
argument before you will really understand it.

As a young believer inexperienced in the world you may get very excited
about being invited to a meeting where you are told you will hear a
prophet or see an evangelist that has the power to heal or that there will
be a great outpouring of the Spirit of God and so on and so forth. I have
been to all those kinds of meetings, read books by or attended meetings of
some of the world’s greatest evangelists and teachers. Often I have
discovered them to be unbalanced Biblically and pretenders to faith rather
than possessors of it. Where I have seen the power of God poured out it
happened where I was praying for it to happen and it happened repeatedly.
I am something of a small scale revivalist that has a history of answered

I have lived a life close to God. Very holy and knowing from my first year
as a Christian of what it was to be taught by the Holy Spirit. I am the
person that many believers do not believe exists as my experience of God’s
grace is deeper, purer and stronger than anything they have been taught is
possible. This it not an idle boast or a statement of pure egotism but rather
an appeal to conscience to accept spiritual reality and the fact of God’s
abundant grace toward me on behalf of you.
This book needs to be taken like strong medicine. It cannot do anybody
any harm even though its detractors will say it does. It will save some
people from Hell, I know that. It will give many who read it the tools and
light they need to escape the worst religious frauds and to focus on Jesus
as Lord. So, if you have the courage, the zeal for God or the faith, read on.

Jonathan, you were troubled after your conversion by evil spirits and their
vicious attacks, usually in the night, that can be compared to being burned
with a blow torch in terms of how it feels psychologically. It was
suggested to you by an older Christian that you could get psychiatric help.
Yet, you quickly discovered the power of the Cross. That fool however
with his false concern demonstrates a truth: They say ‘Christ, Christ’,
when they mean ‘World, World.’

There is a lot in here about spirits that have actually been seen. - Whether
it is the Spirit of Christ who I will describe to you my dear child and you
will see your Christ and my Christ are the same one! - Or some awful
demons that I have encountered on my spiritual journey. I have not written
a comprehensive book upon either the gift of the discernment of spirits or
upon contemporary false prophets. Rather it is in the use of this very gift
given by God that I have written this book and as you will see it is
unusually discerning of things spiritual and supernatural: Whether they
are doctrines, prophets, demons or powers.

It is spiritual discernment of contemporary Christianity and where it is at

enmity with Christ. If I say things that are shocking it is only as they have
been revealed to me in the light of the Holy Spirit since in this time of so
much darkness a lightning bolt can be shocking as it lights up the terrain
to reveal hidden monstrosities.

It is time in fact to cry out against all the lies and perversions of the truth
that have become so common place so that true saints are made sick at
the very thought of attending church. Much of the world’s criticism of
Christianity is true (because the world has overtaken Christianity and this
started with the Christian Roman emperors who created Pagan
Christianity and abuses and false doctrines have only been added since.)
So that today if a discerning person wants to observe the activity and
supernatural power of Satan they are more likely to find it in a certain
kind of church than anywhere else.

Christian historians have given us a view of their heroes that has been
whitewashed and modern condemnatory types want to dismiss every
saint down the ages that wasn’t a modern type fundamentalist as a
demon worshipper. So if a holy and humble man of the Middle Ages said
prayers to Mary he is regarded as saying prayers to Satan while his
modern critic is neither humble nor holy. How could Christians of
Medieval times act and think like American fundamentalists of the twenty
first century? Yet all who did not are classed as demon worshippers. This
hate filled, sectarian nonsense is everywhere.

The Great De-Spiritualisers

One common error is that those who claim to have ministries of
discernment and decry against false prophets of various kinds tend also to
reject anything deeply spiritual. They are skewed to be opposed to the
supernatural in all its forms assuming genuine Christianity is not very
deep or profound and therefore the most profound and deep spiritual
states described by various teachers of the past are condemned.
Association is used: That is they find something to associate the deeply
spiritual with that is obviously fraudulent: A believer who may spend
hours in silent prayer is compared to zombie like adherents in trance

A superficial resemblance between the two is used as evidence that the

true saint is a demon worshipper; and time and again we are told that this
or that historical believer known for being extraordinary in some way was
really worshipping demons…

Underlying this is often the assumption that the genuine Christian

experiences something of God in turning from Sin to Christ but they will
never enter into any monumental or vast experience of the soul in God. By
having this attitude they imply that those who seek to be truly spiritual
cannot attain to it in Christianity but they may be deluded to think they
can attain to it.

Everything in the New Testament is prescribed, limited and without

realising it they dictate to the Holy Spirit what He can or cannot do in the
heart of the truly faithful. That is they are just one or two steps ahead of
atheism. Beyond being ‘born again’ and growing in grace which turns out
to be growing older and getting a little wiser there is nothing.

Every exceptional saint then is compared to those in other religions or

cults who speak of seemingly deeply spiritual experiences. They also have
a tendency to judge and condemn without justification and not righteously,
wisely or lovingly. The people who claim to discern error in the Church are
likely to condemn the obvious charlatans and frauds but would also
condemn Jesus likewise, even more so, if he were among them in the

When I first had a series of visions of Heaven God did not order the saints
to run and hide but I saw them as well as Angels and the Lord himself.
You may think this is quite natural and it is but to many who have been
conditioned with an anti Catholic hysteria this makes me a devil
worshipper – but who among them have really seen God? According to
them the Lord cannot show me any saint in Heaven but He may show me
Jesus – who they often expect to be a blonde haired and blue eyed
God cannot, they think, show me in a vision the child Jesus asleep in the
arms of Mary as this they think is Mariolatry and necromancy –
contacting the dead. If this is so the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus
would be a story of necromancy. Except that they have to accept that as it
is in the Bible but they cannot accept, in spite of the evidence to the
contrary, that the Lord could give any saint the same vision. It would they
think, not only be contacting the dead, even though the same vision is
related by Jesus, it would be adding to the Word of God as they think very
unwisely that God cannot shed much light upon His Word – and certainly
not by visionaries!

You see then this constant tendency to keep the Holy Spirit at a distance
and to demonise those who go beyond superficial, often unreal and
sometimes hypocritical religion. In their Biblical justifications they quote
many verses about GOD condemning witchcraft and necromancy to
condemn those whose writings are full of an ardent love of Jesus! They
use Biblical justifications that see every example of saints appearing in the
Gospel or in the NT that explain these are not real saints but metaphorical
visions; that they are one off events never to be used as a template of the
Holy Spirit’s work in believers lives- As they think they have the Biblical
authority and right to condemn these things (found in the Bible ) if they
are found in believers’ lives.

Often they cannot be reasoned with as they are both dogmatic and sour in
spirit. They love nothing better than to feel their own superiority by
condemning such believers and in their little sects and smaller groups pat
one another on the back for being clones of one another. Emptiness is
their middle name and self complacency and smugness they mistake for
divine assurance and the comfort of the Spirit.

If such believers could go back in time, and for a while forget everything
so they could speak from the heart; and then meeting say, Jesus, they
would be quick to state, ‘You love Mary. Is this not Mariolatry?’ Or, ‘You
heard my thoughts. That means you are a psychic and you must repent!’

If Jesus were to reply with, ‘It is my Father’s will that I know the hearts
of men’, they could so easily counter with, ‘Kurt Koch in his book Occult
ABC has shown reading minds is by psychic power that comes from
demons of Hell and therefore you are of Satan!’ – The exact position taken
by the condemnatory Pharisees.

The endless chant of, ‘Satan, Satan, Satan’, is taken up against so many
true saints by so many more hard hearted and ignorant Christians lacking
the true kindness and presence of the Holy Spirit they think they know.
Often they find a small error and condemn others totally. You see the true
servants of Jesus do not say for example, ‘Augustine was guilty of
bringing Roman paganism into Catholicism. Flee such abominations of the
Great Harlot.’

The true saint, and ‘saint’ is a Biblical word for Christian; the true saint
will say, ‘Augustine taught and did some questionable things but he was a
holy man of great wisdom and true devotion to God.’
This is because the Spirit of Jesus within them is discerning but also
loving and He will allow them to see the good in Augustine who was a
man close to GOD.

I know what evangelical, Protestant believers hate and I know what they
love. Most believers will not tolerate teaching on holiness, unless it is
superficial and unreal and most believers want to run after the world and
its material things and call covetousness faith. ‘Thou shalt not covet’
became ‘Believe God wants to bless you with riches.’ Most of all genuine
love and the reality of abiding in Christ are absent. In this state they can
neither understand themselves nor the great figures of Christian history or
even contemporary Christianity.

This book gives a striking view of what it is to be spiritual, discerning and

close to God. It considers the simplicity and beautiful character of the real
Jesus. It contains some real encounters with Jesus and with the forces of
darkness. It examines certain cultic practises found within Christian
circles. Each chapter gives a brief introduction to the subject it speaks on.
This is not an in depth analysis of spiritual things but an introduction to
Jesus as a Spiritual Reality and to His enemies, mainly from within

Inevitably it reflects my gifts as someone called to discern the Spiritual

Realm. I do have the actual Biblical gift of Discerning of Spirits and I am
able to discern the many who claim to have this but do not – particularly
those in cults. Also I am gifted in revelations and visions, having seen the
Lord as a child and sometimes since. If the Lord chose these things for me
who am I to deny him? In all things God is to be praised, for if we become
more like Him He is to be praised. Jonathan, we need to bear more
resemblance to the early Christians of the first centuries of Christianity. In
those days it was still considered normal to be a visionary before the
years of Catholic excess - of Charismatic delusion.

What awaits you

If you continue as a humble and holy and therefore loving servant of
Jesus with your enlightened mind and your closeness to the Holy Spirit
you will encounter many wolves in sheep’s clothing but not only wolves,
foxes, badgers and rats and octopi! That is you will encounter every degree
and shade of hypocrite and religious sinner disguising themselves; usually
as the super-spiritual servants of Christ.

These will inevitably tear you to pieces at one time or another no matter
how well you are forewarned. In this book are the weapons of defence
and offence you will need and the guidance that is a must have for every
dedicated servant of God today in this Age of Delusion.

Use it well and it will save you from the worst and allow you to recover
more quickly and fully when you have been savaged by those who you
looked up to in humility and believed their wonderful testimonials about
how spiritual or even apostolic they are! By knowledge and pain you will
learn and then you will be able to teach others. Very few Christian leaders
take the trouble or seem to care or are even aware of how multitudes of
young believers are ruined almost before they start on their pilgrimage
with Jesus.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The big issue of today is the identity, character and nature of the Holy
Spirit. The simple reason for this is that He has been impersonated by
Satan within a multitude of sects and churches that are rooted in the
Pentecostal movement. It is astonishing to me that there are millions of
Christians who believe that the holiness of life preached by Puritans,
nineteenth century evangelists, mystic saints, Church Fathers and a few
great teachers of the twentieth century is not related to being baptised in
the Holy Spirit. Their Holy Spirit does not make them holy. Being filled
with their Holy Spirit does not necessarily mean they are filled with
holiness. On the contrary the modern Holy Spirit is thought to make
believers remarkably free of holiness and power, that is power over sin.
This is an obvious lie. Or is it obvious? It seems that multitudes are
oblivious to the fact that it is impossible to be filled with the Holy Spirit
and not to be filled with the holiness of God in reality and as a result to
become a real saint.

We have a counterfeit Holy Spirit that makes believers lukewarm and

weak. We have a demon created Holy Spirit delusion that makes new
converts that are holy become lax and lukewarm. We have a weak and
vascillating Holy Spirit that disappoints believers and lets them down so
badly they give up on being Christians entirely. That is we have a Holy
Spirit that is not the Holy Spirit. We have a delusion. A dangerous,
powerful and very destructive delusion that is becoming more and more
prevalent and turning much of Christianity into money obsessed, self
centred, good time religion.

Secondary to this we have gifts of the Holy Spirit that are pointless and
powerless. Healing ministers with a gift of healing that cannot heal.
Tongues speakers that cannot understand what they say or speak to
people of other lands – who often utter a few syllables or repetitive
sounds that even a child could see is not a language. We have gifts of
discernment of spirits that results only in sects and individuals accusing
one another of having evil spirits and these accusations are based upon
petty differences. We have prophets who cannot prophesy anything of any
importance but if they do it will inevitably not come to pass. So they just
produce more new prophecies to replace the old failures... It goes and on
and on. This is not Christianity this is Christian Satanism. These are not the
gifts of the true Holy Spirit. The nomenclature is the same. The spirit is
different. Satan is the author of the gifts and he is the false Holy Spirit.

If I am baptised in the Holy Spirit; if I have gifts from the Holy Spirit; if I
am holy; if I am effective in my gifts and there is no fantasy; there need
be no fantasy; if I am powerful, I can tell you about the real Holy Spirit in
the hope He will be respected and Jesus glorified so that all he gives us
returns to him as he gave it; purely and perfectly.

You may use a concordance and look up as many verses and passages as
you like about the Holy Spirit and His gifts. Having this rudimentary Bible
knowledge you will better be able to follow my unfolding argument.

I saw the Holy Spirit on the night of my conversion to Christ. It was this
vision that meant I could be a believer and without it I do not believe I
would have been saved. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. He appeared
to me as a pillar of fire. From that fire emanated the love of God. I knew I
was seeing God. I did not know why God appeared to me as a pillar of
fire. I had not heard of the pillar of fire. I read of it later in the Bible. So
to begin with I heard the preaching of the gospel from a true saint and as
he spoke to me the Holy Spirit appeared to me as a pillar of fire and stood
for some time before me. I was ushered into the spiritual realm. No one
told me or taught me these things. In fact from the first days of my
Christian life I was teaching others simply by relating the things that were
happening to me. I found that after my conversion I had certain abilities.
One was the ability to understand doctrine and spiritual things. Another
was the discernment of spirits. Another gift was holiness and humility.
From the moment of my conversion I was stronger than any other
believer I have ever met in my life. I was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Not by
tongues of fire over my head but by a pillar of fire standing before me.

Another gift I had that had actually commenced when I was a small child
was visions of and from God. Some of these visions were very powerful.
As the years passed before me I read of other visionaries past and present
and could compare myself to them. I found that I was far more powerful
than any and had been shown far more by God. Outside of the Bible there
has never been a visionary with visions as extensive or as powerful as my
own. There was a certain time in my life when I even saw the Person of
the Holy Spirit not as a symbol like a dove, a fire or a blazing light but I
saw His form and His face. The way He really is. When I was given this
view of God I was given the knowledge that I alone of all mortals was
chosen to see the face of the Holy Spirit.

You can imagine that if I could see the Holy Spirit I could see whatever He
chose to show me, and I did. I saw Heaven and I saw Angels. I saw
symbolic visions and literal visions. I saw fallen angels. I saw things from
the past and a little of the future. I grew stronger and my visions became
less frequent but my discernment of God's Mind increased. I started to
sense, when He willed, His thoughts. I started to know things even without
visions that are not possible to know. I was brought into a new world and
when I looked for my brothers and sisters in this new world I found I had
left them far behind. No one was strong enough to follow me. I was totally
alone as far as humans were concerned but I was with God.

(You may say, as I would say to myself, this is all boasting and not the
humility of Christ. Of course I never mentioned these things for decades –
or my strength or grace but I found that unless I spelt out things very
clearly for believers they didn’t see them at all. In other words it is for
their sakes I seem to boast - and to discriminate between myself and
multitudes of others who have empty visions and revelations to no good

The Holy Spirit was very different to all that stuff taught about Him by
Pentecostals and Charismatics. He is zealous for God and seeks the
honour of Christ. He works hard and tirelessly for the salvation of sinners,
and hardly considers their sins or blasphemies, leaving that to Judgement
Day. He is like a Mother. His love is greater than the universe and all those
who have been filled with the Holy Spirit's power must know this – right?
He is easily offended and hates unbelief. He withdraws His presence from
believers and churches that are persistently lukewarm or follow deceiving
spirits. He is deeply concerned over the awful fate that awaits the
unbelievers in Christianity and the Holy Spirit seeks a war with His
imitator – but He seeks this to be engaged in by the disciples of Christ.

You must join me then in this war. This is my first barrage of fire. Will
you keep silent, you who have seen so much abuse in supposedly
Christian churches by supposedly Christian leaders? Or will you pick up
arms – the real gifts of the Spirit and attack with undying zeal the forces
of darkness that have dethroned Christ in churches and replaced him with
a false Holy Spirit? -A spirit that is hated by God above all things in this

I said I get things from the Mind of God. Here is an example my beloved
Jonathan. The Lord revealed to me that this world is very primitive. There
are worlds in this universe that have a multiplicity of dimensions and
‘aliens’ or saints of another race that are so far above us they have not six
senses but thousands of them! Humans in their arrogance like to think
there are only six as they are ever limited by their own imaginations –
imaginations that puff them up not for others’ edification but for empty
boasting. My ‘boasting’ is for your edification and education, my
Jonathan. I have to ‘blow my own trumpet’ with the notes Christ gave me
as I am heralding Christ the King of worlds.
Chapter One: Spiritual Awareness

Before considering the various aspects of the ‘deeper spiritual life’ as it has
sometimes been called let us consider the many who are claiming to be
spiritual today. We’ll consider how in intellectual understanding of
spiritual topics their knowledge is mixed but in terms of being taught of
God they often know little of this in experience. In fact very many are
uninspired, heretical, blasé and dogmatic: The opposite to spiritual

I’m not writing to critique you as you try to walk in the Spirit or say you
can sense within your spirit the truths of God. I am writing to help you to
be faithful to God. This book is written for a purpose: To focus your mind
on what is spiritual and to get you out of the nest to fly as an eagle in
Spirit and in Truth.

Have you wondered what it is to be spiritual but are confused that within
Christianity itself there are so many different ways? Have you noticed that
there is an End Times hysteria from certain quarters and a too relaxed
attitude from others? This book will have some answers and I will focus
on Jesus being the Antidote to spiritual confusion. It is Jesus the Lord who
gives clarity and simplicity to a believer’s faith.

After reading you may want to live this life in spirit and truth. It is easier
than you may think. You have been hindered by the evil one – expressing
himself through false teaching and the confusion it spreads. Remove that
stumbling block and the way becomes plain.

Concepts of Spiritual Awareness

“These things we speak, not in words that man's wisdom

teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches – Comparing spiritual
things to spiritual.”
[1 Corinthians 2:13]

A person may read the most spiritual books in the world and learn their
concepts. They may speak of these things and discuss them with others
who have studied them but do they understand these concepts because the
Holy Spirit has taught them or simply as they read the books of men?
Since it is a fact that if a person is not taught of the Spirit of God they
cannot truly understand the spiritual books. The Christian world is full of
people who use spiritual language about spiritual things and often say, “I
sensed in my spirit...” or “The Holy Spirit spoke to my mind...” or “I had a
word of prophecy...” How much of this is real? The various teachings that
come out of Christianity that contradict one another present a problem to
the believer: How to get straight to the truth.

I cannot count the number of times that people have said, “I sensed in my
spirit...” and then gone on to support a right wing or left wing politician, or
nuclear armament, or rejection of another, more sound, believer...and by
observation I have learned that when they say they sensed something in
their spirit it usually translates in reality that a petty prejudice, a feeling, an
assumption etc. has been spiritualized. Often using the concept of sensing
in the spirit is simply a justification for carnal prejudices that could not
otherwise be justified: The exact opposite of Biblical spiritual awareness. In
fact this is a principle of deception for those deceiving and being deceived.

They have a tendency to believe they know, what is merely conjecture, and
this is based on the evidence of supposed inner spiritual sensing:
Sometimes, quite often on false prophecies. This usually means they
cannot really make a logical case to support their beliefs. Often they
develop a super-spiritual attitude to others who reject their supposed
divine revelations as false conjectures.

Before going on I should say that if you have trouble understanding me

you may like to read each sentence and then think on it. This is because I
will say more in a single paragraph than most authors will say in a book.
Secondly, everything I have written in this book you can understand if you
take the trouble to think about it. So often Christians are used to hearing
sermons in church that do their thinking for them and it may come as
something as a shock to realise you need to cogitate deeply to understand
spiritual books, of which this is certainly one.

How can you tell the genuine work of God?

Having a genuine gift of revelation I know that understanding and material
evidence are given by God to support His revelations.

In other words God first explains, then reveals and then performs a sign. It
works something like this. The gifted believer studies a subject in the Bible
and God gives them insight and a rational and logical view of the subject.
A consciousness of enlightenment from the Holy Spirit makes the Word
come alive. This is universal to holy believers. For those gifted in other
ways, and occasionally even if not so gifted, this holy enlightenment may
be followed by a revelation; perhaps a dream or vision or discernment of
something. Related to this, occasionally there are effects in the material
world of either healing or prayer fulfilling the teaching they received from
God. Sometimes it is Providence – a striking concurrence of events
obviously related to the Bible study and prayer and the enlightenment of
the Holy Spirit. As a result the gifted believer uses logical, Biblical
argument rather than insistence that they are superior and must be
believed! God supports them with a degree of evidence that others can see.
In the Gospels you will see this dynamic in the life of Jesus more than
anywhere else. His inner spiritual life effected change in society and in
individuals. Often these changes were miraculous and physical.

Let us consider this dynamic more closely. A believer may be led by God to
study and meditate upon a subject deeply over years. As they become
wise, by the Spirit, this understanding is deepened by revelation – but this
must be preceded by the first search for wisdom. After the greater light
that comes in some form by the Spirit there is the outer evidence of
change in the believer, in their circumstances or in the world. So a degree
of outer evidence comes from God as proof of inner spiritual reality. That
is because there has been a greater revelation and deepened understanding
leading to a greater faith. It is rather like ascending a spiritual ladder.

Example: I studied the doctrine of sanctification for years. I read books

on holiness. My understanding became greater than my teachers, as King
David said of himself. Eventually I was given a vision of the Tree of Life in
Heaven. In this vision a heavenly messenger gave me some of the fruit
which I ate. This was followed by an experience of holiness which
continues to this day, a depth of experience in holiness and power over sin
generally thought to be impossible in this world.

You can see the dynamic at work: The seeking, learning, finding and
experiencing. As Jesus said we will find when we seek. First there is
understanding – under God; then revelation from God and then
confirmation in power. It is all about discipleship rather than instantaneous

Let us now consider the opposite. One obvious element in the ministry of
those who are false and make false but grandiose claims about themselves
is the lack of seen evidence. Many may believe them on the basis of trust.
If they are healing ministers they trust others have been healed by these
ministers but somehow don’t get healed themselves… Generally where
there is a lot of noise there is little to show for it. This is like going to a
great fig tree full of luxurious foliage but finding no fruit! We know what
Jesus did to the unfruitful fig tree.

Jesus does give fruit that is spiritual and enduring, whether it is peace, joy
or even power. His servants give it out for free! On close examination they
bear the fruit of Christ and need no fanfare. These, if they claim to heal,
will likely heal you! Alas, there are so few. If they just teach, their teaching
will invigorate your faith. They are also kind and humble without
exception, as are all disciples of Christ.
The place of tradition
In the Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches tradition carries far greater
weight than in Protestantism. We must remember that for three hundred
years after Christ there was no New Testament but a large collection of
books only some of which were entered as part of the canon of the New
Testament. Christians in those days had to choose what books they would
accept or reject and what degree of importance they would place on each
book. Many believers in those days for example would have rejected the
Revelation, the last book of the New Testament but accepted the Gospel of
Thomas, excluded from the New Testament. They were guided largely by
Church tradition in matters of faith and so Church tradition, much of it
was oral tradition passed on by the Apostles and their disciples but not
written in the New Testament, had greater weight than the scriptures in
the sense that the Church Fathers interpreted these various writings for the

Some churches claim to continue in this vain placing as much weight,

seemingly, upon Church traditions as upon the Bible. I am side stepping
this controversy by insisting that the Holy Spirit can and will confirm to
the faithful which traditions are and are not truly ‘orthodox’ – and of
course the gracious Lord will never support a tradition that clearly
contradicts the Bible. Since believers are guided at all times by the Holy
Spirit this controversy need never arise and I feel it is good to insist the
holy will always be guided by the Holy One. If not the churches are merely
sectarian and dogmatic. - Dogmatic in the negative sense of blind

I am aware of the criticisms of those who are deluded believing they are
guided by the Holy Spirit but this can never be used to justify the rejection
of the practical guidance of the real Holy Spirit or to undermine God’s
faithfulness. It was never a choice between delusion or tradition – or even
the Bible but always a primary choice of whether each and every believer
is led by the Spirit and therefore- and only therefore in harmony with true
believers, with true tradition, with Heaven, with the Bible, with God.

2000 years of ‘interminable wrangling’ over doctrine, tradition

and this and that has been used as an effective and practical
barrier to and rejection of the Holy Spirit of God.

A tradition of honouring the saints for example would be rejected totally

by Protestants as idol worship but continues in both Orthodox and
Catholic traditions. Interestingly the honouring of saints was practised
while the Apostles themselves were yet alive – and of course is practised
by Protestants themselves in their own way in their deep reverence and
often excessively biased view of people like Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and
of course Calvin or even it must be said Dr. Billy Graham – who are often
regarded in a non critical light and idolised by some. Charismatics too
carry this even further by making idols of false prophets and power-
evangelists… I have often noticed that virtually everything Protestants
condemn they do indeed practice in their own way.

Bible as sole authority

It has been orthodox among many Protestants to believe and practice that
the Bible is the sole authority in matters of doctrine and practice. Often it
is part of a creed of Sola Scriptura. Some sects may allow the theoretical
possibility of revelation or experience to carry weight if it does not
contradict the Bible but in practice tend to reject such revelation on the
basis of Sola Scriptura. As a rule they see the Bible as the final word in
establishing any doctrine or experience. Anything not in the Bible must be

To the Christians who are not dominated by the dogmas of the

Reformation however this presents several problems. Here is one:

On a basis similar to Sola Scriptura Jesus was rejected by Jewish

Who said that according to scripture no Prophet was to arise from Galilee.
This carried a great deal of weight. They were in practice fitting a pre-
existing belief based upon prejudice into their Bible. They refused to
recognise that Jesus was born in Nazareth from where a great Prophet
was to arise! This is often how Sola Scriptura has been used in practice to
reject genuine voices for God.

Another problem is this translation error: Of course these verses below are
not the problem but what has been added to it by interpreters:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly
furnished unto all good works.”

This King James Version of God’s words has been written to fit
into a pre-held doctrinal position:
The actual Greek scripture literally translated begins very differently:

“All writing inspired by God…”

The word ‘Scripture’ has been used culturally to mean the Bible but
in the Bible itself ‘scripture’ simply means holy and inspired
The very verse used to teach Sola Scriptura when properly translated
teaches against it. It teaches us that any writing inspired by God is useful
to Christians. The question is simply whether it is inspired by God. Among
some of the writings that have traditionally been seen as inspired by God,
long before Protestantism, were some by the early Patriarchs or Church
Fathers. Some of these writers referred to things the Apostles had told
them personally but which are not in the New Testament.

Sometimes the ridiculous position of those in error is revealed

when you carry their argument to its extreme:
Sola Scriptura would forbid almost everything a saint will see or hear in
Heaven, even if it is God Himself talking, as it will of course not be written
in the Bible. It also of course forbids God from communicating with His
saints on earth and leaves the most holy among them scorned, rejected
and slandered. Who is really behind that?

In practice strict Protestants do not practice Sola Scriptura but its

They read or are indoctrinated with the teachings of the Reformation,
which they believe were inspired by God. They use these to interpret the

Many Protestants believe and teach that the Bible Alone is inspired by God
– Protestants like a lot of ‘Alones’ and a lot of dualistic arguments. I think
that a believer who does not believe Christians can and are inspired in
word, deed and writing are not really Christians. These Protestants read
lots of Christian books but why read them if they cannot be inspired?

Ironically in quoting the above verses Protestants use the Bible to establish
one thing while denying the other: That is they do not believe in perfection
but use these verses on perfection to establish Sola Scriptura.

Has God no authority?

If the Bible is sole authority this means in effect that men’s interpretation
of the Bible is the authority and that too men who are bound to narrow
denominational lines. So in effect men become the sole authority – men
who interpret the Bible and not God.

This teaching has replaced God Himself with His Bible!

It also contradicts the teaching of the Bible that they supposedly hold as
their sole authority. In the Bible we see it is the Holy Spirit Who is the
Teacher. A better creed would go –‘The Bible in the light of the Holy Spirit
is our sole authority.’ See how different this is. Man’s light or God’s light
upon the Bible is the choice. In practice it is evident too among such sects
that when they make the Bible their sole authority the Spirit is often
lacking – and His gifts. They may use the argument that many have been
deceived who sought revelation – and yet this is like saying that since
there were many who were deceived thinking they were Christ there is no
Christ! On the contrary regardless of how many are deceived or are
charlatans the point is about the authority of God Himself and His right to
teach His children His Word. This right is denied Him by so many sects in
Protestantism and this is a form of rebellion not only against the Bible but
against the Bible’s God.

For those who only have the Bible

They are no more than the religious and devout who crucified
Christ but who also read and revered Moses
The truth is that God is the sole authority and He expresses His authority
by His Word the Bible, by His Spirit and by His signs; by His miracles, by
His providence: By his acts, by His enlightened servants, by His given
dreams, revelations and answered prayers. All this should happen within
the context of the Church and its traditions. If all you have is the Bible you
do not even have the Bible as in it all these things are not only taught but
insisted upon! So it is not so orthodox after all to say the Bible is the sole
authority. Once there was no Bible and what was the authority then?

How dare they say that God cannot speak to someone in a spiritual dream
or a striking turn of events? How dare they say these gifts have ceased
when in the future it is prophesied that even two great Prophets will arise
and prophesy? (Revelation) What seems so good and right on the surface
turns out to be in the end just another way of making man central and
banishing the Holy Spirit as once the Jews banished Christ.

In fact the greatest error of Protestantism historically has been to

replace Jesus the Lord with the Bible as Lord. It is a subtle
Antichrist spirit at work- As Satan would not tell them to worship
him and dethrone Christ or they would be shocked awake. No, he
has subtly convinced them to dethrone Christ and enthrone the
Bible in his place- but God never intended the Bible to be a
replacement for the living Lord but rather a tool useful to him
which he ‘speaks’ through.

In other Christian traditions Satan has attempted to dethrone

Christ and take him from centre stage in believers’ hearts by
making Church Authority Lord, or the popes Lord, or Mary the
Lady, or the Holy Spirit Lord. The aim is the same each time- to
subtly and deceptively get the focus off of Jesus as Lord.

Now we know the Bible has a lot to say about God as Teacher:
Guide, Prophet, Lord etc. but nowhere does it say, ‘Let the Bible be your
sole authority in matters of doctrine, practice and faith.’ So, by their own
reasoning these anti-spiritual types should at least admit that is not in the
Bible! Their authority for that is in the Reformation!

It is because they give great authority to Reformers and great

authority to creeds and great authority to an anti Catholic
historical perspective and little authority to God or His Bible! Who
in reality is their greatest authority? Is it Luther who attacked the Bible and
had rather the book of James wasn’t in it? Is it Calvin who liked to burn
his enemies at the stake? When he listened to his enemies screaming
through the flames was he filled with the Holy Spirit and had he been led
to murder those better and more enlightened than himself? Was he so in
tune with God he just had to kill old friends who decided he was wrong?
Or was it because Calvin was Calvin’s sole authority while believing he
was under the sole authority of the Bible, which he interpreted in his way
for himself and acted accordingly? Surely, if he had been under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit he would not have done his terrible deeds; not
even in that time and that culture – the inner Spirit would have held him in
check. His followers therefore likewise are their own authority and their
god is the Bible.

Calvin was a very kind and sensitive man; one of high principles and deep
logic. -Too intelligent for his own good as he relied upon his natural gifts.
His insight taught him – not God. His consigning of believers to the flames
was itself a prophecy that his teaching would send many to the fires of
Hell! Of all the heretics in the world the Lord loved him most. He
understood holiness and humility to a great extent but was deceived by his
own mind. He was not like the more intelligent Apostle Paul whose
understanding was enlightened by the Holy Spirit. John Calvin had become
in his bitterness against those he saw as heretics a raving lunatic. On his
religion Protestantism rests. He had no fear he would be judged for his
deeds as to him salvation was about grace alone and so his evil works
could do him no harm. He was wrong. We all reap as we sow.

They argue it must be this way to have the Bible in effect as their
god or they must follow the delusion of false prophets Nonsense!
Jesus taught his disciples they could be and would be taught of the Holy
Spirit. Some others follow this Spirit taught Biblical authority and believe
me it is far better and this is why we have some very powerful answers
to prayers and some very powerful gifts. It is also why our doctrines are
not a mad confusion of self contradicting compromises but harmonious
wholes that all fit together perfectly!

Here is an example of Sola Scriptura in practice

A believer clearly hears the voice of Jesus to their mind saying, ‘Preach
the Gospel in Tokyo.’ Taking this revelation to his Sola Scriptura church
they will inevitably offer up a lot of arguments about people being
deceived; about running off on wild goose chases; stories of fanatics gone
wrong and will quickly conclude the revelation is not the word of God and
carries no authority: That is the actual and literal words of Christ are
somehow not the words of God – but must, under Sola Scriptura, be false.

This too is how history has been interpreted as there are a lot of believers
who had genuine revelations from God but who among them are referred
to or even known by those who practice Sola Scriptura? Neither can they
discern if they were true of false and so are ever driven to reject them-
Because they do not have the Spirit as Guide and cannot agree among
themselves under the Spirit’s tutelage. That is they are just not spiritual
enough or have faith enough to establish in practise the Bible they
seemingly revere.

In other words those who live without the Spirit deny the Spirit
Those who live in the Spirit see His light over the Bible and find His Bible
living in their dreams; their perceptions; their gifts. It’s as if the things
Jesus taught were actually true as opposed to pretending; as these others
seem to do – in their cold, dead churches with their old men muttering
unbelieving prayers and patting themselves on the back for not being
deluded. Ever wondering why the promise of revival never came and what
happened to all the young people… How little they realise that in terms of
world Christianity, of the present and certainly of the future they have
virtually zero significance.

Yet, since some fleeing this religious formalism have indeed gone
into fellowships where deluded prophets speak deluding words to
overly subjective dupes I will concentrate on these second types
from now on.

Incidentally these few paragraphs above have summed up the evangelical

history of the 20th Century. It was the dead churches that gave rise to the
lively Pentecostal and Charismatic sects that have been the effluent of
Christianity. In their meetings, regardless of whatever good there may be
there is a constant flow of supernatural sewage mistaken by carnal minds
for the Waters of Life.

If there were a cult that gave to its attendees pills to cause diarrhoea and
in their meetings they messed themselves and messed over the floor who
would approve it? Yet, when Satan came as the angel of light he did this in
effect with things supernatural. His given gifts that suck the life out of the
spirit while giving the soul an emotional and psychological uplift. If you
want to blaspheme God you can speak in so called tongues and vomit
forth the sounds of Hell –disguised but never justified!

Developing spiritual sensitivity

It is relatively easy to distinguish between those who can and cannot
sense things in their spirits or make correct spiritual judgements. When I
was a young believer a girl gave me a tract/leaflet by the deeply spiritual
Jessie Penn-Lewis. I made the assumption that because she recommended
the writing of a spiritual woman she had some spiritual sense, but then I
found out she also recommended writing by unspiritual authors; and later
as I came to know her I discovered that she was very carnal. By carnal I
mean non spiritual, with her heart fixed on many things besides the Lord:
Often things with which the Lord would not be happy. This demonstrates a
common truth: That those who appear to be spiritual often also do and
say things that make it clear they are not. One day they will recommend
the most spiritual books and the next they will recommend something by a
cult! One day they will speak passionately about prayer and fasting and
the next about their favourite soap opera... Often they get confused and
irritable when they are spoken to about spiritual things.

Recently I read some very poor articles by a carnal believer who attempts
to get the world to believe she is a prophet and who advocates the reading
of the most and the least spiritual and balanced writers at the same time!
It is rather like a contemporary of Jesus saying, “Jesus is a great teacher
but beware of John the Baptist. He is a false prophet!” Then they say that
the high priest is also a great teacher, the one who would crucify Christ.
In fact some of those high priests who crucified Christ did have writings
of their own and were known for being spiritual!

In the times of Jesus there was a lot of confusion about who and what He
was. Oftentimes He was called a false prophet or a servant of the devil. By
making the right judgement about Jesus many people came to believe in
Him and gained eternal life. Others who believed the lies told by pious
seeming priests continued in their places of worship unaware that the
Messiah they had been waiting for had arrived. This is how it is today
with spiritual believers and their opponents.

This kind of spiritual confusion and pretence is rampant and it makes it

very difficult for someone like me to teach the true way, as there are so
many would-be visionaries and teachers using the same language without
the substance. On the other hand I do not want to put you off as you are
not one of those who have pretensions and you do not see yourself as
something great. I also teach the simple way of love to Jesus as you will
see, and that is an antidote to all the super-spirituality of the times.

“If anyone thinks they are a prophet or a spiritual person, let

him recognise the things I write to you – that they are the
commandment of the Lord!”
[1 Corinthians 14:37]

Here we see the Apostle Paul realised there were some who thought they
were spiritual but he had to demand of them that they recognise him for
being a truly inspired apostolic writer! Generally, spiritual people are not
seen as spiritual. This is because there is in Christian culture a consensus
among those who refer to one another as prophets, or spiritual, but who
are in reality very much deceived. Their opinions of what is spiritual are
wrong. They keep out those who are spiritual and see them as worthless.
I will add that one of the hallmarks of those who are spiritual is to accept
the entire Scripture and see it as a balanced whole. Many say they accept
all Scripture. Few have a balanced and harmonious view of it.

Where does the term 'I sensed in my spirit' come from?

“When Jesus had said this He was troubled in Spirit and

declared, Amen and Amen – I say to you that one of you
shall betray me!” [John 13:21]

You will notice this is a literal translation and this is one of several verses
dealing specifically with awareness in spirit. It is where the term comes
from but it is misunderstood by people reading Watchman Nee, Jessie
Penn-Lewis and others who taught about the differences between soul and
spirit and spiritual sensing. Often these books are understood intellectually
and many assume this understanding makes them spiritual.

In the verse above we see Jesus was moved within Himself, not primarily
in His emotions although these too were deeply affected, but in Spirit.
There are natural feelings and there are spiritual feelings. As a rule the
spirit does not feel as the natural person does.

The manner Jesus felt in His Spirit is the template for believers feeling
things in their spirits. As we become more spiritual we have more spiritual
feelings. At first these are often confusing and sometimes contradict our
natural instincts. If we think of them intelligently they make more sense,
and especially as we study the topic in the Bible...

For example: On a beautiful summer's day while enjoying a picnic with

your family members there may be outward happiness, but in spirit there
can be deep grief over the state of the lost or the carnality of the world.
The spirit often sorrows when the flesh would rejoice. The opposite is true.
You may be cast down in a dungeon in misery, yet rejoicing that you are
there for honouring Jesus Christ. How many believers have experienced
this over the centuries? It is well known that the faithful martyrs went
from their dungeons to their deaths with their heads held high and smiles
on their faces to the amazement of the Roman crowds at the Coliseum.

“Yet, as being absent in body but present in spirit, I have indeed

judged already, as present, the one who did this deed.” [1
Corinthians 5:3]

Here we see Paul the Apostle clarifies the issue. The spirit is so distinct
from the soul and body as to be able to be at another place on its own!
This is not merely an expression, being present in spirit, (as the Prophet
was known for telling the secrets of the Samarian King…) Of course Paul
was an Apostle and very advanced in spiritual things. Yet we see the folly
of assuming that deep emotional feelings are somehow the spirit. The
spirit has a life of its own and that life is centred in Christ. Therefore those
who sense things in spirit sense this: The continual Presence of the Lord
Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Here we have a clue too: Those who can sense things in spirit can sense
the differentiation between soul and spirit. They can sense their own
spiritual nature. If they can do this they may sense the spiritual nature of
others. This is why spiritual believers do not recommend carnal authors or
become authors of carnal doctrines. Spirit attracts spirit. Spiritual believers
are attracted to other spiritual believers.

If this ability to differentiate between spiritual phenomena and natural

aspects of life becomes very distinct the believer begins to experience the
spiritual realm, under God's power, more fully. Those who sense clearly in
their spirit will not go many years before they are gifted in some area – It
may be healing, or teaching, or casting out demons... Another way in
which such believers are used is in prayer as not all are called to be

Every believer who has the Spirit of Christ and obeys Him is to some
extent spiritual and walking in the Spirit. In the ‘deeper Christian life’ or
spiritual life there are resources put there by God so that we keep on
growing in grace. For some this means power and grace few can imagine.
For a few this means power and grace that no one can imagine. A
necessary step along this path is to learn to walk consciously in the Spirit
being aware of inner things hidden from the eyes of men but revealed by

In other words the ability to sense in spirit is connected with

spiritual power.
There must therefore be a stark contrast between those ones who “think
they are a prophet or spiritual” and those who truly are spiritual.

“Immediately I was in spirit – Look, a throne was set in Heaven

and One seated upon the throne!”
[Revelation 4:2]

Here the Apostle John travelled to Heaven in spirit and by his spirit beheld
a wonderful revelation from Christ. This is far more than sensing in spirit.
It is seeing and hearing fully and clearly. Yet it demonstrates the nature of
spirit as opposed to the natural power of the soul. People may and do
have all kinds of experiences that they believe to be spiritual but how
many would match up to John's in essence?

By seeing things clearly in spirit they may help others to see clearly. I
know of no one like John the Apostle. Sure, you can go on the Internet
and find countless numbers of dreamers and their visions of God but you
will not find the clarity, the consistency, the power, the depth, the beauty
and the wisdom...

God supports with His Spirit His believers who sense in spirit.
They are a great blessing to others who are open to God. The Spirit of
Christ knows exactly who among His elect are deeply spiritual and who
are on the borderline. It is the second kind I am writing for in this chapter.
Not to tear them down but to build them up and to give a little help in
seeing things clearly.

“Why, from yourselves, do you not judge what is right?”

[Luke 12:57]

Jesus teaches His disciples to judge and discern spiritually. Yet, among
themselves and from within themselves they can learn too. As it is
ordained and permitted by Jesus for His disciples to learn together I will
offer some lessons I have learned.

When a believer first begins to sense things in the spirit they

sometimes put down to God what is of Satan and to Satan what is
of God.
It is good advice when dealing with another spiritual believer who
disagrees with you not to say they are of the devil! It may well be that
you will think as they do one day. I spoke of the servants of Jesus being
humble and kind. Often the most spiritual people take the least offence at
the greatest insults. The converse is true: The least spiritual people take the
greatest offence at the least criticism. Please think about that for a while
and go over the people you have known. Even go over your own
behaviour. It may well be that the Lord reminds you of certain things that
will instruct you. I confess that I have called others servants of Satan, but
rarely, and after great provocation. I feel sorrow when I have to distance
myself or try to correct a brother or sister. I’d rather cut my arm off than
see them go astray.

Another piece of advice is to trust your spiritual feelings

When they consist of sensing the Spirit of Christ
It is important always to keep Him as Lord, even when His Spirit seems to
be guiding you in the opposite direction to your church!

Do not trust great promises of wealth, health and success.

A trick of the devil is to come as a natural train of thought or an angel of
light to ask you if you really believe the Word. When you say you do he
promises 'great things'. The devil will always promise you today what God
will take years to give you, after discipleship and faithfulness to Him. God
is interested in applying the Cross to your life. Satan wants you to
abandon it to a life of sensuality disguised as spirituality – that is Christian

What has this got to do with sensing in your spirit?

It was thinking that the devil was God and believing him. You know you
have spiritual feelings but these are mixed in with natural ones, and
deceptions. Often you have been deceived but you still trust these feelings.
You trust them as they are often right and shown to be of God! You
cannot abandon them and they will not abandon you. What you need is
clarity and certainty.

Jesus helps with clarification

Jesus wants you to have clear waters and not muddy. There are a few
simple steps you can take to getting greater clarity and power.

1. Take time to read the Bible from cover to cover. What you learn will
rearrange your mind and deepen your understanding.
2. Continually pray for your mind to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus.
3. Pray in faith for clear leading from God.

That was quite simple, but how many practise it? Here it gets more

Use logic
When you are apparently told by 'God' that you are to be a great healer
ask Him to heal you of something significant as a guarantee! If He doesn't,
forget the revelation. The God of the Bible would heal you.

When you are apparently told by 'God' there is to be a great revival, ask
that you will lead just one person a day to Christ as a sign. If that doesn't
happen stop listening to that 'God'. It isn't God.

When God speaks in words to your mind ask Him to quote accurately a
Bible verse you do not remember, say Chronicles 1:5. Then look it up. If the
voice of God cannot quote it or makes excuses do not speak to it again.

By getting rid of some of the mud

The waters will become clearer and more placid
I am going to say something now that if you cannot accept will leave you
in an unspiritual state for as long as you cannot accept it. Any running
voice in your mind claiming to be God must know what God knows or be
rejected! I'll say it again. Any supposed voice of God in your mind that
cannot tell you tomorrow's news must be rejected - or you will be
rejected as being truly spiritual - by God. He will simply see you as carnal

Fortunately, I cannot hear their excuses. “God uses this voice as a help and
it is not meant to be a great revelation.” Another excuse might be, “As I
sense things in my spirit I need to put them into words.”

Here is an even better excuse:

“I am your Lord. Will I ever deceive you? Trust not in the words of men, I
will speak to you to the measure of your faith. This teaching (you are
reading) is not of me, says the Lord...”

I will answer back this example of deception based on what I have learnt.
If you can hear God's words you already have the faith to speak to Him
and therefore He can tell you anything and everything. You would in fact
be a great prophet. Will it ever deceive you? Yes, it will continue as you
continue listening to it!

As you purify yourself from the supposed voice of God it will be harder to
go on. You will miss the support and be tempted, even forced, to fall back
into error. After a while however, you will notice you grow stronger and
your spiritual senses more acute. God is blessing you as you have courage
to depend on Him without a fake inner monologue or 'lights'.

As you gain more insight into the spiritual world

and begin to sense things in your spirit more clearly you are likely
to become the author of error to others.
Others will listen to you as you are seen as spiritual. You will teach them
many true and deep things and help them in many ways but they will also
drink in your errors. You have reached the stage in your spiritual life
where you are of most use to Satan. He wants you as you will be
believed, just as Eve believed the serpent! Your pride is such that it is hard
for you to acknowledge your errors, already having been cleansed of so
much! For some of you, your supposed spiritual instincts cry “Satan!” as
you read my words - Be patient and God will bless you.

As you seek daily to humble yourself to God He will lift you up.
The more prepared you are to say, “I am wrong”, the more God will to see
to it that you are right. It is as you move, walk, think and teach in humility
that Christ begins to speak through you.

As you were reading my teaching did you become indignant or contrite?

The second is preferable but what is worse than becoming indignant would
be to regard yourself as superior and have a dismissive attitude as it is to
the modern believer this is directed. You see even Jesus humbled Himself
every day before God and taught with the greatest humility the most
carnal believers. Are we better than Him? What you need above everything
is this humility formed out of love for Jesus. It will purify your mind and
lift up not only your spirit but your soul to God on high.

So the path to spiritual awareness is to focus on Christ. It is to remember

the love and humility of Jesus and practice it. The studies on deep spiritual
things are of less importance than focusing on Jesus Himself. He will lead
you and teach you. As you are willing to do God’s will Jesus Himself will
guide you. It may be the reason you are reading this book.

Spiritual blindness and religious bigotry

Moses when he came before Pharaoh performed the sign of turning his
staff into a snake. Let us suppose that this was never recorded in the Bible
and today a great prophet arose from out of the desert, came before an
earthly ruler and performed the sign of turning his staff into a ‘serpent’.
Having ministered among evangelical, Bible believers for over thirty years I
know how they think, and by no means all uniform, I can tell you
absolutely what the majority view would be upon such a prophet and such
a sign. They would begin by saying that the serpent symbolises Satan as it
was in the guise of a serpent that Lucifer tempted Eve. They would point
out that like wizards and sorcerers the ‘prophet’ carries a staff. They
would quote a number of Bible verses relating to having no contact with
demons and not practicing witchcraft. They would ‘prove’ from the Bible
that the prophet is a false prophet as a true prophet of God would never
create a serpent- the sign of Satan- out of a sorcerer’s staff etc.

They would convince themselves by virtue of the Bible verses in which the
serpent is judged, such as the Revelation teaches, that the prophet is not
merely false but is filled with the spirit of Satan. They would raise any
number of questions over the ‘stranger from the desert’ and his
denominational affiliation, his dress code, his independence from them…
How he seems to belong to this or that cult. They would teach other
believers to stay away, be wary, (or be judged) and they would hold
prayer meetings to ‘bind the powers of darkness’ etc. They would reach
this state of affairs with lightning speed – the very same day and perhaps
even while the prophet is still speaking.

They would totally convince themselves that the prophet is ‘unscriptural’

and therefore not of God and would feel that their denunciations and
blasphemies were actually faithfulness to God and His Word in the Bible.

If the prophet himself took time to explain that since Satan had indeed
appeared to Eve in the form of the serpent God was now giving His reply-
In other words that what God created, the serpent, can be used for evil or
good but is not evil in itself. That God rebukes Satan by giving a kind of
prophecy in which Satan’s uses of the serpent is outdone by God’s use of
the serpent and that the wooden staff is itself symbolic of the Cross upon
which Christ defeated the ‘serpent’; or the devil etc. After the prophet
explained all this there would be more severe condemnation and more
Bible quotes to prove him wrong. They would quote a number of
scriptures irrelevant to the topic. They would avoid reflecting upon the
prophet’s statements but simply react in a dogmatic, blind manner. On
points of reason they would not reply in kind but respond with sophistries
that were irrational and often unconscionable.

This behaviour would cause a polarisation between the ‘Bible believers’ and
the prophet which in turn would force the prophet’s hand and in due time
he would denounce the Bible believers not as Bible believers but as Bible
abusers and blasphemers who did not recognise the Spirit of the Lord or
the Day of God’s mercy toward them but instead were altogether like the
Pharisees that crucified Christ…

The believers would be proud that they had stood up to a great false
prophet from Satan and pray pious prayers, often with heartfelt emotions
and many ‘we love you lord we praise you Jesus’ type statements. In their
emotional euphoria they would convince themselves they were filled with
the Spirit and many of these groups would have their own prophets to
prophesy against the emissary of Satan as they saw him – the true
prophet of God. The prophet of God in turn would ‘shake the dust from his
feet in testimony against them’ and when Christ appeared to him to talk to
him he would explain that what they did to the prophet they have done to
Jesus in modern times throughout Christendom…

However the sign of the staff being turned into a snake is in the Bible and
so believers give lip service to it as they do to many other unusual signs
they don’t understand and would condemn even if they saw an angel
come down from Heaven and perform them. They would quote the Bible
that, ‘even if an angel comes down from heaven and preaches another
gospel’ do not believe him etc. On and on it goes and the churches, as you
can see for yourself are either completely dead or half dead.

Such believers reading this would interpret my anti Bible abuser and anti
false prophet stance as being simply anti Bible and cultic. In fact the above
passages have summed up my life since throughout my life I have
experienced many spiritual things and attained to much that is not believed
in and for all of it been condemned and treated and regarded virtually as
Satan incarnate. I have found in general that the Protestants in general
regard any and every deeply spiritual teaching or experience as demonic.
Beyond being ‘born again’ they allow for nothing – unless it is fake. Yet
most of the born again Christians themselves have no idea what it is to be
born again but have deluded themselves by church membership and
various social/psychological/psychogenic means that they are
experiencing ‘spiritual life’.

A narrow minded and critical spirit typifies millions of evangelicals who

are too dogma bound and inflexible to even consider another viewpoint
and so lacking in real love as to be unable to have a generous attitude to
others. Their self righteous indignation they see as holy zeal and their
unquestioning and unthinking dogma they see as ‘the Bible’ which they
vainly imagine they honour with such an attitude which is itself
condemned throughout the Bible.

This is why there are so many denominations and differences among

those who regard themselves as guardians of the truth. So many
controversies that never get settled into a Biblical consensus, but when and
if a controversy does become a settled consensus it is usually a sign they
have believed a heresy en masse. It is impossible therefore that these
Protestant denominations could ever be united in truth as Christ desires.
They can only fall under the grinding wheel of history and be forgotten
eventually until a great prophet does indeed arise who is powerful enough
to turn – only a part- of the throng of ‘believers’ back to God.
Chapter Two: Understanding Jesus

Things I write here may be hard to understand but you may refer to them
as you need them in coming years and you will recognise them as you
enter situations where what I have described is in operation: Forewarned is

Does Jesus abandon people who have faith if they also have error? Does
Jesus sanction their errors by being among them? Does Jesus prove a
spiritual movement is genuine if some good things come from it? Does he
prove it is false if some bad things come from it? Most things are neither
black nor white and so why would Jesus act as if they were? Christians
however tend to be for or against this or that teaching or person or group.
They tend to see things in black and white. That is they tend to be
dogmatic and earth bound. The Spirit renews the mind and the more
discriminating yet open the mind the better the judgement and as a result
there are better effects of truth in a believer’s life.

You may go for example to a meeting where a preacher tells people that if
they receive Christ into their hearts they will be saved and you see a few
people are truly saved in this way. Yet at another time you see there is an
emotional appeal and people make an emotional commitment that isn’t
real and lasts as long as the meeting or until the next morning. These
spurious conversions are commonplace. Admixture happens when both
things occur in the same service. In one sense it is quite natural as the
Spirit will not speak to everyone’s heart in the same degree and not
everyone will respond in the right way.

Another example, Jonathan is that you hear a person stand up in a

meeting and make statements or explain an analogy that is obviously
expressive of the wisdom of God and you see it is inspired. Another
person gets up and says things that others think are good but is no more
than moralising or pseudo spiritual sounding assumptions.

At another time people may go to a meeting hoping to be healed and by

exercising simple faith in Jesus some are. At the same meeting there may
be over zealous evangelists who claim to heal people who are clearly not
healed. Or a person with a genuine gift of healing may also give a
prophecy that doesn’t come true. One prophecy I have heard in fellowships
over and over again is about the Great Revival that is to begin in that
fellowship and spread outward to the city and to the country and the

Speaking of revival there may be a sudden influx of visitors to a church

and lots of meetings and lots of fanfare but little to show for it. On the
other hand you may go where there is little fanfare and notice a dramatic
increase in numbers of people believing in Christ and improvement in the
spiritual quality and tone of the church generally…

The grace of Christ is like a spring that bubbles forth its blessings
wherever faith is found. If some people put debris into that stream it will
still bubble forth its blessings. If they pile the debris up there may still be a
pure spring underneath but if they clear out the debris that stream may
turn into a torrent. This is how it is in the world and in the Church. In
varying degrees, in varying ways you have admixture.

Sincere preachers that teach nonsense and good teachers that aren’t
listened to: Soul winners that get no support and flashy evangelists that
are adored. Good Bible studies and little faith: Stronger faith and little
direction: Spiritual focus along with spiritual abandonment by others etc. -
It is all admixture.

In the world lying magazines and newspapers like to tell you that they
bring you the truth. In the churches the truth is diluted, added to, distorted,
let out, kept in, stamped on; exalted. Consequently believers experience
things in various ways and in varying degrees.

The concept of ‘admixture’ I believe came from Jessie Penn-Lewis. The idea
is quite a good one and one that has been observed from the beginning of
time: Where God operates openly and in the consciousness of people the
Enemy also operates. Admixture is set in opposition to the concept that
certain places or people are exempt from temptation or deception or
delusion. If we have sinned we may take it for granted that we have also
been deluded and deceived and of course tempted.

Certain groups and individuals tend to assume that they are immune to
deception and delusion if they are in a church or if they imagine they have
been filled with the Holy Spirit. They see things as being either of God or
of Satan and as far as the intricate details go this is true enough. Yet in a
big church meeting there will typically be both true and false teaching; true
and false disciples; true and false gifts… Sometimes there is true and false
physical healing and signs. That is there is an admixture.

To understand the Charismatic movement and other movements within

world Christianity you need to understand the concept of admixture. The
same is true for understanding individuals. Underpinning many things I
write in this book is the concept of admixture and to understand the
teaching in this book you need to understand and also observe for
yourself this admixture.

If for example I went to my local Christian cult I could find people, most
likely, who are born again and have a degree of wisdom and
understanding from the Lord. They will be weak but often because of
spurious teaching and supernatural manifestations believe themselves to
be strong. The proud among them tend to have an air of infallibility, even if
they do not claim to be so. I may however find gentle, humble and loving
people there among them. I will also find others who appear to be loving;
kind; gentle; Christian but who turn out to be nothing of the sort and this
is very common. I will find lambs and I will find wolves in sheep’s

You will find admixture within yourself. The Bible describes it very well as
the conflict between the flesh and the spirit.

What you see in practice then in a typically great tent meeting of a world
leading Charismatic evangelist will be hordes of people with strong beliefs;
some with genuine faith and understanding and all with varying degrees
of admixture. Among the leaders, their signs, wonders and teachings you
will find an admixture. Often what is genuine and truly ‘of God’ is limited
and what is of the devil is abundant. This is because if a movement is
wrong it will only have enough truth in it to be believable by the weak and
unenlightened believers.

Sometimes at big rallies genuine believers go hoping for healing and

sometimes they are healed. More often than not they are not healed but
sometimes they really are and you may witness it yourself. Almost
without exception among the crowds these healings are taken as divine
sanction for everything the leader of the meeting stands for and as a
sanction for everything that happens, is taught or asked for at the meeting.
This usually involves believers parting with cash. It also involves more
sinister things. The supposed proof of God is there to see however: The

Healing miracles of today

God heals today and always has. There has never been a time when God
did not heal. On the other hand there has never been a time when Satan
did not either heal or fake healing. Typically in big healing rallies most
healings are spurious and you see apparent but fraudulent healing. One of
the most common tricks, and it is a trick, is to get people up out of

Usually people in wheelchairs can walk but they cannot walk far without
considerable discomfort or weakness. The public generally assumes people
in wheelchairs cannot walk. This fact is exploited all around the world in
healing meetings. Both by psychological inducement and often
supernatural influence people are made to think they are healed. As they
believe this they get up out of their wheelchairs to the rapturous applause
of the crowds and to the sanction of the evangelist and to his considerable
gain financially and in terms of power and influence: Publishing rights etc.

There are also real healings done by supernatural power

that does not come from God
It is assumed this does not happen but it evidently does. Some apparent
believers get healed by apparent ministers. These healings usually have
particular characteristics however. One is often that they do not last. The
supernatural power, or spirit behind it, was not strong enough to get it to
fix or stay and the healing passes away soon after the meeting lasting
usually no more than days.

At other times the healing will last and result in the person coming under
spiritual oppression. Many people healed in rallies therefore tend to get
nightmares; tend to fall into greater sin; and tend to die before their time.
Also in recent decades most famous healing ministers have died before
their time. Not understanding admixture these ill taught believers and their
leaders wonder about the mysteries of God not realising it is not
mysterious but a matter of principle. If you follow Satan’s rules you will
suffer at Satan’s hand.

Real healing
I said most healings are spurious but this of course implies that some are
not. Sometimes the believer is healed by their own faith as they trust in
God for healing - the evangelist is of little significance either way.
Sometimes the evangelist has a healing gift and often if they have this gift
they are not extremists with lots of ludicrous practises and beliefs – but
there is still an admixture so we all need to be discerning.

By observing the evangelist carefully before going to be healed the believer

may discern, if they have any sense, if the evangelist is for real. Such a
statement as this is true but it makes me sad to write it. You may find too
that there are things that make you weep; the foolishness of believers; the
exploitation by those claiming to be Gods’ servants and the fact that most
people’s ears are deaf to the truth.

I have seen genuine healers in operation and spoken to the people that
were healed. I would say this: The genuine ones also have better teaching
and a generally better attitude. However their gift may not be teaching but
healing. Do not think that if a man or woman is a gifted healer they will
be a good teacher. Often they are meant to find a good teacher to work
with as the teacher teaches and they heal! A healing believer therefore
cannot necessarily be trusted to teach on, say the importance of Israel in
Admixture is what those with discernment discern
It may be admixture in teaching; in supernatural powers; in signs; in
believers’ hearts or in meetings etc. However you need to focus on what is
pure and so for now we shall focus on Jesus in whom there is no
admixture, just absolute purity and truth in all things.

Jesus Christ the Son of God is the most hated man in history:
Jesus Christ the Son of God is the most loved man in history. Is it any
wonder then that you are loved by those who love Christ? It is no wonder
that you love those who love Christ.

“Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Anointed (Christ-

Messiah) has been born of God. Everyone who loves Him who
(brings to) birth, also loves what is born of Him. By this we
know we love the children of God, as we love God and keep
His Commandments.” [1 John 5:1-2]

Before going on to talk of what these verses mean

I will say what they do not mean.
They do not mean that everyone who simply says they believe in Christ
today is born of God, or born again, or saved, or regenerated. At the time
the verses were written people were being thrown out of synagogues for
acknowledging that Jesus was the Messiah or Christ, both meaning
Anointed of God. In those days and in that situation those who rejected
mainline religion and its rejection of Jesus declared their allegiance to God
by stating they did believe in Jesus as God's Messiah. This cut the Jews
into two groups: Those against and those for Christ.

It was not intended by John the Apostle to be a rule or formula

This is not a formula for being saved to simply say you believe Jesus is
the Christ. It is understood everywhere in the Bible and is implicit in the
above verses that belief in Christ that brings salvation is spiritual belief
from the heart that involves turning to God from your sins: Jesus being
the Saviour of sinners from Sin. Not to do this is not to believe in the

What the verses indicate

John clearly states the definition of believing to salvation. It is those who
love Christ and His disciples who truly believe to salvation. In other words
that belief in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah or world Christ is a belief
grounded in love to God. This shows that, as I said, it is spiritual belief. Not
a belief in something spiritual or about something spiritual but a belief
which by its very nature is spiritual.

Secondly this love is not merely sentiment

Obedience to God is the measure of the love that is expressed in keeping
His commands and in believing in Jesus as the Christ. In other words we
can paraphrase the message of John in the above two verses by saying
that these believers who love Jesus enough to obey God's commands,
declare that Jesus is their Messiah and also love other believers: Loving
those who are also born of God- these are the ones who are saved and
truly God’s children.

The strength of this belief

We can also update this by saying that, in principle, those who are willing
to be cast out of their churches, to risk execution because of their love to
Christ and their obedience to God are the ones who truly love whoever is
born of God, and they are of course born of God themselves.

Now if we or the early Christians before us were cast out of our places of
worship for loving Jesus we are the true children of God. At this point in
history there is no focal point, or rallying call, designed to call out God's
elect from corrupt churches; or no revival strong enough to reform the
churches... There is a spasmodic, often individual, basis for believers
coming up against hard heartedness, persecution, including defamation,
from other 'believers'. Often this results in believers who serve God leaving
their churches. Sometimes they try to form better ones but are often
dragged down by the same errors, thoughts, spirits, and lies that have
hitherto entrapped them...

I don't think Jesus finds the Gospel as hard to understand as His many
ministers seem to make out. The purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to
give people the chance to love Him. It is simply that. God's will is that the
world should love Christ. Because they didn't and don't, the rest followed...
God knew it all before hand of course, and so Jesus was prepared to die
as the sacrifice for Sin... The Apostle John focuses in his teaching on
loving God and His Son as well as our fellow believers. He understood the
Gospel in its simplicity and power just as he understood Christ.

Modern Christians need to focus on loving Jesus

To understand Jesus is to understand He desires above everything to be
loved, both for our sakes and for His own. Christianity is love to Christ.
That is all. All the rest flows from that. Christianity has been called the
religion of love. Today, even if many say it is about other things and love
is just a single grace like peace or joy they are wrong. God is Love. Jesus
is Love. We are to become Love!

I sense in my spirit, and know in my mind--

That the Lord Jesus of the Bible has complete confidence in His
own words coming true. Therefore Jesus has joy at the thought
that one day the Bride will make Herself pure. I think the Lord
Jesus wants this from contemporary Christians: A deep shift in
their 'religion' to a simple, straightforward, joyous and ardent love
to Him.

Some are wary of talk of love as it has been so abused by cults and by
some so-called mystics. However, the teachings of God are clear enough
and of course we just studied two verses about loving the Christ and His
people. We should remember what Paul the Apostle said, “Without love I
am nothing.” This is not the love of Easy Religion but of obedience to
Jesus and God.
Chapter Three:
A Vision of Jesus Christ

In this chapter I describe Jesus. I am a visionary and have seen the

Lord, so unlike other chapters in this book this one is devotional
and experiential. In all my writing there is an element of Bible
study but here I would like to talk about how I have experienced
the Bible’s fulfilment.

For this reason I will not be taking a text and commenting on it but
taking my life and commenting on it. However you may see time
and again where certain verses would apply. You may do this
automatically if you believe I really am fulfilling the Word as I
should – As the Word flows it lives and lives again.

The Appearance of the Lord in Art

Before talking about my feelings or experience, of the character of Christ
in particular, I will comment on the appearance of Jesus Christ. Jesus
does not appear like any of His paintings, or who is to say if someone has
painted a picture that does look like Him? I have a drawing I did, literally a
portrait... In the early days of Christianity there were several visionaries
that had visions which gave rise to depictions of Christ in art, the kind we
are familiar with. Some of these visionaries were true and some false. As
for the true, no one can therefore calculate how many people have seen
Jesus. On the other hand, European artists tended to create Jesus after
their own image, as a European with, usually, light brown hair and
sometimes blue eyes. Early Christians did not do this as they were
unaware of blonde Europeans, the Romans not having enslaved them at
that time. There are also some icons of a black Jesus. Today pictures of
Jesus make Him look rather like a kindly hippy...

As He really is
The Biblical Jesus appears Hebrew in His features with brown hair and
eyes. He has soft, almond shaped eyes and stands about 5'7''-8'' tall. That
is short by today's standards but tall for His era. He does have a beard in
accordance with Jewish tradition. Even though Jesus' hair is not as long
as it is in the paintings He does not have the short hair that came into our
culture with the First World War when men began to adopt the short-
back-and-sides haircut, after having longish hair in the nineteenth
century! When I first saw the Lord I did not realise how rare an experience
it is.

Jesus is not the handsome type depicted in Hollywood films and neither is
he the black Jesus of some African American groups, although it would
not matter with what ethnic appearance He had been born. He is a Hebrew
with a larger than average nose. Hebrews of his day had light brown skin.
(Israelis of today have lighter skin due to a large degree of European
mixing. Abraham and early Hebrews had darker skin.) Christ is not
strikingly handsome but plain looking. However, I suppose you could say
He is attractive to all in the sense of having the presence and grace of
peace upon Him.

The demeanour and manner of Jesus

The way Jesus carries Himself reveals His deep humility. I suppose if
someone could study the body language of Jesus they might well assume
He was a servant of some kind. I can never get over that - the manifest
humility. This is so when Jesus gives a revelation, you become aware of a
Personality of total humility and forbearance. I have met so many
supposedly spiritual Christians but none with this manner of humility. So
often they are proud and authoritarian. Do not trust their visions of God!
Jesus conveys humility in every gesture, word and the way about Him He
has. Jesus, if He were seen in a crowd, would hardly be recognised as the
Son of God. He is human after all. Some might think He was strong and
noble; others that He was deep and 'otherworldly'. Everyone, without
exception who spent more than a few minutes in His presence would feel
and recognise that there is no other like Him.

That is revealed in the Bible but probably we do not take enough notice.
Jesus was, and is, the most impressive, gracious, and powerful Person to
have walked this earth. I think so many people believed in Him upon
seeing Him, before He spoke or performed a sign. When He returns the
world will fall in love with Him and wonder how they were fooled by
Satan for so long.

Jesus is a man of few words

Jesus as the Word continually 'speaks' in silence to the believing soul. This
spiritual speech is very powerful and is the very salt and light that has
kept the world from total corruption and self destruction... When He
speaks in words it is not simply that, with believers who have had genuine
visions or even physical encounters with Jesus, His message is short and
simple; but Jesus says more in one word than anyone else can in a
million. If He does manifest Himself in the body He is more likely to use
more words with children than with adults; both because of their innocent
minds and lack of understanding. However, I am talking of my experience
and what Jesus has spoken to me could fit on a single page. Also I do not
want to give the impression that Jesus being seen is commonplace. It is
exceedingly rare.

Jesus communicates Himself to the believer.

If this sense becomes quite distinct a person may find they become aware
of the attitude, desire, peace or even thought of Jesus. Revelation is all
about degrees; from the new Christian who feels a sense of peace to the
mystic who achieves oneness with God. In this oneness a river of life
flows into the soul. It overflows from the Spirit. That life cannot be
contained and must express itself. As a result there is a union with the
Mind and Will of Christ. If the Lord so wills, and often He does; He can
reveal clear thoughts and light especially upon Scripture. I know in
experience that my revelations and visions of and from God reflect a kind
of living Bible concordance: They are a miraculous form of Bible study. In
every way God exalts His Word.

Jesus' deeply emotional nature

I am one of those Bible teachers who warns against the excesses of
emotion in the flesh, especially in worship. The other side of the coin is
that spiritual people feel, and think things extremely deeply. In the case of
Jesus I have sometimes felt Him withdraw from me in Spirit when He was
so deeply moved that it was not right for His feelings and thoughts to be
revealed to my human mind. In fact the human race in general would be
very shocked if they even suspected just how deeply Christ feels and how
real are His tears and His joy. At other times Jesus reveals what was
previously hidden and this has transformed my own mind. Often these are
simple truths that should be obvious but are not as we are so unspiritual –
even we who are spiritual. (All believers who have the Spirit are to some
extent spiritual.)

Here is an example of what I mean about a piece of information

conveyed to the mind by Jesus
The Lord showed me that to saints He appears or an angel appears to them
because of their faith. It would be unjust according to God's holy principles
or Divine Law to give visions to sinners, except in rare circumstances. Yet,
He is so kind and wants unbelievers to perceive the spiritual realm, so He
permits them to see a ghost or an evil spirit. What appears to be a curse is
actually a message. It says there is a spiritual realm: There are spirits: Only
the Bible properly describes what they have seen and offers the remedy in
Christ. So, typically of Jesus, a bad experience is used to teach spiritual
reality and open the heart to grace... Even atheists see ghosts.

Jesus almost never rebukes but sometimes gently reproves

When Jesus does chide it is normally a gentle reproof that turns out to be
not only very correct but very insightful and needful. Yet, anyone can be so
enlightened by Jesus. I hope this inspires you.
Jesus tests us continually
When opposition comes Jesus uses it to get us to be patient and humble
and to endure injustice, as He did. If we were able to beat them down or
even take vengeance by intellect or in some other way but refrained from
doing so then this is meekness. The ego is bruised by opposition. The Light
in our minds put there by Christ causes us to have the opportunity to
behave like Christ in difficult circumstances – this is often what these
trials are about. The more spiritual we become; that is the more Christlike
we become the less we take offence at others’ hurtful and unjust words
or accusations. What once stang so bitterly can become no more than a
minor irritation. This is of course evidence of the love of Jesus in our
mind and soul. Older and wiser believers like sometimes to point out the
need to resist becoming bitter and for us to try, if we can, to always be
forgiving and accommodating without agreeing with sin. It is the flesh life
you see that gets hurt and hits back but the spirit is humbled by the same
attacks and pities the sinners that are so incensed by Satan’s agency,
against us.

The Spirit of Christ within us causes us to be far less likely to call

opponents satanic, and if this does happen it happens after a great deal or
wrongdoing against us; and after entreaties to better behaviour etcetera.
Those who seem to say to a new acquaintance or at the commencement
of a debate, “I am of God and you disagree with me therefore you are of
the devil”, are hardly acting like Christ who was slow to rebuke, and only
did so after great provocation. In the passages where Jesus rebukes the
Pharisees or His disciples we see He was greatly provoked and would not
rebuke unless it was necessary. Sometimes such a rebuke might have
come after years of bad behaviour from an opponent. If you find yourself
in a situation where you are continually attacked but you have not spoken
a single word of reproach in reply this is more likely due to being
conformed to the will of Christ than any goodness of your own.

Power in Spirit
There are many blessings in life not asked for that occur to believers.
Many we take for granted and don't give thanks, but Jesus thanks God
for us! My greatest answers to prayer are not answers to prayer but the
unwarranted kindnesses of Jesus. They are simply blessings the Father
gave me for Jesus' sake; blessings that I could not even have imagined. I
have seen, felt, understood and been shown what no mortal could possibly
conceive – will you likewise fulfil the very Scripture this refers to?

Here is something about the Mind of God

God's religion is very simple. It consists of loving His Son, Jesus. Many
cannot accept this - they would have to quote a confession of faith... A
few may well see my Jesus as insipid as He is not the arrogant “I'll
promise you a million dollars if you serve me” character of so many
books and TV shows. Who needs that character? We have the real Christ.

In the Mind of God there is no shadow of evil and there never has been a
bad thought. The trials of life are designed to turn people to Him and the
blessings of life are designed to get people to appreciate Him. Most people
will do neither but He never harbours an evil thought about them. There is
unperceived love in everything. It is the world that is hard on God, not the
other way around. Those who suffer most are offered absolute peace, as
they are offered Jesus Himself.

I am writing this so you can see what kind of life you will have if
you follow Christ
Jesus is very powerful but to worldly minds He may appear weak, as
those who practice forbearance are often seen as weak. By not being
arrogant Jesus does not fit in with the spirit of this Age. The false
representations of Jesus often demonstrate this arrogance and
preoccupation with the things of this world – especially money. The Jesus
I know has always been more powerful in His gentleness and mighty in
His Spirit than the false Jesuses put about by the manipulative and super-

Jesus is Love Incarnate and not Capitalism Incarnate or Cosmic

Consciousness Incarnate. It is important to understand that Jesus is Love
expressed as Truth and He is the Image of God. Jesus is not simply a
cosmic god with superpowers. In God’s eyes a humble and loving child is
far better than a vain god. It just so happens that Jesus is the humble and
loving Child of God. On the other hand God is the Spirit of Jesus. That is
why we need no one besides Jesus and will exalt no one above Him, Who
is more humble than all.

Difficult doctrines like sanctification are simple to God

God simply wants loving souls to be absorbed into Himself. We are ever
being drawn deeper into God. It is where we should dwell; living and
moving within Him as God is the centre of our being. We are transformed
and aware of it; but I have learned that the things I am unaware of are the
most powerful of all.

The Mind of God in you

Everyone has thoughts put into their mind by God. No one is totally devoid
of grace. Imagine then how this will increase as you believe. Often
becoming a Christian means accepting those things God has already
shown you; things you have not understood or things you resisted. It is
being won over by Christ. It is similar to a lover finding their true love. As
you come to know Christ His Mind and Character are imprinted upon you
like the image on a seal, those old ones used to seal letters.
The Mind of God for you
The Way of Jesus is a gentle way, yet disciplined and committed. It is a
holy way and often times a difficult way. It is not the easy way of so
many churches where shallowness often prevails. It is a way of
discipleship. Letting Christ's Mind dwell within you conforms you to that
way. This will focus your thoughts on Jesus and simplify your attitude to
one of loving God. Instead of running around to hear the latest big
preacher or read the latest faddish book, or fretting continually, you will
dwell happily in the presence of the Son of God by faith, Amen.

I invite all readers to come on this Way.

A Simple Prayer:
This can be prayed by those wanting to become Christians and those who
are already Christians.

“Dear God, Please give to me the Mind and Heart of your

Son, Jesus. I intend to follow Him in the Way of Life. I turn
from all that displeases You and put it behind me. In Jesus'
Name I ask that You give me a faith that is purer, simpler,
happier, more loving and powerful than any I have ever
imagined or could imagine! Forgive my sins and come into
my heart now by Your Holy Spirit, Amen.”
Chapter Four:
Walking in the Spirit

‘Walking in the Spirit’ is an expression that means behaving or

acting in accordance with the Spirit of God: A walk through life
along the Way of Christ by spiritual means for spiritual ends.

In the Greek New Testament there is not the differentiation we have in

English between spirit and Spirit as it was all written in capitals. We are
left to judge whether any verse refers to the human spirit or the Spirit of
God or both at the same time. Since we learn that those who walk in the
Spirit are also using their human spirit as the means of this walk we see
the dual meaning is intentional. Where the Spirit alone is intended it
always will say the Holy Spirit or the Spirit of the Lord.

“I say to you, you walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil the
craving of the flesh” [Galatians 5:16]

By walking in the spirit/Spirit we do not live out the lustful or sinful

desires of the flesh. What is the flesh? It is not merely the body but rather
a certain type of nature that is ruled by the desires of the body and
secondly by the desires of the mind but not by the desires of the Spirit.
The flesh is everything a person is without the Holy Spirit. Whatever we
were before we were saved by Christ was flesh: All of it – body, soul and

It is called 'flesh' to denote its fallen nature because the fallen nature
inclines strongly to firstly serve the desires of the body and its lusts and
secondly the haughtiness of the mind but it does not serve the pure
goodness of the Holy Spirit. 'Fallen Nature' is the Biblical expression and
not 'sinful nature' (as in the NIV). If we were sinful by nature we would be
guiltless and it would be unreasonable of God to ask us to act contrary to
our nature: Like demanding a bird to walk on four legs or a frog to fly.
God asks and requires that we conform to the nature He originally created
in us and that lies fallen within us, which He is resurrecting in us: Nature
in which spirit dominates the soul and body under God. Only in this sense
God creates a new nature in us - by filling us with his Spirit but He does
not change our nature from body, soul and spirit to something else. To
have a body, soul and spirit is not intrinsically sinful. It is simply the
condition that it is in. It is broken and needs to be fixed; can be fixed. This
is very different to thinking, as multitudes do, that a life of holiness is
impossible as we are doomed ever to live in the flesh and are irredeemably
sinful: That we wear a church face and pretend to be righteous even
though we know God is unreasonable and demands impossibilities.

I will tell you a secret, Jonathan, that in no sense should be a secret but
church teachers being what they are they have obscured rather than
revealed the truth of Christ: As we live a holy life and grow in spirit and
truth we become more natural; we become more in tune with our true
selves; we become more in tune with nature; we become more in tune
with God.

In the flesh sinners are always in disharmony firstly with themselves and
then with everything else! They take it for granted this is their nature and
spiritual life an impossibility of dreamers perceived as being out of touch
with reality. They are very subjective. They think that as they are they
must ever be. Christian 'sinners' think the same and greatly limit God. The
True Self is created in God for a life of holiness and good works as its
effect and only those who know this know how natural it is and how
much more they are in touch with reality! The world as usual has treated
the holy thing as its opposite and fulfilled the word of Christ in that they
regard good as evil and evil as good, black as white and white as black.

After salvation comes through Christ and His Spirit indwells us the human
spirit is made alive. The human mind and soul begins to take upon itself
the attributes of the spirit which is remade in the image of Christ. The
body conforms to the desire of the Spirit...

If you meditate on the above paragraphs you may see how they save you
from the error of mistakenly thinking the soul is the same as the flesh or
the body is the flesh. In the Bible ordinary words take on a spiritual sense.
Ultimately, God's plan is to conform the entire nature to the Spirit of Christ
so that body, soul and spirit are entirely holy. In Resurrection too the
spiritual body is in no negative sense 'flesh' even though it is flesh and
blood as well as soul and spirit. It is entirely in the Spirit.

I know these things are hard to understand and have been distorted by
many teachers trying to understand the spiritual life. They muddy the
waters and all too often emphasise a corrupt soul in contrast to a pure
spirit. Actually, God intends the soul to become as the spirit/Spirit, so that
every thought, motion of will, motive and desire is pure. Those who find
their minds are full of purity and peace are walking in the Spirit- even
though their minds are part of their souls. Their bodies too are used in a
holy way, not the way of lust, of gluttony or laziness... So their bodies too
are spiritual. In this way everything that comes out of them is pure: Their
looks, gestures, words, tone of voice, deeds etcetera are all Christ centred
and Christ is the Spirit of the Lord, Amen.

The carnal man is one whose body dominates their soul and whose
soul dominates their spirit. A spiritual man is one whose spirit
dominates their soul and whose soul dominates their body and of
course God dwells within their spirit! The first is ‘fallen nature’ as
the spirit has fallen from its supreme place in God and over human
nature. The second is the ‘new man’ and comes about by the
resurrection life of Christ. The process of moving from one state
to the other by faith is called ‘sanctification’.

Belief in sanctification varies among Christians. In the nominal it

is non existent. In the basically evangelical it is being born again
and growing slowly in grace. In those of strong faith it involves
realisable holiness that is generally scoffed at but is all too real
for those who attain it. For the most perfect it is a total
transformation from darkness to light.

The danger of reading spiritual books

There are any number of false prophets, foolish teachers, cults and crazed
individuals that take their teaching from their misunderstanding of spiritual
books. I often read on the Net how this or that cult follow the errors of
Madame Guyon or Watchman Nee or even Jessie Penn-Lewis or John
Wesley. Just as Arminius was not totally an Arminian so too these great
writers are not responsible for the people who try to imitate their teaching
- but use them to ensnare others in all kinds of things, including mind
control and spiritism. This is equally true of the Bible. It is not the fault of
God that His Book is quoted by every charlatan under the sun. You may
check the teaching of this small work against the abundant teaching of
Scripture as its root source to see if it matches up...

To recap then: To walk in the Spirit is to have your entire being imbued
with the power of Christ. To walk in the flesh is to be as any worldly
person, whether they are a garbage collector or a guru.

“...So the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us,

since it is not in the flesh we walk in but in the Spirit”
[Romans 8:4]

The purpose of walking in the spirit is to fulfil the righteousness of the

Law. Here again I need to explain terms. By righteousness it is meant both
outward and inner goodness: Thinking and doing right. The Law is not
simply a set of commandments or the books of Moses – as some will say
it is. When Jesus used the Law He quoted Psalms! The Law is the
righteousness of God expressed in both the written Word of God and in
nature as well as conscience. It is revealed Truth. It is actually the Mind of
Christ. Could you write out the Mind of Christ you would be writing out
God's Law. Yet, you do not need to do it. The Bible is a reflection of the
Character of Christ. The entire Bible exists as a revelation of the Mind of
Christ. The Law then is both revelation and principle. It is the expression of
the Spirit of Truth.
Some people try to say the ceremonial Law of the Jews is done away
with for Christians but there remains a moral Law. It is far more correct to
say there remains an eternal, spiritual Law that is never done away. This is
what is fulfilled in those who walk in the Spirit of Christ. Jesus gave a
more simple explanation. All the Law is summed up by loving God and
loving your neighbour as yourself. That is both spiritual and eternal. Yes,
certain ceremonies and rituals have passed their use by date but the love
of God in Christ remains forever. It is this love that is the righteousness
that is fulfilled in those who walk in the Spirit. Even if these things I write
are hard to understand they may yet help you understand difficult
passages of the Scripture.

To recap again: To walk in the Spirit is to walk as a spiritual being

centred in Christ. An effect of this is that the flesh life is subdued
and the spirit, soul and body come under the influence and power
of Jesus. When this happens the spiritual principles of life ensure
that the goodness of God flows from within and out into our
words and deeds. This means we actually fulfil God's Law which is
summed up by loving God and our neighbour.

Conflict among brothers and sisters in Christ

Not all Christians have the same understanding or the same degree of faith
and neither can this be so. As a result there are often disagreements,
controversies, inroads by cults, petty hatreds. Conversely there is pleading
for truth, sound teaching, repentance and strong faith expressed in love. In
the following verse Paul the Apostle expresses his exasperation but points
out his and Titus's practical righteousness. Those who walk in the Spirit
will come up against others who chide them, decry them, who are fickle
etc. Yet, when two or more walk in the Spirit they will walk the same
steps. They will have peace and unity.

“I requested Titus and with him I sent a brother - did Titus

defraud you? Did we not walk in the same Spirit - in the same
steps?” [2 Corinthians 12:18]

Unlike the many televangelists and others that soak up vast amounts of
money from within Christendom and use it mainly on themselves after
giving a fraction, very publicly and with fanfare, to a good cause, Paul and
Titus were not avaricious and calling it faith. They walked in humility,
peace and love with joy.

To walk in the Spirit is dangerous

It will set you at odds not with immature believers that can be corrected
but with the Big Guns with their big talk who cannot walk in the Spirit.
Yes, as a typical example; they may have put out glossy books and
preached on Nigerian TV at 3a.m. - Or flown in private jets to counsel rich
Tokyo businessmen while signing deals that rake in billions, but they have
no idea what it is to walk in the Spirit. The Dollar dominates Christian
publishing, TV and media. Those who worship the Dollar have most of
them! Therefore they are over-represented. After all, the world would
not allow true saints to preach without raising up a great
persecution against them. The world therefore hears little good
Christian teaching and a lot of what is tripe. What Christians really
believe, living sacrificially, walking in kindness and love by faith in Christ,
conquering sin and Satan, these things are under-represented in the media.
Therefore when you begin your walk in the Spirit many will try to silence
you, neutralise you, excommunicate you and slander you.

I should not need to teach these things but sadly the time has come when
believers are in danger in their churches from persecution and would be
better off out of them! Yet, as Titus and Paul walked in step together with
the Spirit so you will find others that also are in step with Christ. You will
not find many. You will not agree 100% or close to it but a time is coming
when such believers will have a home and such churches as Jesus would
enjoy attending will come into being. I know this because I know the
Chapter Five:
Loving God

Jesus taught us to,

“...Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul
and with all your strength, and your neighbour as yourself.”
[Luke 10:27]

This is a simple guide of how to love God and by loving God to love
your neighbour as yourself
The Love that Jesus spoke of was spiritual in the sense that it was pure in
motive, selfless and created in the heart by the Holy Spirit. That is we are
to love God with His own love as our love is often not love at all. When
we love of ourselves we are full of impurities and failings...

This in turn means we are to love God by faith.

“There is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear; as fear
is related to judgement. The one who fears is not perfected in
love.” [1 John 4:18]

Here is a simple prayer.

“Lord Jesus, I pray you will give me your love for all and especially
for God. My own love or effort to love is not sufficient. I pray I
may receive your pure love by faith. Please grant me this love as a
gift, Amen.”

This prayer will help focus your mind and prayed purely, will show God
your intent and dependence upon Him.

All spiritual life is created by God within us by His Holy Spirit. We

should not assume we can make this life within ourselves by our own
effort as the unspiritual Self cannot create the spiritual Self. God creates
within us a new spiritual life.

“We are His creation - created in Christ Jesus for good works;
which God has preordained that we should walk in them.”
[Ephesians 2:10]

This new creation, made of the fabric of Christ, is the centre of our being
and has a nature like His. It consists of our spirit being given new life, the
Life of Christ, as its mainspring. In that sense we become united to God by
Christ. Deep within ourselves we feel this life. We are to trust this life will
be manifested in our outer selves, our conscious selves, by the power of
the Holy Spirit. That is we experience Christ by faith.

The Life and power of Christ become ours by faith.

“So Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith, so you being

rooted and built in love may be able to comprehend, with all
saints, the breadth, length, depth and height – To know the love
of Christ – which is thrown beyond knowledge: So that you may
be filled with all the fullness of God.” [Ephesians 3:17-19]

All the spiritual life that peoples all over the world have sought; all the
graces and qualities of Jesus; all the sum of what is perfect, wonderful,
holy and godly can be found in Jesus and Jesus can be found in you, if
you believe.

All the failure, shallowness, loss and dead ends you find in church or in
striving to be spiritual can be vanquished by Jesus Christ from within you.
It is easier than you think as most people that seek these things or seem
to, seek them outside of Jesus and by Self Effort, not by the simple and
pure way of faith.

“By grace you are saved through faith: That is not of yourself; it is
the gift of God.” [Ephesians 2:8]

Jesus is completely willing to give His Life for everyone and

anyone who will receive it on His conditions
These conditions are simple. One is to ask God to have these things: To be
active and willing to follow and obey Him. Another condition is to repent.
Repent is a word translated from the Greek word ‘metanoia’. This means a
change of mind in the deepest sense. In other words we are to transform
our minds by turning from what is evil or corrupt to what is God's will,
which is always pure. Along with repentance comes believing; believing in

Read this prayer; as you pray it in the faith which is God’s free gift, it will
bring you into fulfillment of God's will and on the path to truly loving God.

“Heavenly Father, I repent of all my sins. Please forgive me and

grant me eternal life. I ask Jesus to come into my heart by His
Spirit. I trust this is so. Amen.”

Here is another prayer for those who already have Jesus in their
Think about it and if you have grace pray it.
“Heavenly Father, I consecrate myself to a life attitude of love
filled holiness, in Christ by faith. Please grant that I may abide in
Him in such a way that I will no longer depend upon Self but
upon Christ alone. I trust that this will lead me to fountains of
living water I have not yet tasted. Amen.”

Such prayers as these or any that God will lead you to pray are
not about us willing what is to be but about trusting in God’s grace
freely offered to us in Christ. To repent and believe and then to be
consecrated to Christ is the path that leads to loving God fully.
Remember, God's love, as it comes from Him returns to Him and it
returns as it came, freely, purely and in power. You will see the
following verse also balances the activity of the believer with that
of God. God sovereignly rules over our hearts and in this
sovereignty He wills us to obey; to respond and act - but it is all of
grace, Amen.

“Keep yourselves in the love of God, seeking the mercy of our

Lord Jesus Christ to Eternal Life.” [Jude 1:21]
Chapter Six:
Discerning of Spirits: A Spiritual Gift
In 1 Corinthians chapter 12 the Apostle Paul lists various spiritual gifts. In
verse 10 he speaks of “discerning of spirits”.

The Apostle John states,

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see if
they are of God, since many false prophets have gone out into
the world.” [1 John 4:1]

Firstly I will explain what this gift of discerning spirits is not and
then what it is.

The gift of discerning of spirits

Is not called ‘discerning of demons’ for a reason
Multitudes seem to think that there is a gift that it is unfortunate to have
as it results in you seeing demons everywhere. This is backed up by many
who claim to do this among Pentecostals in their various denominations
and sects.

You will notice in the above verse that testing of spirits was connected
with identifying false prophets. That is what I am doing in this book. All
God's gifts are good to have and are not burdensome or oppressive. They
do not disconnect people from reality but have the opposite effect. The gift
of discerning spirits is a work of the Holy Spirit and it is an amazing and
wonderful gift to have. Here is an example of a deluded person's
behaviour, one who claimed to have the gift of discerning spirits.

I sat down to lunch with a Christian friend and their guest. The guest who
I will call Nelson was supposed to have been baptised in the Spirit and
could see demons. He informed us that there were demons in the room.
Nelson then opened a window so they could leave and commanded them
to go in Jesus' Name. However, he noticed one was still hiding under the
salad bowl so he picked up the bowl and shouted at the demon to leave....

As ridiculous as his behaviour may seem it was quite orthodox for his
‘Jesus Only’ church – a Pentecostal sub group. Everything he did was
related to their teaching. For example he needed to open the window as
they regarded demons as somehow bound by physical obstacles. He
needed to shout as they believed demons could not hear thoughts and had
to know also you meant what you said. Also shouting was seen as
spiritual authority as when men are convicted of something deeply they
often raise their voices... It was however, pure lunacy. I do not use that
word as an insult. This kind of religion does drive some people mad and
gives others mental problems.
Unreality the hallmark of deception
I implied above that false spirits manifesting through false gifts give their
users a false sense of reality; that they tend to lead people into unreality
and delusion: Fantasy rather than fact. Religious hyperactivity and
extremism based upon exotic beliefs and the sensational claims of their
leaders etcetera. It is a kind of caricature of the spiritual realm and its
deep reality of spirits as a realisable and often felt or seen array of
phenomena. There is a sense among them that since they believe in these
things in distinction to the majority of Christians who do not; that they are
frontline warriors involved in a great spiritual war and enlightened and
equipped by the Holy Spirit where others are sleeping in spiritual stupor.
They import in the flesh knowledge that can only come by the Spirit. They
grasp the rudiments of the problem of spiritual conflict and make
simplistic rules backed up with simplistic assumptions.

Other believers regard these types of Christians as spiritual and close to

God. They would not dream that this class of beliefs and believers
constitute an attack upon the Kingdom of God, but they do, they do. To use
a simple analogy: If God has given a Spiritual Rose to his people that
stands alone in a field they are likely to find it. If however that field is
filled with millions of plastic roses soaked in cheap perfume finding the
real one becomes impossible to most and they would even give up the
effort to look - Often settling for a false one in its stead. You can see then
how God’s people are defrauded and prevented from God’s richest
blessings. It is the super spiritual who are burying the truly spiritual in a
sea of false claims, emotionalism and supernatural phenomena as well as
unbalanced teaching that leads ever deeper into unreality. Who will
recognise the one true vision of Christ among a sea of false claims? Who
will see the real Holy Spirit through the mists and fog created by the
Christian Satanist delusion?

Spiritual reality the sign of the true

In stark distinction to the above the real believer gifted in various ways
and means by the Holy Spirit has a sense within themself of reality purer,
stronger and deeper than any other. They are hallmarked by a sense of
grounding in the real world; by fact rather than fantasy and by
demonstrated belief rather than theory. Their reason and intelligence are
heightened by the Holy Spirit and their judgement is both sound and wise.
In their very presence others feel this sense of reality as opposed to the
sense of bluff and bluster common among Pentecostals. That is they
sense and feel the reality of Christ made all the more real by the power of
the Holy Spirit.

Such believers are inevitably persecuted by Pentecostals and their ilk. If the
genuine saints kiss a baby they will be vilified as paedophiles; if they
shake the hand of a Muslim they will be scorned as supporters of
terrorism and if they speak of demons they will be put down for devil
worshippers! All this is true and the few holy ones really know it. It was
Christ’s power over demons that led to the accusation that he, ‘casts out
demons by the power of the devil’ and so it is with his disciples.

So the most interesting thing about the super spiritual is that they
attack the truly spiritual. Those who falsely claim to see and discern
demons inevitably discern the Holy Spirit as a demon and try of cast out
the real Jesus that they think is a demon in the Name of Jesus!

Remember then Jonathan, this very simple fact that among those who are
full of hot wind and false, sensational claims there is a sense of unreality
and fantasy but among those close to Christ there is a deepened sense of
reality. Above everything spiritual reality is needed in the real fight against
Satan’s kingdom.

The gift of discerning of spirits

Is not a weapon for church politics
As Charismatic sects in particular eat one another up or have mutinies and
struggles for power it is often a weapon of church politics for A to accuse
B of having a demon... If believed this is very effective as they think the
Holy Spirit 'told' them.

The gift of discerning of spirits is not defined,

As confined in a little box
All gifts from God are aspects of the grace of Christ and His power. These
gifts are of course specific spiritual abilities but they are also wide in
scope and have more than one or two specific uses.

What the gift of discernment of spirits is

Having, hopefully, removed the obstacle of false teaching, used by Satan to
divert people from the truth, let us now consider those truths he has
attempted to obliterate through his teaching.

The gifts of God bleed into one another

All Spiritual gifts are distinct but not completely separate. They are like
faces of a diamond. They bleed into one another by the Blood of Christ. If
for example the Lord had set the average life span at 10,000 years it
would inevitably occur that a person who had one gift would end up with
all. Spiritual discernment or wisdom regarding spiritual matters is not the
same as discerning actual and literal spirits. Yet, those who can discern
actual spirits have greater spiritual discernment or wisdom. Spiritual
discernment is sound judgement but discerning spirits is the ability to
detect actual spirits, their character and effects. These are some of the
attributes of the gift:

Primarily the gift of discernment of spirits

Is to 'see' the agency, presence and nature of the Holy Spirit
More than anything else God wants us to discern Him – His Spirit. Before
a person with the gift of discerning of spirits begins to identify the forces
of evil, as they do, they will see the positive side of their gift. It brings
them closer to the Holy Spirit and they will see His hand at work where
others are unaware. Up until now I have been speaking of Jesus and this
is because the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus Christ. The working of spiritual
gifts however, as you have read, is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The gift of discerning of spirits

Is to see what is contrary to the Holy Spirit
As all gifts are of the Holy Spirit their very use will use the Spirit's power.
The light of the Holy Spirit reveals the darkness of Satan – not the other
way around.

Discerning spirits contrary to the Spirit of God

It is a fact that false teaching, false prophets, and false supernatural
experiences are engineered by evil spirits. Therefore the gift is used to
discern the spirit behind, within, inspiring, empowering etc. what is false.
We saw in John's word that prophets were discerned as false by the
discerning of the spirits that animated them... It is so with everything.

The gift is to discern the spiritual realm

I said that gifts bleed into one another and it is not unusual for the person
with the gift we are studying to also have spiritual dreams, sound
teaching, words of wisdom – of course, and to be generally more
spiritually aware than others. This is for the benefit of others not for
themselves. It is very important to understand that a person with this gift
will inevitably see into the spiritual realm. That is the nature of the gift.
That is where spirits are, and not all spirits are demons. It is not just the
Holy Spirit and His enemies but also Angels and saints that people with
this gift discern. You may understand this better as I describe how the gift

The operation of the gift of discerning of spirits

It is primary to understand that it is the Holy Spirit Who initiates, and then
leads in the use of His gifts. The gift is not a wide open door that never
shuts. It is often, and usually the case, that the gift operates by revelation.
Some examples follow:

Fallen angels in church

In attending churches of various kinds, as the Lord led me to do, He would
often open up the spiritual realm so I could see what spirits were at work.
One of the things I saw time and again, although it is grievous to me to
say, were fallen angels that would stand just behind the preacher or
evangelist and seek to influence them. This does not mean that these
preachers were evil but rather that most preachers are not resistant to
such influences and are continually tempted. In cults and such the co-
operation with fallen angels is heart-willing, if unknowing. In more
mainline churches it varies depending upon the state of heart of the
ministers. Such a spiritual state as this revealed is of course abysmal. I am
sure this teaching will be rejected by most, if they were aware of it.
However the spiritual state of churches has fallen so low that no revival or
reformation is enough to sort it out, unless God works in power the world
has not yet seen! Christians should seek the Lord and those pure in heart
should gather together and start afresh with the Bible and the Light as
their guide, or pastors should try to lead their flocks to renewal, to the
living Waters.

Discerning of hearts
Had it occurred to you that each human has their human spirit - their
inner self? It is obvious to those with the gift that human hearts can be
discerned. This happens in two ways. The gifted may discern the leanings,
inclinations and basic character of a person or they may literally sense
and discern their spirit. The latter only happens with those advanced in the

When I meet people, and if I take the trouble to think of them, I feel and
know what they are really about. Wherever I have had the opportunity to
confirm what I have sensed I have had 100% accuracy. Sometimes this
gift is very revealing but the Holy Spirit assures the privacy of those we
perceive spiritually. Today I literally used this gift. I met a new teacher at
my child's school. On the surface she was friendly and warm but I
remember some horrible teachers I had that were friendly and warm to
my parents. After sensing her heart however, I knew that God had given
her a gentle heart and she would present no problem to my child in the
future. Also there was an element of sensing the future... (Update: Since
then that teacher has moved on and she was no problem but had
remained a positive influence for her whole time at the school.)

On other occasions however, I have sensed people's sins. This is good as it

has meant I could protect my child from the man with paedophile
inclinations or steer clear of the habitual liar etcetera. If there is a burden
to the gift it is this: I see people as they are and not as they want to be
seen. It can sometimes be very sickening.

Much of this may be seemingly irrelevant to the reader but if I have deep
spiritual awareness given by God it is on behalf of His children and there
will always be an effective and positive grace for them.

Discerning demons
Finally we get to it! Yes of course this gift is designed by God as a great
weapon against demons. By the exercise of this gift you become strong. It
must be so or how will you grow? It is about standing firm on Scriptural
principles. Discerning demons sometimes means seeing demons. It can be
scary. We learn to fear God and not to be intimidated by Satan. It is
metaphorically, like a bloody battlefield strewn with corpses of good men.
In the midst you stand, scarred, sometimes weary, but ever vigilant and
ever mighty in the Name, Amen.

Demons in Christians
Christian counsellors sometimes need to counsel Christians regarding
demons that are oppressing them or to some extent controlling
(possessing) them. You will see a lot of this fight to free captives from
demons, often 'religious demons' such as false tongue speaking demons-
in missionaries, counsellors and others who see the reality of the spiritual
warfare around us. However, Christians need to pick their counsellors

Spirit of Christ versus Antichrist

I am not advocating what I observe but reporting it. In terms of the
struggle of emerging Christians from churches, like butterflies emerging
from their cocoons, there is a movement of Christians away from
churches and from the spirit of Antichrist. Hopefully this will lead to a
latter gathering together of saints... It is not necessary or even advisable
for believers to leave their churches if their churches seek the Lord to be
revived, reformed and remade in His Image... In the meantime you will
probably see in coming years fragmentation, disintegration and union of
churches. Much of this will be a sifting work of God and some
judgement, but also the devil will be gathering his disciples who go by the
name 'Christian' in preparation for building his own peculiar brand of
religion for the Antichrist himself. God of course wants one Church united
in Biblical truth and filled with His Spirit.

If you have felt oppressed or frightened in what you have read so far do
not read any further in this chapter. Also pray before reading and leave off
reading if it is too much for you. Not everyone is given grace to deal with
such things as I am about to reveal.

The appearance of demons:

A double meaning is intended. I will describe some ways in which

demons make their appearance as well as how they look. Generally
demons do not appear except to saints who have uncovered the reality of
the spiritual realm; and so their cover being blown their attacks become
more open to that believer; yet they will secretly insinuate to others that
such believers are crazy.

Appearances of demons: It is usually the case that demons take

upon themselves grotesque forms. They appear hideously evil and
exude the very essence of evil. Often the appearance of demons is
strikingly similar to creatures you may see in supernatural movies or read
of in horror stories. This is because the movies have been inspired by
folklore that was inspired by actual events, long ago untraceable. Secondly
demons inspire much of what passes for human creativity.

The appearance of snakes and other creatures such as cats and

spiders: Demons often look for bodies to inhabit and will sometimes enter
the bodies of animals. When those animals die the demons retain the
appearance of the creature they were in. This is because there is a spiritual
law that the spirit will conform to the body. Historically there have been
wizards, shamans and witches of various kinds that have had familiar
spirits. In European legend we are all familiar with the witch's familiar
black cat; a demon possessed cat, or a raven etc. When these animals die
the evil spirits remain to be spies for Satan. These spies report back to the
more powerful spirits.

On the outside the spiritual realm seems mystifying and weird but in truth
it is well designed and planned; full of stratagems and orders of powers
and legions of demons under the control of higher spirits; that are
themselves under the power of fallen angels whose chief is Lucifer that
once was - Satan.

Spies are one of the most common forms of demons and therefore
one of the most common appearances of demons is in the shape
of animals and insects.

Gigantism: Demons do increase their size so as to be more intimidating.

A poor child not so long ago spoke of seeing a giant spider above her bed
in a great web that filled the ceiling. Why should I believe such a thing -
especially from a child? Without her knowing or the subject even being
hinted at, I had seen several large demon spiders in webs in the same
house. Two others had also seen 'disappearing' spiders of unusual size
there without each one knowing of the other's experience... Fortunately
after prayer this season of demonic oppression ceased. Although truly
frightening, especially to a child, these represent the lesser
demons of limited power.

Demons as evil looking people: It is often the case that demons appear
as men and women with gruesome and malevolent features. These kinds
of demons are those that have possessed humans. It is normally these
kinds of demons that are cast out of the possessed. Such demons also
work as spirit guides to occultists of various hues and they operate in the
guise of the Holy Spirit to deceived 'believers' in cultic groups.

In regards to the above two types of demons you will notice that in the
story of the demon possessed man and the Gergesene swine the demons
left the man to go into the swine… [Matthew 8:28-34]
Sometimes ghosts are really such demons but not always. Ghost
phenomena can relate to other things I will not go into here.

Satan works almost exclusively through these kinds of demons when

dealing with his servants and with others who are deceived. In the spiritual
realm however there are many kinds of spirits.

Monster demons: These are those that take the appearance of fearsome,
half human creatures. They may have fangs, long claws, scaly skin etc.
Their purpose is to appear as frightening as possible to intimidate those
who see them. Often the real appearance of the evil spirit is not the one
they reveal to the viewer. The more powerful demons can change shape
and appear as one thing or another as it suits their schemes. Intimidation
is a principle they use against the servant of God to frighten them away
from spiritual warfare.

Dead relatives, famous people and spirit helpers: These of course

relate to the deceptions that demons use to get practitioners of various
belief systems to invite them into their lives and homes. They give
guidance, comforting messages, often vague and super-spiritual teaching,
prophecies etc. Such demons also inhabit Christendom posing as saints,
angels and the Lord Himself. This does not mean that all believers down
the ages that have seen saints, angels or the Lord have been deceived. I
have already pointed out the discerning of spirits includes all spirits, good
and evil.

To go further into this subject I would need to talk about fallen angels
which I will do in the last several chapters of this book. Few of you will
ever come up against a fallen angel. Yet, if you do:

“...He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” [1 John


Some thoughts on spiritual discernment

You may have noticed that I have said some things you are unfamiliar with
and that are different to what you have read in Christian books. This is
because I know what I am talking about and speaking from experience
rather than from conjecture; or worse still from a consensus of experts
that know nothing of their subject! Some of the things that I have heard
preached, read or seen on ‘Christian’ TV are ludicrous, without rational
basis, unreliable in the extreme and centred in sensationalism rather than
in edification of the saints. This seems to be a ploy of Satan so that the
world will easily ridicule everything to do with spiritual warfare. Most
books on spiritual warfare are written by people who base their teaching
on the books of others. These authors gather momentum and copy each
others’ teachings and often come to a consensus of opinion, sometimes
starting as false revelations, on various aspects of demonology or spiritual
warfare. The consensus gives an impression of spiritual authority among
the elite but it means that many ideas and beliefs float round that are just
plain wrong, unfounded and stupid.

I actually listened to an international evangelist who said that after many

years of preaching on spiritual warfare he saw a demon. This expert on
fighting demons had seen one. This would be rather like having a healing
ministry and after many years healing one person. To preach on any
subject is good and well but to claim to be an authority called in a
particular area as the evangelist did means direct and continual experience
of God’s power in that area. I say this as I want to point out something
that many believers of various kinds have trouble with. It is a simple
distinction – one which judges and lawyers are used to making but which
many Christians neglect: To distinguish between opinion, assumption and
conjecture on the one hand and fact, direct experience and well founded
knowledge on the other.

Too many ‘spiritual warfare’ books are based on the testimonies of single,
unreliable and sometimes mentally unbalanced individuals that talk to
Christian authors who faithfully record their delusions. Others, as I have
said are all about Christian culture and consensus regardless of spiritual
reality. So learning to distinguish between fact and theory, which is often
in experience distinguishing between fact and fantasy, is vital to spiritual
discernment. A person lacking spiritual wisdom or discernment is hardly
likely to have a gift of discerning of spirits.

However there is an honest mistake some souls make. Many people

regard all strong stories of demonic activity as intrinsically false. They
assume that the reality lies in subtleties. They may accept that an evil
presence or bad atmosphere exists in an individual or an object. They
cannot accept that Satan is a person that would actually appear to his
servants or to some believers…

The reality is that although there is a lot of nonsense written and put out
by publishing houses to make money – and sensationalism sells- and it is
also true that those in genuine deliverance ministry often are dealing with
things that aren’t that dramatic: Yet there exists for some a revelation of
evil that goes beyond anything any one could possibly imagine and no
Hollywood movie with machine gun toting angels out to save the world
could compare to. The depths of spiritual things – both good and evil and
the powers with them are beyond human imagination. Any true ‘spiritual
warrior’ has therefore had their mind stretched and their eyes opened to
what the world cannot possibly conceive.

The worst kind of demons: Demons are lesser spirits but they vary in
degrees of power and intelligence. The worst are those that influence you
without you knowing it. It is the awful fate of the human race. If you have
ever sinned you have been deceived. What I am going to tell you is one of
the secrets of the spiritual realm and this will be particularly hard to
accept by persons who see themselves as spiritual warriors: Satan often
uses seasons of demonic oppression to hide his real workings. They are
merely a distraction. The believer goes through a tremendous battle and
gets the victory. They are pleased and grow stronger. All the while Satan
had been secretly planting something elsewhere in your life without any
sign of his working.

If you are discerning this tactic would have been used against you. You
have been deceived by this distraction, of spiritual warfare and victory,
which you could hardly ignore- which allowed Satan to work in secret on
something else. Ruses, diversions, distractions are standard in human
games, martial arts and warfare: While general A fights and wins a great
battle on the plain his enemy general Z has secretly sacked his castle! It is
always best in dealing with demons to assume you don't know what is
going on, even if you are enlightened, and to pray in principle this: “Father,
in Jesus Name, deliver me from the unseen realm, the unknown
stratagems of evil and from the seeds of evil that will bear fruit in years
to come if You do not root them out today!...” - Something along those
lines. You need this information and this idea.

Here is a more comforting secret of the spiritual realm: God does

His greatest works in silence. Deep within you, unseen, unfelt and not
guessed, you have seeds of grace that will bear fruit in their season if you
will persevere, Amen.

The danger to others

It is sometimes the case that evil spirits will attack those close to us or
related to us in some way. These attacks are almost always unseen and
unrecognised. Often they are unrecognised by Christians and this makes
them more effective as they are not prayed against.

These attacks usually appear to the world as ‘bad luck’

The most common forms of this intensified bad luck are illnesses,
accidents and misfortunes. This results in such things as mysterious
illnesses that doctors misdiagnose and mistreat; severe injuries or death;
marital break up, loss of work, bullying at school etc.

It is interesting to note that these are the opposite of the Christians’

blessings and to those blessings God gives to those who bless such

I implied that demons will make the spiritual warrior appear

foolish, insane or proud to observers.
Many believers, often very famous historical believers, give accounts of
profound ecstasies, visions, encounters with Satan, wonders, signs,
miracles and strange Providence or events… Is it exaggeration and are they
like the deceived Christian, Nelson whom I mentioned? You will need to
discern. Some of the most spiritual people who have ever lived have more
detractors than respecters and many of the least spiritual people today –
miracle workers among them – are heralded as great Christian leaders and
they have very powerful testimonies and sometimes even real attested
miracles: Yet, among them are some of Satan’s chief servants…. You see
how important it is to have the Holy Spirit as your guide and to discern.

To understand the spiritual realm and spiritual life you must

understand this simple fact: The human spirit is expanded by God
both in trials and in blessings.

In this way the human consciousness is expanded by God. The human

spirits (of the spiritual Christians) are capable of experiencing far more
than any ordinary persons. This is why the scriptures themselves are full
of profoundly deep and powerful sayings of the strength and wonder of
God: Abundant life as a river, filled to the fullness with God, cups of
blessing overflowing etc.

On the other hand it is true that many modern Christian books in

particular use adjectives in such over-abundance that they seem to the
wary as being full of bluff and bluster- and they are! You must judge
yourself if the books you read are like this or are the fruit of believers
with years of true discipleship and fellowship with God – and therefore
opposition from the evil one.

Christians of strong faith are like the Ark of the Covenant: They are
a great blessing to people of faith and can be a great terror to those who
are opposed to God. The world’s Dagons will fall but blessings abide upon
the dwellings of the righteous.

Satan rarely bothers Christians directly - and this will be the opposite of
everything you have ever heard. He uses lesser demons. He will take a
look at the stronger Christians and appoint far more demons to attack
them. Therefore if you know for certain that Satan has taken an interest in
you then you must have given him cause to. Like Napoleon Satan is a
skilled general and strategist and not easily defeated. He is usually busy
with the great ones on earth and only if you defeat some powerful evil
spirits will Satan personally take an interest in you. If he does most of the
books you have read will be of little use to you but the Bible will come
alive in ways you never imagined.

It is important to learn not to be intimidated by him; even if he kills

those close to you; destroys your fortunes and leaves you like Job. He is
acting from fear. When I say fear let me tell you that Satan is literally
terrified of powerful believers. His power is so great he could easily
destroy the strongest of them but as God is their Protector he knows that
for every strike he takes he must pay a terrible price. In this way the
Kingdom of Light advances and the kingdom of darkness recedes.

If you have received the gift of discernment of spirits it will take

time for it to develop but even so the veil of the spiritual realm will
quickly be torn away. You will either stand or fall. I you fall GET UP
AGAIN, and again and again. The time will surely come when you will see
Satan tremble at your feet.

Satan’s army
This is just an introductory chapter to the subject so it is neither
comprehensive nor thorough. One more thing I should mention is that
Satan organises his servants as a great army. Just as in any army you
will have sappers, sharpshooters, pilots, gunnies, technicians in
communications etc. and of course the all important propagandists, so it is
similar with the powers of darkness.

There are territorial spirits, ancestral spirits, spirits related to particular

kinds of deceptions, others related to particular sins... There is no rule
book. In relation to sin there are certain sins that humans could commit
without demonic influence and certain ones that would only be committed
under demonic influence. One of Satan’s chief works in humans then is to
counterfeit human personalities – to humans - to make a person feel they
are really one thing until they become that thing. With the various
satanically inspired philosophies popular among people this is made easier.

In any army you have long term strategies for conquering territory so it is
with Satan’s army. Among strategies in recent history are these: To keep
the Middle East in a constant state of instability. This is a first move at
aiming at a Third World War. (I am certainly not saying he will be
successful.) Another stratagem is to prepare the world for a pseudo
scientific belief in God since evolutionary theory has been falling from
within. A ‘scientific’, impersonal god is useful to Satan. A third stratagem
is the keep the Church divided. There are literally thousands of
denominations and as long as Christians are proud of this instead of being
ashamed of it- it is a great travesty – the enemy will continue to conquer.
Only a united Church of Biblical truth can defeat Satan.

None of these views came from reading others’ opinions. All are my own
personal views formed by my relationship with God in the context of the
gift of the discernment of spirits. I speak of Satan and fallen angels in the
last chapters of this book.
Chapter Seven:
Charismatics- The truth

The Silence of God

Most Christians down the ages have not heard voices from God or angels
either inside or outside their heads. For the Prophets this was not so as
they actually heard the Word of God. Many would aspire to be Prophets
but it is an easy thing for God to speak to someone if He so chooses.
There is no need to take a shortcut and force God to speak by interpreting
feelings as words or by listening to voices that are confusing or
misleading. Historically however prophets are rare and the last seemed to
be around at the time of the Apostles, Agabus being named in the New
Testament. Two are said to appear in the future. It is far more likely that
someone would raise the dead than that they would become a prophet.
Why then do so many people claim to be hearing directly form God like

For most believers the Silence of God is the means by which He speaks. In
terms of meditating upon God or the Word, and by meditation I mean
thinking and appreciating: In silence God will speak to the believers' spirits
as they come into His presence. It is there that they often feel the
closeness of God and a tangible experience of peace and joy or love. God
has spoken to the spirit, which is of course why the believer is
unconscious of any voice or actual words in their minds; it will later come
out in the form of wisdom, consideration, understanding and realisation. In
other words God inspires the spirit and the spirit influences the soul
wherein lies the conscious mind. God by speaking directly to the believers'
spirits then acts like moisture does in the soil to enter the roots of a plant
and so vitalise it.

Sometimes believers have a sense or feeling of God's presence and then

purposely interpret these feelings in words but more often they simply
give way to slightly hypnotic and passive minded states in which wishful
thinking presents itself to the mind as a voice from God guiding them
directly. They make many mistakes of course and much, most of what
they are told does not come to pass but they continue in this comforting
delusion. In this state of mind Satan subtly influences them and here you
see the dynamic of the cults, both Christian and other.

The spiritual Christian therefore is not the one who chats incessantly to
the voice of God in their head but the one who by living and dwelling in
the presence of the Holy Spirit is inspired with wisdom, insight and
therefore good sense. This has its good effect in correct doctrine and
practice and a life of good works and love, in Christ, Amen.
The difference between comforting delusion and good sense is usually the
difference between the Charismatic Movement and real Christianity.

Christian Satanism is the combination of Christianity and

Spiritism. It resembles Spiritualism and certain pagan religions
within a Christian belief system.

Christian Satanists are those people who have been deluded regarding the
teaching and experience of the Apostles. They have fake versions of
apostolic gifts and graces. They are deceived by demons and have very
cultic tendencies. To themselves they are ever so spiritual but to outsiders
they appear bizarre, artificial and usually obsessed with money, success,
and influence over others. Their leaders tend to be domineering and
oppressive but their followers have been indoctrinated to believe
themselves to be free, happy and virtually infallible. Smug, self righteous
leaders have adoring, blind followers and together they destroy the good
reputation of Christianity worldwide. Point by point Satanists within a
Christian culture counterfeit the doctrines, graces and gifts of Christ to his
children. It is essentially a false and artificial, fake and harmful version of
Christianity. Its overall effect is to persuade the world that Christianity is a
false religion as anyone with any sense who observes them will find them
at least to be enthusiastic rather than holy, emotional rather than spiritual
and often very stupid and ignorant rather than wise and enlightened as the
disciples of Christ should be.

Christian Satanists are by and large

Charismatics and Pentecostals
In this chapter I severely criticise Charismatics and Pentecostals and use
one church in particular as an example. There is a generalised sense of
unreality among Pentecostals but what brings about persecution from
Pentecostals is usually talk of holiness or something genuinely spiritual. It
is this that often acts as the catalyst to opposition to genuine saints and
the genuine Holy Spirit.

When believers are a spiritual threat to Satan because of the degree of

knowledge they have from God incredible attacks and persecutions will
occur. This is especially so if you get a bad pastor or a super-spiritual
clique… The most important point in this chapter is that although there are
some very nice and very sincere Christian Charismatics and Pentecostals
there are many who have never been truly born again but have soaked up
the culture and jargon of ‘Spirit filled’ Christianity. These can be easily
manipulated by the evil one.

Instant and direct communication with God

In essence Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement seeks to
establish a ‘hotline to God’ just as in a telephone conversation. This
conversation takes place in the mind of the believer and usually happens in
the form of an inner voice. For less strong Charismatics it may simply be
messages interpreted by tongues, prophecies and messages from the
pastor and preachers…

This is a shortcut to direct verbal communication with God and also there
may be visual communication such as pictures in the mind. This
constitutes by and large a subtle from of self hypnotism. The Christian
Satanist whether Charismatic or Pentecostal will feel that the Holy Spirit is
being attacked when they hear such criticisms as these and often
conclude, with quite alarming speed, that such critics are devilish.

Traditionally Christians stretching back two thousand years have sought

discipline, holiness and know that through trials and tribulations are used
by God as the means by which slowly and gradually they form a deeper
communion with God and rarely if ever speak to Him in a conversation. In
the early days of the Church there are very few conversations with God
recorded and those that are, are usually very brief. The running
commentary that many spiritualist type believers of today get in their
minds, much like that extolled by New Agers, is either vastly superior to
the experience of the Church Fathers and early saints or a deception.

It is easy to tell the difference as an inner god that is pathetic, weak, and
ignorant and seems to be a puffed up version of the believer is obviously
no god at all whether good or evil. In fact the believer, without realising it,
has become their own god and follows their own guidance; of the altered
‘divine’ self. That is they are practising paganism.

This confusing and contradictory inner god often leads to a crisis of faith
and this in turn leads to such Christians becoming ex-Christians and then
often anti-Christians. The Internet is full of ex-Christians speaking of their
former delusions. Most of them in fact were never Christians to begin
with but they do not realise this. They speak of being caught up in the life
of fellowship and the power of emotion and of the failures of prayers and
the failures of promises from ‘god’. They then often go through a re-
evaluation and turn to atheism and a deep spirit of antichrist. In essence
the Charismatic Movement has given rise to an army of antichrist ex-
Christians but never a word is said of this and never a one of the
Charismatic leaders takes any responsibility for the inevitable fruit of
their teaching!

The inner god is limited by the knowledge of the believer

It is an enhanced version of the believer. What the believer knows that god
knows and when the believer hears from the Voice in their mind they hear
according to their own understanding and their inner god inevitably agrees
with the doctrinal errors of the believer, with the things the believer
approves of but it may reprove for the things they feel guilty of; and they
may try to repent… Usually such believers are promised ‘great things’ and
these great things usually mean revivals, healings and signs and wonders…
Almost never anything comes of it and only a minority of Christians with
this kind of religion stay Christians for their entire lifetime. Under the bluff
and the brave face a spirit of disappointment with God is evident and it is
only a matter of time before their faith wears out and their excuses wear
thin, even to themselves. They turn away, even turn and attack what once
they considered sacred.

This implies the Holy Spirit has been dethroned

While all this has been going on in the believer’s life the real Holy Spirit
has been dethroned, if He was ever there to begin with. Something else
has taken His place. That Other Thing is not God obviously and cannot do
what God can do. The believer has shifted ground under false teaching and
guidance, found everywhere today. They are not truly Christian but at least
half pagan. Spiritist rather than spiritual they are prone to many errors
and defects in personality.

States of infallibility
Such believers do not literally believe they are infallible but they do incline
that way. How can they be reasoned with when god has told them you
are wrong? How can they believe you when god has told them otherwise
and of what use is logic and reason to them?

Domineering others
Those among them with dominant personalities inevitably domineer over
others and generally the leaders among Christian Satanists feel their ability
to dominate is the power and authority of the Holy Spirit within. Most of
these leaders have never been truly saved and know nothing of the
real holiness of the Holy Spirit and this is the reason they can be
so selfish and manipulative; and why they worship the dollar. They
take it for granted they should be leaders and others should obey them.
Whatever humility they have is in deference to more powerful believers
and it is only superficial. Almost inevitably their powerbroking results in
playing for more and more money and power and so some of the most
famous Charismatics and Pentecostals are not only rich but are
billionaires. Yet are they really Christian? Did the Apostles and leaders of
the early Church become super- rich?

Easily deceived by supernatural experiences

Christian Satanists are easily moved by experience and inner feeling
especially when it exalts the self and comes with supernatural power.
Unlike the prophets of old they do not seek to live in deserts and spend
their lives in prayer. They do not give all their money to the poor. They do
whatever it is that makes them top dog. They become suitable vessels for
the deceptions, powers and perversion of evil spirits if those spirits simply
have the power to appear holy to their minds. Considering the state of
their minds and how their base and carnal desires have simply been
spiritualised and justified this is a given.

“God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be
opened and you will be as God, knowing good and evil.”
[Genesis 3:5]

The Charismatic Movement began in the Garden of Eden and has

been found in all religions since the dawn of time. It is the promise
of godly power and greater gifts based upon deception.

The term Charismatic Movement is a misnomer as it implies they are a

movement from God with ‘charismata’ or spiritual gifts. The proper term
for the Charismatic Movement is Christian Satanism. This implies that the
principles of Spiritism are used within a Christian culture, language and
philosophy and the proud, domineering heart of Satanism manifests as
‘spiritual authority’ so-called. The modern Charismatic Movement started
out as the Pentecostal Movement around the turn of the Nineteenth
Century. In the 1800’s Mormons, individual sects and occultists falsely
believed they ‘spoke in tongues’ while speaking gibberish from human
imagination and demonic deception. As the Pentecostal Movement was
being rejected by the holiness preachers for its abuses, emotionalism and
lack of discipline, a split occurred. (See Aaron Merrit Hills)
Pentecostalism is a breakaway from the Holiness Movement. At first there
was a dual emphasis on both holiness and tongues but soon the latter
took over.

The Pentecostal Movement then, started as a subversion of the Holiness

Movement and its great revivals and also as a syncretic movement
including practices found in occultism. This is important to understand.
Many critics of Christian Satanism (Charismatic/Pentecostalism) speak of
it as originating in the Holiness Movement not realising the rift that
occurred and not realising the strong similarity to spiritualism and other
pseudo spiritual practices. A rift occurred between those who were
disciplined, holy and powerful in revival and between those who were lax,
and sought revival by means of the flesh life or natural means. This
lowered the whole standard of Christian Life. By ignoring this call to
holiness then and ever since, they were opened up to be deceived by the
very spirits that were with the Mormons and others in the occult. They
also attracted to their early meetings known practitioners of the occult.
There was only one provision; they had to call those spirits that deceived
them 'the Holy Spirit' and be as undiscerning as possible, preferring to
exalt experiences above principles of holiness. In other words there was a
fundamental change of principle. They moved from the spiritual principles
of Christianity to the principles of Spiritism.
The Christian Satanist Movement of Pentecostalism and Charismatics is a
falling from Scriptural Christianity into a form of occultism. This is true
even if for a few decades in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s there were
some powerful Christians who were healers and evangelists of note – yet
debased by false tongues and prophecy. The genuine healer Maria
Woodworth-Etter for instance taught that the Kaiser was the Antichrist.
Before going on I will share a brief story of my last involvement with
Christian Satanism to illustrate the point I am making:

Innocent destruction
I spent much of my life as a missionary to a particular kind of people. My
quest was to convert supposed Christians to Christ and to teach Christians
of the neglected spiritual life in the Bible. One day I went with my family
to a Pentecostal Pastors’ house and there my youngest child pricked her
foot on a thorn in his garden. Yet, it immediately got infected and she had
to go into hospital. I remember her scream when she was pricked. It was
not a natural scream but one of unusual intensity and anguish. My second
daughter suddenly got a very bad case of conjunctivitis on her birthday
and her party had to be cancelled. The present she had for her birthday, a
rabbit, suddenly died in her arms, also on her birthday, as she wept.
Things like this continued to happen. If I were to list them all you would
see that there was a series of events that amounted to intensified bad luck
both in terms of frequency and extent. It was incredible. I realised we were
under a satanic attack but from where?

I said that sharing spiritual things are often the catalyst to

One day I shared my testimony and spoke of a vision God had given me.
After doing so I wondered what the fallout would be. It came quickly as
the pastor’s flesh life in particular had been provoked. When they
discovered I was writing a children’s book I was seemingly supported at
first but suddenly there was an explosion of opposition. I felt a strong
witness from the Lord that it was to attack my book that the opposition
had risen up. I discovered something that shocked me. They were not
simply opposed to my writing as it was spiritual but as it was creative!
Like so many within cults they were bound in mind and unable to get out
of their self imposed, mental strait jacket which found even imagination
and intellectual thought threatening.

I also became concerned that they were pushing the false prophecies of
one who the pastor called the ‘true prophet’ Bernard. I saw that I would
make little headway for Christ in this church. I was beginning to realise
that all this ‘bad luck’ (besides the bad attitude) was related to the
Pentecostal church itself and was not merely a general attack from the
enemy but was being channelled through them. I was slandered by
someone who did not know me. When I spoke to the pastor he took their
side! His entire attitude changed or rather was revealed for what it had
secretly been as he expressed his totally obstinate, unreasonable and
unchristian spirit. I realised that the satanic attack my family had come
under began on the very day we went to his house. As he dropped his
former warm to neutral persona and revealed his true self I recognised the
primary origin of the problem, the medium through whom Satan was
acting. Quoting a long list of wrongs I rebuked the self righteous pastor
and ended all connection with the church. In truth that pastor, well
respected by his flock, was just a witch doctor deluded into thinking he
was serving Christ...

They needed spiritual delusion and I offered spiritual reality. The two
cannot abide one another. This rebuking of the Pastor was actually very
unusual for me as I cannot count the times I have been condemned or
slandered and I have not replied in defence but was as a lamb. Over the
years however, my patience began to wear thin, especially as my eyes
were being opened more and more to the true character and motives
behind the spiritual masks that many supposed Christians wear.

The Christian Satanist Movement is itself full of people that do not

associate their ‘bad luck’ with being Charismatic or Pentecostal. Instead
they will ‘bind the powers of darkness’, ‘speak in tongues’ and usually
give up being a Christian before they are grey headed and advanced in

By God's providence in allowing a clear and discernible attack I was forced

to acknowledge various elements that I had noticed over the years and to
put the pieces together: The spirits behind these Charismatic gifts - pale
imitations of God’s power are evil spirits and do act continually to subvert
the cause of Christ and kill, steal and destroy –especially souls. I was well
aware of persecution and its effects and of the lack of real faith among
their numbers but not clear on the powers that caused ‘bad luck’. Looking
back over the years I could see other examples in myself and in others
when contact with Christian Satanism, whether Charismatic of
Pentecostal, was also related to 'bad luck' in health, relationships and
demonic attacks. When I joined the dots up a clearer picture emerged.

I had learnt from the very beginning in mixing with Pentecostals decades
ago that their gifts were false, having begun by testing the first prophecies
I heard given... I was also familiar with the stratagems of evil spirits but
on the other hand I was working among them as a missionary and in
several churches I had had some success. It was always a balancing act.
Very much like being a missionary to Africa in the 1800’s. My gentle
manner and silent prayers would often lead to more people being saved
and the level of blessing rising, as God richly blessed my faith. If I had
found open hearts this would have happened again but at this church it did
not. I felt the Holy Spirit was terribly grieved. Where Pentecostal and
Charismatic churches have unsaved pastors, which is more often than not,
the authority over the church is whatever demon most influences the

In every Pentecostal church where there are still some people saved; and in
many churches they are purely nominal even when they speak in tongues
and prophesy; there is an admixture of spiritual and natural influences.
They are neither completely holy nor completely pagan. However I learnt a
lesson over the years that young Christians especially need to take on
board: The greater majority of their pastors and members are
really unsaved.

The concept of admixture is one to be learnt by every disciple

As a rule where you will find the Holy Spirit you will find ‘angels of light’
or deceiving demons as well. The more the 'believers' fall prey to deceiving
spirits the more the Holy Spirit withdraws so that there are very many
fellowships of Charismatics and Pentecostals in the world where they are
not born again or regenerated but they will have pseudo spiritual gifts; and
this confirms to their own minds that they are saved and safe… It also
explains why some of Christendom’s greatest sinners have been
Charismatic leaders. There is now a long list stretching back over a
hundred years of Pentecostal and Charismatic leaders found out in tax
fraud, financial deception, adultery, paedophilia, sexual exploitation of
various kinds; and of course failed prophecies and empty promises;
unverified healings, including unverified raising of the dead etc. It is also
good to remember that most of the Christian cults on the periphery that
Christians in general avoid arose out of Pentecostal splits and Charismatic

How God helps in such circumstances

In the last meeting I attended at this church some visitors that were also
Pentecostal came along. It was a group of women who were regarded as
very spiritual. Ostensibly they came to join in the worship but it was
actually to take a look at this small fellowship with a view to infiltration
and takeover: A recurring theme among Charismatics and Pentecostals.
The Lord opened up my spiritual eyes further, giving me greater acuteness
and spiritual awareness. As they spoke in tongues I noticed that on the
outside they were all smiles and warmth, if somewhat saccharine but this
time I could sense the demons around them influencing them in their
tongues speaking. This little step meant I could not only discern the
tongues were false as I had been doing for years but I could clearly sense
the demons operating these particular pseudo gifts. They acted in swarm-
like bees from a hive. They were operating on the women’s senses, their
thoughts. This meant feelings, thoughts, and sudden inspirations, a certain
blankness of mind, and an artificial air were the manifest work of the
Providence and God’s teaching by experience
On the other hand the dramatic nature of the satanic oppression against
my family that was allowed by the grace of God provoked a review of my
own and others’ experiences over the years. This review led to new
discoveries in which I began to see that time and again involvement with
Pentecostals led to spiritual darkness and satanic oppression.

Particularly stark was the connection between new converts that

fall away soon after they were supposedly 'Baptised in the Spirit'.
This is a common phenomenon. Over the years physical intimidation,
sexual promiscuity, lying, slandering, unfulfilled and mean spirited
prophecies, splitting up churches, attacking individuals, and financial piracy
were common elements to be observed among Charismatics.

Satan hides himself so well that it is often hard to detect his works but
the Lord allowed this episode simply to clarify years of observations and
reservations about those Disneyesque style Christians with their
saccharine love and fantasies of power: Pentecostals and Charismatics…

Its effect upon me

I had never sensed the Holy Spirit as angry as I could sense He was. The
Lord was angrier than I was. He revealed He would judge the church and I
know He has. This was a particularly bad church that had appeared at
first to be better than average. After expressing my anger I feel nothing but
the usual love I feel for all, whether friend or foe. In other words its effect
upon me was exactly what it should be. I took the side of the Lord in
opposition and in mercy. I feel nothing but tender love toward them. What
then did I do to provoke them so? I did not teach on spiritual discernment
but I simply encouraged about Christian things in general so that I did not
come up in direct conflict. I did not speak to them of the things I have said
here but simply spoke of general spiritual things in a humble and kind
way. This is of course the problem. It is that Spirit of Christ, revealed in
gentle wisdom that so provokes those who are secretly proud, infallible,
and super-spiritual. I did let the pastor know however that I thought
Prophet Bernard was false. In cults there is no room for difference of
opinion. To their mind and their way of thinking, seen everywhere in
Charismatic and Pentecostal Christian Satanism, there is a simple form of
logic that they express: They are of God and therefore whatever disagrees
with them is of the devil. In one to one encounters the Pentecostal will say
to himself, 'Aðalsteinn disagrees with what the Holy Spirit has said; he
does not recognise I am a prophet... He is therefore opposed to the Holy
Spirit and he is therefore working for Satan.'

It may have simply been that by not accepting the True Prophet I was, to
the pastor’s mind, declaring myself to be an antichrist. The Christian on
the contrary who finds another believer disagrees with them will say in
their heart, 'This person is sincere and humble and clearly serving God but
either they are unenlightened on this point or perhaps I am in error.' You
see how both responses are reflective of an entirely different attitude. The
first is harsh and unbending; superior and infallible. The second is well
intentioned, conscientious and reasonable...

At present the Christian world is full of the 'I am of God and whoever
disagrees with me is of the devil', type of believer. Jesus perhaps could
have said that with many but he did not. Rather he would implore humbly
and appeal to conscience, such as, 'If you do not believe me at least
believe the signs...'

Theirs at the Pentecostal church was not the Christian attitude and true
Christians do not behave like they did. I was attacked by the pastor
without justification or basis in fact. People from that fellowship I have
seen since avoid me or glare at me with mouth agog as if I were a
monster from Mars and I can only speculate on what the pastor has said
behind my back… If a believer were to rebuke another believer it would be
after some serious wrongs for which the wrongdoer was unapologetic
and had not listened to the fellowship. Sundar Singh had complained that
Fundamentalists were unchristian in their criticisms of others and he had
a point. Too many supposed believers are wearing a smiling mask which
under pressure from the Spirit drops to reveal the snarling teeth of the
biting, devouring, carnal wolf within. I hope I have conveyed that
difference of spirit and that I am not merely talking about disagreements
over doctrines or supposed prophets. Why should one believer be sincere,
gentle and holy and another turn out to be vindictive, deceptive and

I could write dense volumes listing the abuses, destructive spirit and evils
of Christian Spiritism/Satanism in Pentecostal and Charismatic circles I
have observed over decades. Yet this is not the worst of it. The worst is
that there should have been great and holy revivals throughout the
twentieth century but it was prevented as the Church was distracted by
false revivals and false spiritual power. Christian Satanists are like children
playing with plastic gems and believing they are rich when God wants
them to grow up and mine the real gems!

Tongues and prophecy

Central to the Pentecostals and their offshoots the Charismatics are the
'gifts of the Spirit' and in particular 'tongues' and 'prophecy'.

Tongues and Linguistics

There have been over the years professional linguists who have studied the
phenomenon of tongues speaking – the claim that Charismatics make that
they speak in angelic and unknown tongues the deep things of God.
Linguists are able to tell if an unknown language is a real language by
listening for evidence of syntax and speech patterns that are common to
all languages but not found in gibberish. In their studies, suppressed by
Pentecostals and Charismatics in their own circles, they discovered that
tongues speakers within the Charismatic Movement speak gibberish and
not real languages. If you Google the subject and look at serious social
science sites you are likely to come up with examples.

Testing tongues interpretation

Christian evangelicals who do not believe in tongue speakers have also
tested tongues. Leading Pentecostals and Charismatics have been known to
give a different interpretation to the same message in tongues presented to
them in the test. No two Charismatics gave the same interpretation to the
same message in tongues played to them. However, you do not need to
Google that if you have any experience of Pentecostals and Charismatics
as in their meetings there are often confusing and conflicting
interpretations to everything!

For example brother A gives a message in tongues and sister B gives an

interpretation that lasts ten times longer – and vice versa. Then brother C
prophesies there is someone with a bad back and that person needs to
come to the front to be healed – and five people come to the front. Or the
brother with his eyes closed keeps imploring a clearly identified person to
come up to the front, “Thus says the Holy Spirit come, do not be afraid for
I shall bless you, says the Lord…”
All the while the person has been standing there waiting for them to open
their eyes (so the ‘Holy Spirit’ can know they are there!)
Then there is the classic case of cliques within the church prophesying
against one another. What? Is the Holy Spirit schizophrenic? They
certainly imply He is.

The mode and manner of these meetings is similar to that of the meetings
of spiritualists who get messages from the Other Side. In general the
meetings of Pentecostals are like the gatherings of various religious
groups outside of mainstream Christianity; whether they are Native
American, Spiritualist, Mystical Islamic, or Voodoo etc.

Early tongues movement

The early tongues speakers a century ago went out as missionaries with
their 'tongues of men' to other countries and were unable to make the
natives of China, India etc. understand their ‘own language’. Soon after
this they claimed to speak in angelic tongues only! This is still the claim
today. Yet there is a new suggestion that tongues are not languages at all!
This is purely self serving as they cannot prove they speak spiritual

Prophecy in recent times

Dr. Bernard Blessing also known as Prophet Bernard prophesied that
Hilary Clinton would become President of the USA in 2008. He even
staked his reputation as a prophet upon it and yet he still claims to be a
prophet. Barack Obama became President. Others among Charismatic
leaders had prophesied that George Bush Jnr. would be the last US
President. Today (2009) some are beginning to prophesy that President
Barack Obama will be the last US President with hardly blinking their eyes
or taking a breath after the last set of false prophecies. Is that Christian
behaviour? This brings us to the question of moral responsibility. I say it is
immoral to continually prophesy of things that do not happen and as they
fail move on to the next prophecy. That is essentially Christian Satanism.

To tell the world in effect that Christianity is a false religion that produces
failed prophecies and ministers who are often being caught out in matters
of sexual conduct or tax evasion – as many well known Charismatics
have- is downright evil. Christians would not so defame the name of
Christ. What right do they have to tell the world at large that Christianity
is a bad joke? The simple answer is that Christians do not do this. They
would not. A Christian would rather die than let the Lord suffer shame at
their failed prophecies. Charismatics and Pentecostals have the opposite
Multitudes of people can testify to failed prophecy given to them in
Charismatic circles.

Who benefits from Christianity being made to look foolish, ineffectual,

unprincipled and immoral? According to Pentecostals it is the Holy Spirit! It
is obviously Satan who benefits the most from the effects or fallout of the
Pentecostal Movement. The one who inspires it is the one who benefits. He
should in a sense as it is his servants the evil spirits who control the
whole movement! Ask the Holy Spirit, those very few of you who really
can, what He thinks of it. Learn of Christ. What I have been shown would
shock the Christian world. The Lord I know is ready to judge and condemn
the vast majority of Pentecostal leaders who have judged themselves
unworthy to be called by His Name. In short Christian Satanism is a road
to Hell. Only a minority among them are not filled with delusion and are
saved. These ones are universally blind and weak.

Among the leaders however, who have had years, even decades to witness
the false things, and practice them, things that I have written about here -
they may think they are free, eternally saved and above judgement but
they will learn that they are the prophets of lies and delusion and their
salvation is a delusion. How many have been fooled by subjective
experiences supposedly from God, church jargon that sounds Biblical and
Christian, and group psychology that bolsters them all up when they lack
the deep repentance, humility, holiness and love that are the hallmarks of
all true believers: Only these are His.

In Hell itself, as the Lord has shown me, there lie multitudes of
Charismatics and Pentecostals. There at least they can see the spirits that
influenced and inspired their hopelessly fallacious doctrines and tongues
speaking. In Hell, the Lord does indeed place people in groups and so
Pentecostals and Charismatics are placed near to one another. Often it
happens that the demons that deceived them, that they thought were Jesus
or the Holy Spirit, come before them to bewail with loud and bitter
lamentations the awful doom that awaits them for having deceived the
Christian Satanists. These Pentecostals and Charismatics do not speak in
tongues or prophesy in the Pit or command miracles to occur in Jesus’
name as they thought they did on earth. They never really liked the real
Christ anyway; always rejecting what was truly pure and holy and finding
it offensive – calling true believers ‘holier than thou’ or ‘Pharisees’ and
‘not having the freedom of the Spirit’. They dwell without hope, in utter
darkness and misery no man can describe – but if someone could describe
it in doing so they would be destroyed by the grief of it!

Sexual immorality
Statistics are actually kept by denominations on such things as church
attendance and church expulsion. It has long been on record that those in
the Charismatic circles, who claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit, have
the highest rates of sexual and other types of scandal.

Some characteristics of Charismatics and Pentecostals

It is clear from the evidence then that the spirit of the Charismatics is not
the Bible Holy Spirit but some other spirit or spirits. I am not making a
generalisation however, as some Charismatics and Pentecostals are saved.
They do not perceive that many around them, the majority, are not born
again as they judge them as spiritual when they prophesy or speak in
tongues… Also they do not judge themselves as weak and oppressed -
those who are saved, when they are constantly being told they are
prophets who will do great things.

It is a feel good religion, that often results in people being broken and
giving up entirely. By definition all Pentecostals and Charismatics are
deceived and the minority that have some measure of grace are unspiritual
without exception. Their leaders fall into two categories: The Sincerely
Deceived and the Pure Evil. Of the latter group come the greatest claims,
the most apparent wonders and the greatest success. As a religion the
Charismatic and Pentecostal movement is a form of Christian Satanism.
Charismatics and Pentecostals have a relation to Christianity similar to
that of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and
Spiritualists. In practice they are most like Spiritualists but using Christian
terminology and philosophy.

Failed deliverance
What I have written here will be seen by those who see themselves as
discerning as extreme and they would rebuke me where they would not
rebuke the Christian Satanists. This is because those in ministries of
discernment have totally failed to do what was needed. There are
experts everywhere that will tell how Christians should be wary of this
and that obvious cult or this or that obvious false practice, whether it is
astral travel or mantric mediation. Yet, very few Christians go into cults
outside of Christianity or are likely to practise New Age or occult teaching.
These experts have failed to point out the obvious, glaring and
overwhelming movement of Christian Satanism that has infected vast

Supernatural darkness too subtle to be discerned –

By the undiscerning
Lukewarmness and falling away are directly due to speaking in tongues
and prophesying and generally being Charismatic. It is not a harmless
practice. It is very dangerous and its effects upon Christian society
are one of the greatest successes for Satan since time began. The
Great Falling Away that many predict will happen in the future,
that great Falling Away prophesied by Jesus has happened. It
occurred after the rejection of practical holiness in the nineteenth
century and by the ascendancy of the Charismatic /Pentecostal
Satanism of the twentieth century.

Unconvinced Christian Satanists

Many Pentecostals will regard what I have said as manifestly false and
quite self evidently so. They pray against Satan and they ‘bind’ Satan in
Jesus Name’ how then can they be Satanists? Well, historically many
persons that contacted Satan did so thinking he was the spirit of a great
warrior king of the past or a nymph or a leprechaun or a noble fairy king
or of course an angel of light… That is they thought he was basically good.
Pretending to be the Holy Spirit is pure evil and to embrace Satan’s spirit
simply because he pretends to be God is also a great evil.

Charismatics will say that they know the Holy Spirit is with them; that
they have not seen these abuses; that they have seen wonders; that they
have the joy of the Lord etcetera. Yes, it is true that in terms of a purely
subjective experience Spiritism is designed to appeal to the flesh. It will
aggravate against the spirit however. Holy people will ever find a conflict
with Pentecostalism. The gooey, emotional, hypnotic, passive minded,
cauldron of sensory experience that is Spiritism is meant to be seductive. It
is not so with Christ. His disciples are clear headed, contrite, sincere, holy,
wise, loving without faking it, and always in some degree powerful.

Charismatics are known for persecuting true saints

Many believers, even though a small percentage of all believers, who have
led true lives of holiness and devotion can testify to being slandered,
abused and persecuted by Charismatics. So, we see it is not simply that
Charismatics embrace a false spirit as the foundation of their religion, but
they reject the True Spirit of Christ! This is the spirit of Antichrist at work.

Anti-Charismatic Charismatics
Many Charismatics after living for years in disquiet, disturbed by what
they have seen behind closed doors, eventually leave their churches. Then
they try to expose the lies and deceptions that they had formally practised.
Good for them, but sadly it takes many years for them to come out of all
these deceptions – if ever. This gives us the phenomenon of the anti-
Charismatic Charismatic: Those who see themselves as delivered while yet
still having false guidance and gifts. The enemy has refined his craft and
for them makes everything seem holy whereas for others he does pretty
much as he chooses and they accept it!

Anti-Charismatic Charismatics vary a great deal in terms of their

knowledge. Among Charismatic sects various false prophets prophesy
against other false prophets. That is the more refined, slightly more
evangelical and dedicated prophesy against the openly covetous and down
right ridiculous. Yet these first prophets cannot be trusted as they are also
unlike Biblical Prophets. A real Prophet could potentially change the world
and certainly get the world's attention.

Help for the half delivered

Some useful tests:
If the voice in your head that you think is God is God it will answer any
question on any subject whatsoever without error. What is 5,678 x
34,456? God would know but that voice probably won't. What is
tomorrow's news headline? The voice will not know – it is not God!!!

It is okay to say, “I feel led”, or “I am inspired with the thought that ...” or
even, “It was almost as if God had spoken to me...” but never to say “God
said...”, when He has not said. That is false prophecy. It is the lack of this
discipline that is one of the hallmarks of the Charismatic Movement and
the work of deception.

Another hint is do not let the voice in your head test the voice in
your head!
Satan is smarter than you will ever be. Such a God-like voice will tell you,
“If you trust in me the blood of Jesus will cleanse you of error. Are you
not more discerning than the multitudes of deceived? As your faith grows
I will answer questions but for now I can speak only according to the limit
of your faith...” i.e. “You can't question me but you should go on trusting
me as you are so spiritual...”

True saints have very quiet minds – clear like crystals, without
Charismatic confusion. In the Bible when God does speak it is often
audible and sometimes sounds like thunder! Miracles normally follow. Exit
all the false prophets... When Moses saw a burning bush he saw a
miracle, then saw God as Fire, and then heard God clearly. There was no
guess work or error; the modus operandi of the Charismatic Movement.

“Seeing, Moses marvelled at the sight and he came up to look

- a voice from the Lord came to him:
"I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, and the
God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."
Beginning to tremble, Moses did not dare to look.
The Lord said to him, "Loosen the sandals from your feet
because the place where you stand is holy ground.”
[Acts 7:31-33]

How to find Christ

If you are a Pentecostal you need to find Christ. The Lord has the power to
cleanse you and make you His own. Christians have a relationship with
God through Jesus Christ –not through pastors or big evangelists or so
called prophets. These intermediaries are not Christ and usually don’t
speak for him. You may find Christ in the Bible. Abandon all those
magazines and Charismatic books. You may find Christ in the world. He is
secretly at work everywhere to help the oppressed. This means that both
Jesus the Spirit and His book are here with us. By following the teaching
of the Book you may have Christ in your life as Lord. You must ask Jesus
to help you interpret His Book not a televangelist!

Do not follow voices in your head

Apart from deceiving you they can lead to serious mental health problems.
Charismatics and Pentecostals live in a constant state of unreality and
confusion. You have seen some who are bizarre and possibly deranged.
They often started out as normal. You need to forsake these principles of
Spiritism and adopt the principles of Christ: That is you need to reverse
Satan’s work.

Principles of Christ
God seeks honesty.
God seeks those willing to obey Him.
God wants obedience from the heart.
God gives His Spirit to those who obey Him.
You will see this is grace as it is God Who is doing the seeking. Yet, He
commands repentance from evil deeds. In other words God is more willing
to save us than we are to save ourselves. What part do we play?

We can pray to God for His help.

We can ask the Lord for forgiveness if we repent.
We should repent.

For a Pentecostal this means beginning again and laying the foundation of
Christ away from the dead works of Spiritism. How often have you
claimed the Lord told you something and it didn’t come to pass? Don’t call
God a liar. Repent of putting words into God’s mouth. That is a good start.

Expect help from the Lord. He will not disappoint.

Have faith.
How? It is a free gift if you have honestly responded to free grace.

Some more help

Stop saying that those who prophesied falsely were in the flesh but those
who ‘got it right’ were in the Spirit. God is not a God of confusion and
would not fill His churches with false prophecies. The same Movement
that gives rise to the failed prophecies and pointless prophecies gives rise
to a few that come true. The whole Movement of Spiritism is wrong and
you need to come out and be separate.

A big thing to do
Get out!!! Run for the hills. (Unless called to work among them as a
missionary.) It is killing you and you don’t know it as your flesh and the
devil are telling you how wonderful it is. Use logic and see Christ is holy!
If you need books read the great evangelical preachers of the 1700s-
1800s or devotional writers. Stop speaking in gibberish-tongues. Seek to
follow Christ by simple faith with reason rather than by supernatural
lights or signs. It will purify you. Resist Satan as he tries to lure you back.

A big mistake to avoid

Don’t join in with anti-Charismatic Charismatics. Don’t make the mistake
that so many make by being more refined and seemingly Biblical. A gentle
and evangelical counterfeit of the Holy Spirit is just as deadly, often more
so, than a wild and strange counterfeit. Stop trying to be a prophet or a
great revivalist and concentrate on doing Christ’s will day by day in
simplicity and truth. He will then become very powerful in your life and do
with you as He wills. He can, once you are purified of evil spirits and their

Many new believers need the information written here as it will save them
from falling into Charismatic error. It is so terrible to see believers
make a good start only to be lured into Satanism under a Christian
guise; and then see them become less holy as they become more
Charismatic! This hour is crying out with the need for such guidance.
Send all your Christian friends a copy of this writing, especially new
converts so that they will follow Christ and not the power of delusion
posing as the Holy Spirit.

Christian Satanism commonly known as Pentecostalism and the
Charismatic Movement is based upon deception. It is by its very nature
intrinsically opposed to the Spirit of Truth – Jesus Christ. It is not merely
another gospel but another religion. Almost all the heresies,
misdemeanours and cultic practises coming into Christianity begin with
the Christian Satanists. Their religion has as its very foundation the
experience of their deceptive and false gifts rather than the Person of
Christ – Who is effectively belittled in favour of a false Holy Spirit.
To reiterate then: Throughout history Satan and his demons have come to
peoples of all cultures in an idealized form representing whatever kind of
spirit or supernatural power they most adored and wanted. Satan
deceiving an Egyptian sorcerer is no different than Satan deceiving a
modern Christian. If missionaries are not evangelising all lands by
speaking their native tongues miraculously is this not in part due to the
fact that Christianity has chosen gibberish over miraculous languages? If
the great revivals of the 1800s were not topped in the 1900s and since is
this not in part because fake revivals of emotionalism and tongues
speaking were a barrier to God?

A baptism in the Holy Spirit is a baptism in the holiness of God.

Grace cannot be used to neutralise holiness or good deeds or practical and
real righteousness. Grace enables believers to live holy in Christ. A baptism
of power in the Holy Spirit inevitably results in conversions and the person
so baptised will lead others to Christ frequently. However there are
degrees of power and grace received and yet a genuine baptism in the
Spirit would inevitably result in receiving spiritual gifts and fruits of the

How is it then that churches filled to the brim with Christians supposedly
baptised in the Holy Spirit there is an absence of understanding of what
holiness is and often a rejection of holiness and ‘perfectionism’? There is
instead an attitude of lukewarmness. How is it that after being baptised in
the Charismatic type experience sin is still rampant and falling from Christ

A true gift of prophecy comes like a blazing, white hot, iron poker with
an intensity and holiness that leave the one prophesying in no doubt that
they are speaking directly for God by divine inspiration.

A real gift of discernment of spirits would have Christians agreeing

with me instead of fearing me as if I were the devil.

A real gift of tongues would have young people especially travelling all
over the world so that people could hear the gospel in their own
languages! Along with the power of the Spirit this would result in many
conversions- often dramatic conversions….

A church really filled with people baptised in the Spirit and power would
be a church full of true saints known for their love and holiness. This is
the greatest truth that Satan, with the help of Charismatics and
Pentecostals, has virtually obliterated from Christian consciousness and
modern, evangelical Christianity.
Accepting the false meant rejecting the true!

God judged the world accordingly and will judge in fury in decades to
come as the world will see. Christian beware! Flee all forms of
Spiritism and humble yourself in repentance before a mighty and holy God
Almighty, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Chapter Eight:

Jesus Sananda and the Would-Be Prophets

Hijacked prophets
Many fake Christian prophets are not original enough to make up their
own prophecies but decided to hijack the prophecies of various people
within the New Age movement. To do this they assume that New Age
prophets are prophesying accurately but unknowingly for Satan- but it is
up to the Christian prophets to interpret and combat those prophecies in a
Christian and apocalyptic manner -while adding prophecies of their own
that unwittingly bolster the credibility of false New Age prophets!
Welcome to the world of Charismatic confusion! Below we will consider
the New Age teaching on Sananda and how Christian fake prophets have
responded to it.

Who is Jesus Sananda?

New Age teachers say that in the spiritual planes Jesus Christ is known as
the Ascended Master Sananda. He will come again to earth as the World
Teacher. They believe that Jesus was just one of many ascended masters
and that Jesus has had many incarnations. He is known in the Orient as
Lord Maitreya. Other ascended masters include Christian saints and
Eastern mystics. (The New Age Movement picks bits and pieces from all
religions.) Sananda will be reincarnated again as the World Teacher. The
ascended masters were the teachers of mankind coming from out of the
spirit realm.

Not all New Age teaching is consistent and also taking into account that
these characters are continually being reincarnated it is hard to work out a
logical account. There are elements in Ascended Master teaching that are
similar to Freemasonry and its guilds. There are all kinds of committees of
light and angels that oversee mankind.

So, there are various versions of Jesus/Sananda and Lord Maitreya but
there is an underlying unity among New Agers based upon their
philosophy. New Agers look for a New Age of world peace and spiritual
enlightenment. This fits within their worldview of...Western Rationalism
meets Eastern Mysticism

There is a fundamental idea however underpinning the New Age

Movement; that is the concept of Darwinian evolution applied to
spirituality. They combine Western and Eastern philosophy and end up
with an evolutionary leap of spirit for mankind. Many teachers on the
New Age Movement seem to miss this vital point. New Agers combine
western Liberalism and its science: All religions are equal + all humans
evolve. That is why it is called the New Age. It is the period for humans
evolving into gods during the Age of Aquarius: 2000AD to 3000AD.
Therefore a world teacher is to appear to guide all into this god state...

Already that World Teacher Jesus/Sananda gives messages through
various mediumistic New Age teachers and these can be found over the
Internet. Also they like to post images of Jesus/Sananda based on
paintings of Jesus from European art in past centuries. A popular one has
Jesus with long, light brown hair and blue eyes. An important point I want
to make here is that some Christians believe in this teaching of ascended
masters in this sense; that they are revelations of what Satan is up to.
They literally believe that the Biblical False Prophet of the Antichrist, the
second Beast of Revelation, will look like Jesus/Sananda: Long hair and
blue eyes and definitely European. They even go on to state that Christians
are unknowingly worshiping Satan by worshiping such a Jesus or his
image… This is the topic of this chapter as it concerns two sets of
confused teachers, both New Age and Christian.

Who is Lord Maitreya?

He is the Master of Masters who is known in religions around the world.
Particularly significant to Buddhism, he is also worshiped in China as a
wandering god with an eye in his back. There have been many claimants
to the title of Maitreya as there have been to the title of Christ. For a
summary of Buddhist and New Age views of Maitreya see:

Various interpretations among New Agers and Christians

For New Agers the first incarnation of Jesus/Sananda was Adam and the
next is to be the World Teacher. During the New Age the World Teacher
brings peace and spiritual consciousness or God Realisation. For Christians
who believe these false prophecies, they divide the identity of Lord
Maitreya and Sananda between the Antichrist and his prophet mentioned
in the book of Revelation. They too have evolved their teaching! This
means that Lord Maitreya is the Antichrist and Sananda is the false
prophet. However will that false prophet call himself Sananda?

Lord Maitreya is the expected messiah and Teacher of all religions and his
main prophet among New Agers seems to be Benjamin Creme, although
there are more and more contenders and sources for channeling Lord
Maitreya’s messages. It is said by some including Benjamin Creme that
Lord Maitreya has been active behind the scenes in present times and it is
predicted (again) that he will soon make his appearance. Lord Maitreya
will reveal his identity and telepathically communicate with everyone on
earth, as well as by TV, in a soon to be televised event predicted this year
(2009). Of course this will not happen but it has both New Agers and
some erroneous Christians excited. Why would Christians believe in the
New Age predictions of the appearance of Lord Maitreya when previous
predictions of his appearance failed to come off?

Lord Maitreya’s –Jesus/Sananda’s earthly name

Lord Maitreya is the Eastern name, meaning Kindness or Benevolence, of
an incarnation of life energy that became Jesus. Jesus is Sananda in the
spirit world: Is the World Teacher Sananda or Maitreya? Or are there
two? New Agers themselves seem to point to one World Teacher.

Sananda is the higher spiritual name. Jesus is the name used in one of his
earthly appearances. Sananda/Jesus may well have another name in the
next appearance. This means he may well be here already known by
another name. The result is a lot of wild speculation dignified by some
Christians who know no better. Yet, since Lord Maitreya’s identity is not
yet revealed some speculate that it is President Barack Obama. Others say
it is Rahmat Ahmad a Pakistani spiritual teacher…

The end of the world?

Many believers are committing themselves to proclaiming an immanent
Second Coming of Christ and also to identifying the Antichrist and the
False Prophet or Beast of the Book of Revelation. Among others Prince
Charles has been named as the Antichrist. Individual Popes have
historically often been named as the Antichrist... All predictions about the
Second Coming and the Antichrist have so far failed. Across Europe in the
year 1000AD multitudes gathered on hilltops awaiting the end of the
world. After it did not happen faith in the Catholic Church that allowed this
error, if not actually preaching it, waned. This in turn led to the later rise
of Protestantism. Many will lose faith in Evangelical Christianity for the
same reason.

Some Christians, who for some reason believe many of these New Age
prophecies, see in them a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy and in particular
regard Jesus/Sananda as the coming second Beast and False Prophet
depicted in the Book of Revelation (See Revelation 13. Both the Antichrist
and his false prophet are called beasts.) For what reason they would
believe this is not apparent other than it is very typical of the Apocalyptic
Hysteria that has taken hold upon large sections of evangelical and
Charismatic Christianity, especially in the USA. There is however, no
reason to believe in the prophecies of Benjamin Creme or Ascended
Master Teachers and others.

The Would-Be Prophets

The would-be Christian prophets also seem to have no signs to verify their
prophecies and warnings. The Powers of Darkness only tell lies to their
dupes. Jesus/Sananda does not and will not exist. That is the only reason
he has consistently failed to make his appearance. There have been and
there will be people who claim to be the world messiah or Sananda or
Maitreya but they will not telepathically communicate with everyone on
earth or anything similar. It is true there will be fulfilment of Biblical
prophecy but Biblical prophecies can in no way be compared to the
prophecies of those claiming to know who the Antichrist or his servant
the false prophet really are, and implying of course that they know they
are alive and secretly working today for their ever immanent appearance!

I want to make this point quite clearly: That sincere Christians are
strengthening the prophecies of the New Age Movement and
forwarding its interests. In giving credence and respect to various New
Age predictions they are in effect helping them along. Yet, as I have said
they cannot make a good argument for their beliefs other than the usual,
“I sense in my spirit”, or “God has told me” and regard rejection of their
speculations as a lack of recognition of their true prophetic stature. They
are would-be prophets without solid argument or divine support.

The would-be prophets want to be seen as prophets and so must have

something to prophesy, even if they borrow it from New Agers. It is false
insight or discernment to 'see' that the confused messages from Sananda
and about Sananda are the secrets of the Antichrist. These would-be
prophets are being opportunistic and bolstering their image as
prophets by taking various popular topic threads from the Internet
and tying them in with End Times fanaticism. They appeal to the
unquestioning attitude that many have that the end is nigh. This belief held
by many is based upon trusting teaching that is as equally unfounded and
put out by self centred people who need to be admired. They see
themselves as important and significant to world events, without actually
having an impact on the world or being able to teach well on any spiritual

God's Prophets, whether great or small, were recognised as Prophets by

those who were close to God and by world leaders. Their prophecies were
clear and came to pass. Some performed great signs. All were known to
be holy. In stark distinction the would-be prophets are often known only
to themselves or a few people with the same teaching – as they all copy
one another. They have no signs. Nothing they have said has come to pass.
They are known to have been wrong in the past. It is not our job to flatter
their egos but to avoid their persons and teaching. There is no prophet
prophesying about the coming Antichrist lord Maitreya and his prophet
Sananda that has been recognised as a prophet in the world or had
prophecies that have come true.

Hundreds of years of prophesying

The identity of the Antichrist
These kinds of false prophets in past times told the world that the Kaiser
(of World War I) was the Antichrist and later the same kind of people said
it was Adolf Hitler. Before that time they said the Antichrist was Napoleon,
etcetera. In more recent times we have been told that Saddam Hussein
was the Antichrist... I rather suspect that when the Lord does raise up a
Prophet that performs great signs and wonders these very types of
'believers' will prophesy he or she is the Beast! In fact it is true to say that
thought was given to me by the Lord. It is not unusual for such would-be
prophets to recommend other teachers that are spiritual and others that
are unspiritual, while at the same time attacking ferociously some of the
most spiritual figures in Christian history. Their knowledge then is as
confused as their prophecies- and all underpinned by their pride.

False lights
Many of the so-called experts on prophecy and spiritual warfare take
their knowledge from their own past experiences in the occult, believing
falsely that they were given insight into the spiritual world. Yet, the Enemy
will only tell lies to those involved in the occult. When, thankfully, they
become Christians they should not assume their 'knowledge' is in any
way reliable or a means with which to interpret Bible prophecy! To give
credence to the teaching of various Spiritists is to unnecessarily advance
the interests of those opposed to the Bible Faith.

Spirit and Soul

Often the need to discern between spirit and soul is put forward by both
legitimate teachers and would-be prophets as necessary for spiritual
discernment, as indeed it is. To correctly discern things one needs to be
spiritual and to be spiritual one needs to be able to distinguish between
human emotions and thoughts and divine leading in the spirit. Those who
have really experienced a division between spirit and soul, as we are
taught in the Bible that the Word of the Lord is a Sword that divides
asunder even soul and spirit, know that such an experience comes by the
Cross. The application of the Cross upon the believer's nature by the Holy
Spirit means suffering for Christ by faith which bears the fruit of spiritual
awareness. A life of discipleship in holiness and truth is essential to an
experience of deeper discernment. As they become spiritually minded they
are in tune with God and able to distinguish spiritual things in a spiritual

The lukewarmness of the Charismatic movement cannot produce such

discipleship. Therefore those who rehash the teaching of Jessie Penn-
Lewis, Watchman Nee or the Christian Mystics without really
understanding them have an appearance of wisdom, as those teachers
were wise, but they also put forward many errors their idols would not
have tolerated. By trying to be overly spiritual instead of resting on the
Lord by simple faith they often undermine the things of the Lord which, in
their zeal, they want to exalt.

This was a common error of the Charismatics in the 1980's when for
example Watchman Nee inspired teaching, contrary to what he really
taught, helped the Shepherdship Movement develop into an authoritarian
cult. Often spiritual writers are quoted as the cause of Charismatic error
when they are really exploited and debased by those who pretend to be
spiritual and get things twisted inside out.

Putting things right

They could begin to correct things by, for a start, stop calling themselves
prophets! Being supposed prophets that are more evangelical than the
obvious false prophets does not make them prophets. By being anti-
Charismatic but having words in their minds supposedly from the Holy
Spirit means they are still mediumistic! To say you are a prophet when
you are not is a sin. To call yourself a prophet when you simply mean you
are exposing the errors of the Church is to misuse Scripture.

Biblical Prophets were supported by God so that both believers and

unbelievers came to understand they were Prophets. Every word
they spoke was truth and every prophecy they gave came to pass.

Some things that those who have experienced the division between
spirit and soul can do.
Spiritual Christians can teach by experience rather than by theory.
However, what they teach will be gibberish to the theoretical Christians.
Spiritual Christians can and do continually sense the near presence of
Christ. They can discern errors in teaching and practice and errors of
emphasis. They experience the power of the Holy Spirit as the Abundant
Life of Christ flowing within them. That is they abide in Christ as depicted
in John chapter 15. They can recognise fakers. They can give a strong
testimony to their faith which will inevitably have an element of the

“May the God of peace Himself entirely sanctify you - may

your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
[1 Thessalonians 5:23]

Coming beasts of Revelation

In regards to the coming Antichrist and his false prophet, who are
correctly named beasts; they will of course bear many similarities to true
prophets and appear to be saviours of the world – for a time. Yet,
inevitably their true natures will be revealed and because of their great
power they will entrap the world. Phrases like “one world religion” are not
in the Bible but relate to the fact that “all will worship the beast”. This does
not mean that all people will have the exact same religion but that they will
have philosophies of religion and science which at that time can
accommodate these beasts.
A challenge to the would-be prophets
Are you a prophet in your own eyes? Are you teaching the immanent
return of Christ? Were you one of those who said President George Bush
Jnr. would be the last President of the USA? Are you one of the multitudes
that claim to 'know', not believe, deduce, hold the opinion, but know, in
your spirit or otherwise that the Lord will return while some of us are yet
living? Even in the next few to several years? Prove it!

Proof is not saying, “I sense it”, or “When the Lord returns they will see!”
Where are your prophecies made in the past that have been
recorded as coming true? Where are your prophecies, not
generalisations, about world events that are about to come true?

I say, and I could add 'know', that those who say they are prophets and
are prophesying the Lord's return anytime within the next twenty years
are false prophets, bad Bible students and vainglorious, pseudo-spiritual
dupes of the Enemy.

Unrepentant would-be prophets

The world is full of prophets these days and those whose prophecies
concerned things that were to happen in the eighties and nineties have
been shown to have been fools. Many of these are still prophesying about
the End Times. If they were to repent and say, 'I am not a prophet but I
was deceived', it would mean being humbled in the sight of others. As
these prophets are generally driven by religious pride few will ever do so.
They prefer to blame others for their mistakes or to attempt to cover them
up. If they stopped being would-be prophets who would listen to them, or
flatter them of give them heaps of money? They cling on to their false
claims and false identities and preach their false teaching -Why listen to
them? Are they not the servants of the very lies they are supposedly

I want to point out that there is a very close correlation between the
prophets of the ascended masters and the would-be prophets of the
counterfeit Holy Spirit. Their prophecies fail. They recoup their ground by
offering new ones without repenting of imposing former false prophecies
on believers. They depend on End Times hysteria to be taken seriously and
are always running about thinking their prophesied ones are about to
appear. On the other hand they often leave out definite dates and
predictions. They usually like to imply immanence without actually
promising it. Yet, if they are prophets why can’t they be clear? If they are
prophets why is there always lack of clarity and abundance of confusion?
Did you find it hard following the identity of Lord Maitreya? I put it down
as logically as I could. It is a total mess of insinuations, implications, false
deductions and inferences out there, put out as prophecy by both New
Agers and some Christians.
The True Purpose of False Prophecy
Many Christians feel that to openly criticise other Christians whom they
know to be in error is wrong. They think that since these preach Christ
they cannot be all bad and we should not judge etcetera. In reality there
are multitudes of ex-Christians in the world. There are so many now
working away at Christianity and where did they come from? They came
out of the Charismatic confusion created by false teachers and prophets.
There is a kind of Christianity that is specifically designed to fail and lead
to despair. It offers high hopes, empty promises of wealth and power and
when it fails, as it does its adherents come crashing down to earth. In the
aftermath there is bitterness, disillusionment and often a reaction against
God, the Bible and Christianity.

I should say here to those who are suspicious of my motives that my God,
my Bible and my Christianity has not only not failed me but has achieved
more than I ever dreamed it would. That aside there are others who say
the opposite of themselves as it was not my Christianity to which they
were converted or discipled in. They are doomed to failure from the start
and their worst enemies are not Satanists or atheists but the would-be
prophets with their pretty emptiness and gold laced promises that turn out
to be tinfoil. Satan then achieves his purpose and has a whole army of ex-
Christians ready to testify that Jesus does not answer prayer, that the
Bible is proved false; and they the once true believers as they think have
seen through it all and come out as rationalists!

It is the duty of true Christians then to resist the false prophets to the
utmost and teach weak and foolish believers that a disciple of Christ is
disciplined and that a person who receives the Holy Spirit is holy... These
have their prayers answered: Not every prayer but more than enough to
prove God and powerful enough to astound the believer! In essence God
answers every prayer however but not in the form the believer would like
as God is far more knowing and wiser than they. He does reward the faith
inherent in every true prayer and gives blessings not asked for too. Almost
all of this kind of believer endure to the end. Very few turn away. Among
Charismatic/evangelical Christians today however most fall away within
one, five, ten or fifteen years. Only a few live their entire lives as
Christians and many were never really saved to begin with while others
were ill taught and misled and some exploited and abused.

This is why it is important to return to the simplicity of Christ and practice

humility and love to God. Real believers are kind, loving, peaceful, holy and
meek. Those who seek to cultivate these traits within by the power of the
real Holy Spirit tend to achieve their aim, even if they remain poor and of
no account among the super-Christians and their false prophets.
Chapter Nine:
The Devil in disguise:
How to defeat the False Jesus

This chapter is a short introduction to spiritual victory over the

forces of evil, particularly as they imitate Jesus, the Holy Spirit or
the Father. It represents only a shard of Satan's devices - exposed.

Over the years I have encountered many false representations of Jesus

from the one world religion guru to the black activist, African Jesus, and
everything in between. These false philosophies have their equivalent in the
spiritual realm too, as evil spirits can and do take on aspects of Christ's
image or character to imitate Him, or the Holy Spirit or the Father, as well
as imitating Angels and Saints.

Here is a list of some of the Jesuses you may come across in

modern culture or even in modern churches
The muscle bound Health and Fitness Jesus
The Cosmic Hippy Jesus
The Black Jesus
The Aryan Jesus
The Pacifist Jesus
The Gay Jesus
The Communist Jesus
The Female Jesus
The Mad Jesus
The Ignorant Peasant Jesus
The Social Worker Jesus
The Confused Jesus
The Sexual Jesus
The Pathetic Jesus
The Identity Crisis Jesus
The God Hating Jesus
The Lucifer Betraying Jesus
The Joking Jesus
The Bigot Jesus
The Anti-Semitic Jesus
The Drug Induced Jesus

Here are some of the more supposedly Christian Jesuses

The Weak and Ineffectual Jesus
The Silent Jesus
The Money Mad Jesus
The English Middle Class Jesus
The American Right Wing Conservative Jesus
The Pentecostal and Charismatic Jesus
The Laid Back Non Religious Jesus
The Never Condemns Anyone Jesus
The Party and Alcohol Jesus
The Forgot About You Jesus

There are two other Jesuses

The Bible Jesus
The Spirit Jesus
These last two are one and the same.

All of the above Jesuses have a spirit to go with them. Only the
last Jesus, the Bible Jesus has the Spirit of God.

As there are Jesuses so there are versions of the Holy Spirit and the
Father, such as the Stern and Vindictive God... Also, versions of the Gospel,
such as the Gospel of Lifestyle, rather than discipleship.

There are also artistic images of Jesus. Some of these reflect the views of
past centuries. Usually Jesus is handsome but serene, often blonde and
usually white. European culture and the British Empire gave the world a
European Jesus. In some Christian Books and Bibles for Children this
Jesus is still clearly seen. Most characters in many of these Bibles are
white, including Adam and Eve from whom all races descended.
Fortunately, today we also have an ordinary looking Hebrew Jesus
depicted for children. This is a small but significant clue to a cultural shift.
Some people want to know Jesus as He is - not as others would like Him
to be.

The Devil is a Shape Shifter

We can see from the above lists that the false Jesus is a chameleon
melting into its surrounds and accommodating to peoples' misconceptions.
It has the power to shape shift and is slippery as a snake. It is not one but
many like the mythological hydra of the Greeks: Chop a head off and
another will grow! This hydra has so many heads they are uncountable
but there is a weapon that can destroy it.

“...the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God”

[Ephesians 6:17]

This weapon will destroy the false philosophies and any ugly head that
rears its evil self up against us!

Similarly there is the Non Existent Devil, the Personification of Evil Devil
and the Little Red Devil. These are fabrications of the devil - the devil of the
Bible. As there is an intelligent and real Jesus so there is an intelligent and
real devil. We need to defeat his disguises.
How to defeat the false Jesus:
Discipline under the Bible
Know your Bible. People will tell you the Jesus of John the Apostle is not
the Jesus of Paul the Apostle and the Jesus of the Gospel of John is not
the Jesus of the Revelation written by that same John. Then again modern
theologians will tell you that John is not the same John... As the Bible is
trustworthy it reveals the true Jesus. The best way to defeat the False
Jesus is not primarily by spiritual discernment, as few believers have
enough, but by discipline; by knowing and studying the Scripture.

For example the person who believes Jesus when He says,

[Luke 16:13] “You cannot serve God and Mammon”
(The god of wealth), is hardly going to accept the Money Mad Jesus or its
gospel of Get Rich Now I'll Show You How.

The second way to defeat the false Jesus is by spiritual

All genuine believers have the Spirit and therefore all have some degree of
wisdom in spiritual matters and therefore too, the ability to judge, weigh,
discern the things of God and their opposites. You may not have enough
discernment to do it alone but with the Bible and the discipline of its
application to your life this makes a formidable weapon against the
devices of the devil.

The third way to defeat the devil in disguise is by faith in prayer

By praying to God you may ask for spiritual light or intelligence upon
these matters. You must pray in an attitude of trust and with a view to
changing your mind! Think about that.

Regular prayer along these lines:

“I am not infallible. Please show me my errors, and where the
devil may have deceived me, in the Name of the Bible Jesus,

Such prayers prayed seriously and regularly really do help in the renewal
of your mind and in keeping you alert. God really does answer too, so be
prepared for a few shocks!

Make God alone your Lord

Finally, as this is merely a brief introduction to the subject, do not trust in
human wisdom, yours or others, especially if they are prophesying over
you! Here is one of those Bible verses you really need to remember and
pray over,

“So says the Eternal, 'Cursed is the man that trusts in man, and
makes flesh his arm (strength), and whose heart departs from
the Eternal.'” [Jeremiah 17:5]
A warning
All Christian cults and mainline churches teach some form of spiritual
discernment. Many teach on the subject of combating evil spirits. All
Christian cults in particular claim to have spiritual gifts and revelations
exposing the works of the devil. They do have some truths too, but not
about the delusions they are bound with or that they will bind you with.
Make the Bible your authority in matters of doctrine. Experientially,
cling to the Lord alone: That is study the Bible’s Jesus with the Spirit of the
Bible’s Jesus.

Beware of extremes
This is a difficult time for Christians to live in as there are so many
denominations and sects and even more teachings. Everything I teach has
versions by other spiritual writers and by cults- and all originate in the
Word of God. When you read of the false Jesus or any spiritual thing,
there will be true and false versions. Among true versions there will be
errors of emphasis. Among many false versions there is often a lot
of truth that acts as the sugar to cover the arsenic of deception. In
dealing with the various forms of Jesus you meet in the world or in
churches it is good to be gracious, humble and accommodating to a point.
Many people are sincerely trying to follow God. I am not of the ones that
want to cry against them over their errors but to encourage them to
greater enlightenment. Let us consider then the greatest false Jesus there is
in the world.

The Iconic Jesus

In Europe and the East Christianity has tended to standardise Christ so
that he became meek and mild, very human, serene, and idealised. The
representation of Christ lost his zeal for God, his power and his deep
spirituality. He also lost his certainty and his deep animosity toward sin.
The Iconic Jesus, who is literally seen on icons, is therefore not so
much God incarnate as Religious Humanism incarnate. If he were
real and you met him no doubt he would be a beautiful character, a true
saint; but would he be able to cast out evil spirits, performs signs in the
Heavens and many other wonders? Would he return again as the world's
conqueror? I am making this distinction to point out what is missing. It
does not mean, as many of you I am sure realise, that I think Jesus is to
be a hyper character who is casting out demons all the time- it is just one
of several of the characteristics left out of the Iconic Jesus.

Out of all the false Jesuses the Iconic Jesus is the one closest to the truth
and the one the world loves. The Iconic Jesus lives in the hearts and minds
of multitudes and is the present dominant religious Jesus in the world. The
great distinction with the Real Jesus is this: The world did and does today
hate the real Christ. That's why He was crucified by the religious and
pagans together.
Jesus is hated for this reason in His own words:
“The world cannot hate you but it hates Me; for I testify of it,
that its works are evil.” [John chapter 7:7]

The Spirit of Christ continually witnesses against what is evil within

mankind. In response there has never been nor can there ever be a man
more hated, defamed, abused, slandered and attacked than the Lord Jesus
Christ, Son of God.

Jesus is holiness itself and to come into his Presence is to come into the
Light and that Light blinds the eyes – until they see. Jesus is Love and
mitigates against everything that is selfish - and humans by nature are
Self-ish: That is, what the Bible calls 'fallen nature', as there remains an
ability to repent and come into the Light.

How many of those who love the Iconic Jesus would hate the Real
The answer is quite simple: By loving the Iconic Jesus they do hate the
Real Jesus. They are rejecting Him in favour of an inferior impostor
created out of human tradition.
Chapter Ten:
The Witch and the False Prophet
Jessie Penn-Lewis and Charles Finney

God warned before time of the Pentecostal movement and its false
As abuses were emerging in the 1800’s in revivals and the numbers of
believers claiming to be prophets were gaining some ground in them, as
they had been in ages before, God graciously gave warning in two books
by two genuine revivalists. They and their significant books are examined
along with their influences. This chapter also looks at some of the history
leading up to the great Christian Satanist movement.

Nineteenth century revivals and revivals in Wales

Jessie Penn-Lewis was a feminist Christian from Wales who was very
active along with Evan Roberts in the Welsh revival of 1904. As a
contemporary of suffragettes Jessie Penn-Lewis put forward her own
book, Magna Carta of Women which pleads for women's ministry in
the Church. She is best known for her book, among many others, War on
the Saints, which is a book about spiritual warfare based on her
experiences, along with Evan Roberts, of Satan's deceptions in the Welsh
revivals. This was the keystone work for discernment of spirits. Prior to
its arrival however there was an even earlier work concentrating more on
the outer abuses of psychology and emotional manipulation by fleshly or
carnal believers: Letters on Revival by Charles Finney.

Nineteenth century opposition to emotionalism and false spirits

In the nineteenth century there were more or less continual revivals in the
USA and other places. In the mid nineteenth century revivals spread from
North America to Wales mainly on the reading of Charles Finney's
Lectures on Revival. These were among an abundance of other revivals
that were sporadic throughout the nineteenth century. I remember reading
how that book spread and as it spread revivals sprang up. It is on
historical record that Welsh revivals were among them. The Welsh revivals
continued intermittently until the early twentieth century. They had the
stamp of holiness teaching all over them and in Jessie Penn-Lewis's case
of course there was the spiritual connection to Charles Finney who had
written earlier articles about abusive practises in revivals, Letters on
Revival also known as the book Revival Fire. Finney put forward a
case that the emerging (what was to become Pentecostal Movement) was
‘in the flesh’ and over emotional. His was the spiritual forerunner to Jessie
Penn-Lewis's book War on the Saints, in which Jessie Penn-Lewis made
an analysis of demonic activity among believers. There is a clear spiritual
connection between the two works; Finney's being almost an introduction
to Jessie Penn-Lewis's book. The two books put together represent a
timely warning from God of everything that happened after, since both
these books were largely ignored by modern believers.

Christians and social reformation

Charles Finney is now known for influencing Abraham Lincoln to
abolish slavery after the President asked for his advice in two letters.
Finney was also known for organising part of the Underground Railway
for runaway slaves at Oberlin College where he was a professor of
theology. Racists today still attack Finney for being a social reformer
rather than a Christian. It is interesting however that most of the revivals
in America at that time happened in the northern states and not the south
where slavery was practised. It seems that the Holy Spirit was part of this
social reformation.

Altar Call
In studying the Bible Finney recognised in the rite of baptism that believers
made an open air and public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. The
churches in Finney’s day largely baptised people at birth and Charles
Finney saw the need for a public declaration and a stand for Christ. At that
time it was often expected that people would simply be converted by God
if they were preordained. The issue of baptism was controversial and
divisive but Finney decided to follow the principle of public declaration of
faith. He simply asked for a public declaration of faith by introducing the
Altar Call. This was designed to help those under deep conviction from
the Holy Spirit to make a clear and intelligent response to that work of

The whole idea was to get sinners to act upon the manifest and felt calling
of God, combining both divine and human action together. In this way God
would call and the people would respond openly by coming to the altar for
prayer. Thereby acting clearly and decisively as the early disciples did
who responded to the call to baptism while the Gospel was being preached
by John the Baptist. The actual use of the Altar Call was based primarily
upon the obvious convicting work of the Holy Spirit among listeners to the
Gospel in great revivals. This was later used everywhere in great revivals.
As I say Charles Finney could have simply called for sinners to repent and
be baptised as in the gospels but most had already been baptised in
churches and the issue was divisive.

Finney was very thorough however, about his teaching on True

Repentance – even writing a book with this title. It was not simply a case
of saying you 'accepted' Jesus! (Erroneously practised today by those
who reject Finney's principles of revival.) This true and open repentance
became standard practise in revivals, at the Altar Call, including the ones
Evan Roberts and Jessie Penn-Lewis were active agents in. It became
standard practise for evangelists both Arminian and Calvinist since. It was
used to combat the (now almost extinct) extreme Calvinistic position
that people would be saved if it were God's will without any form of
human intervention, including witnessing (acting as a witness for Christ’s
Good News), prayer in faith for souls, preaching etcetera. Those who want
to return to extreme Calvinism however today attack the introduction of
the Altar Call without revealing their true motives.

Until the Altar Call was introduced sinners under conviction from God
were often left without any direction of how to be saved, as these extreme
Calvinists believed they should not lead people to choose to believe God. As
a result, often the convictions would wear off and sinners would go away
unsaved, with Calvinists assuming they were therefore not Elect.

The harsh critics of Finney in Calvinistic Bible colleges and elsewhere say
his was purely a man made religion of no value. Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones
scathingly called it ‘Decisionism’. Finney has variously been called a mere
social reformer, an ethicist, or even accused of being responsible for
preparing the way for the Antichrist! As there are plenty of historical
accounts of mass conversions in continuing revivals this sovereign work
of the Holy Spirit is often dismissed today as the result of Charles
Finney’s ‘animal magnetism’. That is there are those who read of
accounts of great revivals in which tens of thousands are saved; they will
even read of some wonders of God in them and of the transformed lives
of new believers going on to live long in holiness and faithfulness to God
and they conclude it is all manmade religion of no value; and see in it the
root cause of spiritual weakness in churches today! This is a bit like
seeing in Jesus the false prophet who needed to be sacrificed to save
Israel – the theological position of the High Priests that had him executed.

Yet, what did Finney do? He was the centre of revivals non stop for fifty
years in which multitudes were saved. He warned against false revivals
and delusions. He was known to have been a man or extraordinary
holiness. What then is to be achieved by his character assassination and
obliterating his legacy? His example of how to convert masses, deeply and
truly, his warnings against false revivals and abuses, his call to holiness all
abandoned. - In favour of what? This: Lack of true and deep repentance,
entrance of ‘in the flesh’ revivals, and lukewarmness. Often you can tell
what someone really stands for by who they reject, far more so than by
whom they honour. I see no reason to slander Finney to surreptitiously
defend extreme Calvinism. This is all harsh and unfair criticism used by
the evil one to undermine the works of God.

If you are aware of what is being taught as doctrine these days in Bible
colleges and elsewhere you will see that Charles Finney has become a
prime target for attack. His ‘errors’ are often referred to and he is
dismissed as irrelevant. The reason for this is that being a lawyer he used
the techniques of a lawyer to argue a case for God. (In which people
would give their ‘testimony’ and also ‘witness’ for Christ.) In his theology
and letters he takes the tone of an advocate for Christ against sinners
bringing a strong case for faith and repentance. His clear, analytical and
thoughtful style is anathema to those who see the Christian religion as
unthinking and dependent upon blind faith.

Secondly Finney is attacked for being the one person who is most like
Paul the Apostle in the stature of his intellectual understanding of the
Gospel, his accuracy, and his profound holiness and faith; proven by his
works and their spiritual success. In other words Finney is attacked for
his Christlikeness. No Christian who had read Finney’s works and
understood them would attack him but they might have some questions
about certain emphases on certain points. Finney is attacked by those who
want Christianity to be mystified, unthinking, emotional, and above all
lukewarm. I have not yet met a critic of Finney who really understood
what he taught as they are all unthinking critics representing one form of
heresy or another- whether super-spiritual or anti-spiritual.

Many of Charles Finney’s critics exude the very tone and spirit of
antinomianism and Phariseeism. It is a great credit to Charles Finney that
this present Laodicean age regards him as a Pharisee. Yet, it is the destiny
of every Christlike person to be treated as Christ was by the kind of
religious people that opposed him. In fact there is something deeply
spiritual going on: That people see the Spirit of Jesus as Satan and
Satan as Jesus. This is the underlying basis for their interpretations of
doctrine, of people and of spiritual phenomena.

Problems with the Altar Call

Finney leant strongly to Arminianism but Jessie Penn-Lewis inhabits a
place between Calvinism and Arminianism. In that sense she is more
balanced. (Watchman Nee is Calvinist.) Charles Finney insisted and taught
that salvation is by grace through faith and could hardly fall into the
stereotype of the Pharisee so often used against him. Much of his
teaching was a reaction to the Universalism (all people get saved) and the
extreme Calvinism (the will is not really free and therefore cannot be used

As a standardised practise of evangelism the Altar Call has presented some

problems as often there is no revival and no deep call from God for
multitudes to take an open and public stand for Christ. As something
forced it becomes, in effect, an emotional acceptance of Christ that
usually, quickly wears away. This is why the drop out rate after the
evangelical crusades is so high. Evangelists have a tendency to try and
force conversions.

As a matter of principle:
When people are under conviction by God they need
. Direction.
. Encouragement to obey God in repenting and confessing Christ.
These principles will always hold true but it is a matter of form how they
are expressed and in certain circumstances one form is better than
another. Usually where revival power is absent a long drawn out process
of invitation, encouragement and teaching must precede any crying out of,
“Repent and believe the Gospel”. It is a credit to Finney’s faith that he could
call people to repent and they did do so! It is this extraordinary faith that is
under attack.

Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts and the Welsh Revival

Jessie Penn-Lewis was known for advocating the Baptism in the Spirit
for Power to work in revivals as was Charles Finney. Jessie Penn-Lewis
had the emphasis of spiritual awareness, particularly in regards to the
demonic. Hence her book War on the Saints... During the Welsh Revival
Evan Roberts' constant, unmitigated labours to save the lost resulted in
him being burnt out – or having a 'nervous breakdown'. Jessie Penn-Lewis
spent a lot of time, along with her husband, looking after Evan Roberts.
She used her time not spent in revivals writing about the spiritual life.
From her lessons in the Welsh Revival she wrote of many manifestations,
strategies and deceptions of evil spirits that she had uncovered – and how
to combat them! Charles Finney and Jessie Penn-Lewis represented
two things: Inner spiritual depth and outer spiritual power. Those
who oppose these things usually oppose one or both of these authors.

Finney's Law and Gospel

There are many verses in the New Testament about the Law of Christ, the
Law of the Spirit, being judged on our deeds at Judgement Day etcetera.
Finney understood that the Law of the Levitical Priesthood was changed
when Christ came, as it says in Hebrews. It changed from a dead letter to
a Principle of Life. The Gospel life is that life: That is it is a life that fulfils
God's Spiritual Law, which is often expressed morally. To abrogate that
Law or to do away with it completely is to do away with Conscience.
Psychologically and of course spiritually that would be disastrous.

Jessie Penn-Lewis and myself for that matter and many other believers
regard the Bible as Harmony. If there is an unexplainable tension between
living holy and grace in people's minds there are some pieces of their
jigsaw puzzle missing. When everything fits together to form a balanced
whole those pieces have been found. There should be no, and in the Bible
there is no contradiction or conflict between doing holy, being holy or
being in a state of free grace. In this way God is the Sovereign of our

God's voice through His servants Rejected!

Historically the rejection of Finney's teaching on holiness, genuine
repentance and faith and warnings of false revival, led to a false
outpouring of spirits many believe to be the Holy Spirit at the turn
of the 19th to 20th century. The rejection of Jessie Penn-Lewis's
teaching on demonic deceptions in churches and revivals led to the
supremacy of false Spirit baptism in many places today. By
rejecting two emissaries of the Holy Spirit and their timely
warnings the modern Church received the opposite of what was
rejected: They therefore received lukewarmness instead of
holiness; emotionalism instead of revival and spiritual deception
instead of the power of the Spirit.

I cannot help but think, and know, that if Jesus came in the body, but in
disguise, and preached for a while, many of the supposedly spiritual
people and guardians of the truth etcetera and those who pride themselves
on spiritual discernment would misrepresent Him and teach He was the

Spiritual principles of God's government

Another way in which Charles Finney laid the ground work for Jessie
Penn-Lewis was in his Systematic Theology (which to understand is
difficult as it requires deep analytical thought.) Finney examined the
spiritual principles of God's government of the universe: His Divine Laws.
Jessie Penn-Lewis used the same concepts, as indeed they are Biblical,
particularly the idea of Legal Ground: That is that demons would gain
legal ground in a believer under the principles of God's inviolable Law. So,
in three respects War on the Saints reflects very similar teaching to that
of Charles Finney.

It is opposed to 'in the flesh' false revivals.

It examines the spiritual principles upon which spirits operate under the
dispensation of God's Spiritual Law.
It teaches a real sanctification, holiness and power – the burden of
Finney's works...

In the Providence and grace of God then, War on the Saints was the heir
to Finney's legacy in Lectures on Revival and particularly his letters of
reflections on revivals (Revival Fire).

Principles of opposition to spiritual reality

People opposed to understanding spiritual principles, instead claiming these
things are mysteries we mortals are not meant to understand, are opposed
to Finney's and Jessie Penn-Lewis's teachings as they are analytical, clear
and thorough in style and presentation – and particularly so on matters of
principle. People opposed to the life of holiness in the belief that a state of
lukewarmness is a state of grace, are opposed to Charles Finney and
Jessie Penn-Lewis and many others, including Calvinists who taught
holiness and a deeper spiritual life such as Watchman Nee. People
opposed to clear understanding and knowledge, and who put forward
exaggerated, negative stereotypes of these authors and their teachings,
stand for Ignorance and Religious Bigotry.

I have noticed that their critics tend not to read them but read other critics'
exaggerations then add to that! As a result they see and portray these
spiritual teachers as the opposite to what they really were. I would advise
reading Finney's revival letters if you are going to read War on the Saints
and you will see how the first foreshadows the second, deeper analysis.

Deeper spiritual life

As we follow we grow. Jessie Penn-Lewis was influenced by the teaching
of Madame Jeanne Guyon and Andrew Murray. This shows in various
books about the awareness and Presence of God. Jeanne Guyon in her
English translation of her works speaks of passivity to the will of God. It
would have been better translated as acquiescence. Jeanne Guyon was
known for accepting every hardship by quiet faith and enduring terrible
persecutions. She did point out, very lucidly, in her writings that her mind
was ever active and this was an effect of being close to God. The passivity
we are to guard against, as Jessie Penn-Lewis teaches, is that relaxed
state of mind people have when they want others to do their thinking and
tell them what to do. This is exploited by many preachers today who
practise a subtle form of stage hypnotism on large crowds. At a more
serious level believers become numb in mind and open to all odd and
strange manifestations from the supernatural realm in the mistaken belief
this is of God. This was a key concept in War on the Saints. Jeanne
Guyon taught that believers should not trust in visions and 'lights' but live
by 'naked faith' in God.

Understanding Jessie Penn-Lewis's critics

I once heard a Pentecostal say that Jessie Penn-Lewis was a witch. So,
we have a situation where the one person who has done more to free
Christians from false and deceptive works of the devil is accused of being
his servant. That must be so: The wicked always see good as evil and evil
as good. Finney, as I said spent his life preaching holiness. I once heard a
Charismatic say, “The trouble with Finney is that he didn't preach
holiness.” What could be more ridiculous than these statements? Yet these
off-the-cuff remarks are indicative of the teaching these people got. In
both cases these men had not read the authors they were criticising but
they had been taught by others.

I recently read hysterical attacks upon Jessie Penn-Lewis

- Another upon Charles Finney. She was portrayed as a lunatic and he as
responsible for Christendom's present lukewarmness and false spirit.
Historically, Finney is known for his opposition to lukewarmness and
remains the greatest revivalist outside of the Bible; a man who personally
converted by his preaching, over a million souls (if you count up the
numbers in his memoir and those that came later.) Often these and other
spiritual writers are attacked on the basis of doctrine and the premise that
responsible and Biblical Christians must reject their terrible errors which
have been the cause of all evils we see today. They then go on to
misrepresent what they taught and how much God used them. This is why
we get believers saying the remarks already quoted. What their critics do
not tell you is their own motives.
Generally, it isn't because spiritual teachers were unbiblical or heretical but
because many 'worldly' Christians despise the thought of a deeply spiritual
life and do not believe in the reality of the power of the Holy Spirit. To
disguise this attitude they talk about theology etc. Just as Jesus had
controversies with Pharisees and Sadducees so any and every spiritual
person will have the same controversies.

Charles Finney's 'Reflections on Revival' or 'Revival Fire' can be accessed


Jessie Penn-Lewis and Evan Roberts' 'War on the Saints' can be accessed
Internet Archive: Free Download: War on the Saints - A Text Book for
believers on the work of deceiving spirits among the children of God - by
Mrs. Penn-Lewis & Evan Roberts - brought by Peter-John Parisis, founder
of The School of Prayer

Madame Jeanne Guyon's 'Justifications' can be accessed here:

Internet Archive: Free Download: The Justification by Madame Jeanne de
la Mothe Guion (Madame Guyon) - translated by Bryan Edwin Dean (Also
known as Peter-John Parisis) of Linden, Michigan, USA

Not by Faith Alone

The slogan 'faith alone' was taken up by the Reformers and particularly by
Luther who would declare 'we are saved by faith alone.' There is nowhere
in the Bible where it says, 'we are saved by faith alone.' On the contrary
we are taught repeatedly we are saved by faith, and other aspects of the
Spirit's expression in us: By hearing the Word of God, by the Blood of
Christ, by grace etc.

It seems that Luther and other Reformers used the expression, 'faith alone'
as a rebuttal to the one verse in the New Testament where the words 'faith
alone' appear. James states in chapter 2 verse 24 '...not by faith alone.'

The Reformers wanted to make it clear that their position was an attack
upon what they regarded as the legalism of James – and the popes. It
seems Luther himself regarded James as a kind of pope of the first
century misguiding the people of God by clinging to the Law of the Jews
without fully understanding the liberation of faith.

In the Providence of God however, it is made plain that the Reformers

exactly contradicted the biblical expression, 'not by faith alone'. It is as if
James had prophesied by the grace of God about an error that was to
come, and gave fair warning beforehand. 'By faith alone' - the rallying call
of the Reformers was set in direct opposition to 'not by faith alone' in the
inspired word of God.

The Letter of James of course is the book that Luther wanted execrated
from the Bible. You will understand why when I explain the Reformers'
thinking below. I would say though that the Bible should be accepted as a
balanced whole. If you begin a movement by using parts of the New
Testament to 'disprove' other parts of the New Testament and even seek to
correct the 'errors' of scripture you are in a sense creating a fractured
foundation. This is what the Reformers did. From the truths you teach
great good will come, but from the errors you teach perhaps greater evils
will come.

Millions of people have put their hope in 'faith alone' and preached that it
is Biblical. Look now at how weak and lukewarm Christians have become.
Was 'faith alone' part of the cause since 'faith alone' often means in
believers' hearts an intellectual assent to the truth of Christ without
corresponding life changes? It is a fact of Biblical Christianity that your
actions must match your words.

The Psychological Self Deception

Since we are told plainly in James that faith on its own is dead, so we can
see therefore that 'faith alone' is dead faith or unbelief masquerading as
faith. This means that in effect Protestants in general teach that we are not
saved by faith!

I say 'teach' as opposed to 'say'. Dead faith is unbelief. We are taught

implicitly, not told, we are saved without holiness by dead faith. It is this
great self deception that has damned many. Also a secondary self
deception is that faith is a single act of the mind or heart as opposed to a
life. In the Bible faith is the Christians' life force and life path, given as a
gift by God, so they might persevere in obedience. In other words
Christian faith is the ongoing life of faith rather than merely one initial act
of believing.

The idea then that those who abandon the life of faith are saved by faith
as they once believed is in Biblical terms preposterous; but it is the
orthodoxy of millions of Christians. Most of these Christians are weak
and many dead in relation to the Spirit. They believe in effect that they are
saved in the unbelief they practise today by a faith practised in the past.

Luther regarded himself as wiser and greater than James. Multitudes

seem to think they have a better gospel than James preached, or that
James didn't preach the gospel but they are too good Christians to say so
bluntly. At least Luther was honest enough to declare openly against
James so we know exactly where he stood. I declare openly for James in
opposition to Luther, and his influence down the centuries.
The Great Controversy: Law or Gospel?
Consider these verses and see if they represent the teaching of
contemporary Christianity:

“(God) Who will render to everyone according to their deeds:

To those who by patient endurance in doing good seek for
glory, honour and immortality – eternal life: To those that are
rebellious and do not obey the truth, but obey
unrighteousness – indignation and wrath, tribulation and
despair – upon everyone’s soul that does evil; that of the Jew
first and also the Gentile. Yet, glory, honour and peace to
every man that works good, the Jew first and also the
Gentile.” [Romans 2:6 -10]

This opening argument relating to works and salvation precedes most of

what Paul has to say on being saved by grace through faith. It seems he
wanted to make it clear that the grace and faith he would go on to speak
of at greater length was that which fulfilled the Law rather than that
which tried to overthrow it. That is, Paul the Apostle was by Calvin’s
standards, a Pharisee unable to see the truth about grace salvation. Yet, it
was largely upon Paul’s unfolding argument in Romans that Calvin based
his theology.

There are other aspects of the above verse by the Apostle that are not
being believed and therefore not preached. Seeking immortality by good
works? Eventually rewarded with eternal life? Most Protestant believers
would argue that Paul is not talking about Justification, but simply the
effect of it: Good works being the proof of Justification. Taking that
position they never will preach on or satisfactorily explain what Paul
added just after these verses:

“It is not the hearers of the Law that are just before God but
the doers of the Law shall be Justified.”
[Romans 2:13]

He adds:

“…who reveal the work of the Law written on their hearts –

Their consciences also bearing witness as their thoughts
continue to accuse or excuse each other.” [Romans 2:15]

This Law as I said in the previous chapter reflects the spiritual principles of
holiness and perception (“obeying the truth”) implicit in the works of
Finney and Jessie Penn-Lewis.

I said some of us see the Gospel as being about balance and of course this
is the very thing the Apostle Paul taught. What follows is not contradiction
but complimentary to the verses we have read.

“Therefore by the deeds of the Law shall no flesh be Justified

in His sight: Since by the Law is the knowledge of Sin.”
[Romans 3:20]

We read how the doers of the Law are Justified before God but here we
are told, as the logical argument unfolds, that none will be Justified on the
basis of “deeds of the Law”! There is a vast difference between the deeds
of the Law which fall short of keeping the Law and the deeds of grace that
fulfill the Law. Trying to keep the Laws of God in the flesh results in that
very Law pricking our consciences because of Sin. However if it is grace
that produces faith that receives the power of the Holy Spirit in us to act
according to God’s principles of holiness (the Law) we are then free of the
condemnation of the Law because we are under grace- grace being the
effective means God uses to establish faith, holiness and obedience along
with perseverance. An obstacle is moved out of the way as we live in the
Spirit and fulfil spiritual law by spiritual life- the life of Christ within us!
Thus we are delivered from the Law of Death to the Law of Life; from the
Law of faithless deeds and its condemnation to the Law of faith-filled
deeds and its heavenly reward…

Grace in the Bible is the means by which we become holy, persevere in

good works of faith as opposed to dead works of Law; and gain entrance
to Heaven. Grace in extreme Calvinism and Calvinism in general is an
antidote to living and ongoing faith, obedience and of course holiness.

The mistake of every Protestant Reformer; almost every Protestant teacher

and pastor and every Protestant I have ever met is firstly not to distinguish
between the deeds of the Law: the flesh life that breaks the Law even
while trying to obey it and the the grace life that keeps the Law: by loving
Christ -as they almost all think and teach that grace somehow nullifies the
Law: that is that grace nullifies the grace that fulfils the Law… That faith
nullifies the faith that makes one holy in thought, word and deed. I could
go on but it would take a thousand pages and who would read or
understand? In short grace never opposes holiness but creates the very
holiness and therefore Law keeping in spirit and truth by love that
Protestants think and teach grace is opposed to.

As a consequence of this Christianity split between those who believed the

first scripture quoted and those who believe the second. At least that is
how they see themselves. Catholics teach good deeds and Protestants
(Who are almost all Calvinists even if they don’t know it) ‘Faith Alone’.
Calvinism has been Satan’s greatest success in Christian history and it has
damned vast multitudes in their millions and rendered the modern
Protestants at best lukewarm.
Parable of mountain climbers
Christ commands three Christians to climb a mountain. Their objective is
to reach the summit. The first Christian, an extreme Calvinist, on hearing
the command from Christ lays out a deck chair in the valley and
sunbathes saying, “God sees me as being atop the mountain because he
sees me in Jesus Christ the Mountaineer. It is by grace, grace, grace,
wonderful grace, not works, that I am pleasing to God.”

A Mormon hears the command of Christ and being an experienced

mountain climber he gets all of the gear he needs including oxygen and
makes an heroic effort getting half way up the great mountain but a
storm comes in and blows him off a ledge. Breaking an arm he gives up
the attempt. Having relied on his great skills he is yet defeated by nature.

A true saint hears the command of Christ and prepares taking all his gear
and oxygen. Along with the Mormon he gets half way up the mountain
and prays, “Lord it is by your grace alone I will reach the summit not by
my works in the flesh- but if you bless my my efforts I will succeed.”
A great wind blows and he loses his gear including his oxygen but
manages to get two thirds up the mountain. Then without oxygen his brain
swells and he becomes giddy and so prays, “Lord, unless you heal me I
can do nothing. As it is your command to attain the summit I trust you’ll
provide the means.” Instantly he is healed.

Finally reaching the summit worn out and barely able to stand or talk he
meets Christ who says, “Well done good and faithful servant...”

Notice that the true saint received Christ's grace that resulted in doing good
works and receiving divine healing. Notice that the unholy grace of the
extreme Calvinist resulted in not doing any works, good or bad, and made
a joke of faith.

In the mind of the Calvinist the true saint is as the Mormon working in the
flesh but he sees himself as a true saint…

Dualistic versus holistic thinking

Almost every believer and almost every person I have ever met thinks
dualsitically. Dualistic thinkers over the years have taken verses on a
subject in the Bible to combat other verses in the Bible they see as arguing
its opposite. Listening to believers debate over decades it almost never
occurs that they do not argue dualistically. They argue for works as
opposed to grace or grace as opposed to works. They argue for mercy as
opposed to judgement or judgement as opposed to mercy etc.

Holistic thinkers often see a subject as complimentary and see the rainbow
rather than the black and white situation. The Bible is entirely holistic.
Everything harmonises and ultimately makes perfect sense. Holistic
thinkers alone then can have balanced views on the Bible. Their holistic
thinking is an effect of the ‘renewal of the mind’ brought about by the
agency of the Holy Spirit: It is divinely inspired. Dualistic thinkers think and
act like chess players and medieval combatants at a jousting tournament.
They are of necessity adversarial.

The trouble is that these contradictions 'seen' in the Bible are manmade.
One reason for the debate between faith and works is that historically the
Reformers overlooked an important discrimination of Paul's. In the verses
just quoted he talks of deeds of the Law. The deeds of the Law are those
deeds done under Law not under Grace; deeds which by their nature are
done in the flesh to fulfil outward requirements. They cannot Justify

On the other hand we first looked at verses that speak of fulfilling the
Law. A person can only love their neighbour as themselves, as the Law
says, if they are full of faith and the Spirit. The great failure of Calvinism
was not to distinguish between carnal deeds of Law that don’t fulfil God’s
spiritual Law; and holy deeds of faith that fulfil spiritual Law. The first
condemns and the second saves. They do not and cannot believe this. That
is they cannot believe most of the verses we have just quoted. They use
Paul to overthrow Paul! They are adversarial dualists- fighting a duel over

Here is a very simple analogy describing the relationship between works

of faith and the act of faith. If works are like breathing the air is like faith.
You cannot breathe in the air without working your lungs. Working your
lungs without air will likewise leave you dead. Together however you have
life and both things are mutually beneficial and mutually fulfilling. They
are symbiotic, natural, holistic and true: Simple and clear. - Also believing
is an act!

Here is another very simple analogy. Consider the works that Calvinists
accept. Bible study is a work. Praying is a work. Church attendance is a
work. If a person becomes a believer and then they never read the Bible,
pray or go to church what happens to them? Isn’t it in doing these works
they are saved and in not doing them they are lost?

In reality Calvinists can’t say, “Paul preached Law and we reject it”, as
they take their verses on faith mainly from Paul. They cannot say, “Paul
got some things right and some things wrong”, as they like to maintain the
Bible is the Word of God. What they do is to find someone who takes
Paul’s side by having a balanced view and attack that balance as heresy.
The rejection of Paul’s Gospel (which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ
explained in doctrinal terms) is the rejection of Jesus Christ. In His stead
you have a Church that is lifeless, nominal, weak--- and will savage the
greatest revivalists and spiritual teachers! They live in a spiritual vacuum
and cannot breathe in the life giving Spirit of faith. In person they are
often aggressive and adversarial.

Calvinists reading this will have their alarm bells ringing and tingling down
their spines. Yet, how does Paul conclude the first part of his great
argument? In the strongest terms possible he states:

“Do we make the Law Void through faith? God

forbid! Rather we establish the Law.” [Romans 3:31]

Being saved by Grace

by God’s sovereign choice
Jesus said, ‘You didn’t choose me but I chose you.’ In other words if we
chose to believe it is because we are first chosen. The first effects the
second. Yet we still must make that choice and continue to make choices
for, not against God. Grace is that which renews the human mind and its
will and makes it God oriented and acceptable to Him. God is the First
Cause of all things and of necessity then is responsible for all things. His
power created all and is over all. We are then the emblems of grace and
the proof of the faith of Christ. We are an answered prayer of Jesus’. If
you do not realise it we exist as Jesus prayed for and got the answer to
having a kingdom filled with saints who will follow him....

How are we chosen and how does that election by God make us
We are chosen after being called. Or you could say we are effectively
called, like sheep coming to their master’s voice. We are a work of Jesus-
a work of faith! His power made us believers. Experientially for us this
meant at a certain point we dedicated our lives to Him.

Why are not all called and chosen?

The Bible says, ‘Many are called but few are chosen.’ This means really
that the The Many or The All are called but only few are chosen.

What is the deciding factor in who is chosen?

It is here that Calvinists and Arminians separate. Calvinists believe this is a
mystery we are simply to accept and Arminians believe we are chosen on
the basis of God’s allowing us to chose Him. You notice that contradicts
Jesus’ statement about being chosen by him. The deciding factor is this;
and I am getting this straight from Jesus: We are chosen by a principle of
love from Christ and this love is offered to all. So in fact everyone is
chosen. We need to distinguish between fact and effect. In effect few are
chosen but in fact all are chosen. A dualistic thinker will only see a
contradiction here. The answer is this: That without active resistance to the
Holy Spirit all would be saved. The deciding factor is not Jesus choosing or
believers choosing but sinners not choosing. To break this down even
further those chosen for destruction are chosen on the basis of their free
will but those chosen for salvation are chosen on the basis of effective
grace or by Jesus’ choice!

All are meant to be saved. God is willing and prepared to save all. God will
not save sinners against free will. If you think of this concept that is subtle
and obscure it will help you to understand the Bible when you read it- and
to understand sinners when you encounter them and their excuses against

So, you see young Jonathan, as you understand these things, that grace,
works and faith cannot be separated as they are not separate things that
exist in a vacuum but simply distinct faces of one diamond of God’s love.
In your experience you have seen time and again how Protestant
Christians when hearing a verse on works will simply quote a verse on
faith to combat it. -Or when hearing a verse on holiness will quote a verse
on grace to overthrow it! You however live in balance and harmony given
to you by God and so recognise that if works perfect faith so too faith
perfects works. For although in the world a woman named Grace may
give birth to a baby she names Faith and at birth they become separate
and one day Faith has grown up and lives alone it is not so in spiritual
things. In spiritual things God’s Love is a flower with a stem of grace and
petals of faith, works, obedience, endurance, free will, wisdom, holiness
and the fragrance of a sanctified life. It has its roots in Christ and the
power of his Holy Spirit.

How did it benefit God to replace this perfect and most beautiful flower
with a weed? Even if multitudes find that weed at least partly attractive?
Who did it really serve to spray weed killer on the flower and to spray
plant food on the weed?
Chapter Eleven:
They Lied about Holiness

“Eagerly seek peace and holiness, without which no

one shall see the Lord.” [Hebrews 12:14]

To live a holy life is the most wonderful life; a life that goes far beyond
what many can even imagine. Why do Christians usually mock it then as
Phariseeism? Is it not to undo the work of Christ in the Gospel? The above
verse in Hebrews is one of the most misquoted of the Bible as it is often
interpreted according to the gospel of Calvinism in which holiness is
legalistic. I.e. God sees us as holy even when we are not! Actually God
sees us as we are. Are we holy?

To be filled with the Holy Spirit

Is to be filled with the holiness of God.
John Wesley, Charles Finney and others have described holiness as
love to God which purifies the heart of Sin. Love to God becomes so
intense that it hates sin, avoids it, crucifies it and abandons it in favour of
what it loves; the purity of Christ: Real, actual and true and not a
Calvinistic (modern Christian) fable. So, you see holiness is an intense love
to God that purifies the heart from sin by trusting in the righteousness of
Christ as a reality to be received by faith.

To be set apart from the crowd by God, whether the Christian crowd or
the world, for a life of holiness is to be 'sanctified'; that is set apart for

“Yes! - all those who long to live godly in Christ Jesus shall be
persecuted” [2Timothy 3:12]

The effects of holiness are many. One common to all the holy is to be
persecuted by other Christians. According to this verse all those believers
who are holy will be persecuted. It proves so in experience. All saints have
been persecuted including Jesus the “Man of sorrows acquainted with
bitterest grief” [Isaiah 53:3] ... Who was persecuted by the 'spiritual'
people of his day.

Some attributes of holiness

Another effect of holiness is love of all things holy and hatred of evil. Also
there is grief over sin. There is broken heartedness over the lost. As a
consequence there are heartfelt prayers for the unsaved. Is this how the
Christians in your church or fellowship are? No they are not are they?
They cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit can they?

Baptised in lukewarmness
Many who say they are baptised in the Holy Spirit are lukewarm and
others are practising many of the sins condemned in the Bible. Baptism in
the Holy Spirit is primarily a baptism in the Life and Holiness of Christ by
the Power of the Holy Spirit who glorifies Christ. Have you noticed how
multitudes who say they are filled with the Spirit have little to nothing to
say of Jesus? Their supernatural baptism has led them to make a division
between Christ and what they believe is the Holy Spirit. They are drawn
away from Christ. They talk always of the Spirit and rarely of Jesus. In
other words we see a spirit of Antichrist at work. The real Holy Spirit
makes Jesus more real to the believer.

Abundant Life
“I came that they should have life and have it more abundantly.”
[John 10:10]

Those filled with holiness, because they are filled with the real Holy Spirit
also have the abundant life Jesus promised in the above verse. They know
peace, love, humility, joy and discernment as experience from within not
theory from the pulpit.

Without this holiness you will never 'see' the Lord. The New Testament is
full of holiness. Christ's disciples are full of holiness. Don't be fooled. Most
modern believers give up being 'Christians' sooner or later. It is a fact (they
will not tell you in church) that around 80% fall away! Yes, most of those
who have said, “I know I am saved. I know I am going to Heaven”, have
fallen away! They built upon the sand of modern Christianity and not the
Rock of Christ’s holiness. You can do this test. Ask those around you how
long they have been Christians. You will see that most of them have been
Christians one, two, five maybe even ten years. Where are all those
multitudes that were Christians in past decades? Those who live holy have
a tendency to remain however. Please read the New Testament with fresh
eyes and you will see that in God’s eyes Christianity and holiness or
spiritual reality are one. Only this Gospel, Christ's Gospel, causes His
disciples to persevere to the end. It is these who will 'see' the Lord.

Have you been cheated of the life you were promised in the Bible ?
Do they preach a wonderful view of the Christian life and do you have to
pretend to keep up with it? Is there a great gulf between what you aspire
to or think you should have and what you really experience? It is because
your gospel is all wrong. The Gospel of Jesus Christ does bring fulfilment.
It is an abundant life and the promises of God are not ideals but real
promises. If you have holiness you will love it. It is hard to come by; rarer
than gold encrusted with diamonds and overlaid with platinum beads…. Yet,
it is free and easy to get if you follow the Maker’s instructions. The Bible
as I have said is full of holiness and holiness is Life.

Self Denial
Let me tell you why you do not have this abundant life of closeness to
Jesus. You have foolishly believed what you heard preached or read in
contemporary Christian books when you knew full well it never quite
matched up to the Bible. The very thing they are fleeing from is the very
thing you need to embrace. It is Self Denial. As the Self life is crucified
with Christ the life of the Spirit begins to flow out. Modern Christianity is
intrinsically selfish. Multitudes want power, wealth, healing, success and
few want holiness. In God’s eyes this means few want Him – they just
want what He can do for them. To escape this deadly snare you must read
the Bible afresh and you will see holiness everywhere.

All those things that were either neglected or explained away but never
explained are the very things you must take into your heart and mind. We
live in a generation of ‘believers’ who have been taught that holiness is
Phariseeism. Real Phariseeism today is the freedom to sin encouraged by
a false idea of grace. When they say, “We live in grace and are saved by
faith”, they really mean, “We live in lukewarmness and are saved by

Why on earth is it then, that holy people like me get to see God and have
great answers to prayer? – Are full of peace and strength? All of the
strongest and most effective believers I have ever known have been holy.
If you say, “I don’t need to be holy as I am seen as holy because Jesus is
holy for me”, or something equally foolish you might as well go on to say,
“I don’t need to go to Heaven as God sees me in Heaven since Jesus has
gone to Heaven for me.” After all without holiness no one will ever see the

Don’t cheat yourself. I am not saying believe me or read the Puritans. Just
read the Gospels without that usual Christian interpretation that goes, “If
Jesus said A He means Z.”
Chapter Twelve:
Experiencing the Peace of God

This is a simple guide on how to experience the peace of God.

Jesus said to his disciples in the Gospel of John,

“These things I have said to you so you may have peace. In the
world you will have trouble but be courageous – I have
conquered the world!” [John 16:33]

Peace is that deep yet creative stillness that comes upon the soul by the
power of God. I will tell you a secret however, that peace is a person and
that person is Jesus. Jesus does not simply give peace but He gives
Himself and it is His peace we know, as we know Him and to the measure
we know Him.

Imagine that you were a great supernatural being and you could give
peace to humans. Yet, would you give yourself? To be able to inhabit the
'heart' of another person is a great miracle indeed. Jesus comes to us not
as an invasive personality with a constant yaketty yak but as a divine
Presence within giving peace and power over evil.

The peace of Christ is also a power:

It resists the miseries of the world and overcomes them. The realistic
peace of Christ is not the peace preached by cults who think that if you
put your hand in a fire you will produce a clenched smile and say, “Praise
the Lord” to force yourself and others to believe you are spiritual. Christ's
peace is like a flowing stream of life. If you have sorrows they will have a
counter current in this stream of life from the Lord Jesus that gives peace
and joy and love. The peace of Christ does not deny or take away your
humanity or naturalness but rather empowers it and redefines it as
something victorious over the world, and that takes great power. To have
this peace, as I have said, is to have the Peaceful One.

Some problems you will likely encounter.

In seeking to establish this peace in your inner being or 'heart' you will
have to overcome many difficulties because the road to a successful
spiritual life is not instant like instant coffee or easily bought from a
televangelist. It takes time and discipleship. Yet, on the other hand anyone
who asks in faith for peace will have it but they will need to grow in it as
the spiritual life is life and is therefore ever growing.
One problem will be distractions by Christian teaching. Much
present teaching is based on presumption or false analogy or
Churches are full of people who feel they should put on a good face and
often feel from pride that they should be seen as spiritual. As part of this
charade they teach rather than learn. What they teach is usually what
others have taught and sometimes, often, they are just pushing the latest
Christian fad or in teaching. Christian book stores too are full of such
books. So, when you see a book with a picture of a lightning bolt on the
cover saying, 'The Power of God' or 'Spirit of Peace' or whatever, you are
likely to have found fine sounding theories and emptiness.

Jesus said this,

“Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you and it is
not as the world gives, that I give to you. Do not let
your heart be troubled nor be afraid.” [John 14:27]

We see that whatever the world gives and however the world gives what
Jesus gives He gives better. He does not give what evaporates under
duress. Jesus does not give what costs money. Jesus does not take it back
or only give it to the in crowd. You need not climb a mountain top, wear a
long saffron robe and chant until that peace comes to you...

Jesus gives to ordinary people extraordinary peace. He does this

because He loves you. He gives Himself and in giving Himself you will feel
something of His peace, joy and love...

Other hindrances you will find within yourself but if you submit
them to Christ you will find they are just fuel for the fire and
eventually your inner light will glow brighter...

How do I know this for sure?

Jonathan, I am writing not as a theorist or as someone remembering what
he has been taught. I am simply writing about the Jesus I know and the
peace I feel. So, let me tell you a little more about the experiential side of
things. Peace from Jesus of the Bible is like an underground watering
system for a dry garden. The outside, the world, may be dry as a desert,
but from within rises up the moisture that continually waters the garden.
This is an analogy of course but it feels like that too. I really do, and you
really can, feel the Living Waters well up from within. When things happen
that would make 'normal' people go crazy or lose control I feel peace
within myself and often am not disturbed by things that others cannot
handle. Yet, I will be more honest than the pseudo spiritual teachers. I get a
great deal of stress. I have lots of issues to deal with. I know what it is to
suffer and be in a living nightmare. During the worst storms of life I feel
peace within me still. It never leaves. It does not mean I never cry. It means
I am very strong within myself, steady and enduring. I am also vastly
grateful to the Lord Who has saved me. What would I be without Him?
The following prayer should be read and prayed if you
feel you can. It is designed to help those who need peace:

“Dear Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray you will give me
the eternal peace of Jesus within my inmost being. I turn from
all things that displease You. Please forgive my wrongdoings. I
am Yours to command. I trust You will honour this prayer
prayed in Jesus' Name, Amen.”
Chapter Thirteen:
The Art of Happiness:
A Christian's Response

His holiness the Dalai Lama and the American psychiatrist Howard
C. Cutler are a unique team known for their books on happiness.
This is my response to their book about happiness in a troubled

My expectations, standpoint and impression:

I had expected spiritual philosophy but to me it was more like reading
sociology or social psychology. I wondered in past years why so little time
and effort has been given to teaching people how to be happy. I am glad
that the two authors have made a decent effort. I am concerned with the
spiritual side of things – or rather I see all things as spiritually connected
and so my comments will be both on the spiritual and the natural, which
to me is one. The authors, in conversation, spoke a lot on alienation,
disconnectedness, loneliness, lack of community, depression and put
forward advice to tackle these problems worldwide. If they seem utopian
and idealistic they are; but they do give practical guidance on combating
these social ills.

Summary of their book

It seems to me that the Dalai Lama has identified one of the greatest
problems facing humanity and attempted to put forward an alternative;
much like a doctor identifying a disease and offering treatment, if not a
complete cure. Being a Buddhist monk the Dalai Lama is yet practical in his
concerns and identification of life's problems. He sees that the world is full
of failing communities and misery caused by lack of human
connectedness and lives made drab due to lack of meaning. There is a
dehumanising of society. The causes are not analysed but the MD in
particular, Dr. Cutler, identifies problems such as lack of social interaction
and belief in society as community, and the Dalai Lama identifies lack of
awareness of our neighbour and lack of willingness to build bridges of
friendship and hope. This in turn is due to not seeing the benefits of
human interaction and strong community. Both put forward practical
suggestions and Dr. Cutler backs it up by quoting various studies by social

Among their simple and practical suggestions is to think of the benefits of

health that come from better social interaction. These include such things
as better mental health, less depression: Better physical health, less illness
and greater life expectancy in those who are community beings. They tell
us of our need to join groups, to take the trouble to know our neighbours
and share in community life. Implicit is the idea, and ideal, of making the
world a far better place to live in and its inhabitants a far happier and a
more united race.

Some Observations
To me this philosophy is sound on the whole and has a strong note of
communality as opposed to typical western individualism. We are not to
be hyper individuals carving out our existence in a rat race but caring
members of a wider community concerned with the welfare of all... This is
actually far healthier, and as to the subject of their books, a far happier
alternative life style.

Some criticisms
These are not really serious criticisms in the sense of trying to tear them
down but some more cynical warnings or concerns. Hitler built his Nazi
Party on the promise of Folk or strong community identity. Often the poor
and oppressed rebel by forming strong social groups that seek revolution,
war, enslavement of others... Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution may be another
example. They were idealists who painted utopian pictures for the masses.
So, as with everything else we must be wary of how a good idea or
practice can, and will be abused by some.

Another criticism is that the studies quoted in their book tend to assume
that communities where there is greater social involvement have lower
rates of crime and depression; rather than seeing that in communities
filled with crime it is far harder for people to have successful social
interaction- It can be just too plain dangerous! Community is good when it
is wholesome and moral.

Love and community

Love is the greatest human emotion and the greatest human ideal. It is
also, perhaps the one most faked. Yet, on the other hand love is the most
practical expression of humanity, from the mother's natural love for her
newborn to the love of the saint for their God.

God is love. Therefore, in my humble opinion, a society filled with God, is

a society filled with love in its power, grace and enduring character. That
is what I aim at. It may be seen as more utopian but to me is more
realistic. It is the love I feel and practice. Therefore I know it can be felt and
practised and is successful. As has been said that talk of God is divisive:
Yet, it is divisive as people do not choose the love God offers. Talking of
God in faith is not intrinsically divisive, rather it is uniting: The greatest
uniting force in the universe is God’s love. This love is summed up in Jesus
Christ the Lord of all, Amen.
I have met various revolutionaries and I was just as ready to dismiss them
as non revolutionary. This is because what they think of as revolution
would leave people themselves basically the same. A selfish society based
upon sin will always be corrupt no matter its religion, politics or
utopianism. On the other hand the very worst kind of social system that
experienced genuine Christian revolution would inevitably become the very

It is always the inner nature of a thing that really defines it. Everything the
world offers is narrow and superficial and this is often covered up by use
of dramatic, overreaching jargon. Christians, or rather I should say those
Christ would see as His disciples, do not want to tinker with the world or
its social-economic systems but to recreate them in the Image of God. We
have also been promised in prophecy we shall be successful. We have
proven in our hearts and families that love is greater than anything the
world can offer. Wherever there have been true revivals of holiness, God’s
love has deeply affected communities, far more so than any revolution. In
microcosm these revived communities are like models for a better
form of human society.

Also societies in which it is the norm for people to be disciplined morally

and spiritually; to be generous; to receive divine healing; to banish evil
spirits; to care for the neediest in reality rather than on paper; to have
enduring peace and to advance in all knowledge and sciences rapidly; is
far more enduring, powerful and real than any revolution the world

In the light of this, and it is light, the world offers alternatives that include
condemnation and misrepresentation of what is truly Christian. The truth
is portrayed as bigotry, sin, stupid evil, anti-scientific and irrational etc.
The world steals the truths of Christianity and perverts them. It denies its
proofs of which there are far more than any one would guess. This is
because we live in a world that has carefully rewritten history and
suppresses the hard core facts of spiritual truth and reality on a
daily basis to an unbelievable level.

Therefore, can you have either truth or happiness ruling in a world full of
evil people? No, but you can have revolution. I am the revolution. You are
the revolution inasmuch as you abide in Christ. We are the truth; God’s
evidence that is undeniable to honest minds. We live the Bible, breath out
its fires and tell its wonders in our lives… Christ is coming. Are you ready?

As for the Dalai Lama he believes that all religious people may practice
their own religion, whatever is most natural for them. For him it is better
to be a Buddhist for another it may be better to be Muslim or Hindu. I
think Jesus wants all to be Christians as he has seen Buddha and
Mohammed and all the so called gods or spirits behind them. He knows it
all, knows what the truth is and says, 'Repent and believe in the Good

So then to conclude the Dalai Lama is one of those that is positive, sensible
and helpful when it comes to giving advice in combating social ills with
social good and what should have been common sense but turns out not
to be so common. God however is Love and seeks to fill not just
individuals with love but whole communities and idealistically the entire
world with love so that people do not simply love one another but become
love itself.

I once heard someone who I think was mocking gurus by saying, “We are
not to love but to become love itself”. Perhaps it is true that when a hyper-
spiritual faker says such things they are meaningless mumbo jumbo.
What about when Christ says it? Many will tell me he doesn’t say it. Well
then I’ll ask the Lord what he would like to say and by a ‘word of
knowledge’ reveal it:

Jesus says, “God is Love. Those who abide in love abide in me.”

The great divide

2 Corinthians 4:6-18
New English Translation (NET Bible)
For God, who said “Let light shine out of darkness,” is the
one who shined in our hearts to give us the light of the
glorious knowledge of God in the face of Christ. But we
have this treasure in clay jars, so that the extraordinary
power belongs to God and does not come from us. We are
experiencing trouble on every side, but are not crushed; we
are perplexed, but not driven to despair; we are persecuted,
but not abandoned; we are knocked down, but not
destroyed, always carrying around in our body the death of
Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in
our body. For we who are alive are constantly being handed
over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus may
also be made visible in our mortal body. As a result, death is
at work in us, but life is at work in you. But since we have
the same spirit of faith as that shown in what has been
written, “I believed; therefore I spoke,” we also believe,
therefore we also speak. We do so because we know that
the one who raised up Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus
and will bring us with you into his presence. For all these
things are for your sake, so that the grace that is including
more and more people may cause thanksgiving to increase
to the glory of God. Therefore we do not despair, but even if
our physical body is wearing away, our inner person is
being renewed day by day. For our momentary, light
suffering is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far
beyond all comparison because we are not looking at what
can be seen but at what cannot be seen. For what can be
seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.

The difference between abiding in the love of God and between having
positive attitudes and positive, helpful social interaction is this: In times of
great duress New Age philosophy, self help, positive thinking, ‘the art of
happiness’ or ‘being in the now’ along with a great deal of advice given by
professional counselors whether they are secular or ‘spiritual’ is often the
difference between life and death and even eternal salvation or damnation.

Whether it is the TV program that has rich people pretending to be

homeless and on the street for a week in which they ‘learn what it’s like’
to be homeless or some seemingly deep spiritual path, real problems that
have a great impact are immune to this world’s philosophy.

It is incredibly insulting to the homeless to have the super-rich pretend to

be poor and to pretend to understand them. At any time the rich person
can go home to their mansion or go first class on a jet to a holiday resort-
also first class. The homeless person has no such hope. How can people
who let’s say prick themselves with a pin understand what it is to be
tortured by a thousand cuts?

A person suffering trauma due to the stress of poverty and willful

government oppression that tries to imagine themselves on a beautiful
beach or listen to a recording of repetitive electronic sounds to make them
feel placid or who follows any of the advice given by counselors will likely
do themselves more harm than good. Rather like a man in a stormy sea
between a leaky lifeboat and the shore. He might just make it to the shore
but it’s further away than the leaky lifeboat… It also reminds me of the
The Eternal says, “Cursed are people who trust in human
‘flesh’...” [Jeremiah 17:5a Net]

The entire counseling industry is a fraud! It is fine for an affluent person

with few problems that they imagine to be overwhelming to practice a
little bit a self hypnotism and then praise their counselor to the nines for
the real benefit they received. What about the innocent man raped by
prison guards over ten years, regularly tortured and abused, starved and
beaten? What good does ‘being in the now’ do him? I actually loathe and
despise the elitist, out of touch with the real world, patronising and
expensive, counseling industry.

This is why in the Bible there is the story of Shadrach, Meshach and
Abednego. God knows people get overwhelmed by trouble so that there is
nothing they can do! Time and time again an expression of the elite’s
antipathy toward the poor is the free and easy advice given to those
whom the elite cause terrible suffering.

To abide in the love of God is to be like Meshach. To know you may be

burnt to death and nothing but a great miracle can save you. Yet you have
made your peace with God. His peace comforts you as you suffer. On rare
occasions a miracle happens. (My last miracle- so you can know I am
being real Jonathan, rather than idealistic- was a dramatic healing in
minutes from a severe illness.)

To those of you who are suffering, really suffering I tell you both plainly
and truthfully the only real help for great suffering is in Christ.

If however you just fret about paying bills then joining the gym to
socialise, get fit and reduce stress is good. Yet, that could not save from
the fiery furnace could it?

See: Daniel chapter 3:10--30

Chapter Fourteen:
How to Receive the Power of the Spirit

“You shall receive power by the Holy Spirit coming upon you
and you will be My witnesses in both Jerusalem and in all
Judea, and in Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” [Acts 1:8]

“Look! - I send the Promise of my Father on you, but tarry in

the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from on
high.” [Luke 24:49]

I am concerned with what this power is and how to receive it. I am not
going to invent rules to follow as if these could be deduced from Scripture.
It is true that in the verse from Luke the Holy Spirit came upon the
disciples after Jesus had risen from the dead but He still told them to wait
for power from Heaven. This was because the outpouring of the Spirit on
the day of Pentecost was yet to come -after the ascension. In a very real
sense the Holy Spirit was sent as the replacement for the once physically
present Christ who is now in Heaven. It is also true that the power spoken
of in the verse from Acts primarily concerned power to witness effectively
to the Gospel.

This power in my experience

We considered the Dalai Lama’s teaching on happiness and social
interaction. I said I found the basic idea sound – the social element. I also
believe in something far more powerful than good social organisation -the
power of Christ. Here I describe how applying this Christian belief affects
a social group.

I had prayed for a church to be more effective. I noticed that afterwards

the numbers of visitors and Christians increased dramatically. In the youth
group specifically the numbers of conversions rose sharply. In other
words the Gospel is a spiritual power that produces a social phenomenon.
It does bring happiness and peace to many and how they relate to each
other afterward is thereby changed forever.

Secondly I noticed that the nature of the fellowship within the church
became more spiritual. People felt the Presence of God more and worship
was more spontaneous and heartfelt.

Thirdly I found this phenomenon could be repeated from church to church.

Fourthly I found that the outpouring of the Spirit was misunderstood in
Calvinistic terms, as an experience sent by God for them to enjoy, rather
than as a call to greater faith and holiness. As a result the outpourings
would cease after a period of months.

Finally and less importantly it was generally recognised by the believers

that these were works of the Spirit because of the dramatic change and
upsurge in numbers and the spiritual quality. No one took these things to
be manmade and they did not come from efforts to stir up revivals. They
were a sovereign work –Yet a work or call that required a response. This
element was not taught from the pulpits. It was all grace but grace offered
and acted upon means more grace is offered! This principle was missed. It
is like feeding hungry children or teaching students who want to learn… It
implies there could have been more and more growth.

When success is a failure

In these prayers I had guidance from God and understood that things
would turn out pretty much as they did. To me these great answers to
prayer were also great failures as the churches concerned, as I said,
seemed not to know what to do in response to God's call. I put this down
to the Lazy Grace attitude prevalent in churches. They did not see that
these small scale revivals were just a demonstration and foretaste from
God and He was waiting for a response. If the proper response had been
given the revivals would have deepened, expanded and surpassed whatever
they could have imagined. However this was not possible as their hearts
and minds were so indisposed to the realities of the spiritual life that it
was inevitable these revivals would be shallow and short lived – what they
saw as Mysterious Grace.

Inner reality related to outer effect

– by grace
All of these small scale revivals came as a surprise to the believers. They
were no more expected than thunderstorms in summer. I felt a deep
connection between the reality of the power of the Spirit within and the
natural effect of it without. In other words I saw my reality impose itself
upon the greater world, and Christian world, by faith and realised that
whatever God had put within me was inevitably affecting the sphere in
which I moved. The Lord’s happiness was becoming their happiness as
God’s sovereign grace and power were understood by me and I responded
in the right way. This presumption of mine was really faith and the faith
was God’s gift, so it was all of grace.

Almost as an affront to rationalism I could trace the power of faith in my

mind and then upon the community. I suppose it is comparable to being a
lightning rod but not the Lightning. I want to stress this, the knowing, the
intelligence of it. God keeps certain things in balance and in tension, like a
bow and arrow. The very real social and spiritual movement was simply
the arrow hitting its target. Even very specifically I'd say and sense things
that were to be, as I had been led, as I had prayed etcetera. I said once to a
pastor, “The meeting will be slow but toward the end you will see God's
power at work.” This is just what happened: Or I'd tell a brother, “You will
see an outpouring of the Spirit upon the assembly.”

There are very many effects of the power of the Spirit and very
many gifts in the Bible related to God's Power. In relation to the
verses quoted I am confining this small chapter to revival power.

Success for Ministers

Here I mean those who serve or minister, whatever they may be called. In
the first of these small scale revivals a tiny youth fellowship became the
biggest and most successful in the capital city. It became the template for
many other youth fellowships in the country. It was central then to the
Christian youth culture and very influential. It carried with it its own
momentum and gave to its participants in leadership, opportunities to
prove themselves and build their reputations. This is not necessarily a bad
thing if they are pure in motive. It’s good to know who God really uses.
The point I am making is that today many youth workers or evangelists
and pastors follow formulaic plans related to leadership training or use of
media... without a real understanding of the primary role of the Holy Spirit
these methods ultimately fail or are an unspiritual success.

How to Receive this Power to Influence the Masses -

Christian and Pagan.
A single prayer is all that is needed to have revival. Just as a single bolt of
lightning is all that is needed to start a forest fire. This does not mean
necessarily that the one reading this may pray one prayer and have
revival. It means that a person who has this power needs but to pray and
see it fulfilled outwardly, as it was designed by God to be. So, the person
praying needs to be empowered. Their faith has to have a depth of truth
and God-earnestness lacking in churches today. Then a single prayer can
begin a revival.

If we are to use a rather poor and basic analogy: Consider a believer is

like a battery and the power of God like the charge. A 12 volt battery will
only carry 12 volts. A million volt battery will carry a million volts. In other
words the believer needs the capacity to receive power, which is freely
given by God. It is primarily the holy heart that can be filled with holy
power from the Holy Spirit.

Once again we are driven back to the evangelical truth of the Bible
that there is indeed a connection between personal holiness and
blessing from God.
Before the carnal screamers cry out, “That is performance based religion!”
let me say it is effective performance religion. That's what we are talking
about; being effective witnesses, effective revivalists by God's power.
A heart stretched by God, emptied of Self, broadened by love has
the capacity to receive what narrow, hard and carnal hearts
cannot. It has the capacity to believe what they cannot.

The simple answer is this:

To have power become a true saint.
That is repent deeply, according to the light God gives, believe it fully.
Practice it openly. Honour the Light completely. The more light acted upon
is the more light received and this in turn is acted upon ad infinitum. It is
discipleship. The growing Christian is the effective Christian. It is God
causing you to do and will according to His good pleasure. The desire to
act is simply the inspiration.

Receive by faith – not indifference

This advice is often given before the guidance about working on your own
heart in the light of the Holy Spirit. Faith is believing the light you have. By
standing steady in faith the light within shines in the darkness without...

A total lack of doing is reflective of total apathy. Apathy is not grace.

Often these terms are abused so that when people say, “It is not by works
but by grace”, What they really mean is, “It is not by obedience but by its
absence; not by inspiration but by indifference; not by drawing close to
God but by resisting Him; not by grace but by its rejection.” Similarly when
they say, “That is Popish works and Phariseeism”, they mean, if they
could but be honest with themselves, “Holiness of life is dead religion.”
Yet, of their own lack of Christ likeness they say, “God knows we are but
human and accepts us just as we are.” If you understand them you know
that they stand for the overthrow of the Gospel and a state of perpetual,
church going sin as a state of grace: Since they neither believe, practise
nor understand a life of holiness. It is the gospel of lukewarmness that
they ferociously propagate, time and again denouncing true and powerful
saints as heretics, based simply upon misbegotten dogma and their own
defective spirit.

Of these hypocrites were the very people who crucified Christ and are
doing so still in a spiritual sense. They know in their experience that God
sends them no revival, they are not filled with His Spirit, they lack power
over sin and in prayer, and yet they see this as a divine mystery for which
they cannot question God. However God will exact answers from them on
Judgement Day as this religion has been the basis for turning multitudes
away from the true Way and into the darkness of Hell. It is the
underpinning theological philosophy of the present Laodicean age that
leaves multitudes unsaved who could easily be with a proper preaching of
the true Gospel.

Consecration to faith in Jesus to send the power of the Spirit implies
rejection of the life of lukewarmness. That is a rejection of the common
gospel preached to multitudes in favour of the Gospel of Discipleship.
Consecrating yourself to Christ to serve Him in the Holy Spirit cuts you
off, dramatically, from the carnal believers that fill churches in their
multitudes. You will suddenly find you are walking a different path,
another Way. On this way the Holy Spirit will show you many sins,
wrong attitudes and beliefs that He hates. You will in turn reject them, and
adopt His Mind. It is then you are ready to believe and receive power.

Receiving power
No Christian is a carbon copy of another. Whatever God does it will be
different in you than in your neighbour. Having said that, just as all faces
are the same yet different, so the basic principles of God's work are the
same. God will empower you in spirit to operate your gifts successfully
and to have an impact in prayer and in person on those whom you meet.

A warning
There is so much taught on this subject today that you are bound to have,
and to get wrong ideas. This is one reason why I kept this chapter narrow
in scope, to focus on what's important. You need not have ecstatic or
dramatic experiences to receive power. Often it is unfelt but seen in its
effects. It is very much the modus operandi of the real Christian: Both in
terms of their usefulness to God but also in terms of their deep
connection to reality itself.

False teaching on the Spirit has the opposite effect on its practitioners.
They have many big words and unsubstantiated claims and live in a dream
world or a nightmare world if you really understand it for what it is. I
would spare you that if I could. It is not a state of mental passivity, this
state of power with God. It is a state of mental activity, of alertness in
spirit and in truth. As I said earlier it is a knowing intelligence. So many
see this as a threat as they want you to have uncritical acceptance of their
wishy-washy, overemotional, hyper-spirituality...

Always stay focused on Christ

I am going to tell you a simple truth rejected by multitudes of Christians:
The reception of power from the Holy Spirit makes Jesus more

That is rejected. Everywhere people are talking as if the Holy Spirit grows
while Jesus shrinks. In some circles Jesus is hardly mentioned at all!
Whatever detracts from Christ is by its nature Antichrist. No matter how
spiritual the language, be sure to reject and totally reject, whatever does
not put the centrality of Christ and His Cross as your life. Some of you
reading this, I'm sure, will go on to receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you. Just as I was sure that God would pour our His Spirit on
those churches.
A church or fellowship not in a state of revival is a waste of
Why not just drop the Christian pretense and become a social club? A
revival is a state of obedience to God as Finney might say and a lack of
revival is a state of disobedience to God. Christians everywhere that in
some way know of or hope for revival power have an attitude that they
are waiting for God to do something. In reality God is waiting for them to
stop doing something. What they have been doing is resisting the Holy
Spirit by an indifferent and self righteous attitude.

In other words lack of revival is not the absence of the reality of God so
much as the active and wilfull rejection of the presence of God. Otherwise
God would be in their midst noticeably. A revival consists primarily of
getting ‘believers’ to stop resisting the Spirit and to start obeying God. Then
God comes more fully.

However apart form the few small revivals I was the catalyst to, under
God, I see nothing of revival even if there is a lot of activity in some mega
churches which comes by large sums spent of advertising and
domineering evangelists stirring up excitement. It seems to me that
Christianity itself has become largely a waste of space and since they
clearly are not interested in being true saints, in having real revival or in
truly obeying Christ it would be better for the world as a whole if
Christians would make the choice between wanting to live and wanting to

The world is full of dead religions and Zombie Christianity might do better
to admit to its living death. It is a huge religion full of unbelieving and
wicked sinners fooling much of the world that it is a genuine religion and
putting people off of wanting to become Christians. Also if the spiritually
dead somehow become honest with God and the world and say openly
that they do not want holiness and therefore the Holy Spirit at least it
might open the way for a few to preach the real Gospel. Yet, of course
sinners are not honest and so we have this abomination of a religion
which at its best can only manage a minority of its own adherents saved
and a smaller percentage of revivals that are so rare and few and far
between as to be almost invisible. Fakery is not the antidote but truth is.

The truth is, I think, that things have gotten too far from God, the Christian
religions are too wilfully blind, unholy and corrupt for there to be any
significant revival or reformation of World Christianity. It will either die
out or be judged by God. I strongly believe the latter will happen.
Chapter Fifteen:
Praying in Spirit and in Truth

Jesus said to him, “If you are able to believe - All things are
possible to those believing.” [Mark 9:32]

Faith and its scope

The nature of faith is such Jonathan, that prayers prayed in faith, purely,
humbly and according to God's will, will not only gain effective answers
but will grow in scope and power until the person praying becomes,
inevitably, the most powerful person on earth. Faith unchecked would
conquer the universe. That is the scope of prayer. I am not concerned with
what praying people call realistic answers to prayer as these often are no
answers at all. Neither am I concerned with the great saints of God and
their great answers to prayer as I believe the true Church should surpass
them. I am concerned with the limitless degree of power available to the
believers who pray in the will of God. This is not to be fantastic or
dreamlike. It is a fact that there are, and will be answers to prayer equal to
and beyond those recorded in Scripture. First let me discuss the supposed
lack of realism in the above statements.

Books and stories about answers to prayer are usually limited to such
things as praying for healing, revival or mass conversions to Christ;
success in business and relationships, church building etcetera. Answers to
these things are recorded but there are also claims made and books
written regarding spurious, fictional and one sided accounts of spiritual
power and answers to prayer put about by the unscrupulous. The net
effect of this second type of teaching is to encourage unbelief, as those
who practise their teaching find it doesn’t work and often give up trying.
That is the real and underlying purpose after all.

Here is an example of an answered prayer that goes beyond what

is normally considered even as a topic of prayer in most Christian
Here is the background to the answer to prayer. Two young men were
discussing faith and the Christian life. One said, “God doesn't expect too
much of us. It's not as if He expects us to fly to the moon.”
The other agreed and would even use the same analogy for what is not
realistic in faith. “God asks us to pray according to His will. It's not His will
for us to fly to the moon!”
Charles Finney the American evangelist said something similar when
speaking of the life of holiness God expects us to lead. He taught that God
does not expect us to live as Angels.

The second young man a few years down the line felt the presence of
Christ in prayer and it was as if the Lord almost spoke to him. He felt that
Jesus would give him a great answer to prayer, even with his limited faith.
He blurted out, “I want to stand upon the moon!”
He sensed in spirit the Lord laugh. The Lord did have something else in
mind when He inspired him with a unique faith. However he felt his spirit
lift up and stand upon the surface of the moon. He understood that the
Lord himself was giving a commentary on his former teaching about the
limit of faith. God's reply was in effect, as Scripture says, “Nothing shall
be impossible to God.”

This taught the young man that he should not say it is not God's will for
this or that great thing to happen as it is unrealistic. Rather He should say,
“God does as He wills and whatever you can believe He can do far more.”

This is what the young man felt and saw as for a minute or two,
with his fleshly eyes closed, his spirit stood upon the moon.
He saw the brightness of the stars above without clouds hindering the
view; they were sharper, brighter... He felt the ancient nature of the moon
rock. He saw the earth in the distance and it seemed bigger than he would
expect- since the moon is smaller than the earth and he was half
expecting the earth to appear the same size as the moon in the sky. He
sensed that in the future many would leave their footsteps upon the moon.
He could not see clearly. It was like looking at a reflection in a glass. It
passed. He then prayed according to the will of God for the thing the Lord
had originally wanted him to pray.

Let us think of the realism versus the surrealism of this answer to

Most Christians probably would state that though they agree the Bible
teaches, “...Ask and it shall be done for you” [John 15:7] It is expected the
scope of these things to be within traditional, evangelical concerns.
Another criticism would concern the pointlessness of such an experience.
This is failing to see it as a comment by God upon limiting faith and His
fulfilling, on a spiritual plane, the very thing the young men had considered
impossible. The faith to pray such a prayer was itself a gift. The Lord's felt
response of laughter did not equate with “No!”

Another criticism would be the weakness of the answer. The young man
did not physically stand upon the moon, or fly to the moon, even if his
spirit was literally present there. Also he did not see things as clearly as he
would have in the flesh. However, this response neglects to acknowledge
the spiritual abilities of sensing the nature of things around him and even
sensing the future, as he was both in spirit and in the Spirit.

Another criticism, perhaps a more serious one is that there is no claim to

the Lord actually speaking. The young man sensed and felt things in his
spirit, in some detail, but he did not hear, see or touch materially the Lord.

Another criticism is relevance. How is this real to other Christians? Are we

now expected to ask to travel to Mars and Jupiter in spirit? -And what
for? The relevance is that it is like a parable for teaching we should not
prescribe God's activity. Also it tells us about the nature of life in the spirit
– how spiritual believers sense, feel and know things by God’s inspiration
and Presence. Finally of course it is an example used to open minds and
hearts to God's limitless power; and the poor human response of tending
to limit God.

To mainline Christians; those dogma bound; to those unable or unwilling to

accept the spiritual realities of the Bible in experience; the prayer and its
answer are purely sci-fi fantasy that would have a debilitating effect upon
believers that follow this course. To those who have some first hand
experience of sensing God's very real Presence and especially to those
advanced in the Christian life in both spiritual knowledge and experience, it
will definitely remind them of some of their very own experiences of
being in spirit before the Presence of the Lord. In other words the most
spiritual Christians will believe it!

We have a very potent symbol of a representative of Christ

standing upon the moon and looking upon the planet Earth.
Yet, what is its real purpose? Is it not a call, an evangelical call at that, to
believers to exercise similar faith? - To do with that faith whatever God
wills, whether it is healing the ozone layer, raising the dead or simply
being a being of true and deep kindness?

Here is an even greater answer to prayer;

or to many, a greater example of vain imagination
A believer wanted to see the Lord Jesus. He was thinking of seeing His
Spirit. He had wanted to seek the Lord. - A practise common to praying
Christians; believing Christians. For three weeks he prayed on his knees.
After three weeks Jesus did appear. This is what happened:

Seeing Jesus the Lord

Unlike the above answer to prayer in which the Lord Jesus was manifest
as a felt Presence this time He was seen in Person, in Spirit. While the
believer was in prayer Jesus appeared and stood in the doorway.
Interestingly, He did not enter the room. When the believer realised the
Lord was so humble He would not enter without an invitation the Christian
asked the Lord to come in. For some time the Christian then prayed before
the Lord.
This was also a strong/weak experience as Jesus did not speak but
listened. What would it take for a believer to have a conversation with
Christ? Yet the answer to his prayer was very strong. The Christian knew
by first hand experience the manner and features of Jesus. Also the Lord
stayed for several minutes, close to half an hour. As a matter of degree
this answer to prayer, in experience and in fact was stronger, purer and
greater than that of being upon the moon in spirit.

These are the only two answers to prayer I am discussing here as this
chapter is simply an introduction to power in prayer for spiritually inclined
believers. I hope I have opened the door by a crack to the wonder, the
grace, the power and goodness of the Lord in Spirit and prayer to
Chapter Sixteen:
Deliverance Ministries:
Their Tragedies and Their Triumphs

This is a short review of some types of Christian Deliverance

ministries. It is based on those I have come across and read of
over a number of years. I draw my own conclusions. Before we
continue into our subject it would be a good idea to consider
language, terms and concepts.

Deliverance ministry or minister

There may be different terms to describe this but Deliverance Ministry
concerns exorcism of evil spirits from persons or places by Christian
ministers and lay people.

Demon possession
The control by evil spirits of the whole of a person. This includes control
of the body, mind and soul.

Demonic oppression
As distinct from possession, oppression is an evil influence or attack upon
body or soul by spirits.

Casting out demons

Implies the casting out from inside a person the evil spirits that have
possessed them.

In the Name of Jesus

Implies faith in the full authority of Jesus Christ, Son of God over all
forces of evil. Christian ministers use the name of Jesus to cast out evil

Legal ground
The concept that God's Spiritual Law by which He governs the universe is
binding upon all creatures. Demons gain control over believers and others
by legal ground. That is by use of deception or intimidation or temptation,
causing a person to 'open a door' to the evil spirits, either knowingly or
more likely unknowingly. In this sense evil spirits have used God's
Spiritual Law to gain access, as God regards those who give legal ground
as giving permission to evil spirits to work.
The Power of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus
It was through the Cross that Jesus personally defeated Satan and by
shedding His blood that He provided the means of deliverance. This is all
related to God's Law but it means in practise that deliverance can come
specifically by faith in the Cross or the Blood of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus
cleanses us from sin (legal ground) and the Power of the Cross is applied
by the Holy Spirit against the Powers of Darkness.

The Powers of Darkness

Primarily Satan and his fallen angels, as well as demons but it can also
include those who use dark arts or evil spirits; such as Satanists,
occultists and so on. I will explain any other terms I use. This is only a
brief introduction to the subject.

Types of deliverance ministries

Today evangelical Christians in various denominations would have gained
ideas of Deliverance Ministry mainly from Charismatic or Pentecostal
sources, including literature. Before considering these let's consider more
traditional deliverance ministers. Many more traditional types of Christians
know of Deliverance Ministry under different names.

Catholic Exorcists
The Catholic Church does have some ministers trained in performing
exorcisms. In the Catholic Church there are set prayers and rituals that are
gone through in cases of demon possession or other types of demonic
activity where exorcism is required. Today there is also training in the
areas of counselling and psychiatry and priests are trained to forward
people with mental problems, who believe they are possessed, to qualified
professionals. In practice it is very difficult to cast out evil spirits. Success
is measured by the change that comes over the person being delivered or
exorcised. The Catholic Church is failing to identify and free captives.
Where there are earnest exorcisms the success rate varies according to
God's free grace offered to all who pray and believe. In fact before going
on I should say, contrary to conventional wisdom, that God often frees
captives from pure kindness. As God indeed gives many blessings to
people in the hope they will repent. Because of this principle of God's
undeserved help and kindness, exorcists in other religions are sometimes
successful and generally exorcists who invoke the Name of Christ have
some measure of blessing from God.

Anglican exorcists
The Church of England also has minsters that are trained in deliverance.
These few priests within Anglicanism that practice deliverance ministry are
usually evangelicals. They too read prayers and sing hymns as well as
using set rituals and language. Some of these ministers have been very
successful. This is due to a lot of sound teaching in the area of
shepherding congregations and following the basics of faith in Christ and
His power over evil. They tend to reject as bizarre and purely frictional the
kind of phenomena often depicted in Charismatic 'personal testimony'
books. This caution is legitimate but they are also unaware, as almost all
deliverance ministers are, of many of Satan's works.

Pentecostal and Charismatic deliverance ministers

How they conduct deliverance is based upon their religious culture;
according to its assumptions and prejudices. They tend to be more hyper-
active and have many rules and beliefs that in no way reflect reality,
spiritual or otherwise. For example many have a cultural belief that
Christians who have a demon will 'manifest' it, often by writhing as a
snake upon the floor. People who believe they have a demon tend to do
this. The minsters then shout; shouting is seen as being authoritative,
something like, “We cast you out in Jesus Name!” This may be, and
usually is, said over and over again. After a while the person delivered gets
up off the floor to the praise of all. Often speaking in tongues, supposedly
a spiritual language from God is used in deliverance as well as prophecy
and other gifts.

The tragedy of all this is that the whole spectacle is itself a delusion from
beginning to end. Much of it is psychological. Much is psychogenic in
terms of manifesting symptoms of possession and deliverance by the
power of the mind. The apparent remedy is normally psychogenic- as they
believe they feel, and they feel as they believe.

There have been cases in history where demons caused people to writhe
as a snake but generally this is not a symptom of most demon possession.
Another tragedy is that there are many signs of demon possession and
oppression that are seen as real manifestations of God's Spirit by
practising Pentecostals. Among these are confusion, passivity,
paranoia, censoriousness, super-spirituality or religious pride,
sexual immorality, petty blasphemies, strange illnesses, madness,
hatred of holiness and the holy...

These are disguised, excused and justified variously as righteous

indignation, grace (i.e. “God knows we're only human”), freedom of the
Spirit, anointing, natural etcetera. To go further into the subject I'd need to
write a book on deliverance alone but for now I will give you one or two
real examples of Christian exorcism.

A spiritualist's demon cast out

A young friend of mine complained that a spiritualist neighbour had been
causing trouble for Christians and that they felt oppressed and believed an
evil spirit was at work connected to the spiritualist. I prayed against the
antichristian spiritualist and her demon. Into the room where I was
praying an old woman entered. I could see her clearly but I could also see
through her. She walked toward me with an evil sneer upon her face. I
realised that she did not know I could see her. Behind her a great pit
opened up in the floor. As I turned my head toward her she realised I
could see her and as I commanded her to depart into the pit in Jesus'
Name, she screamed in terror, fell back into the pit and it closed.

I am not going to defend, justify or explain this exorcism. It was after all
engineered by God. It was not what I had read or been taught. It was just
reality. Few know it as fact. The demonic oppression of my Christian
friends ceased.

The demons' ultimate terror

I have often not followed the rules in Christian books about casting out
demons. Once I came up against an evil spirit and I said, “I command you
in Jesus' Name to appear before the Father in Heaven and He will tell you
what to do!”
I learnt from this that they fear going before God more than they do going
down to the Pit. The evil spirit rose up to God in great terror.

“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out
demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”
[Matthew 10:8]

Self Deliverance
Generally Christians that are troubled by evil spirits that have to some
extent entered them, such as in the form of frightening and sickening
images that appear in their minds apart from their own volition; or strange
body jerking and or shaking – may practice a form of self deliverance –
by which is meant of course deliverance by the Holy Spirit using the
believer to be their own minister.

Mental illness or demonic oppression?

Firstly the believer needs to question whether they have a form of mental
illness as most people that believe they are oppressed by demons are
suffering from mental illness. However occult power and mental delusion
are differing things as are spiritual entities and mental neuroses. For those
suffering from mental and emotional problems a counsellor or Christian
psychiatrist is recommended. For the totally sane and self aware believer
who recognises intelligently the activity of evil spirits however there is self

Psychiatry had a vested interest in dismissing all spiritual

phenomena as delusion as it is a fundamentally materialist and also sin
justifying philosophy specifically designed to counter the influence of
Christianity. The harm done by psychiatry is incalculable and its effects
truly evil – spreading unbelief in the words of Jesus and failing to free the
oppressed from the devil – failing to acknowledge real evidence for the
supernatural and by necessity rewriting history and reality to fit into a
neat, self justifying antidote to faith. You must realise that according to
psychiatry the biblical Jesus and all the prophets and apostles were totally
insane and also corrupt individuals who variously suffered from delusions
of grandeur, schizophrenia, paranoia... and they also manipulated and
exploited others. Jesus, if you can find a psychiatrist honest enough to
admit it, would be seen as a cult leader who had delusions about being the
son of God as he heard voices – voices that also warned him of
persecution. In other words he would be seen as a paranoid

The fact is however that around the world each year millions of
people will see spirits and many millions will be oppressed by
them – mostly unawares. All these will be patronisingly dismissed upon
the basis of a scientific knowledge called Psychiatry that is neither
scientific nor knowledge. The reader should therefore realise that in this
chapter I am not mistakenly giving advise to the mentally ill because I have
failed to understand narcissism, paranoia, anxiety, schizophrenia,
obsessiveness compulsive disorder, or any number of disorders and
syndromes – I have a good layman's understanding. I am giving advice to
the self aware – those self aware of being tranquil in mind and sensible
and logical in thinking – clear headed and sound – as a rule- except for a
specific problem often traceable to a specific cause in the spiritual realm.

Here are some examples:

The pentecostal or charismatic who had noticed that their own prophecies
often fail: Failed prophecies are unacceptable to God and not part of His
will and should not be tolerated. Do this: Think of the power of the Cross
and apply it to the prophecy while praying that if this thing is not of God it
will cease. As you are prophesying -especially as you have a prophecy
telling you the prophecy is of God- continue to pray in this vein. As a rule
you will gradually become enlightened and free of false prophecy – a gift
inspired by the devil.

For tongues, slain in the spirit, dancing in the spirit, laughing in the
spirit, groaning and shouting in the spirit, making animal noises in
the spirit - do the same. A steady application of the Cross of Christ by
faith will eventually whittle away everything that is not of God. It is
however a battle and only the true disciples of Christ will win this battle.
Many pentecostals and charismatics who try this out will only become
more convinced their obviously failed gifts are of God! This is due to lack
of holiness and discipleship. GOD IS HAPPY FOR HIS GIFTS TO BE TESTED
but the powers of darkness will make excuses to the mind for not doing
so or not being thorough....

Mental images that are horrific

Often evil spirits inject into the mind images or visions that are part of
their imagination and therefore utterly horrible and evil. The graphic nature
of these images can be and usually are indicative of an imagination and
knowledge of evil that is beyond that of the believer – that is the believer
is very aware that another mind that is familiar with evil the believer on
their own could not imagine is having a direct influence upon them. The
antidote is to repent of any known sin and ask God to cast the oppressing
spirit into Hell – Yes, right into Hell. Apply the Cross of Christ to your
thoughts and wilfully reject all thoughts not of God. Exercise your mind
and train it to reject offensive images, thoughts and blasphemies.
Blasphemies may enter the mind if you go near a church or want to pick
up a bible. This does not mean you have blasphemed but that you are
oppressed by a spirit of blasphemy. The twofold exercise of attacking the
evil spirits in prayer and disciplining your own mind to gain control of it
will give you both a discerning and clear mind. You may achieve in hours,
days or months what psychiatry will take years, if at all, to achieve.
However for those with a psychiatric problem a good counsellor is needed
– but such counsellors are useless in dealing with the evil of the
supernatural- which is why I said earlier when it comes to great suffering
and overwhelming and real problems the counselling industry is a fraud as
it pretends to be able to supply needs it cannot supply to foster profitable
business and reputation. Like a petrol pump that falters after just a few
drops enter the car...

Here is an interesting observation: The Christians I have known who

have been the most intelligent, clear headed and insightful over a number
of issues also had a greater faith: Their minds were stronger, purer and
far more advanced than most. These also would agree with all I have said
above as it was very familiar to them. This is in stark contradistinction to
the view of psychiatry that the impaired mind is the mind that believes
fully in demonic battles.

Shaking of the body, loss of control of facial muscles, and

sometimes beating upon the body by unseen beings.
The cause for this is always passivity of mind usually in relation to some
false spiritual gift. By false teaching the undiscerning and often young
believer will give themselves up to a kind of zombie minded state in which
they wait for the 'Spirit to move' in dance or prophecy or rapture of some
kind. The spirits behind this false teaching begin to control what the
believer has given up control of. They begin to take over some of the
muscles and gestures of the believer, sometimes unknown to the believer.
If you look on Youtube at some of the charismatics and observe closely
you will see, that even while trying to discuss something normally, they
will often have jerking movements or strange facial expressions... A
deliverance from this attempt at the possession of the believer can result in
the evil spirits attacking from without, quite literally so that the believer
feels unseen fists hit them. Command them to depart to Hell IN JESUS
NAME- and train your mind to always be active and never passive and
free yourself of all zombie, trance like states – which are actually occultic
and not Christian – It takes effort but follow all the guidelines above.

Take control of your mind and body by steady faith, prayer and discipline
and may God be with you. Don't give in or give up. This is just the fearful
demons trying to whittle away your will power and consecration to God.
Persevere in holiness and Christ will save you.

Deliverance from evil objects

Evil spirits like to regard what is inspired by them as belonging to them
and those who own such things that are inspired by them as under their
authority. Therefore you must rid your home of all occultic objects – even
of Christmas and Easter cards from false friends who may hate you in
their hearts can generate an evil, oppressive dynamic– Get free of satanic
movies and books – of pornography...

The internet has made access to porn easy and commonplace. Most
Christian men and probably a larger proportion of Christian women than
would be guessed at look at pornography. Men may find that they indulge
what seems like a natural desire and find themselves drawn to look at
what is unnatural and find to their horror that when they try to break off
or repent they do not but go further into sin.

The reason for this is that pornography is of course sinful and satanically
inspired. The evil spirits hold sway over the viewers of pornography and
their power is felt by undiscerning men and women – and kids too

By recognising the occultic element behind pornography you may be

helped to reject it. You should also remember that if you pay for
pornography you are paying for the people that make it to go to Hell and
you may even be paying for the rape and murder of victims as a certain
percentage of funds of mainstream pornography also finds its way into
the hands of the most sexually depraved people on the planet.
Understanding these things may help you break off of it.
Another helpful thing is to realise that in your ‘flesh life’ you do not
possess the power to break with sin but the Holy Spirit has the power to
make you holy by faith in Christ.

Some advise you in the vein of the usual rubbish you read in Christian
counselling books that avoid the issues and don't know how to solve the
problems – as they often skirt around the issues. However many of you
reading this will indulge in looking at pornography – I know it – God
knows it and so does the devil. If a clean break is too much for you – like
a drug addict using methadone to lessen the withdrawal symptoms from
heroin – break gradually until you achieve purity of heart and action. It is
possible and generally the earnest disciples will come out of this trough if
they apply themselves. For some knowing of the connection between the
powers of darkness and pornography will be enough but for others there
will be a slow climb out of the mire. In this area I will in fact advise
counselling – but Christian counselling. It is not enough to command
demons when you yourself are the one committing the sin.
When a site showing pornography is viewed demons have legal ground to
enter the home of the believer. If the believer has children it is likely they
will have nightmares, sickness and ‘bad luck’. Knowing that by looking at
pornography you will cause psychological and physical harm to your
children may help you break away.

May you all find peace – the very peace waiting for you in Christ.

Jonathan I am going to tell you things that even deliverance minsters are
unaware of:

Curses by demons
Demons write over the soul of the believer curses in satanic scripts. So
too do fallen angels who are far more powerful. All sinners have these
curses written on them that God, angels and spirits can see but which
almost no human living throughout time have seen. These curses tend to
do things like prevent recovery from illness; make illnesses worse: That is
turn a mild heart attack into a major heart attack etc.

God himself and his angels write blessing in heavenly script upon the
souls of saints and small children. These result in things like greater
happiness and peace and physical vitality.

Jonathan, pray that God will remove all curses and write his blessing upon
you. God will sometimes allow you to see a darkness with strange
symbols being drawn out of you after which you will feel better in some

Cursed objects in spirit

In the spiritual realm there are not only spirits but objects. It is similar in
many ways to the material realm but in a different dimension. Evil spirits
will pluck hairs form their heads and tie them around your toes or fingers.
- Or they may rip off a piece of fingernail and place it under your pillow.
These will be invisible to human eyes. They give off dark energy that will
gradually poison your soul making you more prone to evil thoughts and

Ask God to send his angels to remove all dark objects of a hellish nature.
Chapter Seventeen:
Slain in the Spirit

Among the several gifts used by the Charismatic and Pentecostal

movements there is one called 'Slain in the Spirit.' This small
chapter describes this gift as it is experienced and used.

Biblical basis
The expression 'Slain in the Spirit' is not in the Bible. The description of the
experience is not in the Bible. The Biblical basis for the gift, according to
Charismatic teachers, is when various saints and Prophets have lain
prostrate before God or His Angels, often overcome with fear or awe.
These saints are always lucid and their response to the revelation of God
is always intelligent and meaningful. The description of the experience of
Daniel the Prophet comes closest to the Charismatic understanding of
being slain in the Spirit.

“I, Daniel, alone saw the vision as the men who were with me did
not see the vision. Yet, great trembling fell upon them so that they
fled and hid themselves.
Then I was left alone and saw this great vision but there
remained no strength in me. For my greatness was turned within
me into nothing, and I lost my strength.
Yet I heard the sound of his words and when I heard the sound
of his words I was upon my face, stunned, with my face toward
the ground.
Look! - A hand touched me and set me, shaking, upon my knees
and the palms of my hands.
He said to me, ‘Oh Daniel, a man greatly loved, comprehend the
words that I speak to you and stand up. For I have been sent to
you.’ When he had spoken this word to me I stood, trembling.”
[Daniel 10:7-11]

The Vision of the Angel continues for the remaining chapters of Daniel. As
Daniel fell upon his face in fear with his strength gone this is seen as a
proof text, by Charismatics, of the gift of being slain in the Spirit; since in
that gift believers fall down and lose their strength. They lose their motor
skills and often their power of speech and lull about like rag dolls... Unlike
Daniel however these believers could not hold a lucid conversation or take
in detailed information. Also Daniel did not lose his motor skills or become
as a rag doll. He could control his body and movements and his mind. Also
unlike Daniel, Charismatic and Pentecostal believers do not talk to great,
holy Angels or have great revelations of truth that are calculated to make
someone full of terror and awe. In fact apart from a partial and
superficial similarity, in most aspects the experience of Daniel differs
greatly from the experience of people being slain in the Spirit.

The historical basis

It is on record that in revivals that took place under Jonathan Edwards,
John Wesley and Charles Finney it was common for large numbers of
people to fall down under the power of God. In the writings of these great
evangelical preachers however we have very clear descriptions of these
events and in the case of Charles Finney in particular descriptions of deep
convictions of sin coming upon the consciences of sinners so that they
were overcome, often crying out, “Lord have mercy upon me, a sinner!”

When Finney's revival practices were criticised in his day he defended the
revivals by saying that if God convicted sinners of the greatest truths, and
these were applied to their hearts and consciences in great power by the
Holy Spirit it was not unusual or unnatural for them to have a
corresponding emotional response. He pointed out that the shock of a
sinner's realisation that they might be going to Hell was good enough
reason for them to cry in fear or to fall down in anguish. He further added
that often, as they gave their hearts to Christ they would rise up praising
God with great joy...

This is so strikingly different to the Charismatic 'slain in the Spirit'

experience as to be obviously a different experience altogether. The use of
these historical revivals as justification for the 'slain in the Spirit'
phenomena smacks of desperation.

Loss of ability to function as a normal human being, resembling

drunkenness, or partial anaesthesia is not an experience of
revelation of truth from God that has a strong response from the

The experiential basis

In Charismatic and Pentecostal assemblies the experience of being slain in
the Spirit often and usually happens after people have been praising God,
repetitively, when they begin to feel closer to the Lord. The experience
seems timed in other words to happen at the crescendo of the meeting. As
a result these undiscerning believers assume it is the work of God. It
seems to them that as worship becomes more intense and spiritual there
is an out flowing of this gift.

Here is another interpretation for this timing aspect of the gift in
experience. It is true that as believers feel more adoration to God this gift
strikes. This can be observed time and again. The real reason is to fool
them into thinking it is of God and secondly the timing is to stop them
from getting too close to God and praying intelligently to Him. They are
turned into zombies! Often just at the point a believer feels they are
opening up to God and ready to exercise greater faith they are suddenly

Slain in the Spirit in other religions

Whereas this gift is not found in the Bible or in great revivals of the past it
is found abundantly in all kinds of Spiritist cults. Whether it is Native
American spirit worship or Pagan Ritual; falling down in a state of mental
and bodily passivity is common coinage of these religions.

Other aspects of the gift

It is very common for there to be other aspects of the gift when the
person has fallen down. These include strange body movements, jerking,
shaking, laughing and screaming. Also sexual arousal, confusion, feelings
of embarrassment, feelings of spiritual pride...

Techniques used to get people slain in the Spirit

It is well known that repetitive singing of the same choruses over and
over again induces a form of euphoria and this is useful to Charismatic
and Pentecostal evangelists and pastors. Standard stage hypnotics and
especially suggestion is used. Also, teaching them to open up to the
experience by blind faith and with a passive mind.

Denials of negative aspects

I read an online post in a Christian forum from a female Pentecostal
pastor who said that in over twenty years of ministry she had not come
across anyone injured by being slain in the Spirit and she thought this was
not possible. However this post was put on the forum after several pages
of posts and dozens of Christians talking about how they were injured by
being slain in the Spirit! There have even been some court cases. Since
this pastor could not acknowledge what others were saying how reliable
was her testimony about her decades of ministry? Where it is
acknowledged to be a problem a glib dismissal follows that in such cases
they can't have been in the Spirit!

The correct name for the sudden psychic anaesthesia of being

slain in the Spirit:
This is the correct term. Satanaesthesia is what really happens.
Undiscerning Christians and many who simply believe they are Christians
without ever having been spiritually born of God, who are badly taught,
poorly instructed and misinformed are invited to practice the very means
Spiritists use to get entrance of spirits into their bodies: Spiritists often
open up blindly to the supernatural, regardless of whether they believe it is
angels, demons, God, good spirits; spirits of what or whoever.
Charismatics and Pentecostals take a stance of being immune to deception
and possession in this matter and that the Christian orthodoxy of being
slain in the Spirit is settled. They might as well claim to be immune to
temptation or sin.

Conditions for the use of Satanaesthesia

Another fundamental condition apart from euphoria induced by repetition
and mental passivity as well as stage hypnotics; is to have low moral,
unchristian, and spiritual standards. The various aspects of the false gift
and its effects are consistent with Paganism and Spiritism but not with
Biblical Christianity in either its moral of experiential aspects. Did Jesus
and His Apostles fall down as rag dolls losing control of themselves and
making a spectacle of themselves as being just like the Pagans they were
trying to convert?

Resisting the Holy Spirit

The real Holy Spirit continually witnesses against this gift. He has also
sent many teachers and many good books, which the churches that
practise the gift have ignored, while suppressing the liberating information
within them. (What I have written here they know but have rejected it and
will not inform new converts...)

Lack of love
The concerns raised over Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movement
have been many and genuine but have been dismissed on the grounds that
they are too spiritually superior to accept correction from those they see
as opposed to the Holy Spirit. Spiritual pride and vindictiveness often come
from this lack of love too.

A new religion
Those who base their religion, even if they say, “I'm not religious I'm a
Christian”, upon false gifts and experiences rather than upon Jesus Christ
and His Word are practising a new religion. It is an experience based
religion which puts faith in what they believe is the Holy Spirit but as we
have seen is spiritual deception involving false teachers and demons. Some
of them to be sure have some measure of faith and some measure of
truth. No Charismatic or Pentecostal knows just how many of their
fellows have never really been born again!

Cure for the disease

The cure is Christ. He can de-baptise you from what you thought was the
Spirit and baptise you into the Spirit of Truth. You may adopt the old
religion of Biblical Christianity. It is far better and you will inevitability feel
it to be so. You can read about it in the Bible. All those things there that
have been explained away or neglected are really true! Will you leave the
Church of Babylon and join the true Church of Christ?
Chapter Eighteen:
Satan and His Secrets

This is a brief introduction Jonathan, to some of the things Satan does not
want you to know. It is not an exhaustive investigation or a treatise but
rather a tasty morsel of information that will appeal most to those who
already have some firsthand knowledge of Satan and his activities...

Demon possession and psychiatry

In the 1800's as the new social/medical science of psychiatry was being
developed the underlying liberal philosophy was both anti-spiritual and
deeply antichristian, as with the other liberal, pagan pseudo sciences. At
that time and until today psychiatry tended to dismiss everything it could
not explain. Yet rather than dealing with the ‘possessed’ or issue of
possession they would divert and they would conveniently explain in
psychogenic terms only those illnesses that were easily seen to be mental
illness. For example they would not speak of patients that accurately
predicted the future or of appearances of spirits or the levitation of objects
and other aspects of demon activity. They would, and do today purposely
relate only those things that they can easily explain and treat the rest as if
it does not exist, even when they find it. Occasionally something gets
through the net but even then it is simply labeled as if the labeling is itself
an explanation. So, in the case of a young, uneducated peasant girl that
suddenly received the ability to speak knowledgeably of the world and its
history in fluent Latin; she was labeled as suffering from Multiple
Personality Syndrome.

In the battle between the psychiatrists and the missionaries that gave to
the world examples of verified demon possession; the missionaries clearly
won the debate. However, the world does not listen to missionaries - and
their works, largely out of print are buried in history: We have the
pretensions of psychiatry.

A modern case of demon possession

It was related to me by two shocked relatives that they, and several other
people, saw a young woman who would sometimes have an evil green
face materialise over her own face. They found it terrifying. It was
something the girl had lived with all her life. The interesting thing about
this 'illness' is that there were several witnesses and the event happened
several times, often with different witnesses. Some of these witnesses
were rationalists and atheists. I had witnessed a similar thing happen to
another young woman. In journals of psychiatry you will not find such
'cases' involving seen spiritual phenomena as it is not easy for them to
label a small community of diverse people as schizophrenic.

This example is simply given to show the reality of Satan's work and the
kind of worldly philosophy he uses to cover it up. He is at the moment
aiming at introducing another philosophy, already here but in its infant

Satan's new religion with which he hopes to entrance the world is

not the One World Religion or the New Age Movement that many
preach but it will be centred in concern for the environment and
planet Earth.

Environmentalism is good, I subscribe to it myself as should every person

of conscience but all good things are debased by the evil one. In the future,
if Satan is successful, wars will be fought and dictators will arise using
the very terminology and concerns of saving the environment and taking
care of our planet.

The new social engineering

The present debate over global warming is not actually about global
warming even if everyone involved acts like it is. It is about standardising
the relationship between the sciences and world governments as
politicians, business people and those who lean to capitalism or socialism
in politics have discovered that science is the new god that has limitless
influence. Mass populations accept the proclamations of 'science' for fact
on a number of issues. In the past political-economic arguments and
movements were used to change the world but after the success in past
centuries of scientific propaganda dominating the world the new power
resides in scientific consensus and all are trying to jump on the
bandwagon. This is the sole reason why the socialists and Big Business
are tied together with governments around the world to fight global
warming. It is the pretext that solidifies their power and influence. Much
of their science may be and often is propaganda and sometimes
apocalyptic too and the reason for this is as stated. It's about power.

Satan controls most of the Christian teaching and in particular

pseudo spiritual teaching that comes out of the Church worldwide
In vague, general terms there is a similarity between the spiritual teaching
of Christ and His Apostles and Greek philosophers, ancient and modern
religions and modern cults. Like multitudes before me, and after me, I too
teach a walk in the Spirit, but what I mean by that and what other
Christians mean by that can be diametrically opposed. I teach death to Self
as do Sufi poets and Hari Krishna devotees but what I mean by it and
what they mean by it is very different. Christian sounding teaching by
Christian seeming teachers and prophets is flooding out of Christian
circles that reflects the mind, intent and subtleness of Satan.
Satan is preparing future science
To acknowledge the existence of God
Already, notable atheist philosophers and scientists are becoming theists
and many Christians see this as a good thing not realising that a
movement to belief in an impersonal 'scientific' god is in preparation for
the future fall of many present rationalist assumptions. More scientific
discoveries and greater international communication via the Internet means
that strict, atheistic rationalism and its 'science' is crumbling. Future
generations will be both 'spiritual' and antichristian should Satan succeed.
This goes hand in hand with the environmentalism... These philosophies
together would allow the world to embrace the Antichrist unless they are
defeated and he comes in a different form.

Some Christians will support Satan and oppose the servants of

Due to the pseudo spiritual teaching I have already mentioned that has
gripped Christianity many sincere and even zealous Christians will identify
miracle working servants of God as false prophets while becoming
ensnared into approving of those who really are wolves in sheep's fleeces.
Some will realise this too late but others will repent and get straightened
out. These latter will become a great threat to the evil one. Already such
ones are being targeted, attacked and neutralised.

Prophecies of the End abound when it is not due

When the Lord really is about to appear few will be prophesying His
coming if Satan is successful as Satan's servants will try to distract the
world from that immanent event. When they think they are in peace and
safety that Day will close upon them like a trap... Conversely the many
that are today prophesying the immanent return of Christ is itself a sign
He is not about to return.

Satan never reveals his secrets

In Christian culture the self proclaimed experts on Satan are usually ex-
occultists who mistakenly believe the secrets they learned in darkness are
the truth about Satan. He only ever tells them lies. When they expose these
secrets after they become Christians they help Satan still. The secrets of
Satan can only be revealed by God to godly men and women. These ones
are known for their holiness, whatever they may have been before they
were saved. It is the Holy Spirit Who is the Teacher, not the evil one. In
consequence their teaching is genuine.

Simple, childlike love and devotion to Jesus as Lord is an antidote to all
kinds of strange teachings and practices common to society today. His
true people are known by their humility, holiness but especially their love.
This is in sharp contradistinction to those who are proud, super-spiritual
and cold – behind a false smile.
The Father’s love is in His children and the faith of Christ is within them.
As this is true there is evidence supplied by God to the world beyond that
of their holy characters. They sometimes heal or cast out demons. Their
effect upon society is positive bringing life and joy...

The Pentecostal religion claim to be such believers as these but they are
the very wolves that tear these lambs to pieces when they find them. The
Charismatic movement is the cloak of lamb’s wool covering the body of
the wolf.

More traditional churches have severe reservations but cannot penetrate

the spiritual depths to see the underlying threat posed by this Christian
Satanism. They have a tendency to be cold and formal. As a result it is like
the days of Jesus where the super-spiritual Pharisees and the cold,
legalistic Sadducees both persecuted the Disciples of Christ. But where are
the Disciples of Christ?

If Satan is thwarted by some unexpected events and means he will adapt

his plans and schemes accordingly. There could for example be a future
Church that is too holiness centred - or apparently holiness centred- while
being in fact too rule bound and social as opposed to spiritual. In
Christianity and in life generally BALANCE is everything.
Chapter Nineteen:
The Lost Millions

Greek and Persian Philosophy

Much of what Christians in general believe to be ‘sound doctrine’ is
actually Greek philosophy that grates against the spirit and letter of the
Bible. For Plato and Aristotle the highest good was human happiness and
its pursuit quite ethical. Christian theologians followed suit. It is a standard
theological position that God placed us on earth to seek the highest good
which is our happiness –to be found in Jesus Christ. In fact to seek one’s
own joy as the highest good is intrinsically selfish; would by necessity
have a carnal motive and therefore is unchristian. For a true believer the
highest good could be seen as seeking God’s happiness or seeking our
holiness –of which happiness is merely a side effect.

Also Manichaean philosophy was fatalistic and this influenced Calvin. Yet
between the Reformation and the Church Fathers Greek and Persian
philosophy tended to influence theology to an incredible degree as the
Church chose its learned divines not from those who worked miracles or
were taught of God but from those of the elite and well educated
backgrounds that over time came to dominate the priesthood and therefore
doctrine completely. Even many modern evangelical theologians are really
philosophers rather than theologians.

Having Church divines of early centuries discuss Aristotle’s view of the

soul and trying to reconcile it with the Christian view or regarding Plato’s
ethics as somehow a prelude to Jesus’ teaching on love has done an
immense amount of harm. The vaguely superficial resemblance to
Christian morality found in Greek philosophy has (because they wanted it
too) totally dominated Western thought in its interpretation of Christianity.

It is generally believed among academics that certain aspects of Greek

philosophy paved the way for Mediaeval Christian mysticism that could
not have occurred without its philosophical precedent. Those of a spiritual
mind will see this as absolutely empty reasoning and the measure of the
worldly mind’s inability to perceive spiritual realities. Mediaeval mysticism
was the same mysticism that was in Adam and in the Angels created
before him.

What seems to the worldly mind to be good ethics cannot in any sense
gain a sinner redemption or eternal life. Ethics cannot save souls or
regenerate them or lift someone up to Heaven. Yet the ridiculous position
of many theologians and intellectuals of today is that biblical Christianity
was a reworking of Greek philosophy. However, much of what
Protestants in particular consider to be sound evangelical truth is this very
Greek philosophy ‘Christianised’. The failure of Greek philosophy to
sanctify souls, to fill Heaven, is to a large extent the failure of
Protestantism to do so: The failure of individual believers to really be ‘born
again’ even if they call themselves such; the failure to persevere in holiness
till the end; the failure to be truly holy; the failure to recognise that the
Bible is not a self contradicting set of individual statements in which Paul
can be used to dispute Paul and John can be used to disprove John. This
‘dialectical’ approach actually came from Greek philosophy. The Bible in
contrast is actually perfect harmony and totally holistic. There is no
Hegelian triad of thesis, antithesis and synthesis leading to a new thesis or
vague and changeable ‘truth’.

Philosophy may appeal to unregenerate minds that are, ‘ever learning and
never able to come to a knowledge of the truth’, but it is not the power of

In modern theology too and particularly in exegesis we have carnal

philosophy at work. The prophet John is thought to have prophesied in the
book of Revelation the fall of Jerusalem. For modern theologians this
means that since Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 70 AD the prophecy
must have been given after that date. The method of dating the book then
is based upon unbelief in prophecy as a fact, in unbelief as prophets as
real prophets: Inventions of imagination; fabrications to use religion to
control the masses etc. Also that it cannot have been John the Apostle who
really wrote the Revelation. The truth is the book of Revelation did not
prophesy the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD but rather at the return of Christ
yet to come and judgements upon a future Jerusalem – whether near
future or distant future – the believer will have their own opinion. The
assumption that the ‘Apocalypse’ is literature of the day alluding to Roman
conquerors is false. The exegetical methods are false as they believe deeply
and fully that God does not in fact give messages about the future to
prophets. Applying this exegetical method to myself it means the few times
the Lord has revealed things to me that came true later, particularly in
detailed dreams that came true sometimes days or years after the event,
must be inventions of my deranged imagination at best if not outright lies
for the purpose of trapping unwary dupes…invented after the events
themselves happened. That the change in mood and style were evidence
the revelations I use were actually stolen from other sources etc. and
would have more than one author. The difference in style and structure in
my autobiography-and this more abrasive tome would indicate two
different authors at least. - Say Australian Aðalsteinn and Aðalsteinn 2 and
then maybe proto Aðalsteinn.

Is my sense of ‘oneness’ with God really only possible because of Greek

metaphysicians and their philosophy? Why then is this sense of union
with God I have a sense of being with the Eternal God that existed long
before this world was made?
The Christianity you are familiar with and have been taught is orthodox,
biblical and true is to a large extent the mixing of Greek philosophy and
modern theology:

I spoke earlier on in this book of the need to differentiate between fact and
theory, experience and conjecture. The great mistake of Christianity is not
to differentiate between belief and action, almost as if it were the same
thing. Belief is an act yes but a life of obedience to Jesus Christ is very
different and far removed from a life of merely believing things about him.
Jesus, as you can see in the gospels, regarded his disciples as only those
who obeyed him. You must distinguish between what people say of
themselves as individuals or of their churches. Saying they are Spirit filled,
holy and ‘on fire for God’ are just words, usually empty words.
Christianity consists largely of talk when it should consist entirely of

Think of anyone you like, it could be your president or prime minister or

dictator, and forget everything you have heard said about them or what
they have said themselves. Look at them again in terms simply of what
they have done. You might find their entire appearance changes in your
mind. It is so, or should be so with everyone and everything. It is
absolutely essential that you understand a Christian is someone who
obeys Christ. Whoever does not obey Christ is not a Christian no matter
what they or anyone else says. How many people do you know who live
in obedience to Jesus as a living Spirit? How many do you know who call
themselves Christians? What is the difference in number between them?

This deception is very grand and politicians thrive on it. So too do states,
religions including Christianity and just about everything else! Discipline
your mind if you really are a disciple. If you look at the world in this more
real way you may find good ol’ Joe who would do anything for anyone is
really a selfish and stingy person who does a few elaborate things for
friends but wouldn’t help his own grandmother cross the road. You may
find your democracy is just a partial democracy and hidden behind it a
totalitarian dictatorship and that the democracy itself helps disguise the
totalitarianism so that there never will be true and full democracy without
fundamental change… Most of all look at the teaching of Jesus and at
yourself and see if you really do obey him.

Christianity as it is in the world today is largely

a set of Christianised Greek ethics.
Christianity in the New Testament has intrinsically a miraculous,
supernatural change in nature in which the human spirit is resurrected
from its death to new life in Christ quite literally as an actual, tangible,
living entity. It is also by virtue of this a life of obedience to Christ by faith.
Faith is the correct moral response to revealed truth.
Contemporary Christianity’s understanding of faith- of itself being a Faith
-is to have belief regarding its object – Jesus. They are totally convinced
this is what God wants. If this were so God would approve of those who
absolutely believe in Jesus and everything he did. The more fully they
believed the more fully they would be approved.

Let me give you this poor example Jonathan. Say a young person who is
evangelising, and as they do these days takes a questionnaire to people. He
asks questions such as “Do you believe in the Virgin Birth?” After some
time he comes across someone exceptional and they respond that they do
indeed believe in the Virgin Birth, in Jesus’ Resurrection, in his Second
Coming and in Judgment Day. In fact the charming young man who is
being questioned says he never doubts; is absolutely certain. We are
taught that if we do the same we are very good Christians, perhaps even
true evangelical, Bible believers. The evangelist asks the young man, “May I
have your name?” to which he gets the reply, “Satan, Prince of Darkness.”

I want to point this out that Satan knows far more about Jesus and
Heaven and Hell than we do. He believes what he sees. He believes his own
history. He knows the things Jesus said to him in the wilderness and
elsewhere not recorded in the Bible. In that sense there is no greater
believer in Jesus than Satan. The pride of Protestantism is Bible belief, as
opposed to what they see as Mariolatry, or Popism or superstition and
rationalism. It could mean that the individual believer is becoming more
like Satan. People who are like this will naturally say I am twisting things
and equating belief in the Bible with Satanism. The true believer will realise
I am saying that strength of belief is only valid where there is strength of
obedience that goes hand in hand with it. On the scales of belief and
obedience modern Christianity has a lot of belief, but still far less than
they should, and very little obedience…

Belief without obedience is worse than nothing. It receives judgment from


The great error of Protestantism, mainly pushed by Calvinists, is to equate

faith with belief. That is if I define faith as intrinsically obedient to Christ
and belief as merely belief. It is not entirely conscious but there is an
attitude that prevails, a culture and certain doctrinal gymnastics that
equate a deep and strong belief in fundamental Bible truths with salvation
itself – when often these beliefs coexist with lukewarmness or even

How can, the ‘non believer’ asks, a person who believes deeply be an
unbeliever? Unbelief is the incorrect moral response to revealed truth. It is
true that unbelief usually manifests itself as total non belief but often it
disguises itself as intellectual assent combined with emotional self
assurance – as opposed to obedience to Christ as Son of God.
It is very true that in a dictionary or Bible dictionary belief and faith are
simply words that mean trust. Yet in the Bible words take upon themselves
a deep spiritual significance that goes beyond dictionary meaning. Faith in
the Bible embodies always and intrinsically obedience to Jesus Christ;
always holy and always connected to spiritual power. In Protestantism the
teaching of ‘Faith Alone’ has come to mean for the majority of Protestants
‘Intellectual assent combined with church attendance, Bible study and self
assurance alone’.

So again I say use your eyes to strip away all the holy things that
apparently holy people say about themselves and look only at their
obedience or lack thereof to gain a fuller understanding of the state of
present Christianity.

When I spoke of Satan believing absolutely in Jesus you may like to think
of all the Christians who burnt others at the stake, fought unjust wars,
persecuted true saints, were generally obnoxious because of their deep
held beliefs. There is no one on earth so convinced that the human race
needs to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’ as Satan and no one so
opposed to it in practice. Yet is it true to say that Satan has faith in Christ?
No. So you see Jonathan, my use of the definitions I gave above is
genuine. We can say that Satan has intellectual conviction but not faith
which by its very nature is loving, gentle and holy.

Yet, you can see the more Satan believed the more he has been opposed to
the cause of Christ. It is no wonder then that those who are most opposed
to Christ and Christianity are often deeply convinced of the reality of
Christ – I mean atheism being denial of perceived truth by use of
intellectual ruses. The Christian who ‘believes’ but has not ‘faith leading to
obedience’ as I have said is a Christian atheist. -In belief Christian and in
practice atheist. With their words they honour Christ and with their deeds
they disown him.

As the great teacher James said,

‘…Show me your faith without your works and I will show you my
faith by my works.’ [James 2:18]

The Lost Millions

I had said above that there is a phenomenon in modern Christianity that
where young converts especially are supposedly 'baptised in the Spirit' in
the Charismatic sense this often leads to a sudden falling away from
Christ. Usually they have so many hopes and dreams and promises given
and after an initial emotional high these beliefs do not materialise into
anything substantial – it is delusory. Many feel this to be so and not
having yet been established in a continual and close walk with Christ they
conclude that God has let them down and they turn and walk away. They
hit an all time low. This is what this false baptism in supernaturalism is
designed to achieve – among other things.

Those who preach, advocate and practice this baptism into

supernaturalism are in effect destroying the Kingdom of God.

There is another side to this phenomenon, hardly if ever acknowledged by

self serving evangelists and teachers. When people feel Christ has
abandoned them or rather the Holy Spirit since they are taught little of
Christ to begin with; they feel they are justified in taking a stance against
Christianity, the Bible and God. For taking an aggressive stance against
Christianity they are partly justified but neither the Bible nor God had
anything to do with their disappointments and unfulfilled dreams; this was
the 'baptism' and its advocates. - The wolves in sheep's clothing.

Sometimes these ex-Christians were really 'saved' or really Christian even

if weak and misinformed. A reaction to the holiness that dwelt within is to
become more sinful and corrupt. In the case of true saints that had been
both strong and holy- to fall away after being baptised into
supernaturalism there can be an even more adverse counter-reaction. They
may be among the world’s most unsavoury characters: Antichrists,
paedophiles, murderers and occultists practising demonic oppression over

Without the first you will not have the other. Without the false baptism in
the Spirit practised by Pentecostals and Charismatic Christian Satanists
you will not get the great falling away of new converts and you will not
get the new army of antichrists nor some of Satan's greatest servants –
who like fallen angels will reap their vengeance upon the religion that
betrayed them.

The false Christians make excuses for this. Not that they will ever
acknowledge this is going on but they will acknowledge a lot of people do
not persevere and their excuse is that they were never saved to begin with
and they really do not care about them. I care about them, about the
backsliders, the antichrists and even the monsters that once were
Christians. I want them to know it was not Christ who betrayed them but
his enemies.

On the other hand many among them were never really Christian to begin
with this is true but the Charismatics would not admit to this when they
were baptising them in the supposed Spirit!

Another rather stupid excuse they use which has nothing to do with reality
is that these lost ones are all still saved since once saved is always saved
they erroneously believe. So even an ex Christian turned Satanist would be
saved by their reckoning – but if they change ground and say that one
was never saved how do they explain they baptised that one in the 'Spirit'
and that one prophesied and they acknowledged these prophecies and
tongues were of God? In their fantasy world reality has no place. As I said
before an effect of religious delusion is to disconnect people from reality –
so how can they acknowledge it?

Christ is the reality and how much more in tune we are with the real
world because of him. He gave us eyes to see and they want to blind the
world with their religious candy floss laced in arsenic. The greatest
argument against the Pentecostal and Charismatic and other Christian
Satanists is themselves: Their monumental stupidity on any number of
issues. Their mental gymnastics in regards Bible interpretation. Their many
leaders who are trying to bed every pretty sycophant, demand their first
class air travel at churches' expense and avoid paying taxes...

Many sinners choose to worship them and call themselves 'Spirit filled
believers' but inevitably they persecute the true saints.

Another effect of the false baptism is this: Satan does indeed lure certain
people into Pentecostal and Charismatic circles; particularly ones he
knows will be very useful because of their exceptional evil and guile. These
he lures in and gets baptised in the Spirit in the Charismatic sense. This is
their introduction to supernatural power. It is where they first begin to be
equipped and whether he later uses them as ex Christian antichrists or
Charismatic leaders he has planned it all very carefully. Satan has singled
out and used a vast multitude of sinners to be sinners in Charismatic
circles. He knows full well that if someone says to them, 'Serve Satan and
he will give you power', they would reject it. So he has Charismatics or
Pentecostals give them the offer of worldly Christianity and its pursuit of
wealth, power and influence and says, 'Serve God and receive power!'
Often they take the bait.

There are no doubt in excess of a million young or weak but genuine

believers that fell away from Christ due to the occult power and emptiness
of the false baptism in the Spirit. There are many more millions of
unsaved due to a general malaise in the Church caused by the Christian

All of their prophets and apostles are false without exception. All
of them are under the dominion of evil spirits and are either
neutralised if they were genuine believers or at least subverted in
degree; more often than not they are useless to God but useful to

If you wanted to check this out – all that I have said in this book- and if
you thought it cannot possibly be so and so visited three different
Christian Satanist churches... You might well find that in a Black and
rather conservative Pentecostal church the men sat on one side of the
church and the women on the other; the pastor preached a boring sermon
and after some superficial chit chat the people went home... At least that
would show how dead they are who are supposedly filled with the power
and holiness of God.

You might go to a Charismatic meeting and after half an hour of praise in

'choruses' you hear a religious pep talk about leadership and you meet
some friendly people you may at least hear many speak in gibberish, see
some enter an altered state of consciousness by repetitive vocalising of
some kind and may see someone or two writhing on the ground, making
loud animal noises. This would at least tell you they are superficial, overly
saccharine and sometimes weird if not bizarre.

You might go to a big rally and see people healed and saved but question
why the evangelist says, 'God gives miracles to those who truly serve
him', and later in the event he says, 'Those who truly serve God give
where it hurts' and later still he says, 'A man who gives God (via the
evangelist) a thousand dollars is blessed but a true servant would give God
50,000 dollars.'
At least you could work out from this that for 50,000 dollars you can
buy a miracle and that they are avaricious and foolish...

In truth you will never really know what is going on, beyond common
sense appraisals, without careful research and even more so without the
help and guidance of the real Holy Spirit.

All the above examples I have taken out of life and can be seen, if you will,
but much worse is done behind closed doors, but sometimes openly! In
conclusion Jonathan, many ordinary Christians will never see either what
I have written or what their eyes see. It is the mind that sees and Christian
Satanists themselves are very plasticine in mind. Yet you, being a true
servant of Christ, not by money but by faith, I would not advise to rush
into a Charismatic church as who knows what the Enemy might try to do
to you? Pray first. It takes special prayer and wisdom too to handle what
seems on the surface to be innocent. Unlike worldly social scientists who
may see in the Charismatic Movement religious freedom of expression
and group psychotherapy but who will not see the true servant of God
targeted for either subversion or all out attack. It takes time for them to
recognise you. Share what is true and at first they will try to match you
as if they were in a competition. Continue to share true visions, or
teaching or grace and you will step on a spiritual land mine realising too
late you have been meandering through the mine field from the moment
you decided to go to said churches.

Do not be surprised in those circumstances that introducing the catalyst of

the true among the false you have yourself primed the bomb. Do not be
surprised if those you liked become frightened to talk to you after the
pastor has told them privately they will get a demon from doing so. Also
don't be surprised if they literally run from you in the street. Neither get
too hurt if you hear on the grapevine that you are said to be a thief, or
drug user or something worse. It is the self life that resents these things.
Try to take it in your stride and see them for what they are.

So you see my young Jonathan that after all, you are God's lion that can
rip open the lies and deceptions of the evil one and tear off the masks of
the angels of light to reveal the monstrosity behind. I am the eagle of God
serving Him with that breathing of fire through the 'mists of darkness' to
disperse them so others can see Satan's stratagems.

I remember that 'years ago now' I underwent a period of persecution from

Christians. I had kept my address private as I did not want to be harassed.
Sometimes walking down the street could be uncomfortable and
Christians would stare and gawk at me as though I were Judas Iscariot.
One night however petrol was poured through my front door and
unusually for me I was wide awake in the dark with my bedroom door
open. I heard the movement at the door in the early morning and
disturbed the perpetrators who ran before I could see them. God had
obviously made me take a position where I could defend myself, by His
kind providence, as I never before or after lay in the dark facing the front

On the same road there were two number 57s as the road veered in a
curve its name changed from Place to Crescent. That other 57 was also
visited by the arsonists and as a result a young woman and her two
toddlers died. They did not die by smoke inhalation but were burned alive. I
think the arsonists never were sure of my address but tried both houses
having an almost identical address, trying to get me. I suppose this can all
be dismissed as coincidence. After all who is going to believe it, they are
always so innocent? I am not of course doing a PR job for the evangelical
type churches. In the future, as the Lord has prophesied, Christians will
turn on one another.

This brings me back around to young Christians. Everything in the Bible is

true. I haven't proved everything but I have certainly proved a lot in my
own life. I represent the fact rather than the theory; the spiritual reality
rather than the religious con. If I am rejected what hope for those who are
weak and frail? This is why judgement must come and God will purify
and winnow not only the Church but the world as a whole – and of
course I know how and when He will do it.

So you see this book is a very good example of the truths that modern
Christianity has rejected and of the characters. I am one of thousands
from among the stronger element of Christianity. I meet them here and
there and the story is always the same: They can't stand their church any
more and no they are not going to a new one... but at home the fellowship
is better!

The new church for strong believers is of course the Internet where they
can read or fellowship with like minded holy ones, in varying degrees of
enlightenment and usually argue among themselves about doctrine and

I had hardly touched on politics even though it intersects with the spiritual.
I noticed that in Latin American countries where socialism was prevalent
and Christianity too strong to be got rid of the Christians were often
socialist and would speak of Jesus as the ideal revolutionary. In North
America where capitalism and its democracy are dominant the TV
evangelists in particular represent the other side of the coin, so there are
socialist and capitalist wings of Christianity. Both of course are wrong,
even if we are told all the time in the West by implicit means that
capitalism is the essence of Christianity. In the introduction I mentioned
how German and British Christians were killing one another in the Second
World War and this is analogous to socialist and capitalist Christianity.

Christianity is devoured and controlled by false philosophy from within

and without and tends to conform like a chameleon to its surrounds. The
very opposite it was designed to do by God. Paul's Christianity was in
stark contrast to the world and its philosophical positions but I found that
if you see things in terms of right or wrong instead of in terms of right or
left you are quickly branded a communist for speaking out on social
issues or a fascist for speaking out on moral issues! - And that by
Christians! As long as Christians are dominated by this world's philosophy
and hopelessly useless and disproven political theories Christianity will
simply remain an adjunct to the world and used to justify the prevailing
oppressors of whatever ilk. This means it will be used by the Antichrist

Now if you are one of those Charismatics, typically a conservative with

fundamentalist leanings but with a genuine knowledge of God and
unuttered questions about all the things you have seen gone wrong over
the years – things supposedly from God you will actually find this book
helpful. That is if you have read it all the way through. Even if you have
rejected it, its ideas and truths are now in your head and if they descend
to your heart it is bound to free you to some extent. This is conditional
upon obeying the light you have and that is the reason why these truths
are rejected to keep you, the genuine but very erroneous believer, a
prisoner to this world's philosophy and tyrants whether political, religious
or other.

The Antichrist spirit may appear in socialist leaning liberalism or in the

hard headed 'realism' and corporate business agendas of capitalistic
leaning liberalism that encompass the world. These two broad schools
Satan plays off against one another to give the world, among other things,
the illusion of independent thought and freedom of expression. They are
two sides of the same coin. You must remember the Antichrist himself
will be both a false Christ who speaks of love and peace and a false god
and powerful military leader who seeks the world's worship. There are
world leaders alive who are antichrists without knowing it. I can think of
one who sought freedom for his people and espoused liberal socialist type
idealism and another who was a great political leader who started an
unjust war. Both are nominal Christians. It takes spiritual discernment to
recognise who is an antichrist as opposed to who is merely a brutal
dictator or a dangerous idealist leading others to destruction...

In essence an antichrist is usually nominally Christian, but not necessarily

so. They tend to be great idealists and have grand visions of a better
world. They start off as deliverers and end up drenched in the blood of
countless innocents. (They speak peace but act war.) Sometimes they are
blatantly outspoken against Christ but others speak for him, supposedly. In
the last fifty years some of the world’s favourite, top political leaders have
been antichrists. This is perhaps a sign of the times.

I said in the Introduction that things I say would seem critical and harsh
but for those who have come out from false supernaturalism that was
wearing the cloak of Christianity and have been free for many years
much of what I have said may well appear quite tame. Manmade religion
is no substitute for the real thing and if it ends up in making cult adherents
of people who should have been Christians, well only those who are free
can actually see the evil of it all.

You see I could have offered not a single criticism of anything but instead
spoken in a manner only gentle and appreciative. I chose to be a little more
analytical to convey the actual reality of life in the Spirit among a
lukewarm, evangelical, often fundamentalist and charismatic crowd.

How the Christian Humanists and their sub group of Christian

Satanists responded to me
By living in the Presence of God and being gifted as a visionary- see-er of
things spiritual- I have ended up in the position of having revelations upon
the entire Bible so that for example I could tell you of the sufferings of
Christ on His way to Skull Hill and the impact He had on the crowds
around Him. In other words I have spiritual light that acts as a
commentary upon the Bible and in the name of the Bible this spiritual light
has been rejected, because they say the Bible cannot be added to. The Bible
that teaches we shall have revelations is the Bible the Christian Humanists
use to say I cannot have such revelations… If I say I am not adding to the
Bible but shedding light on it they will quote from the Revelation to say I
am adding to the Bible since it warns no one should either take from or
add to that book. They extrapolate from that that no one can add to or take
from the Bible as a whole and that also telling what Jesus did on his way
to Skull Hill while carrying His Cross is adding to the Bible – not realising
or not wanting to realise that the verse in Revelation literally speaks of
writing into or deleting from the book of Revelation itself. This actually
happened when some ‘believers’ changed the number of the Beast from
666 to 616 so that those new numbers would spell out Nero Caesar in

They interpret the verses about there being gifts of revelation, visions,
prophecies, dreams and even prophets as referring to something far less
limited than my extensive revelations and either say these things died out
with the Apostles or interpret them in Charismatic terms so what is false
becomes justified and this is a good means of burying the true. The
Christian Satanists apply the same mentality to history, to historical
movements and figures, to doctrines and to just about everything – as it
suits them. Always deluding themselves that by rejecting the light the Spirit
sends they are being faithful to God and by accepting empty delusions
they are being spiritual.

Having been shown by the Holy Spirit the true nature of Christian
fundamentalist, Charismatic thinking and practice I can see quite clearly
they manipulate the Bible to fit into a narrow, sectarian, usually anti-
Catholic, reformist viewpoint regardless of the what the Bible really
teaches. That is they use the Bible to defeat the Bible and they use the false
baptism in the Spirit to reject the true baptism in the Spirit and they use
their churches to control the spirituality of their flocks – and their flocks
are like sheep without a shepherd.

Having then the greatest set of revelations given to mankind outside of the
Bible I find there is not a single opening or opportunity to share them. No
response, except that those believers who do know me reject me. This very
great gift to mankind that should have been shouted from the housetops
by the churches has been rejected absolutely and perfectly. This was
necessary and had to be the way for how could the revelations of the
Holy Spirit be received; how could an emissary of the Holy Spirit be
received since the Holy Spirit has been rejected?

It was merely a demonstration to me of how things are and why they are.
-A prelude to my future ministry. A ministry in which like Paul the Apostle
who shook the dust from his feet against the Jews and went to the
Gentiles I too am forced to shake off the lunatics and the harmless fools
among the fundamentalists and Charismatics and particularly their
horrible cults – so that now I may go to? I know my future even if I am
not going to spell it out here.

Carrying His Cross

So you may know reader what it is that vast numbers consider ‘adding to
scripture’ and what it is many I have known see as not valid revelation but
the proof that I am a false prophet; so you can discern the spirit by which
I teach; what has so horrified Protestant dogmatists - consider this
There was some debate among ‘Bible believers’ regarding the whipping of
Jesus and just how severe it was – since many Bible teachers will tell you
the Roman whip had a few strands laced with pieces of sharp bone and
metal so that they would rip flesh.

This is what the good Lord revealed to me: There was such an intensity
and outburst of hatred toward Jesus from Herod and then from the
Romans that Jesus was beaten so that the Roman soldiers were convinced
He would die from it and not be crucified. The witnesses to Jesus carrying
His Cross were convinced that he would drop down dead. In the crowds
there was shock and astonishment that He was still alive and able to carry

Around Jesus’s shoulders particularly the flesh was ripped away to reveal
the scapula. Here and there small pieces of flesh dangled from Jesus’s
body. Jesus face was bruised and battered to an extent that it was swollen
up like a football and black and blue. He had blood pouring from His nose,
mouth and even eyes, which were barely open due to swelling.

The intensity of hatred that was apparent in the stoning of Stephen and
the intensity of madness and hatred apparent in Sodom when the mob
tried to rape the Angels was a spiritual phenomenon in which the very
hatred of Hell is poured out through sinners under demonic influence. With
Jesus it was even more intense.

The Holy Spirit demonstrated to the world, to the witnesses of Jesus

carrying His Cross, that His will power was greater than that of any man.
His ability to carry His Cross when He should have been dead was the
greatest act of human will power ever achieved! The loss of blood was so
great and the physical damage so apparent that it was in fact a great sign-
a sign that led many in the crowd to a crisis. They knew that no ordinary
mortal could endure what He endured – and yet He endured it as a man
without using miraculous power!

The Romans who crucified Jesus, and I could tell you where the nails
were put and how they leaned and how many; these Romans were
convinced that Jesus would expire either while being nailed to the Cross or
immediately after He was lifted up. He endured for some hours however.
The point when Jesus breathed His last was the very point in which it was
impossible to continue human life any longer under such stress, so that He
had drunk of the cup of suffering to the very last drop.

A revelation like this reveals the character of Jesus and brings glory to
Him for what He endured for us. The Roman soldiers had gone beyond
their orders being driven by demonic forces…It also sits as an example of
what the Christianity I have mingled with consider utterly worthless as
they do me. Many dogmatists will argue if this were a true story it would
be mentioned in the Bible … They see Satan as trying to subtly introduce a
new gospel or alternative revelation etc. We’ll leave it there as Satan will
be invoked as ever.

It is true however that if a charismatic were to read this, rip off the story
and produce their own version based on it they may well get it published
and applauded as it would not be connected to the holiness and love which
I preach but rather to the super-spirituality and indeed unreality of the
Charismatic movement…

Jesus was treated a lot worse than I have been treated and I have been
treated very poorly only because His Spirit is within me enough to be
evident. It took a great deal of love and sacrifice on my part to be a
missionary to Christian cults and I have received nothing but pain for it. I
too, like the beloved Paul, am ‘making up the sufferings of Christ’…

While Jesus carried His Cross – and of course His injuries were so severe
He got to the point where He could no longer carry it and that fell to
Simon the Cyraenian; during that period Jesus was compassionate to the
crowd, concerned that many would be heartbroken at the sight of Him. In
His heart He was praying for them so that they would have strength to
bear up to the trial. A few people, in answer to this prayer collapsed at the
sight of Jesus and were so stricken with grief and conviction of sin that
even if they had earlier been crying out, ‘Crucify! Crucify!’ they went
home humbled and believing and dedicated to the cause of Christ.

You must remember beloved Jonathan, that the crucifixion of Christ was
achieved by the religious elite, some of whom were considered in their day
to be true saints.

One day of course many of my visions and revelations will be revealed. If

God so wills, and He cannot be controlled by the Protestant cults; if God
so wills I could write a revelatory commentary upon the entire Bible.
Imagine the horror this inspires into the minds of unbelieving Protestants
who can only hear me saying I am going to rewrite the Bible. Imagine the
joy of the Holy Spirit if such a revelation were to be accepted. It is just a
higher form of Bible study. Those who truly love the Bible rather than
simply using it for their own ends would be overjoyed too.

I do not want to give you a false impression that I went around sharing
revelations and visions which believers found hard to accept or discern if
they were from God. I actually kept quiet about my revelations until these
last couple of years. It was rather along the lines of, ‘If you abide in Christ
you may experience a reality of feeling that there really is someone there
to lean on. A new power of grace and fruitfulness…’ Or, ‘Every thing we
do we should do out of faith with a pure motive...’ The kind of things that
Evangelicals and Charismatics are supposed to believe and practice, that
some of their teachers even teach on. With me however there was
something extra which I call ‘spiritual reality’. They couldn’t listen to me
and simply pay lip service and for most of them they couldn’t listen to me
at all.

I have to ask myself, that although I spent a lot of time among Christian
Satanists gently persuading them for Christ, and this did result in many
positive effects; I still have to ask myself how is it that having now a
grasp of the spiritual world that is more thorough and greater than that of
any person since the Apostles I have been rejected absolutely and totally
by those who see themselves as spiritual? That having now revelations
that act as a light upon scripture, as I love the scriptures, that these cannot
be received by those who say they love scripture?

As I have re-evaluated them so I too must re-evaluate myself. I alone of all

mortals have seen Heaven in detail; have seen the triune Godhead in His
three persons clearly and not in metaphorical images. I alone have had
revelation of things that Jesus not only said but that he dreamt… Jesus
began to appear to me since I was a child… appears still. Clearly I have
undervalued myself just as I have been undervalued and only now the Lord
is graciously opening my eyes to see the incredible grace He has put
within me. For I always saw myself as nothing and when treated as
nothing by believers I usually wouldn’t notice.

In all honesty I cannot see the difference between the Pharisees and
Sadducees of Jesus’ day and the Christian Satanists and ‘Bible believers’
that make up the Protestants. I believe fully that if Jesus visited in the flesh
and lived among them for a year he would be killed by them. Not openly
but in secret. After this there would be a general thankfulness that God
had delivered them from a great sorcerer who fulfilled the scriptures that
say, ‘There will arise false Christs’ and that workers of iniquity will,
‘perform signs to lead astray if possible the elect’ - and having proven
from the Bible that Jesus visiting was really a great false prophet they
would have praise meetings, publish books on it and look for their reward
in Heaven.

Well, that is just my opinion but what is the opinion of Jesus? Exactly the
same- as that paragraph above was particularly inspired by him.
Chapter Twenty:
The rise of the fallen angels

This book Jonathan, is not in any sense comprehensive on its subject or a

battle manual for waging war upon Satan. Rather it is for meditation and
depicts a pathway from fighting the least to the greatest of evil spirits. You
must remember Jonathan that being truly baptised in the Holy Spirit I have
gifts of revelation and this will show more in the following chapters. I take
it for granted that the reader knows their bible and the basics of spiritual
warfare and this book is suitable for the experienced exorcist and for the
saint already battling demons. It is also a guide for the Christian
community of what kind of person to look for that will be able to fight
powerful evil spirits- with their prayer support.

As the world becomes more evil the number of demons and their power
increases. This is based upon a simple principle that God administers
universal justice and so he will limit evil when his laws are obeyed and
allow an increase in evil where his laws are abused. This in turn is directly
related to Free Will and its use in relation to God’s goodness and to
Satan’s evil.

Even though God respects Man’s free will he will also demand an account
from everyone on Judgement Day. Before that time his justice administers
chastisement and punishment toward increasing evil- usually by allowing
societies to reap as they sow. He also rewards righteousness in the here
and now usually by allowing saints and those whom they pray for to reap
the benefits of faith and sacrifice.

As the world has become so evil and God’s goodness so defamed and
abused; and his true saints so maligned and denigrated over such a long
period of time, the world is about to reap an evil beyond imagination and
reckoning. It is indeed the build-up toward a mystical period called the
Tribulation- A time in which the world suffers more and loses more than
in any time before in human history.

Over several years since 2010 a very large number of fallen angels have
been rising from the Pit of Hell in response to the increase in evil. They
work secretly, invisibly but successfully as few there are to oppose them
but many there are whose lives of immorality demand their coming!

Whatever a person submits to, to that he is enslaved.

[2 Peter 2:19 part b]

Increasing numbers are enslaved to gross outward sin and decreasing

numbers are outwardly righteous or moral to the extent that in 2018
forms of immorality are used as the measure of a person’s goodness and
morality. It is not of course everything immoral but particular sins that
have been rationalised, pseudo-intellectualised, popularised via mass
media; so that what is awful, debased and socially destructive becomes
seen, certain specific sins only, as noble, good and heroic… This mentality
is a sign of increasing slavery to evil which is itself inspired by evil spirits.
God is not fooled even if the entire world almost is fooled.

Satan was once called Lucifer and Lucifer was an archangel for
archangels. God, to them, appeared in angelic form like them, as the Angel
of the LORD or Angel of the Eternal One. The Angel of the Eternal was far
more powerful than Lucifer in his natural form and in Spirit he was God.
Lucifer was exceedingly more powerful and brilliant than the archangels
and angels. The beauty of his splendour and the grandeur of his being
were such that Lucifer was adored by the angels. It was quite right and
God’s intention that Lucifer should be admired for his exceptional grace
and power. Yet, temptation exists as a part of nature and therefore there
was the possibility that the angels would adore Lucifer a lot more than
they should- in all innocence, being newly created beings.

This actually happened and God Almighty corrected their fault so that most
of the angels became balanced in their thinking rather than giddy over
Lucifer’s perfections. However the great angel himself and roughly one
third of the angels (but none of the archangels) retained an attitude of
idolatry- although at this stage they were not aware of Sin but rather
were drifting toward a frame of mind that would allow sin to arise.

Sin did arise and God rebuked it. The rebuke saved a minority of the
angels from their folly but the majority of those that overly adored Lucifer
developed a psychological aspect of Sin in their minds- A tendency to
independence from God and self-will. Independence and self-will are seen
as modern virtues but since God is the One source of all true Good
independence from him means that something else that is not good
naturally and inevitably takes its place- and so Sin was born.

There was a gradual tug-of-war between the erring angels and the rest of
Heaven until in a desire for independence but not yet hatred or bitterness
toward God, Lucifer and his followers began to develop their own society
within Heaven. It was just after this time that the Spirit created not the
Earth but the Light that shone upon the Earth and began to generate first

God’s angels were present during the creation of life on Earth. It was
during the great ‘Day’ of creation (see Genesis 2:4) that Lucifer fell from
Heaven like a falling star. At this stage Lucifer and the fallen angels were
not overtly evil in gross things and would have been horrified at the
thought of stealing, killing and destroying; but as they moved ever further
from the Light they became the Darkness.
By the time Man was created by the Angel of the Eternal, Lucifer sought
vengeance upon Heaven and decided to get Man to follow him. He

Satan also executed other plans that were directly related to paying back
God for specific things, events or people. As for instance God will have his
Son rule here as King after his Second Coming, Satan, no longer Lucifer,
will father a son of his own, have the world reject Christ and follow him-
that is the Antichrist. As God made Israel his chosen nation Satan likes to
harass Israel by the nations that surround it. He also likes to get Israel to
be as antichrist as he can. As God created holy matrimony and through
Christ instituted holy matrimony as being through one man and one
woman Satan likes to invent new forms of marriage; even now to multiple
persons in group marriage; or to substitute marriage with other
arrangements… As one of the greatest commands is to keep the Sabbath
Day holy Satan has worked to profane it and largely abolish it. Every time
God does what is good Satan will try to debase it. He uses the same
techniques he used on the first fallen angels. He gets people to follow their
own conscience. Seemingly a good thing; but he works to pervert their
conscience so that the sinner becomes irate over much that is lowly, pure,
natural, godly, spiritual and truly good. At the same time they become
enamoured of much that is haughty, impure, unnatural, godless,
unspiritual and bad. Hence we have the modern world…
Chapter Twenty One:
The mind of Satan

Satan or the Adversary is greatly limited in his influence by the lack of

intelligence in humans in comparison to his own. Every deception he uses
has to be simple- even if obscured behind the haze and smoke of occultist
gobbledygook or pseudo intellectualism. In his mind Satan has very little
joy or satisfaction but a brilliant and detailed memory of how he once
was. He hates the person he was originally and hates God who created
him. Yet Satan’s entire psyche is overhung by the knowledge of holiness
and pure love. Unlike sinners who are largely unaware of God’s love and
need to be converted Lucifer was born out of that love and perverted his
own nature.

Satan cannot bear to look at what is holy and wherever he can he will
destroy it. His greatest wicked delight on Earth is in getting saints to fall
away from God and getting most Protestants to believe that they cannot
fall away. He also delights in preventing people’s salvation by getting them
to believe they are already saved. Roman Catholics, Protestants and other
Christian sects are skilled at self-deception and deception of others in
regards to fake salvation and hindering those who want to be saved.

Satan’s greatest anger on Earth is toward saints that are most holy and
pure in truth, mind and deed. These he targets. Historically he has killed
multitudes of these types. In small numbers they are often isolated,
marginalised and ignored. However Satan always sees to it that they are
persecuted. Christians that drift through life in a kind of happy, hazy
dream are the very kind of Christians Satan approves and regards as his
disciples. He cares not that they use pious talk as long as their hearts are

Among Satanists there is a selfish preoccupation with domination of

others, financial prosperity and supernatural power. With many millions
of Christians there is the same preoccupation but wrapped in Christian
jargon and with demons pretending to be manifestations of the Holy Spirit
as they seemingly heal or bring good luck ‘blessings’. These Christians
believe that what I have described is impossible and are convinced that as
they use slogans like, ‘born again’, ‘bible believer’, ‘Spirit filled’, ‘prophetic’
and ‘prosperity’ and so on they are defined by the outer form and not the
inner substance. In their inner substance they often bicker, back stab, are
sexually immoral, rude, foul mouthed, indisciplined, very heretical, proud
and deluded…

The single best and most effective weapon of warfare the saint has
against Satan is a life of holiness. Leading to a state of blamelessness
which leads to a state of perfection. Striving for perfection in a holy spirit
is the thing Satan fears above all. Satan was more terrified of Mary the
Mother of Jesus when she was just twelve years of age than of all the
religious Jews in Israel put together. Yet at twelve years of age what was
Mary doing? Helping her parents, working and studying hard but mostly
communing with God and praying. To the priests and preachers of Israel
true and false, Mary was of no significance.

So too God honours the sanctity and pure love of his saints, even the
children. The religion of Mary then, being love to God expressed through
faith, is that very religion that contradicts the Christian Satanism I
mentioned above. In other words to be an effective warrior against Satan
the saint must break away from the mind-numbing prisons of Calvinistic
fatalism and carnality posing as grace; from the I'm-in-the-right-club
mentality of Catholicism; from the multitude of carnal sectarianism and
into full on, real, lived, holiness of motive, belief, thought and deed.

Christian Humanists are those many millions of Christians that moralise,

get sentimental, rationalise faith and tend to have religion without Christ.
Trying to get the Christian Humanists to actually believe the bible or
balanced doctrine or most of all to live holy lives is one of the hardest
things in the world to do. It is easier to convert atheists or people of other
religions to Christ than to convert Christian hypocrites. Christian
Humanism then is a jewel in Satan’s crown.

Satan however intends to reveal his power, not just to the few that have
eyes to see, but to the spiritually blind multitudes. His will shall be
expressed by the fallen angels. As they gain more ascendancy over Man
the scales will tip so that they reveal their power and sometimes

In Satan’s mind there is a river of hatred that never ceases to rush on and
increase. His fury is so great it is like an unending explosion of evil. His
power would easily let him rule the world or destroy it but God severely
curtails his ability; and that mainly for the sake of the saints.

The world to serve Satan and to prepare for the Antichrist has created a
culture worldwide, but strongest in the West especially in England and
especially in London, that depicts and views Christians as bad. -The more
‘worldly’ the Christian the less bad they are perceived to be but the more
Christlike the more bad they are perceived to be. There are innumerable
techniques for doing this and I will tell you of just one: Sexual immorality
among Catholics. Roman Catholic priests and nuns trying but sometimes
failing to practice celibacy has led to some illicit sex between Priests and
nuns. Historically, and it still happens today, homosexuals infiltrated the
Roman clergy to hide or disguise their homosexuality. Some of these then
prey on boys. When scandals break the good that the Roman Catholic
Church has done to combat these evils is not reported only the
corruptions. Also in state run orphanages there has historically been and
still is a lot of sexual abuse of boys and girls which is rarely reported by
mainstream media. This gives the general population the false impression
that it is Catholic priests that are child abusers in distinction to secular
carers, and that the Church does not combat this. Also the homosexual
connections are covered up by the media.

Wherever the Christian Humanists have done wrong it is magnified,

advertised and harshly condemned. Whenever they do right it is usually
never acknowledged. The holiness and love in true saints and the existence
of true saints is not acknowledged by the mainstream media or by
western secular universities…

If the mass media and academia treated say the reporters of the New York
Times in the same way, the reporters would get next to no credit from the
world for being gifted or objective or skilled but rather over the years
there would be stories and histories taught in universities of New York
Times’ journalists that were cocaine users or were involved in a hit and
run accident or beat their wives or plagiarised others. There would be
nothing about their Pulitzer Prize winning journalists and in this toxic
environment it is unlikely any would be given a Pulitzer Prize. Yet these
journalists are sinners with no saints among them.

Yet the sexual immorality of Christian Humanist priests and nuns to which
true Christian saints are more opposed to than the world is used as a kind
of smokescreen to hide the fact that there are Christians in the world full
of goodness, grace and pure love. It is rather like recognising the surname
Smith as applying to serial killers, rapists and burglars but not to doctors,
charity workers and scientists.

This evil, Satan inspired, prejudice against what is closest to perfection

exists everywhere and infects everything and has become so
overwhelming that God no doubt will bring terrible retribution upon the
world for it. I know the prejudiced would quote me as saying, 'Eaglehawk
says paedophile priests are closest to perfection' but of course I am saying
that the sins of the few sinners in rebellion against God are used to mar
the saints living in obedience to God and his command to love their
neighbours as their selves. The main enemy in the eyes of these bigots are
those most Christlike whom they hope to cover over with ignominy as if
they were somehow responsible for great evils- evils perpetrated by
sinners not saints!
Chapter Twenty Two:
The naïve do-gooder

Satan imprisons the minds of multitudes in their own perceived goodness.

There was once a woman that had a child who was ill-treated and bullied
by other children at school. This child never had a friend but led a life of
loneliness and misery only other such children could understand. The child
often used to go alone into the woods to play. One day a hunter
accidentally killed the child. His mother had him buried in the woods
where he played alone. Over a number of years children went missing.
Finally the serial killer was caught. It was the mother of the socially
rejected child. She had taken and killed children of a similar age to her
child and buried them in a circle around her child so that he would have
friends to play with... She had clearly gone insane with grief and yet her
good- wanting her boy for the first time to have friends and believing all
these children would be friends in the afterlife was in fact an evil. It was
an evil born out of love as well as grief over the great suffering of her

This is a principle Satan's uses over and over again in our societies. If he
can get preferably large numbers, multitudes of people, to sympathise with
some kind of victim of society he may twist their minds to oppose even to
destruction innocents that supposedly are the victimisers... An area where
this principle is abundantly used against Christians is in gay rights. Mixing
with Christians over decades I know that most Christians are pro gay and
few are strongly anti gay. However the general portrayal of Christians in
the West is as bigoted homophobes responsible for most of the world's
evils historically and to today. In this way the innocent children of God
that believe in sexual purity, not just the religious sinners who are part of
the world-system, are targeted like lambs to the slaughter.

Imagine a young adult from a wealthy background is in a privileged

position. She has the opportunity to influence millions of young people. Let
us say she is a pop singer we'll call Kate; and she cares for the
environment, is conscientious, easily taken advantage of, altruistic and
seeks to create a better world. How does Kate do this? Well, whereas
many other pop stars use sexy videos bordering on soft porn and wear
revealing fashions to sell records and get photographed Kate dresses
tastefully and sings songs to make young women and girls more

Opportunities are given to the sensitive singer. Kate sings at a charity event
designed to raise awareness of the problems of homelessness. Kate
encourages literacy in a book reading event. A book Kate recommends is
a biography of a young Muslim gay man finding acceptance among a
small group of gay Muslims in America after leaving Morocco. Kate
makes a pop video in which two young lesbians hold hands and share a
gentle kiss- while in the background there is a church cross they are
moving away from to indicate one or both are fleeing Christian bigotry.

Kate hits the bullseye on these social issues repeatedly without being an
abrasive, in-your-face, Social Justice Warrior. So, what has Kate
achieved? Kate achieves the approval of all the progressive, liberal,
politically correct and socially aware elite. Kate encourages and
strengthens the cause of non-radical Islam, homosexuals and lesbians and
raises a little guilt money for the homeless.

Spiritually what has Kate achieved, besides attacking Christianity? To that

question I will not look at what the Christian Humanists typically think as
it is just a muted version of what Kate thinks. Nor will I consider
fundamentalists of Islam or Christianity and I will not refer to my own
opinions past or present. Firstly I will get inside the mind of Kate (as I
based her upon a real person). The real ‘Kate’ is very hurt and upset at the
way gays and Pride people have been treated especially by the Church.
Kate feels sorry for the homeless but is clueless about the real underlying
causes or that her efforts to help are almost totally useless- being as she
is a privileged princess who has never spent a single day of her life
struggling to survive as most of the world's population does. Kate thinks
the warring religious factions of the world should strive for peace and
understanding which she believes she has and Kate also thinks the answer
to Life's problems may be something spiritual in the non-religious and ill-
defined way that celebrities often talk of the spiritual.

Now I will consider what God Almighty thinks of the real Kate. By using
the spiritual gift God intentionally gave me for just this kind of purpose-
the 'word of knowledge' -I will reveal the mind of God. God thinks Kate is
wonderful. He sees her as one that is so much kinder, more sensitive and
full of good will to others that she would make a great Christian- if the
good nature he gave her is combined with faith and made holy. God does
not want me to judge the real Kate harshly or to bemoan her faults but
rather to see her as a lost soul seeking God- albeit unknowingly.

As for her opinions and actions God Almighty of course sees them as
conforming to the world as it is at present and that her mind is too weak
to break the mould of the world. God has also given natural gifts to the
real Kate, especially an unusual degree of perception and of kindness that
will inevitably over time cause her to break with the world and develop
opinions closer to God's heart and mind.

In other words, unlike many Christians of varying hues, God has a lack of
condemnation for those whose hearts would do only good if they truly
understood things spiritually. There are vast numbers that would live in
unison with God's will and Spirit if only they found in the world a great
beacon of spiritual light to enlighten them. This is where Christianity failed
and why countless multitudes needlessly stumble headlong into Hell after
being deceived all their lives by mass media, the education system,
pseudo-science, false religion and so called human rights that negate
human duties.

You see the world is so corrupt now that even the good people and moral
people are corrupt by simply flowing with the world. There is no island of
decency in the sea of folly and degeneracy- there is just muted
degeneracy. Any person seeking salvation today is seeking in fact to be at
extreme odds with the world and to be condemned by the world
immediately. Such people are easy to recognise and such people are the
special targets of the fallen angels. They are also the only real enemies of
the Powers of Darkness. Yet, the world is so evil even the saints in time
will fall. Most of the world will fall as things advance. The world is about
to be rewritten. How soon it happens will become apparent.
Chapter Twenty Three:
Will the blind ever see?

Satan imprisons the Christian Humanists and much of the world in their
minds; and by the use of false facts, false histories and false truths
because to the Heart of Sin, Truth itself and facts, science, reason and
nature are simply plasticine to be remoulded as sinners will. I expose the
Christian Humanists as they represent Satan in the form of false Christs,
false gospels and false teaching that contradict the plain statements and
tone of the bible and are set in direct opposition to the Holy Spirit himself
so that the Christian Humanists wage war upon the Holy Spirit...

This book speaks of demons which most of the Christian Humanists do

not believe in. They say that when Jesus cast out demons and was dealing
with demoniacs he was really dealing with people that suffered from
mental illness or epilepsy. The western world being dominated by
philosophical materialism in the main does not believe in demons. However
worldwide I’d say half of the human population believe in demons. It is
also implicit everywhere in western culture that those who believe in
demons are stupid, ignorant, poorly educated and superstitious whereas
those that do not believe in evil spirits are likely to be well educated,
sensible, intelligent and understanding.

To God’s mind people that believe in demons fit into two categories: The
first are enlightened in relative degree. The second follow their culture,
folklore or religion without much in the way of personal insight. To God’s
mind- as I am using the spiritual gift of a ‘word of knowledge’ -people
that do not believe in demons are ignorant, usually foolish and hopelessly
bound up in the deluding deceits of materialist culture.

True insight will always lead to belief in demons and a good education- if
one were available in any place in the world- would lead one to believing
in demons. Reason and rationality unfettered by either religious or
scientific prejudice would inevitably lead to belief in demons. How
refreshing it would be to meet an intelligent, unprejudiced mind. However
after years at wondering at sinners’ beliefs I have come to the conclusion
that people only understand what they want to understand and only
believe what they want to believe.

God the Father spoke to my spirit about Hell. In Hell there is a small pit
and in that pit was the spirit of a woman. I’ll call her Agatha. Agatha
blasphemes God day and night. She used to be a witch and a
necromancer. In life although Agatha was weak, foolish and her
bewitching powers were largely imaginary she did manage to get in
contact with a demon. Agatha knew the spirit was evil but thought she
could use it to gain fortune telling ability- a common story for occultists
of varying types.

After some years of telling fortunes, oft-times getting them right, Agatha
died and the demon she thought served her while she was really serving it
helped drag her miserable spirit to Hell. Agatha has just been released from
Hell. Why? It is because so many young people especially are dabbling in
forms of witchcraft the balance of human Free Will is tipping further
Hellward and so God out of respect for human nature and its use of free
will has allowed one more evil spirit, among a myriad, to ascend out of

Why are so many of the youth turning to the occult? Well, what have the
most popular books, TV shows and movies been about? Haven’t a lot been
about good witches, innocent magic and even fun demons? Right from
infancy children are bombarded with a positive view of witchcraft in
popular media. This in turn leads to a real interest from some. That
increases the numbers of actual witches and that in turn increases the
number to be damned- by their own volition- as God of course wants
them to save their souls, not to lose them.

Feminists have been central in promoting the view of female witches as

innocent herbalists that were historically persecuted by patriarchal
Christianity… So, feminism too is driving the young Hellwards- in more
ways than one. At the same time academia, mass media and materialist
culture has been portraying historical Christianity and particularly devout
Christians as dangerous, evil psychopaths.

Compare this state of affairs to 500 years ago and you can see there has
been an exact reversal. Then children were taught that saints close to God
were full of love and wisdom and known for their good deeds especially
toward the poor. Witches however almost always were part of a criminal
subculture, many did worship Satan and some were extremely dangerous.
Regardless of the bias of superstition or science, behind the haze was a
quite deadly reality of dark occult power and often demonic

The only way society could have gone from venerating saints and scolding
witches to venerating witches and scolding saints was not of course by
reason or science but by obedience to demonic influence. This world is
Agatha’s playground. Agatha is consumed with evil and has become over
the last 500 years quite powerful. She has been sent to a primary school.
Her main purpose will be to influence the minds of children as they read
library books with depictions of witches in them- such books as the Harry
Potter series. Agatha will also influence the librarians to order more pro
witchcraft and antichristian books. Agatha will be looking for that one
special child. -Almost certainly a young girl with latent psychic abilities.
Then Agatha will adhere to her like a limpet and mould her like clay…
The nature of the world we live in is that people that simply have common
sense will clash with the elite that push their opinions down upon society
as if they were absolute truth- even if those opinions have already been
disproven. To be holy however is to be befriended by angels and accursed
by Man.

There are only two means by which the spiritually blind will see. One is by
a deep and powerful impression upon mind and conscience by the direct
agency of the Holy Spirit. This is rare and occurs in rare individuals that
seek God or by rare evangelists that preach with the power of holiness
rather than in a humanistic spirit. The second is by death or at least mass
destruction. Multitudes will only believe if fire and brimstone fell from the
skies as it did for Sodom and Gomorrah- even then those that would
believe will still be in the minority. It is usually Death that answers all. In
Hell none of the humans, now demons, deny the reality of God. They
simply hate him all the more as his salvation was conditional upon
forsaking sin.

Yet now I am become the chief of sinners- and not as the apostle Paul
was- as my condemnation is based upon my holiness. You see, for
example, there is a high suicide rate among young gay men, transsexuals,
non binary... Such men even sometimes upload videos to the Internet
giving the reasons for the suicide they are about to commit. Usually those
reasons are stereotypical and reminiscent of what these young men have
been taught and indoctrinated with: That society does not accept and love
them and this is the cause of their suicides. In reality it is inevitable that
there will be a high rate of suicide as the human mind and conscience
cannot always accept the propaganda pushed by Liberal-Fascists. Not
every one of these suicides was someone that could believe and apply
what they had been taught. Some found it impossible as after all it is
counter-factual, counter-intuitive but mostly a set of at best half-truths
designed to make a lie.

Should such men listen to and believe me it is unlikely they would commit
suicide. Yet, to the world at present I would be seen as the cause of such
suicides… I represent that Cross that the two lesbians were walking away
from. I represent to the minds of most sinners the heartless bigotry and
undiluted evil targeting the innocent, such as children and gays… Yet, it is
not really me but Christ within me they loathe, judge, condemn and want
to destroy.

On the other hand the so called sexual liberationists and non-haters are
pushing the deformed philosophy of the LGBTQI++s that cause the
dramatically rising rates of those supposedly born gay and they are the
prime cause of those suicides! My love and compassion, being real, is the
very noose they’d hang around my neck. There is in the Liberal-Fascists in
general an underlying spirit of rage and violence far greater than any seen
before on Earth. If God were not to stem it and to stem them they would
end up exterminating over a billion Christians. Time will reveal these
underlying principles of the demonic and who their servants really are.

The Christian Humanists however hate me even more than other sinners.
They would rather go to Hell than serve my Christ- and of course they
will, but not because of me but because they are too much like the
Agathas… In warring against Satan a saint is always at odds with the
world's ideologies and religions; its pseudo sciences and rewritten
histories; its conceptual models which at best are a series of half truths...

From now on I will teach you Jonathan and the few how to combat the
many and I will teach the faithful how to wage war upon Satan.
Chapter Twenty Four:
The heart of the spiritual warrior

To wage war upon Satan Jonathan, one must first wage war upon the
self-life sometimes called the ‘old man’; and here immediately the believer
will come up against the Christian Humanists. Christian unbelievers will
say things like, ‘God doesn’t want you to hate yourself’, and ‘Self-denial is
taken too far by ascetics- You are an ascetic. God wants us to live life to
the full.’ Yes folks, they haven’t got a clue and neither would they be
concerned about my warning that God will send the Christian Humanists
to Hell as they don’t believe in Hell either.

However the ‘old man’ that the New Testament speaks of is not the
personality of the believer but that part of them that practices self-
gratification in the place of pure love. Self-gratification is at the heart of
Sin along with unbelief. Recently I read on a forum several Christians
debating something and most seemed to think that the ‘flesh’ the bible
speaks of is the physical body and consequently could not get to grips
with their subject. The flesh refers to the inclination to the old ways before
conversion as the flesh is the entire being of the unsaved person- body,
soul and spirit. It is called the ‘flesh’ as sinners tend to be dominated by
sensual desires and then carnal pride. This is contrasted with the spirit or
the ‘new man’ and the living faith that comes from Christ’s Spirit dwelling
within the believer.

You were taught regarding your former way of life to put

aside the Old Man who is being corrupted in accordance
with deceitful desires, to be renewed in the spirit of your
mind: To put on the New Man who has been created in
God’s image: In the righteousness and holiness that comes
from truth. [Ephesians 4:22-24]

A believer to defeat Satan will need to conquer the old self and its
fleshiness and selfishness. This is done by applying the Cross to the flesh
life. This statement then would make no sense at all to the unspiritual for
how can a person apply the wooden cross Christ was crucified on to their
sinful inclinations? The answer is that by faith a believer can trust the Holy
Spirit to work in power to subdue the old man. -Specifically as Christ was
crucified for Sin faith in his work upon the Cross will release power into
the believer’s life.

Now I do not want you to think that Christ being crucified for Sin means
that there is some invisible dark matter of Sin but rather that under the
Law of God the Cross represents the crucifixion of Sin and therefore as a
just dispensation of this Law grace becomes abundant to those who have
faith in the Cross.

These things few understand correctly and people are far too subjective
and look to self for achieving holiness. The efforts of the flesh life to
reform the flesh life fail and so Christians become convinced that holiness
is impossible this side of the grave. They often think that being holy means
being like a Pharisee. This all has roots in the attitudes of the old man.

In real Christianity it is faith in Christ not natural ability that makes one
holy. The righteousness they attain to is not a mere façade but a deep,
abiding reality. Such saints contrast strongly with the Christian Humanists.
All of the Christian Humanists are theorists and speculators upon the
spiritual life and their religion comes down to beliefs and moralism. The
saints however can speak by experience of what it is like to conquer sin
and live holy in Christ Jesus.

The humble, contrite and holy believer then is the only kind of Christian
that can wage effective war upon Satan. The reason is that only these
have answered prayers, the protection of the Spirit, genuine spiritual
knowledge, faithfulness to God and the God given boldness to be a
spiritual warrior. To others such things are just slogans and a lot of bluff
and bluster.

How to cast out a demon

Here I am referring to casting a demon from a house. To cast forth a
demon normally requires a revelation from the Spirit. How does a believer
know there is a demon? How does a believer know if there is more than
one? How does a believer know where a demon is? When psychiatry
began well educated people dealing with the mentally ill and also looking
back over history realised that in undeveloped societies there were strong
beliefs in spirits. They thought that much that could be explained by
medical science was assumed to be the activity of demons. What’s more
some patients claiming to be afflicted by demons received relief from
prescribed pharmaceuticals.

How does a true believer, unlike the Christian Humanists, decide if a real
demon is at work? To begin with the whole burden of psychiatry as part
of materialist philosophy was to ‘cast out the baby out with the
bathwater’ and to use vagaries, make gross oversimplifications and
sweeping statements to dispose of what they saw as primitive

The trouble with this approach is twofold. Firstly the real attack is to treat
the Spirit of God as a product of superstition. The second is that much if
not most phenomena related to demons cannot be understood or explained
by psychiatry and so they do not even acknowledge it, as it would ‘upset
the apple cart’. A simple example would be countless guests in an old hotel
complaining that doors bang of their own accord, lights switch on and off
of their own accord and also footsteps are often heard where no one is

A believer then usually approaches the work of casting out a demon

because they have been told that, as a typical example; there is a tangible
presence of evil, a chill and sometimes a ghastly figure of an old lady in a
certain room of an old house. Now unless the believer suddenly goes
insane and hallucinates according to what he has been told and needs
anti-psychotic drugs, along with others that see the same things, there is
of course a realistic and sensible need for an exorcism. Having a
psychiatrist with a superior tone denouncing the believer as an ignorant,
superstitious fraud does not help those afflicted by the presence of the

Having ascertained by direct experience that there is a demon the Spirit of

God will enlighten the saint by giving them an idea of what the demon is,
how many there are and what needs to be done to get rid of it or them. In
this typical example apart from the experience of seeing the old spirit, the
believer gets a God given sense that there is another more powerful
demon, unseen, that controls several evil spirits in the general area.

The believer alone if need be but hopefully with other saints will stand
outside the room of the evil spirit. They will pray that God will send the
spirit to Hell. Then they will pray that the chief demon and its other
servants may be cast to Hell. Often there is no reaction to this. There is
just a peaceableness and quietness to a place that was once evil and noisy.
On occasion however the spirits will resist.

A demon typically, having its cover blown, will reveal itself and speak.
Again this is typical: The old lady will blaspheme God and point out the
real or imaginary sins of those present and curse and threaten. The demon
will do this in the hope of intimidating the saints and scaring them off.
You will find that few are suited to combating demons like this. Even
genuine Christians get terrified and absent themselves. God gives courage
to his chosen deliverers. Standing their ground they rebuke the spirit, tell it
to be silent and to depart to Hell. Normally the evil spirit will cry out in
unutterable terror and vanish for good. God gives an assurance that the
same thing has happened to the other several demons and their chief in
the area. Always the bible believing saint will use the Name of Jesus and
the sign of the Cross in casting out demons.

The saints having gotten this great victory will then pray for blessings on
the house and the persons that dwell there- again in the Name of Jesus
who has been given all spiritual authority by God Almighty. To the world
these believers are morons and trouble makers but to those whom they
deliver by their faith and zeal they are true heroes worthy of the name
‘Christian’. Go and do likewise.
Right now, today, what can you do to be effective against Satan? You can
pray this prayer, a prayer which if it had been prayed by Adam and Eve
after the fall would have led them back to full restoration with God and to
Sin being conquered: Pray that all true believers and their children may be
brought in spirit to Paradise where they may eat of the Tree of Life. Adam
and Eve were banned from eating of this tree in the flesh. It did not occur
to them till several months after the Fall to pray that their spirits at least
might mystically partake of that Tree. At that time Sin had become too
entwined in them. If however they had thought of this within two or at
most three weeks God would have honoured their faith and zeal; and
tears. Then they would have regained what they had lost. They would have
attained to perfection before their first child was born, after which all
children would have been born immutable in holiness- like Christ...

If and when God brings believers in spirit to Heaven they will not be
conscious of it. Should he allow their spirits to taste of the Tree of Life
there will be no dramatic change in them. However should multitudes be
given this blessing then over time, say a century, the effect in the world
will be astounding. In this world we already know the Antichrist is to arise
but how many and how great are to be the saints that war against him? If
enough pray as I have said the number and power of those saints will
both be increased and that to the power of God.

In the meantime Christians that can eat of the Tree of Life in spirit in
Heaven will over time become more spiritual than they otherwise would...
Chapter Twenty Five:

Would you like to be seen as the embodiment of all that is wrong with
this world? As a hate filled, bigoted, violent, psychotic, lying, backward,
vicious, dangerous, anti freedom, antiscientific, insane, religious
persecutor? If so become a true saint. More than anything your love from
your pure heart will convince most people and most Christians that you
are pure evil.

Would you like to be seen as the embodiment of everything that is right

with this world? As a loving, open minded, peaceful, balanced, honest,
forward thinking, gentle, liberating, scientific, sane, secular deliverer? If so
become demonic. More than anything your fake love from your impure
heart will convince most people and most Christians that you are pure

Jonathan, if you want to please God then follow me as I follow Christ. It

will likely be a form of suicide as your chances of surviving the second
kind of persons described above are slim but it’s better to be a true martyr
than part of that spoilt elite that knows a great deal about privilege and
little about suffering but often become martyrs of sorts in the Cult of

If you want to know eternal peace follow Christ. If you want to know
eternal misery follow Satan. Whomever you choose will be your master.
Sinners often think that they serve themselves alone while believing and
acting just as Satan wants them to. They might as well argue that they
will not breathe the air that the crowd does but breathe their own air. The
satanic principle of the self-centred ego is everywhere established in
mankind and yet we are not merely social beings but in our true spiritual
natures unitive beings with nature and with Heaven and with one another.
We have free will yes, but we do not exist in a vacuum.

The great problem true but weak saints have with waging war upon Satan
is that they are hiding from God and hence become almost ineffective.
Imagine firstly not a true saint but a member of the Christian Humanists
that discovers after decades of bible study that being holy and being a
Christian are the same thing and that holiness is not theoretical but lived.
What a shock! All those hundreds of sermons listened to and all those
hundreds of Christians fellowshipped with that had a culture of non-
holiness or to put it more precisely carnality.

Yet, there are also shocks for the true saint. God is holy and frightens to
near death those who are set on being half hearted and that always put
self-interest first even as they blabber on about serving God sacrificially.
God calls saints to ever deepening consecration. It is always developing:
Their faith ever deepens; their spiritual knowledge ever deepens and their
repentance ever deepens.

To combat the more powerful manifestations of Satan’s will, whether they

be spirits or people or sickness or whatever else, requires deeper
consecration, purer faith and greater sacrifice. This is where almost all
Christians are left behind.

However to the saint of great zeal and purity there is ample opportunity to
fight powerful demons, to pray against corrupt governments, to pray and
labour effectively for the salvation of others and much more. Here
however I will simply refer to combating stronger demons.

How to cast to Hell powerful demons

Let us say that as you walk down the street a man comes up to you and
tries to stab you in the stomach but you successfully block his attack. The
next day a car speeds through a red light, comes up on the footpath and
almost hits you as you jump out of the way. Then the day after you
awake in the night to see a misty figure peering into your face as you feel
its fingers penetrate your chest and wrap around your heart.

In this case you have a powerful demon influencing firstly a paranoid and
violent person and the next day deceiving the eyes and senses of a driver
and having failed at these two attempts upon your life he tries to stop
your heart by direct psychic and telekinetic power. Lots of people die in
these ways.

What you must do is take an aggressive stance and immediately begin to

counter attack. You will of course command the demon to depart to Hell
and with a hint of fury and rage it immediately departs but the next night
there are two more just as powerful and the night after that seven.

At this stage you need to begin a sensible and very real dialogue with God.
It is not good enough to hope your prayers will be answered. Rather you
must cooperate with God and let him guide you. As you open your mind
attentively, NOT PASSIVELY, to God he will teach you.

You wouldn’t have gotten this far unless you had learned to hear God’s
mystical ‘voice’ or subtle means of communication. Here are some things
the Spirit is likely to teach believers. One is that if the believer repents of
all sin God is willing to put a barrier of protection around them and their
home. Demons may be forbidden to enter. If one does enter it may have
gotten permission by the believer doing something to ‘open the door’ to
evil. Typical door openers would be failing to pray zealously and every day.
Another would be visiting places full of demons while not praying for
protection. That place could be the home of a godless relative. It might be
by watching a movie with occult themes…
By maintaining prayer, purity and a listening ear to the Holy Spirit the
circle of protection around you will be maintained. If you get strange and
unusual sicknesses this may and usually is a sign of demonic oppression.
Often you will recover from such illnesses after repenting of known sins
and consecrating yourself afresh to God’s Spirit. The Christian Humanists
think this is very legalistic but in fact the saint is close to God and God is
very kind and loving like a mother teaching a toddler to walk and
comforting the little one as he falls.

Experience teaches you and so one result is that your dwelling becomes a
place of unusual peace and a good atmosphere abides there. (Unlike so
many dwellings of the wicked that have a kind of darkness that hangs
about them.) As Satan likes to send more demons as well as more
powerful demons against strong saints it is inevitable that at some point a
very holy believer will have to fight fallen angels. When fallen angels
attack often there is great persecution of the saint, people die in freak
accidents, there is terrible Job-like suffering for the holy one… Yet, the
victories also become greater and blessings won for the world by the
saint’s faithful endurance are great and many.

Having said that, before the Holy Spirit allows a believer to become
personally aware of the spirit of a fallen angel he will reveal their activity
in the world. There are a multitude of activities and here I will write of just
TV and film. I have noticed a recent trend in the media (as I write in July
2018) in which macho heterosexual men will pretend to be gay. For
example they will be shown a clip of a muscle-bound action movie star
and asked what they think of the movie and reply with something like, ‘I
was too focused on X’s physique- ooh baby!’ Or as one macho Catholic
movie star recently did, he sat upon the knee of his homosexual host and
fondled his body…

What on Earth then does this have to do with fallen angels? The rapidity
with which people including Christians are accepting and practising
Liberal-Fascist ideology is to do with the power fallen angels have over
human minds and human media. At present the mass media are
consolidating their Liberal-Fascist power, this being a prerequisite to mass
extermination of political enemies and particularly bible adhering

As the corrupt views and lifestyles of those that run and create the media
become the norm for the masses and as little laws are changed or others
invented here and there to make being Christlike illegal there will suddenly
then be a tip in the balance of power. Once that happens dictators will
quickly rise to power and the great purge of ‘terrorists’ that is bible
Christians will begin. However this is the very future I expect God to
prevent from coming into being. It is however the inevitable future if God
were to choose not to intervene.
Fallen angels are trying at present to takeover mass media especially in
Hollywood, the BBC and other core influencers of the masses. People
often point out that the statistics show that people are not influenced by
movies to commit copycat killings. That the percentage that do so is tiny.
This argument is used over and again. Yet, it is one of many little
deceptions. Yes it’s true that as a norm people will not copy the murders
of the latest horror flick but people will modify their behaviour according
to what they see on TV and at the movies.

Recently feminist women have protested President Trump by dressing as

handmaidens, based on the ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ a virulently antichristian
dystopian show. When Malcolm X the movie came out many young black
men dressed and cut their hair like Malcolm X as he looked in the 1950s.
In innumerable ways human behaviour is modified by the media. The
Malcolm X movie starring a Christian actor also trashed Christianity.

Much of the present population, especially the young, have been

convinced- effectively brainwashed by modern media- that Christianity is
disgusting and that bible believing Christians in particular are psychotic,
dangerous and evil.

A fallen angel will give orders and detailed plans to thousands of stronger
demons. These in turn will give orders to millions of weaker demons.
These evil spirits numbering hundreds of millions control almost the entire
output of popular culture. Even the resistance to it by Christians and
others is at best half-hearted and can also be seen as the anaemic
response guaranteed to let the other side win. It is like Christianity has the
numbers, power and wealth to defeat a terrible enemy but chooses to go
to war with kids throwing stones rather than with real soldiers in tanks.

A saint then will most likely be unemployed in Hollywood- even by the

Christians. They will however be employed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit will have the true saint strengthening the few that serve God,
praying for their protection and receiving answers to prayer by there being
more and better Christian movies made that reach a wider audience. This
has actually happened in the last five years.

If you want to go beyond this to defeat the fallen angels at the top of the
pile you may only do so if God himself both educates and empowers you,
otherwise you will be destroyed. Being a spiritual warrior is a particular
kind of grace like being an evangelist. A spiritual warrior gifted with
‘discernment of spirits’ is like an evangelist gifted with great soul winning
ability- both by the power of the Holy Spirit. I will continue the
comparison: Say an evangelist can roll up to a town, call a meeting and
convert ten or twenty thousand sinners to Christ, with a little help from
believers. That would be the equivalent of a gifted spiritual warrior casting
one fallen angel back into Hell.
Most believers that fight demons or try to fight Satan get their learning
from books- which is fine if the books are good and if God reinforces
book learning with grace and power. The trouble is however that usually
those that write the books simply learnt from other books and not by God
given experience. Bible knowledge is of course pivotal and by far the best
guide but that too as the Holy Spirit both enlightens and empowers the

Today I heard a preacher on the radio say that the bible teaches that we
are born with a ‘sin-nature’ and will always sin. Jesus’ blood acts as a
covering over our sin so that God does not see it. That the bible teaches
that God does not save those who are holy as no one is holy, but Jesus'
blood makes the way into Heaven for us.

These remarks were an extenuation of where Calvinists were thirty years

ago. More and more Protestants are defining Christianity as a religion of
continual sin in which holiness is impossible and that God ‘sees us
through Jesus Christ’ by which they mean he chooses not to see us as we
are but as if we were perfect like Jesus.

This particular theology, which is dominant among the young in

Protestantism as the older generation still give some leeway for actually
being righteous, is a theology that is powerless against Satan. It implies
that Jesus does not save from sin and cannot; that real Christians are not
holy but sinful; that the claims to holiness of the few are opposed to
grace; that with God not all things are possible; and that no one can ask
what they will and it shall be done for them as Christ will obviously not
save his people from their sins. It also implies that if the believer yearns
for deliverance from Sin they will need to find a different saviour to
Jesus- one that can actually make them holy and answer prayer.

This religion of fatalism in regard to Sin and life-long bondage to sin as a

state of grace! – Is totally impotent against the world, the flesh and the
devil. It also portrays true saints as pride-filled deceivers. Generally when I
hear an ‘evangelical’, whatever that is these days, talk like this I take it for
granted that they have never been saved. I regard it an impossibility that a
Christian filled with the Holy Spirit could be disconnected from and
unaware of the life of holiness- but what does the Holy Spirit think?

This is a ‘word of knowledge’ – that is spiritually imparted knowledge

from God: The Holy Spirit thinks that many that adhere to this extreme
Calvinism are in fact saved by grace but they are only a minority within
extreme Calvinism and they are weak.

We see that the Holy Spirit disagrees with me but also he thinks most of
these Calvinists are not saved. I can then correct myself. Here is another
‘word of knowledge’: The Holy Spirit thinks I am holy but saved by grace-
that is it is grace that makes one holy…

Here we learn that the Holy Spirit recognises those who are holy, does not
separate grace from holiness or oppose grace to holiness but sees holiness
as an expression of grace.

Here is another word of knowledge: In coming years the Holy Spirit will
send a revival of holiness and holiness teaching as he believes it is central
to the gospel message. This great revival will occur during a time of
unparalleled suffering.

Here we learn that the ‘word of knowledge’ gift is closely related to

prophecy; that the long awaited revival will come but that it will be a
revival of holiness.
Chapter Twenty Six:
Victory in unity

In a time of unparalleled suffering the manifestation of satanic power is

often sharply expressed. It might be those various ideologues out to save
the world that do so by attacking a vulnerable group and murdering
millions. Behind world governments, liberation movements, political
agitation and revolution there are always powerful fallen angels. The fallen
angels will use the good of humans against them; usually as an ideology
based on a series of half-truths; or by misguided notions of oppression
and liberation that defy common sense and reason. Common sense and
reason have in fact been crucified.

To the believer walking closely with God however fallen angels may be
more apparent; in that they ‘possess’ the hearts and minds of relatives that
work hard to destroy their happiness. True saints always have relatives or
people in their communities that have been groomed over years by fallen
angels to be their opponents- like bishops on a chess board. If the believer
has the gift of ‘the discernment of spirits’ they may sometimes see two
minds in the person persecuting them- it will be the human mind and the
satanic imposition over their personality. The sinners themselves are
largely unaware of this until they do and say things far more evil than
they could have conceived they’d ever do.

However there are rare occasions when Satan or his angels will appear to
a believer. If this occurs they will inevitably kill a lot of people around the
believer- even if it is not recognised by the world. It might be for example
that in the midst of warfare for the first time their small, out of the way
town is bombed to bits… When however Satan or one of his angels
appears face to face with the believer this is a sign they have become so
terrified of God’s power on behalf of that believer they have to step out of
the shadows to try to intimidate the saint.

As a rule they may not be able to possess or kill the believing saint. Over
time however such a believer will have a Job-like experience on Earth.
Everyone and everything almost will be used as a weapon against them. It
is a life of great suffering but also of incredible unimagined victories.

When speaking face to face with Satan or one of his fallen angels the
believer needs to be as much like Jesus was when he came face to face
with Satan. Be self-controlled. Say little except for quoting scripture.
Control your emotions of fear and rage. Say things like, ‘It is God who
decides who lives or dies’, ‘The promises of God are true’, ‘In Christ is my
victory’. Satan will not waste much time with you after he has berated
and threatened you.
After such an encounter you will be pretty much alone as there are so few
on Earth in any generation that know anything of this by experience. To
counter this insular experience God will make you aware of angels and
saints in Heaven. The spiritual realm will not be as real as the material
realm but it will be real enough and far more powerful in its effects.

Yet, a time of suffering I have above prophesied. In such a time fallen

angels will appear and attack Man. Most believers will not be so holy as
to be able to resist Satan’s power up close and personal. Many will fall. In
these circumstances the few that have gotten the victory over fallen angels
must guide and protect the many. The many must support the spiritual
ones with prayer and unity. Then entire groups of believers will prevail
over Hell, carry the gospel to the world and joyfully await the Second
Coming of Christ.

The saint then in seeking to battle Satan will come up against the Christian
Humanists and their abominable doctrines spewed out of Hell which they
are so puffed up over as if they were not lukewarm hypocrites. They will
wage war upon the saint. That is I have not been speaking of the Christian
Humanists to educate you so much as to warn you- That is where Satan
will attack you most effectively. Your name trashed, your good works
disparaged and even your life threatened or taken. Yes, some holy ones
reading this will be murdered by the Christian Humanists just as the
Jewish Heathen used the Romans to murder Christ. Indeed supposedly
'Spirit filled', 'bible believing' 'saved by grace' anti 'performance driven
religion' Christians will have some of you killed or kill you themselves.

Standing up against the Powers of Darkness means standing up against

them. Those who lose their lives to Christian hypocrites because they love
God and his Truth are jewels in Christ's crown. So, whether you stand or
fall do all for the glory of Christ, Amen.

I only have one more thing to say my beloved Jonathan; that on your
outward journey to the Light remember to keep Jesus as the centre of
your being and your thoughts and affections firmly upon him rather than
upon your grievances or Satan's schemes. If some people are made to
forget Jesus by focusing on a false Holy Spirit others may be made to
forget him by focusing on Satan.

Jesus is supreme, all Good, all Gracious and all honour to him!

After word
To speak the truth in love is still to speak the truth. It does not mean to
speak comforting delusions. That is neither truth nor love. The righteous
judgement is the Lord’s. What am I? Here ends the book of introductions to
spiritual themes. Should the grace of God allow I may write a whole book
on each theme I have covered and move beyond skimming the surface,
which is all I have done.

In the depths of silence and peace who knows what dwells? God is so
good. I am too blessed. There is such ineffable peace, such goodness… If I
could take you on a journey with me I would take you into my heart. It
has been caressed by both Heaven and Hell. It is now the dwelling place of
God, as you know the scriptures plainly declare. What will He do next I
wonder? I am less and less concerned as those who dwell in God’s
presence have a tendency to simply be happy being there. Isn’t it ironical
that in a world full of Hell’s devices Heaven can dwell in a single human
heart? Christ is so real.

Aðalsteinn Eaglehawk

November 23, 2009

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