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Topic: Is Spanking Children for discipline Effective or not? Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that non-physical forms of discipline are more ethical and effective. Thesis Statement: Use of corporal punishment as child discipline is both unethical and ineffective. Hitting or spanking a child will only teach them violence. If the child does learn to behave it is only out of fear. It is more effective to explain to the child why their behavior was wrong and devise a reasonable punishment

The topic of spanking has been a frequent debate. Although most experts advise against it, many parents still report that they use spanking to discipline their children. Its important to examine some of the potential consequences of spanking when establishing discipline strategies.

I. Spanking Children dont always know what is right and what is wrong and need to be taught in a healthy manner. Spanking as a punishment can occur in a child's home, in public organizations, in schoolsor communities the child interacts with. In 29 countries around the world, it is illegal for a parent, teacher, or anyone else to spank a child. But in all of North America, physical punishment by a parent, as long as it is not severe, is still seen by many as necessary discipline

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B. 1.

II. A.

Some parents think it is perfectly fine to spank your child. They claim that this is not child abuse and it is strictly parenting. When children are bad or get themselves in trouble, a parent is liable to step in and teach them right from wrong. Spanking is the most popular way for a parent to take control and get the childs attention (Moms vs. The World). Its not always about the spank itself says Kate Morrall, a writer for Parent and Child Magazine, Its more about scaring the child out of the act of doing it again in fear of the consequence. Some parents believe that the nonphysical forms of discipline, like time-out, do not work.





Is spanking effective? While spanking may relieve a parent's frustration and briefly stop misbehavior, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics , researchers suggest that spanking may be the least effective discipline method. To test this hypothesis, researchers surveyed parents with the assumption that if spanking worked, children who were spanked would learn to behave better over time so that they needed punishing less frequently. However, the results showed that families who start spanking before their children are a year old are just as likely to spank their four-year-old children as often as families who do not start spanking until later. (Debatable Issues) As a result, children appear not to be learning the lessons parents are trying to teach by spanking. Poor results may occur because spanking by itself does not teach an alternative behavior (American Academy of Pediatrics). In fact, children usually feel resentful, humiliated, and helpless after being spanked. The primary lesson they learn appears to be that they should try harder not to get caught. A poll was taken for Parent and Child Magazine to see peoples thoughts on spanking their kid. 36% said yes, it is effective and 64% disagreed. Spanking can also send the wrong message to children. A. It communicates that hitting is an acceptable way to solve problems, and that it is all right for a big person to strike a smaller one (Melissa Cotroll). Because children learn through parental modeling, physical punishment gives the message that hitting is an appropriate way to express feelings and solve problems. If a child does not observe a parent solving problems in a creative and humane way, it may be difficult for him or her to learn to do so for himself or herself (Jan Hunt). When children are spanked, they may know that they have done something wrong, but in many cases, they are too young to understand the lesson. It is a very difficult message for any adult or child to understand: "I hurt you because I don't want you hurt." (Debatable Issues) Spanking can be taken too far. A. B. In some cases, spanking can lead to other harmful ways of teaching a child a lesson. Some parents who are having a hard time will begin to lash out on their children and beat them for almost no apparent reason. In most cases, drugs or alcohol is involved, but in other countries it is looked at as an everyday thing (Melissa Cotroll). If people think it is okay to spank kids, are my kids teachers spanking them? What about when they go to daycare? (French, Nancy). A. Majority of parents claim that it is only okay for a parent to spank their own child and no one has a need to lay their hands on someone elses child in that manner.



3. B.










Every parent will have a different view on spanking and discipline in general. If you ask me, as long as the child learns without getting hurt then it should be acceptable. I also dont think it is right for people to try to step in and tell another person how to parent. Another key point that I do not agree with is giving teachers, babysitters, daycares and other places in the community to spank another persons child. If a parent has all the right intentions for their kid and never spanks them to hurt them and at the end of the day doesnt feel as if the spank was used for anything other than to teach them, then yes, Id say it is okay.



Children who are spanked most are more likely to be aggressive and hit others.. Hitting children teaches acceptance of violence. While most of us who were spanked as children grow up to be healthy adults, spanking causes anxiety, contributes to feelings of helplessness and humiliation, and often provokes anger and a desire for revenge, feelings which have usually been repressed in adulthood but may lead to depression, adult violence, and hitting our own children. Effective discipline exists. It does not involve hitting and humiliating children.

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