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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Max Crimp Date Hungry Spider pg. 282-287 anguage !rt"/#ng$i"h %Component" o& ! Story'

Subject/ Topic/ Theme (rade )))*rd)))))))))))))

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

Thi" $e""on +i$$ go o,er a "tory +ith t+o main character". Character" are the &ir"t $e""on in the unit.

Learners will be able to#

0denti&y +hat a character i". Te$$ +hy character" are important to a "tory.

cogniti,e- . !p !n # C/

phy"ica$ de,e$opment


Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# CC''.ELA(LI)E*AC+.*L.,., -escribe c aracters in a stor. $e.g./ t eir traits/ motivations/ or feelings& and e0!lain ow t eir actions contribute to t e se1uence of events.
%1ote# 2rite a" many a" needed. 0ndicate taxonomy $e,e$" and connection" to app$icab$e nationa$ or "tate "tandard". 0& an objecti,e app$ie" to particu$ar $earner" +rite the name%"' o& the $earner%"' to +hom it app$ie".' /remember3 under"tand3 app$y3 ana$y4e3 e,a$uate3 create

II. 2efore .ou start Identif. !rere1uisite 3nowledge and s3ills.

The "tudent" re5uire no prere5ui"ite 6no+$edge or "6i$$".

Pre-assessment (for learning): I will ask the students to keep these questions in mind: What is a character? and Wh are the important to stories? !ormati"e (for learning): #tudents will $e a$le to assess each other after the complete the reading as a group and come up with answers to m questions as a group% !ormati"e (as learning): #tudents will $e a$le to assess each other after the complete the reading as a group and come up with answers to m questions as a group% #ummati"e (of learning'7 &s a group' students will come up with answers to the two questions and then

Outline assessment activities %app$icab$e to thi" $e""on'

we will ha"e a group discussion as a whole class% 4 at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" 4 at will it ta3e 5 neurodevelo!mentall./ e0!erientiall./ emotionall./ etc./ for .our students to do t is lesson"
Provide 6ulti!le 6eans of *e!resentation 8ro,ide option" &or perceptionmaking information percepti$le (he students will $e reading the stor as a group% (his can $e less intimidating than reading in front of the entire class% &lso' hearing the stor read aloud ma $e $etter for some students than simpl reading it silentl % Provide 6ulti!le 6eans of Action and E0!ression 8ro,ide option" &or phy"ica$ action- increase options for interaction (his acti"it allows for all students "oices to $e heard in the small group discussions% Provide 6ulti!le 6eans of Engagement 8ro,ide option" &or recruiting intere"t- choice' rele"ance' "alue' authenticit ' minimi)e threats (his is an acti"it that is not used "er often in this class' so this will pro"ide a nice change of pace%


8ro,ide option" &or $anguage3 mathematica$ expre""ion"3 and "ymbo$"- clarif * connect language (he lesson allows for me to walk around and listen in on all of the groups readings and discussions' allowing me to clarif an questions the students ma ha"e%

8ro,ide option" &or expre""ion and communication- increase medium of e+pression (he small groups aims to ensure that all students get a sa ' and ha"ing the groups share can represent e"er student in the class%

8ro,ide option" &or "u"taining e&&ort and per"i"tence- optimi)e challenge' colla$oration' master oriented feed$ack ,a"ing the students in small groups ensures that e"er one has to participate and read part of the stor % (his ma also encourage some of the quieter students to speak up in the small group discussion% 8ro,ide option" &or "e$&-regu$atione+pectations' personal skills and strategies' self-assessment * reflection (he students will $e assessed $ each other as the go% - goal is for the students to help each other learn rather than ha"e me lecture to them%

8ro,ide option" &or comprehen"ion- acti"ate' appl * highlight (he students will $e a$le to help each other if the are struggling on a word or on a concept%

8ro,ide option" &or executi,e &unction"- coordinate short * long term goals' monitor progress' and modif strategies (he short term and long term goals are similar: ha"e the students understand what a character and wh the are important%

6aterials(w at materials $boo3s/ andouts/ etc& do .ou need for t is lesson and are t e. read. to use"

The "tudent" +i$$ need their Houghton-Mi&&$in boo6"3 +hich are in their c$a""room. 0 +i$$ pro,ide each group +ith "crap paper to record their thought" on.

The "tudent" can brea6 up into group" and go to +hate,er area o& the room i" mo"t com&ortab$e &or them. How will .our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

III. ) e Plan )ime Com!onents 6otivation %opening/ introduction/ engagement' -escribe teacher activities A7student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in3ing 1uestions and8or !rom!ts. 0 +i$$ a"6 the "tudent" ;2hat i" a character<= and Student" can thin6 about thi" and an"+er me by ;2hy are they important= rai"ing their hand".

9(:; minutes

<;(<9 minutes -evelo!ment %the $arge"t component or main body o& the $e""on'

0 +i$$ brea6 them into group" and ha,e them read ;Hungry Spider= %pg. 282' 6eeping in mind the 5ue"tion" that 0 a"6ed ear$ier. !&ter they &ini"h the reading3 0 +i$$ ha,e them di"cu"" in their "ma$$ group" +hat a character i" and +hy they are important. >ne per"on can record and one or t+o peop$e +i$$ "hare +hat their group came up +ith. Then 0 +i$$ ha,e e,eryone come together a" a c$a"" and +e +i$$ ha,e a $arge group di"cu""ion

The "tudent" +i$$ read the "tory in "ma$$ group"3 6eeping in mind the t+o 5ue"tion" 0 a"6ed at the beginning. The "tudent" +i$$ di"cu"" in their group" +hat a character i" and +hy they are important. The "tudent" +i$$ ha,e one repre"entati,e &rom their group te$$ the re"t o& their c$a"" +hat they came up +ith a" an"+er" &or the 5ue"tion".


+ith one or t+o peop$e &rom each group "pea6ing on their beha$&.

9(:; minutes

Closure %conc$u"ion3 cu$mination3 +rap-up'

0 +i$$ brie&$y a"6 "ome other 5ue"tion" about the character" ;Ho+ do their action" a&&ect the "tory<=etc. 0 +i$$ go o,er the t+o main 5ue"tion" one more time.

The "tudent" can an"+er the 5ue"tion" by rai"ing their hand".

+our reflection about t e lesson/ including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement/ as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne0t time. %2rite thi" a&ter teaching the $e""on3 i& you had a chance to teach it. 0& you did not teach thi" $e""on3 &ocu" on the proce"" o& preparing the $e""on.'


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