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13 Cephalometric


Cephalometric radiography is a standardized and Ch. 6). Indications and selection criteria for
reproducible form of skull radiography used exten- Cephalometric radiographs are clearly identified
sively in orthodontics to assess the relationships of in the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners
the teeth to the jaws and the jaws to the rest of the Selection Criteria in Dental Radiography booklet
facial skeleton. Standardization was essential for published in the UK in 1998 and in the British
the development of cephalometry — the measure- Orthodontic Society's booklet Guidelines for the
ment and comparison of specific points, distances Use of Radiographs in Clinical Orthodontics, pub-
and lines within the facial skeleton, which is now lished in the UK in 2001. These guidelines are
an integral part of orthodontic assessment. The designed to assist in the justification process so as
greatest value is probably obtained from these to avoid the use of unnecessary radiographs.
radiographs if they are traced or digitized and this
is essential when they are being used for the
Orthognathic surgery
monitoring of treatment progress.
• Preoperative evaluation of skeletal and soft
tissue patterns
Main indications • To assist in treatment planning
• Postoperative appraisal of the results of
The main clinical indications can be considered surgery and long-term follow-up studies.
under two major headings — orthodontics and
orthognathic surgery.
Several different types of equipment are available
• Initial diagnosis — confirmation of the for Cephalometric radiography, either as separate
underlying skeletal and/or soft tissue units, or as additional attachments to dental
abnormalities panoramic units. In some equipment, the patients
• Treatment planning are seated, while in others they remain standing.
• Monitoring treatment progress, e.g. to assess Despite these variables the essential requirements
anchorage requirements and incisor inclination for this type of equipment are the same and
• Appraisal of treatment results, e.g. 1 or 2 include:
months before the completion of active
• Cephalostat (or craniostaf) (see Fi| 13.1)
treatment to ensure that treatment targets have
been met and to allow planning of retention.
Head positioning and stabilizing apparatus
When considering these indications, it should with ear rods to ensure a standardized
be remembered that all radiographs must be patient position (some units also have infra-
clinically justified under current legislation (see orbital guide rods)

146 Essentials of dental radiography and radiology

Fig. 13.1 A typical cephalostat (craniostat) containing a patient with the main features indicated. Note that this design of
cephalostat has the aluminium wedge filter positioned between the patient and the anti-scatter grid. The Frankfort plane is
marked on the patient's face.

— Fixed anti-scatter grid — to stop photons • X-ray generating apparatus that should be:
scattered within the patient reaching the — In a fixed position relative to the cephalostat
film and degrading the final image (see (approx. 2 m) and the film (see Fig. 13.2)
Ch. 12) so that successive radiographs are
— Cassette holder. reproducible and comparable
Cassette (usually 18 x 24 cm) containing — Capable of producing an X-ray beam that
intensifying screens and indirect-action film is:
Aluminium wedge filter. This is either part of the * Sufficiently penetrating to reach the film
cephalostat and positioned between the patient * Parallel in nature to minimize
and the anterior part of the cassette, as shown magnification between R and L sides of
in Figure 13.1, or it is attached to the the mandible and to ensure that the
tubehead, covering the anterior part of the midline points S, N and A are as sharp as
emerging beam. Its function is to attenuate the possible
X-ray beam selectively in the region of the * Collimated to an approximately
facial soft tissues because these tissues are not triangular shape to restrict the area of the
dense enough on their own to produce a patient irradiated to the required cranial
visible radiographic shadow. This added base and facial skeleton, so avoiding the
attenuation enables the soft tissue profile to be skull vault and cervical spine (see Figs
seen on the final radiograph. 13.2 and 13.3).
Cephalometric radiography 147

Main radiographic projections

These include:
• True cephalometric lateral skull • The film is parallel to the sagittal plane of the
• Cephalometric postero-anterior of the jaws patient's head
(PA jaws). • The X-ray beam is perpendicular to film and
sagittal plane.
In addition, the word cephalometric should be
True cephalometric lateral skull included when describing the true lateral skull radio-
graph taken in the cephalostat. This enables differ-
As stated in Chapter 11, the terminology used to entiation from the non-standardized true lateral
describe lateral skull projections is somewhat con- skull projection taken in a skull unit, as described
fusing, the adjective true, as opposed to oblique., in Chapter 12. It is now an accepted convention to
being used to describe lateral skull projections view orthodontic lateral skull radiographs with the
when: patient facing to the right, as shown in Figure 13.3.

Fig. 13.2A Positioning for the true cephalometric lateral skull projection. Note the
X-ray tubehead and cephalostat are in fixed positions (approximately 2 m apart) and
the patient's head is stabilized within the cephalostat with the Frankfort plane
horizontal. The triangular collimator (C) is indicated by the arrow. B Diagram of the
positioning from the front — the sagittal plane of the head is parallel to the film, and
the X-ray beam is horizontal and perpendicular to the sagittal plane and the film.
148 Essentials of dental radiography and radiology

Fig. 13.3 An example of a true cephalometric lateral skull radiograph. Note the images of the ear rods should ideally appear
superimposed on one another. The various shadows of the cephalostat equipment and the collimator are indicated.

Technique and positioning

This can be summarized as follows:
1. The patient is positioned within the 3. The aluminium wedge is positioned to cover
cephalostat, with the sagittal plane of the head the anterior part of the film.
vertical and parallel to the film and with the 4. The equipment is designed to ensure that
Frankfort plane horizontal. The teeth should when the patient is positioned correctly, the X-ray
generally be in maximum intercuspation. beam is horizontal and centred on the ear rods
2. The head is immobilized carefully within the (see Fig. 13.2).
apparatus with the plastic e-ar rods being inserted
gradually into the external auditory meati.
Cephalometric radiography 149

Cephalometric tracing /digitizing

This produces a diagrammatic representation of
certain anatomical points or landmarks evident on
the lateral skull radiograph (see Fig. 13.4). These
points are traced on to an overlying sheet of paper
or acetate or digitally recorded. Either method
allows precise measurements to be made. As a
basic system these could include:
• The outline and inclination of the anterior
• The positional relationship of the mandibular
and maxillary dental bases to the cranial base
• The positional relationship of the dental bases
to one another, i.e. the skeletal patterns
• The relationship between the bones of the
skull and the soft tissues of the face.
Fig. 13.4 A Cephalometric tracing of a lateral skull
radiograph showing the main Cephalometric points.
Main Cephalometric points
The definitions of the main Cephalometric points
(as indicated in a clockwise direction on the
tracing shown in Fig. 13.4) include:
Sella (S). The centre of the sella turcica,
Gnathion (Gn). The most anterior and infe-
(determined by inspection).
rior point on the bony outline of the chin, situated
Orbitale (Or). The lowest point on the infra-
equidistant from pogonion and menton.
orbital margin.
Menton (Me). The lowest point on the bony
Nasion (N). The most anterior point on the
outline of the mandibular symphysis.
frontonasal suture.
Gonion (Go). The most lateral external point
Anterior nasal spine (ANS). The tip of the
at the junction of the horizontal and ascending
anterior nasal spine.
rami of the mandible.
Subspinale or point A. The deepest midline
point between the anterior nasal spine and Note: The gonion is found by bisecting the angle
prosthion. formed by tangents to the posterior and inferior
Prosthion (Pr). The most anterior point of borders of the mandible.
the alveolar crest in the premaxilla, usually Posterior nasal spine (PNS). The tip of the
between the upper central incisors. posterior spine of the palatine bone in the hard
Infradentale (Id). The most anterior point of palate.
the alveolar crest, situated between the lower Articulare (Ar). The point of intersection of
central incisors. the dorsal contours of the posterior border of the
Supramentale or point B. The deepest point mandible and temporal bone.
in the bony outline between the infradentale and Porion (Po). The uppermost point of the
the pogonion. bony external auditory meatus, usually regarded
Pogonion (Pog). The most anterior point of as coincidental with the uppermost point of the
the bony chin. ear rods of the cephalostat.
150 Essentials of dental radiography and radiology

Fig. 13.5 A cephalometric tracing of a lateral skull

radiograph showing the main cephalometric planes and

Main cephalometric planes and angles

The definitions of the main cephalometric planes SNA. Relates the anteroposterior position of
and angles shown in Figure 13.5 include: the maxilla, as represented by the A point, to the
Frankfort plane. A transverse plane through cranial base.
the skull represented by the line joining porion SNB. Relates the anteroposterior position of
and orbitale. the mandible, as represented by the B point, to the
Mandibular plane. A transverse plane cranial base.
through the skull representing the lower border of ANB. Relates the anteroposterior position of
the horizontal ramus of the mandible. the maxilla to the mandible, i.e. indicates the
There are several definitions: anteroposterior skeletal pattern — Class I, II or
• A tangent to the lower border of the mandible
Maxillary incisal inclination. The angle
• A line joining gnathion and gonion
between the long axis of the maxillary incisors and
• A line joining menton and gonion.
the maxillary plane.
Maxillary plane. A transverse plane through Mandibular incisal inclination. The angle
the skull represented by a joining of the anterior between the long axis of the mandibular incisors
and posterior nasal spines. and the mandibular plane.
SNplane. A transverse plane through the skull All the definitions are those specified in The
represented by the line joining sella and nasion. British Standards Glossary of Dental terms
(BS4492: 1983).
Cephalometric radiography 151

Cephalometric postero-anterior of Technique and positioning

the jaws (PA jaws) This can be summarized as follows:
This projection is identical to the PA view of the 1. The head-stabilizing apparatus of the
jaws described in Chapter 12, except that it is cephalostat is rotated through 90°.
standardized and reproducible. This makes it suit- 2. The patient is positioned in the apparatus
able for the assessment of facial asymmetries and with the head tipped forwards and with the radio-
for preoperative and postoperative comparisons in graphic baseline horizontal and perpendicular to
orthognathic surgery involving the mandible. the film, i.e. in the forehead-nose position.
3. The head is immobilized within the
apparatus by inserting the plastic ear rods into the
external auditory meati.
4. The fixed X-ray beam is horizontal with the
central ray centred through the cervical spine at the
level of the rami of the mandible (see Fig. 13.6).

Fig. 13.7 An example of a cephalometric PA jaws

radiograph. The arrows indicate the position of the ear rods.

Fig. 13.6A Positioning for the cephalometric PA jaws projection. The patient is in the forehead—nose position, with the
radiographic baseline (marked on the face) horizontal and perpendicular to the film. B Diagram of the patient positioning and
showing the X-ray beam horizontal and centred through the rami.
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