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Kelsie Arnett

*Underlined words = Formative Assessments *Bolded words= 7.1 Lesson Material 7-1/7-2 Lesson Plan Segments, Rays, Lines/Angles I. Benchmark/Standard: To identify segments, rays, and lines/ to classify angles and to find angle measures using the relationship between pairs of angles Behavioral/Objective: The learner will use correct vocabulary to identify segments, rays, and lines as well as classify these figures according to their characteristics. The learner will classify angles as acute, right, obtuse, or straight and will be able to use angle properties to solve for missing angle measures. Anticipatory Set: Since we will be picking up where we left off with 7.1, have students practice Rock, Paper, Scissors to see how well they remember the vocabulary we went over yesterday and what might need to be retaught. Ask students to pair up to perform the task while you ask them multiple vocab words from 7.1. After they discuss what they believe the best answer is, the winner will share their answer. Repeat with each word. Objective/Purpose: Today we are going to be using what we learned Thursday about segments, rays, and lines to name and identify figures in different examples. Were going to do this by working through examples as a class and then doing some similar examples on your own. You can use your Fold-cabulary if youd like. Then were going to learn about the different types of angles and how to classify them. We will do this first by adding to our Foldcabulary and then by working through examples to see what different angles look like. This is going to be very important for when we learn about triangles in our next lesson. A. Task Analysis 1. Rock, Paper, Scissors 2. Vocab 3. Examples/Quick Checks 4. Back to Back Boards 5. Assign homework 6. 3-2-1 B. Thinking Levels: Blooms Taxonomy 1. K Identify characteristics of the angle 2. C Describe the characteristics to someone else 3. A Solve for x to find the missing angle measure of the compliment 4. A Classify the type of angle





Kelsie Arnett
5. S Change a characteristic that would make the angle a different classification 6. E Justify your answer from part 5. D. Method and Materials 1. Vocab on computer, lecture, discussion, group work, exploration. 2. Materials: Markers, scissors, protractor. VI. Modeling A. Examples as a class B. Quick check answers on board students explain out loud VII. Checking for Understanding A. Whats the difference between complementary and supplementary angles? Why cant a right angle be an acute angle? B. Make sure students realize that vertical angles ARE a form of congruent angles. C. Make sure students know they can raise their hands if they have any questions at any points if students are looking dazed STOP & CHECK D. Back to Back Boards: ask students to pair up and stand back to back with individual white boards. Ask them to draw multiple types of angles (e.g. acute, right, vertical, adjacent, etc.). After each angle, have them turn around and discuss their drawing and its features with their partners. Monitor this activity by walking around and observing each group. VIII. Guided Practice A. Examples as a class then Quick Checks B. Go around and check student work as they are working independently. IX. Independent Practice A. Have students work on homework p. 333-334 2-34 evens once their quick checks are approved. X. Closure A. 3-2-1: Leave the last five minutes of class for students to write 3 concepts they learned, 2 examples of those concepts, and 1 thing that they are still unclear about.

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