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Count and Non-count Nouns A. Count Nouns a.

A count noun is a noun that can be expressed in plural form, usually with an "s." i. Examples 1. Student____________ 2. Cat_____________ 3. Banana_____________ B. Non-count Nouns a. A non-count noun is a noun that usually cannot be expressed in plural form. i. Examples 1. Food You cannot say foods. 2. Air You cannot say airs. 3. Furniture You cannot say furnitures. C. Count and non-count nouns with adjectives a. We need to pair certain adjectives with count and non-count nouns i. Much and Many 1. Much modifies only non-count nouns a. Examples i. We dont have much time to get this done. ii. I dont have much hope. 2. Many modifies only count nouns a. Examples i. Many animals like to drink from creeks. ii. I think she is going to buy many pieces of candy. ii. Little and Few 1. Little modifies only non-count nouns a. Examples i. They have little food in the refrigerator. ii. I had little time to do my homework last night. 2. Few modifies only count nouns a. Examples i. There are a few apples on the counter.

ii. Few students like to take tests. iii. Some and Any 1. Some and Any modify non-count AND count nouns a. Examples i. There is _some_ water on the floor.

ii. There are _some_ students here in the classroom. iii. Do you have _any_ food? iv. Do you have _any_ apples? 2. Rules for Some and Any a. Use Some in positive sentences. i. I have some friends. ii. I know that the store has some water. b. Use Any in questions. i. You dont have any cheese in the house? ii. Doesnt she have any friends? c. Use Any in negative sentences. i. You dont have any cheese for me. ii. She does not have any friends. d. EXCEPTION!! i. Use Some in questions when offering or requesting something. 1. Would you like some more fries? (offer) 2. May I have some cookies, please? (request) D. Your Turn: fill in the blanks with either Much, Many, Little, Few, Some, OR ANY a. I dont have _many_ CDs in my collection. b. There are only a _few_ days left until Christmas! c. There is _little_ hope in finding your lost wallet. d. Can you bring me _some_ water? e. I doubt there are _any_ ghosts in that old house. f. This article doesnt give us _much_ information.

g. Are there _any_ boxes of cereal in the shopping cart?

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