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science, colony Dicti > ey OF Geological Terms Revised Prepar und: rection 2° Sco =0 hg) B American Geological institute fi thé.direction gt the: This updated and revised edition of the bes!suling Ne ical Institute. Dictionary OF Geological Terms isan author™tive elossary covering all the major disciplines of geOiwgy. Lin's have been deleted or shortened and almoxi 109 re, terms dealing with the most recent advances {the earth, sciences such as environmental geology, pla’ tectonics, and sea floor spreading, have been added. Als. “r!ded, are items on stratigraphy, sedimentation, petrok ,y, vl: Canology, geachemistiy, geomorphology, geophyst-*, nus clear geology, invertel. “te paleontolegy, and minerelogy. Moov terms ate definea 9 the related fields € soli ens ging, hydrology, glacloway, ice andyperm: + st study ise, maps and, geography, ocsenugachy, dr oteorologys Goraplote by more than nineiy spec'siists under the direction of the American Geological tri ute "ti 3 book ie an essential guide for the student, 1G. 7a hobbyist science tee sher and 2" zineer. ‘An abridged edition of the ‘AGI Glossary Of Geology 1972 editior ‘Cover Design by Rolf Bruce sen: 054 bled ANCHOR BOOKS “Anchor Press/Doubleday Garden City, New York al Cataloging in Publication Data Geological Institute. Dictionary of geological terms. Published in 1957 and 1960 under title: Glossary of ‘geology and related sciences. 1, Geology—Dictionaries. I. Tite, QESAGS 1975 550.3, ISBN 0-385.08452-8 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 73-9004 © 1957, 1960, 1962, 1976 by the American ‘Geological Institute All Rights Reserved First Bdition: June 1957 Edition: November 1960 Reference Books Edition: 1962 “Anchor Books Edition: 1976 ‘in the United States of America (oubledy & Company, tnc.). Most of the 7500 terms inthe fst ‘dion were selected from the Glossary of Geology and Relate Sctences (2d edition 1960), by « team of geologists from Depertment of Geology, lowa State University. Members of cditocial team were: Donald L. Bigss, Keith M. Hussey, Joba Lemish, aided by Mrs. Isabelle Lyons, Lyle V. Seadiein, and Leo AThomas # z i a & 5 Q 4 I § from the Geological Society of America. ‘The 1972 Glossary of Geology was edited by Margaret Gary, Robert “Skip” McAfee, Jr, and Carol L. Wolf, The preparation ‘of the Glossary was undertaken with the advice and guidance of ‘the AGI Committee on Publications under the chairmanship of Ite Lewis M. Cline (1966-68), Philip E. LaMoreaux (1968- 70), and Charles W. Collinson (1971-72). The work was partially | funded by the National Science Foundation. The names of thore "participating inthe 1972 Glossary Project follow this preface. ‘The 1976 edition of the AGI Dictionary of Geological Terma ‘was prepared under the guidance and editorship of William H, ‘Matthews IM (AGI Director of Education and Regent's Professor ‘of Geology at Lamar Universiy, Beaumont, Texas) and Robert E. Boyer, Professor of Geology and Chairman, Department of Geo- wt logical Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin, Members of the revision team were: Edward C. Jonas, John Lufkin, Wulf Massel, ‘and Keith P. Young of the Geological Sciences Department, The University of Texas, Austin; Robert B. Sherif, representing the Society of Exploration Geophysicists; and P. B. Sayder, Depart- ‘ments of Geology and Secondary Education, Lamar University. ‘The manuscript was typed by Elizabeth Powers and Cheryl Pater- CONTRIB 1972 GLOSS, “Geomorphology: Willard Bascom, Robert F. Black, Arthur L. ‘Bloom, Arthur D. Howard, Watson H. Monroe, J.’W. Pierce, Asthor N. Strabler, and Wililam P. Tanner. “Geophysics: Don L, Anderson, L. G. Berryman, Wiliam J. Best, John K. Costaia, Jules D. Friedman, M. Chavles Gilbert, ‘Pembroke J. Hart, Douglas Ml. Kinney, Arthur Lachenbruch, “RJ. P. Lyon, Robert Moxham, Pred Nicodemns, Otto Nutt, Donald A. Rice, Malcolm Rigby, Frank E. Senftl, Ralph T- ‘Shuey, John $, Summer, Ben Tyai, Stanley H. Ward, Charles A: ‘Whiner, Frans Erik Wickman, and George Zisis. Glaclers, ice, snow, and glacial geology: Richard Foster Flint, C.L. McGuinness, Mark F, Meier, and Stephen C. Porter. History and philosopky of geolory: Georg V. Cohee and George W. White, spect: mice ile, tle tI CLL. MoGuinness, ‘Marine geology and oceanography: Willard Bascom, A. Re Gordon, Js, and the U, 8. Naval Oceanographic Office at Suite Innd, Maryland, and Norman J. Hyne, ‘Thor N. V. Karlstrom. Paleobotany: Anne S, Benninghott and William S. Benninghorl. Paleontology of the invertebrates: Richard H. Benson, Jean. Rerdan, William B. N, Berry, Richard S. Boardman, Raymond C. Douglass, J. Wyatt Durham, J. Thomas Dutro, Jr, Robert M. Finks, Mackenzie Gordon, Jr, Robert R. Hessler, Dorothy Hil, Erie G. Kauffman, Robert V. Kesling, Porter M. Kier, Bernhard Kummel, Alfred R. Loeblich, Jt, Donald B. Macurda, Jr, Raymond C, Moore, Norman J. Newell, Wiliam A, Nen= mua, W. A. Oliver, John Pojeta, J, A. J. Rowell, J. 8. Ryland, XK. Norman Sachs, Norman F. Schl, Walter C. Swect, Helen ‘Tappan, Curt Teichert, Ruth M. Todd, J. Marvin Weller, John W. Wells, C. W. Wright, and Ellis L. Yochelson. Palynology: Aifred Travers. Igneour and metamorphic petrology: Harold H. Banks, It. Paul Bateman, Philippa M, Black, Wilired B. Bryao, Richard V. Dietrich, William G. Melson, Anne K. Loring, Kurt E. Lowe, Lacian B, Plana, Robert L Tiling, and Hatten 8. Yoder, Tr ‘Sedimentary petrology: Murray Felsher, Robert L. Folk, George deVries Klcin, Roy C. Lindholm, Francis J, Pettijobn, and J. W. Pierce. ‘Soils Mary Hill, Charles B. Kellog, and Arnold C. Orvedsl. ‘Statistical methods: Peter Fenner, J. C. Gower, William C. ‘Xrumbein, Richard McCammon, Daniel F. Merriam, and G. V. ‘Middleton. ‘Swaiigraphy: George V. Cobee (assisted by Virginia Byers and ‘Marjorie MacLachlan). Structural geology and tectonics: Fred A. Donath, William C. Gusiow, Marshall Kay, Philip B. King, John M.’ Logan, and Robert §. Young. Volcanology and pyroclastis: Roy A, Bailey, Wilfred B. Bryan, Richard S. Fiske, Jack Green, and Alexander McBirney. absonrnioN coBPFICIENT molecules of ges or Teuids oF {ns im station to th aarface of solids in coutact wilh them. 7. ia 1m), 3. Referring 19 the reat opis ‘of seas or Taken where {ight is absent bys fill Rlativly emall top graphic feature of the deep ‘ocean floor ranging to 610-915 m= Bish and few mies wide, abyaal pla Fist, Beaty level infos which occupy the. deepest Pottons of many ocean basi Ae Abbreviation for somite ia ‘Dormative calculations of igo ocks and for sctinote £9 tm J colenlstions for metanoephic rocks Accessory ELEMENTS 3 sc ed to measure acceleration: fore ‘Apecieaty, 2 scsmograph de- ‘bon fn Hides once ear parle eves. ABeoun rocks in which they occur’ "the epented filing of chanoel- scanty An ssceading dope, at ynge and ther reopening by tho [opposed to dectvy. evelopment of fractures ia the Peace ROT eign aia dow cxay substances 3. Adie A team ap Eig ai rocks igs ghee percentage of silica ortoclse, the ins Sure commonly adgpted being 65%, eid clay "A-clay Which ater supension. gis ns. Hydrogen ela. scidle 1A deserve te bled to those neous, oe ‘of ip: situated where the compass ‘eodle’ doer no dip, ashe alin: ‘clin, or magnetic equator. scmlle” Repieis, See HONOR ‘counical wel loging "Any deter- raination Of the physial_ proper by acoustical fof Povaves fre way ‘elocies cre A messure of sutcal land free, contuning in the United Shas and Pagad 49,0 unre screfoot The yolome of Jig ‘or solid reauired to Gover 1 acre [a depth of | foot, ‘il covert acre inch dp. ‘acreyield The everagstmovnt fof oll or gst or wator rosovered from 1 ‘tore ofa rxervoir. mount of emery which any pa Bele or ‘group ot artless haven ‘order to ‘go from ‘ose erase foe oer in” pase at Te chemical ne. sions and” to. movement of Pac ne Cae wie fault Aft song which there is recurrent movemeny that Wi a | g # 3 of approximate ones, setivig a6 Ratio plasticity index 10 percentage of dy.szed ‘minerals ecient. ‘cate bisectix In olay biaxial Taineral the divecdon bisecting {he acuie angle between opie re. fdamantine A ype of mineral Tuster sugesting extreme hardness such asin damoc ‘xdamelte Synonymous with and Derbaps e preferable name or Gowers wonontre baptcon Adjustment of organ. Tas to tier enviroments by t= ‘ural selection. orm, ‘That part of an ee ‘population which can Sire ati patie the ce Sfonmest wsaly sected by i ht i ie I t ; i ‘Son. 2. oft wlalr The fore to be closely fated 10 tat not esd movement ‘ofa. glader Gacy the bane as the named os sdvection Tec: Late mass afime Refers to deformative agi A wasy variety of oryp- ‘Wstysaline quart (chalcedony) Inwhich the color sre in bands, ‘loud, or iinet groupe sage J Any great period of ie ia ‘the history ofthe earth othe ma- terial universe marked ty speed Phases of physical condldons or ‘organic development; as the. age ‘of manna 2, Formal seolose {ime "unit corresponding to tae; It is always capiaiaed. 3 Informa geolopl tine walt corr: sponding fo any stratsraphis unk oot expiatined). sage rad The Fito. of daughter 7 settled Tern to those ‘ad Mecoapont o sine peat lla doping othe sls fey componed of cy fees soem by minal ol Ge hig) ph ames ® terete eons ‘s seppinion 1. Toe woes ot Again ” Gow a vencras, wp a sace by Seon fawlew eben ca. Tam, fon 2 The grow of pemme: Oras fost ‘reu ik both soto the agonle line A Une pasing (OF no minis consttents. Plas ‘ciate muy or may not be pret fen A" Tencocrave arity of pd pressure condions by Ze Bond metamorphism or i the Alexandre" Ayriety of the mine ‘ral ehiyiobery which may ap- exniage of sea, a a sequence ff igneous rocks on & variaton Siagram, where the weight Det fealages of CeO and of GOL Naso) are equal, Ls, the poit of rosing of the curves for CAO) snd GOOENED). ter ofs be. se taining soles toll E 10 Dyrorenen,” soda amphiboles, [dor feldsputhol, “Center lkemade lite A line connecting the compoution pointy Of primary phaser "whose" phise reas ace ‘aujacent"and) meet 10 form a boundary etry sltuae ‘Orite, “A tet, Inte Cf. aurocimniowous. 2. sutocie; atrormonne © Vasally refers to, material re | sourced which originated outside the ia ofa core ser callohigene A miner for Tock which hos een {rane P ported to the ste of deponton "From wathout Allogesie Term meaning gener "tied sewbere, sppied to these _onstitvens tht came nto exis fence cutie of, and peeninsly 4, the rock of which they nom onsttte a par, ey the pebbles | eh conglomerats Cf. aura Si in ton Shee Se Pepa kx crorsioms ty truied aluminosiiene developed {nwo and havin a vata come Xevomoephic, (Motople Tse substances which nay exist in tro or move forms 28 diamond and graphite lly 7. Petaiaig w slur fom, 2. Formerly uscd ss term for fecent unconsoidated sah allyl dam Sedimentary deposit eae ty an creriondod scent whieh dams i channe,expectly Gharactorc of datebutanies On ova fans alluvial fam" A cone-shaped de. pout of alloviom made by. a ream where It runt out cot Shrcam. The fane form Grete ream fue from wou {nina upon the lowiend States most alovial plains are ‘Dy sscams having com " aueawe land. ence they ‘oma fetuaces, 2 "The rather consist: fat sage of the term throughout {is tory stakey it gu clear tht allio is intended to ap- Diy to stream ‘deposits of com Daratvely recent tie, that the Sbagueoor deposits of teat aad {ike re not intended w be i coded, and that permaneat sab ‘porgesce is uot a extrioa, AL. lum may become Wikies ‘bas happened ‘foqucady tothe Daya heat aye tered almandin,almandite, See oacere sete ‘A "lamprophyre” consist. ing of Hei, aug, olivine, and nelte. Apatite,” perovite, ‘epheling and opague Oxides are ommon’ accesories, Sse LAM ap Topowraphc shoulder located igh on the side of a glaciated alias “OF, pertaining to, or like the “Alps ‘oF any lofty: moustain Rewrobling a” great ‘moutals range of southern Earope called the Ais. implies his elevation, Perhaps ithe. Late Tease and ontinning wot te present CY. sini Fmge, Since a. range possessing the peakeand sltemntion of ginerstione 1. The ‘orderly succesion of sexusi and Polat as a star. 2. The vertical Giuanco between point ‘and 8 2 arovoxomea, atu surface oF plane, such a ‘cam wa level, See avivion siemina Aluninum exide,” A= ammiygonive A. miserl, (LiNa)- ‘AIO. (ROW), ‘Teli. An ‘re of litom fouad ia’ peema: tes Used a8 gemstone, ambulacram "Area. or ray in echl- ‘poder tat marks e branch of the water vascular system and eenerally bears aumerous be fect, anetiys A purple or biuist-vo. Tet variety of quare, iOs Used tint eroup of olla relatod {o the ving chambered maui, ‘Tho sutures are’ complex and singular, whereas they ate aight fr smply curved im tho nautss nd isle, sammovold An inclusive term for CONTE, exBuTTESS, and. AM Montmis g Ammovoldea Order of cephalo- ody mostly colled, whose pts Moet the exteraal tell to form {oded retro fof the unit are now considered to be formations. anacvzen “4 GuPexsion. ‘Scope that recches the Hatt cr exouN cid exion Bolin sod exes oop” emda. alee fein In retvoeraphie micro. “tno ‘Clas of Sperme- ‘cope, the polaizng mechani sla er Peropeda, pam (Nol prism, Polarodhete) monly Be fecitioed Sees PMGh intenecis the Hight tier gu Basen lus pued throneh heobict sededae Bene hrtsoym for dip, salgavens Cooleliy Ee samnorphic tone "The. gone of andes Ge teien Tr esccn intaly widen wate, ot See Tockflowass, especialy eharsc- "pos en tee ae tom magus {stied"by sceczaion invie= boc ree nein Yanai “Ths animal Kington, ng ‘dectbonation, dehydration, Tho {aion "An fon tat beam a acEa snd dcorstion. See karinon: iy a The marion “tre core Pine zone Sempostion trom sboot ‘An ce nore Te srasimat gtictopie Having physical ‘uastomosing J. An ansstomosing ‘Ann seg, raid ean gn) fo smusieatng, properties ‘hat vary in, diferent Se eee ee re rections, specially in ental Stable, When exceeded, Svestions, special oe thereby producing a Porphyriti, the pheaoeyaic ple povemeat by sipping 8S in “characterise. of all com eile of beaded prearmace gone 57 woaly" or ‘cack las by war eosin may boo Ciuc exoept those 2, Notied: intervened; ald of than the groundmas plasiclese Syme ERICA, SLOPE Lelong 1 the Bometie sstet, ieaves marked “by "cross veins and in addon the: grosndmes: A Pinar PESOS ee maOMC forming ‘a network; sometimes may ‘contain small’ nouns | ZA common alten sitotopy Condon of having the vein branches meet only st icosrytalline or occa iat of lad slide ores. “tiflerent_ properties in diferent the mars fassc feldspar” and critabale, eat (Often analized ition example: the wat ot maiave ste. Am sof biotite, | ABSARBBIroM: abbreviated A. oF Soa atrata of _tranemtiog Qciabedrite. A mineral, Pyroxens, hornblende, or biotic, feclogaata TOK Tetrszona,” imorpbous ‘ith rutle aad brooke sons 1. A. hightemperstare ‘Betamorphe process by which atone rock f the deeper Tove fs of the crust is cisolved and Reperated as a magma. Ch. Sennen. 2. The complete mit. ine ‘of cal ros to form nile magma, ‘a5 opposed to Theomerphism or mobilization, which implies merely the. devel: ‘pment of suificent Hadid to per- fit toovemeat. Some incode oth process under the term seater, smatentes Metamorphic rocks, formed by the. proces of ane {exis They. show only faint schisioee structure and afe fa Ile composition ‘defined, bat it ters. 2. ‘swute A Koointeitke mineral runs along the cous of North Sigpoutmoveout or moveout ‘contnning” an ences of allen, und South Amer. the South ‘a. Paci thas not yet boca traced. ‘mconformy An uacoa- ‘mchored: done Suid dune sta: andouol A black ot dark brown “in wich the older stata Blyaical survey, such as" mage fete or gravttional, which is Sc eee he survey in general; speically, a ‘rca within which it peas that fccesful arling oF other search for” hydrocarbons or mineris may be conducted. "in “ses ‘Ste Soma etry fonymous wih structure ‘vor 55 'also wed for spurious or ‘explainable seismic events or for local “deviations ~ of potential fonctions "which can be concle- ‘vey "attdbuted to. a0 ‘unique fase. 2. The: departure of the Focal mean value of meteor Jogicalelemeat fromthe mean valve for the latude. 3. (Grav mhorogenle A. geological feature ‘that forms during «period of tectonic quiescence between oro. emi periods morte A mineral of the Plagiocase feldspar ‘group, Caaisios, ‘mvorthociaes Tretni alkali fld- far containing more sod than’ AbwOrw (ee PLioweras) hic invert to monoelii sym- ‘etry when heated and Teltver {o tice when cooled ‘morthoste "A"phuonie rock com ales, commonly referred 10.25 hard coal” and mised ia the United States, mosdy in eastern ‘Peoasyvania, although ia small ‘quantities in other sates. 3; Nom aslomerating anthracite. coal having 92% or “mong and Tey than 985% of ined catbon, (dey, aminerl-matteree) and 85 of Jess and” more than 2% of ” ANTISTRNSS MINERAL, 12 in eine in. Precam- late of the Sodbury aie [ MYPOTGis;PEIMEVAL-PIRERALL fmision, i's postvoa, i is ssid i¥rormesis to be pt emission. ‘That por. bight A bend or curve, a8 fa. @ Hon of adistion from a radio. ver or mountain chain; &. bond Active, source which ‘could be n'a const forming an open bay; Sironely defaced by a perpendio» also the bay ial ‘lar magnet eld. Diateral symmetry With the in- ‘Abbreviation for blion lec. aividual ‘pars arranged. symm ‘ote, ically aloag the vo Rot of 20 ig "Th ain by, cwon Senet tat he ce outcropping edges of ,WoMm cat et, Strat. When the observer travels Dllow “A wave epecally a great Me axes a ight anes to each flier sre proportional in length brxomaL sesreM “4 ‘rocoote ACIS rocooic sracies 45 species are icumseribed, the blofales J, Lateral variations in characterized. by their Wolo ‘unt uct fr Into the Diomial the Biologic aspect of a sal fSfstem of nomenclature Tt most graphic unit, 2. Assemblages of lologie meds Species whose ave « Lasn same snd that Lat animals or plane formed al the ‘ecomiton is besod on blogs fname, componed of to words ame time Under diferent 00 fatong, partial th wings the wneris me tod the wpe: dilbes ‘est or ability of indigo “ic mamas the binomial logencs 2. Formation by the {nterbrect Vinomlal stem System by which action of organisms. 2. The doo Biology The study of ‘organiams azo now by Srst's tine that all hfe bat been de- “ame” ince Benerio name and second a spe: ed" trom previously ving palsootology. ise or rival name: subapecis _orbanim Dlomass ‘Total mass of living oF ‘or yavitsn receive a thind mmo, blogentic lnwyOniogeay, The 9o- ‘snisns pet unit area or unt vel lochemlest “ators fo ‘chemical ‘called "law" of recapitlation? time, preferably the late, per wait Drocetbes of substances related Ontopeny’ recapituetesphylog- tie. {bo modal y the acy of ey blomé A. major climax comma- Tring erpanbins, Dlogenie Pertining to a, deport ‘aly composed of plants and an Dlochemfeal depostt A. precipi. resulting from the physiological ‘mals Equivalent to cima or for “ated Gepost realiing relly of actives of organixms, The Fock ‘ation A major ecolosic zone oF indies fro ‘vial aches of hs forse 'b cegatd a Bo region corresponding to a climatic an organiam, auch at bacteal zone of tes A major comma: ‘von ore and mcstoes, opochemiet eyeing The c7- ‘ty. of lant sod animale. Blocbemial Oxygen” Demand cing of chemical constituents Sociated with a sable caren. GOD) The amouat of oxygen through « iclogical sem. ‘Rental Ufo zone or region (ee, egaled by the Holopcal popu biogeography The stody af goo. ‘Northern Coniferous Fore. of tion ofa woler sample to oxiize "graphical discon of lana Great Pais). the organio matter in that water, and animals and the rea fOr lomechanleal” deposit A deposit ei wcully determined over thei distribution. "doe to the dott culation Stay period tnder standardid bloherm "A moundike of x= ff organic materia, asin the ce ‘canscribed mac built exclusively ass of limestones and coal fr mally by sdentary organises blomewies The application of other ty the fetmes of OER [Ems boundswone vee rook that bound by an organic frame work. Dltesial magnlication Tha con- ‘comation of certain. substances ‘oy 4 food chai A Yer important mechani concentrating pot 1s op ay meta ora Ddiologe facies 7. Particolar as ocston of organisms. 2. Pale fntolole aatare of sratioraph- stone dcipiae, seams 5 Rossa. or sediments sien 2. An integraied, ‘mutually bone ractoss 46 asjusted assemblage of organisms inhabiting a natural area. The a ‘semblage may or mey not be sll Sllelent and ie comidered to be In a stato of dynamic equilbrium. lol factors Foctore of boion- Teal aatre tach se availablity of food, competition Between tp2- cy” predator prey‘eatonahp, Sey, which, besides the purely Physical and chemical” factors Slo affect the. dstibution and sbundance of spec, lowe potendal 7, The maximum reproduction power or ably. ‘The inherent propery ef am of: fabited by a uniform community ‘acapiod tft environment. Dlortbation “The churning and ‘tring of a sediment by orga Dlorone 1. Biostratigaphic. unit "elusing all state deponited dur. ing the existence of « parctlar ind of Toss cf. rustzonc 2, Blostateraphic “walt” Kdonitod by tho actual occurence of 8 parclar ind of fel (aot reo- ‘Smmended). Sys saxon 20m 3 Originally proposed as w geo- logie time tit corresponding to Deaboye (Qbvolte). Syn D> for" form pel by the Me Ssippl River delta Dirseye nestone Very fine frail limestone ‘comaining ots or "tuber "of eryaaline alte birefringence The property of spliting beam of grdinary light {nto tro beam wich tame the crystal at dilereat, speeds Pow ‘essed by crystals belonging to any ‘rytllograpic system other than ‘Ge Lome, Wecultbomdtopomny Tope. plan ont ot whch Coates Bas and out of which cots ‘tem cot ike is bite nd whi opens an cay" oe atl Tipe Hecaon Miser “A plang: ori of mnt vib, A tine bicting_ te taele betwen tho oro pe aut atts tinal cyl eget (id brachioles and’ somo rine Diseaual Deverbiag an ors that Produces both es and 2. Natural soluoss in evaporite bosing which resebie saltwork Tiguors, espocialy in thal Mah ‘magnesium conten. Mitumeo ZA. several mame for ‘various slhd and. semiaclid Ihydrocarbons which ar sluble ctbon bislfide, whether gases, gas mobi igl "crue Tigucs, or mids. See none Oriiny, ‘ative mineral pitch, ‘a, oF asphalt The term fe gene tly applied to aay ofthe amma bie, vised, liguid, or slid Inydrocarbor_mistures soluble in arbon diclnde; often Used date siacgebiy wih docs Yielding bitumen, ‘or holding bitumen in compos! fon. "This erm isis Sommone erals 4 Welding olatle bite Binoos macer on heating (08, binuminous coal). See uate ‘The nearest approsct to sich 2 ody among natural substances 'S soot, though the sun is een onside asa Black body in Ieteorlopial studies of is rade sion. Diack dam A poisonous gas con- taining carbon monorie that fapet from coal in coal mines. Diack dlamond’ 7, Catbonado: ‘lack gem diamoad; dense Back Dpemacle tht takes ‘8 polish like etl. 2A synonyen of eoal iced colored fon: ‘arciy of sphere, ‘enreys toute. hare ee fous Taser and 2 Ughteslored freak oF powder. Cf. auaNon: Senabeaira. 2. Crode Mack oll ‘sed to Tubviatemlnw-car wheal, 3" Soft black, carbonaceous lay oF cart aaacated with coal ‘4a Dettysite, «Lind of ca layers of sate, A poor, bony col hack med "A "oma “formed ia Tagoons, sounds, or bays io ‘quence ia North America alo ‘which part ofthe orignal fstore Dlastoperphyrde A term applied othe textures of metamoyie rocks’ derived trom porpyrie Fock, and im which the porphy- ‘ue character fll romaine 8a {let focture, "vlled but not ‘bliterated ty’ subsequent eotye fallzaton. lastopsammite A elict_ frag ‘meat of sandstone contained in . sel conglomerate. bletching ay" Any day ins t- i a Bild poe Fy I ¢ : ifr ; & 5 : t # ave been derived. The sorting bot good Dvlomout ZA. genersl term for ‘various stucer,. cups of trong. shaped ul f tf ‘rom the depression, where te {ly recognizable, commonly ‘uded: See miowoUr DONT. 2. ‘Ateci mock wed by prospe= 5 gl i 2 a & & ‘posure of rong altered, felored ‘rock amocated, oF ‘hour to be, associated, with '& ‘mineral deposi 3. in deine & ‘Bell by ‘the rotary’method an ‘Unexpected volume of gas. under Dressure sometimes “blows” the ‘modades dling Suid from the Sate, thus puting end to die fing unl contllod. The flip ted in. standardocl ing wes the How of eas is suf ficient to interfere ‘operation, i i cA b i y i a E i Hs pine felt . iy a Higtas uns iB 7 Ate segky uF Eps a Ae HE f : : Se ppb ty Hohe sett Habe aig cal u in addin | Si and artes Mos in, depression, or valley having ‘0 outlet and whist, geoloseally ou 1. A mast of intrasve rock informe Se sce Shaped eminence, Seving sa cular ‘llipdeal,” or ireglar ‘sound lan end descending Ine {othe aris with verdeal_or Steely inline ea. Sym ar0ce {ila Foraminifera rouod and in a lake Bass a ood plain ottom. Toad” "Matera rolled, rushed, or bounced. along. the orton of a steam, Cf me Dottomet beds “The layer of finer material cared out nd do- pestied on the botiom of the sax SF a lake in front of a della, As 2 BovLDER naRnicane, ‘he deli grows forward they are ‘ovred bY We forest beck. Set FOREST HDS; rOP-orE Hens forests evel Stem hare Seem pre Booger rection onguer cor- redion. A comeedon made Bs Evy sey data he ae unt of te enton 6 ls ee fer th va herent Shon and some ee a, ‘sea level, sid Deabigete A miner PbS Monocis Doider Bomider 1. A term for Tame rounded ‘cele of sane Ine ‘on tbe surface of the ound, or smetines ended {nip sot trent ce eatton fom tbe rocks i ie Sica, end. whic have bees Uerefore tanzpoted fom Snot: 2.8 apt Of rook Sovak by mora mean fon ance "housh ia” soon Sf tassoraton fom 4 tance iE ov ives tn lr ap Toulders along 2 ‘shore ie ise ostvernlow ad bat Dowtder lag Till ‘dit, Boulder clay x an ume ewiied or lite scatiied and muon i -# iff a! é, E Ee i nox wou, bie ows acon se A se fof minerals, wherein eny cay formed” miner phave tends 10 eset withthe mel Inter the ‘Gifrentaio, fo yield a new Sbincralforter dows ia the Glse Thur carly formed cry fae line react tHe Ligue o form pyrotene ct fheve ia ten may further react ft su Tater guide 16 form Smphtoles. There are two die {erent series, continuons reac- ton sie, @:7 and a discontine ots rection sre, a ‘oad fla tp of an antline (or tho broad fat bottom of & sy line) x bordered iter de by seeoty dipping links, box work ‘Linonite and other ‘minerals which orginally formed fr blades or plate along cleat- feof fractur planes nd’ thea the Intrvening material dicolved Iaving the intrscting blaget ot pie asa astwork Usually fouad on to callings of caves. Brachlopoda A. phylum of ma- ine, shel prosned ecapiulted sequence Eis evolved oot and no longer ap rackghaliae—Polyhaline, See rscppinacold Sie pinscoid, A acai parle tothe vertical End the shorter laterals, Short broad om- ine. Dracibh J, Slshdy sy, 2, Term ‘pled 19 waters whos. saline fontoat 1 Srtermediate. between ‘ot of steams and sea Water) ‘ler fre nor sal, but ia Between. 5. Salty, generally ese ‘than sea ater, Naroudly de ‘ned ts lest than 30 to 15 parts per thoosand sli. radyaenest Retardation of dee ‘lopment of a g100p of orean Jima which muy proresavely Slit the rate so that certain Snaivideste in" some ‘oral of The characters may all more tnd more behind the normal ate st proses rages law” The umerleat rela: Wdontip amosa wavelensth ex Talspecing, and ieuston tie NA=24 sin chante, and Wiad to be braided. See oe roMosn Deh J A creck or brook, as ‘ised Tocily Sn. southern stat, ‘Alto used to designats ono of ‘he bifwentions of stream, #5, 4 fork "2 Sbcivson cf ‘rach fal Atay fat Smeal Alero 810s. Tetragonal, "commonly in browaishblack masse, BravaleTatce Fourteen unigasty ‘shmmetecal was in ‘which pola fai be aranaed i threonine Sonal array. breochedeneline An anticline “hat has boca more deeply eroded in the center. Consequenty, ero. Stoual sears face inward toward the center of the anticline breached cove “A. cndor cone ia wich Jare hot broke, toa ‘ides and cared ava the ‘broken materia, Dreaced infe Voleaie ree ve generally complete rt, ‘bat in ome Case he bewry lave fos nthe eratr unl ft Weleyt {n't geen that fe burs trove ‘ne wall of the ccter and flows fut Through the breach. Sach raters ‘ars known’ as breached Ireaderast Domb A. oleae Bomb with a checked and frackod exurlor ‘ruling 20m mea s the shrinkage of te skin upon ‘exploration wml ‘Abropt change i surface slope. breaker “A wave breaking on the hors over eet, ete Breakers tay be (rously)” classed into three. kinds although there ie ‘much overlapping. Spiling beak fs bred. gradualiy over Ute & ‘ore toad slong ful. rece, valeanle See vorcwne Dronder reactor A. uclear fost ‘Benerator that burs uraniam-238 oes SER proce copra nee ‘nt over and. bresk. wis a rash and surging breakers peak fp, bot then instead of sping (of pluselag they surge op the beach face breaker epi Breaking depth. "The slater depth atthe eink where th wave breaks. breaker helt Average eight of Treakiog wates from tough breaker terrace _ In sheial_ or rica lakes where water iat Soult a bank of bane ervels, characte tere develops, Composed of the hesvisst ones handled by the waves, The oat basa steep slope and tas no ade sistore of fae gravel Similar oem are ball of lighter gravels ‘ali Blue Ridge inthe fourhern Appalachians Ueda fal A cataract. of reat holeht and such soll vole ine that the fang water is ‘spate in'spray before reach- ing te lower stream bed. bridge 1."A ‘soludonal secant ‘ pan serosa of dlectial power “connected Soros al last two elements of ot ae le, aly ores by ie cel inten. nally, 72 To form bridge or ridged tobe Delght coal J, Ancheaxyion. The inl it ae ft ay il ‘ i i df nen fire low it eat ha Tati ‘ecompoxcs Upon dehydon es “fouls SPeorstir cue iar, fete to about 38.8% ie Pes red 26h, ee of youn mea {iis Resin tndTepacemcet Stone limoniy ‘miny' creson to Foes osu SyntAEOW HEMATINS Iipeaton’ i) prominent and. ines ay bo absent. Tho point Giga commony shows © 8 Heyy ar ea a Hl i dag it Be esa A afi ae a Hdl if ai fey eg a aus meena a oi Ten ee acl ile Py Eee i si a ul iil fui! "TRG aa ete ee E 4 5 Re pee ee ri get det dae ange ii se aaa bintilins Hans HALE cake Limestone composed ‘of calcareous sedient of it Calcipongia Class of sponses ‘ith tksletons composed of sep- trator foned calareous ee os Dey-Res. ele "A" mineral CaCO, hex- ‘gona, shombohedrl, rior. hows with” aragonite’ and va. Teste; oe of the mort common is between 10 tnd 30, and fhe pereentge. of dolomite bee weet 80 and 9, calles "A marble with « more or ess distinct schisosity due to the paralei ‘of platy crystals Of eat. See sae some clleaeni borates A fine ‘Balned. metamorphic rock ‘ich fo calosicate miserals. ‘aleallate marble tacble with ‘conspicuous calclom and/or mat ‘eal seat minerals cadesiner Stlactite. or ‘mide eerbonato of tine, Thi ‘called fom We German Kalk cy line nd ier Co doo), ‘tom’ ‘aldera A large asinshaped vole amie depression, more” or {Srelar or cirque inform, the Gdameter of which i many times (eater than hat of the iacleled ‘otcane Your vent, no matter ‘What the steepness of the wall {br form of the floor. Three ma: Jor ‘types: explosion, colape, ‘aldara complex, The divers rock ‘scomblage underlying t cxera, comprising ‘akes, sls, stocks fad vents brecias; craters of ftva; ‘talus beds of tal, cinder, snd asalomerste; fault aouge and fault Brecias; tats, fans fault excarpmen's cinder cones ‘andvother products lad dowa it a caldera ion roar A name ‘commonly sed for the. ‘caly Falcone eoformation Je Eee hick crested an-crogenic at, the Caledouide, ‘extending fom Ireland and Seotsnd northwest ‘which has broken sway fom s Target piece of on foe oF land ke flche J. tn Chile and Pern, i ‘pre native are of soda 2.°A Sever sll formed bythe nee sre fice" erytalization of calcite and/or eter seluble mierals by Upwarésmoring. sludons 3. Ia cauroRNere ot eu posed of ay, sand, and gravel Jn Mexico aad southwest US, sravel, sand, or desert debris femenied by porous calcium cae Sh areas cone See =e ee aera aeons eae ai eevee Ths Pesca es “As aril patrcouse SrA Save pamese party ied with ate 6 bo, erie exteasom EF Gneror) end of 2 esionod ccancnsxrre fell which carrot within ithe fmeters or the deawing-up of w= {er in small interstices, 26 those between the grain of a Yoek. fringe “A zone, in which the pressure is Tess than atmos: Dherle, overlying the zone of faturaton and coniining coi Iny'Intewtces some or all of whi are filled wide water that Eontinoous, withthe water ia i zon of saturation ba eld Shove that one by caplity bctingazainst previ capllary otentice “7. An opene level at which ix eld by hydro state pressure. 2. "An opening fF void sll enovsh to produce pprecialeeapiliary rs. capilary migration Movement of Tguid’ water produced. by the molecular atraction of the rock” ‘Bateril forthe water, ‘caP nock o Sion of soll water which i be by cohesion te a continsot fh found the parties and in the npillary spaces, ap rock I. A diskike plate ‘ll or part of the (0p of fe domes inthe cat Gir) TA ni employed in rehire monde aed eal to Jie toy pane Gos Be), A faraverat fs ooedoorh at Sa Tee uceedonal meee hrs (GME) of. 300 me har bes feat the rtadard in Orest Br hy Franc ‘Germany, Holla, srojed to aineish “he fevetayed to dt ne og rry als, ine pid becara pls Goi nie wanda B22 act fe, 1 contain 22 vars pol 1 op Fei and tavec Smee. tite A“compotnd ot carbon ri one oter mote pire So- fedimente icinde orginal organ- fawous. 2. Rocks’ formed at 3 hae of # magma that as rch oth ia soda and time, as ell ‘being ip Ighly carbonated Sondiion. 3, Mobilized or hydo- thermally edistouted sedinen- ty iene 4 Alor are fnibonate rocky ‘which appear fo have boon formed by reaction ff basis magma ‘with walls of iment and dolomite. carbon cycle One of the mineral cree, carbon dioxide (CO A colores, ‘ovorles, nonpoisonous ga tht ‘normal part ofthe ambent ai, Or is a product of fost fosl ‘combustion, and sone researchers Intve theorized. that euczos CO Falbes atmosphere temperatures, cathon Ie sotope father than North America also {he stem of rocks deposted dur Je that period ccbontsation 2, 1a the coai- eqnsoN ac0NoxIDE fication process, carbonization ffally“Tonger of the two. septa ‘which develop om te. single {kal septom of the eatly growth Saeed! oppate he manmade. 2. The science and ft of map construction, eaecade FA waerfal, wsoslly small waterfall especially ong (t's series of Small als, forte by ‘water in “its descent rocks 2. A srvity-collapae ‘which the surface of a porous Fock, especially sandsione Or tall S'coated by a cement, or desert 6s trons ef, sacl action cataclysm 7.” Any overeheiming ‘ood ot ‘water espetlly, the Nocehian deluge, 2. Any violent nd etensve subversion of the ‘rdiaary pesomena of mates fin extenave sauarapic cata {topbe, 3. Azy_Wolent flood or inundation that oversprends Goer tamcue ‘The term ls now Obclete but is found ia many early geological works. cxtagoneis“Evolutonary process resulting in ‘decadence and. de- reused igor. C) axa cataract VA waterfall, usually of “rest volume, a cascade In Which {her vertical fal has. been con- fanttted in one sheer atop oF ‘rerfiow. caimtropie 1. Geol: A sudden, “lent change in the physical 66 cave ean, i i uy ities fant rocks are lowered a ‘round coldron subsidence, the ‘ng fracture does ‘ot penetate the’ surlace, 2. The. process of forming a eaudron subsidence. ‘austeetamorphism aragonite ‘capable of taking “a igh polish. Syn: eave om cave pearl Smooth, rounded con- Peres tan hated oti ing which cy he snot ‘eeat block being removed, towed to cave or fay and it falling io broken suticenly 10 be handled: the overying strata Drenure duo i increase of Yeioe= Sy (Bemoull effet) at point ‘where presrure is inceated Sue to decrease of velociy. 2. Geo ‘The formation of 4 babe So by a charge. detonated” in concavity in cerity"Sottiona Tiestone caves, the outline of ‘whieh ie determined by a Toit ‘point also referred to as Por, common reflection i SDP stack_Abbreviation for com- ‘mon depth pot stack. cladonite A mineral of the mica oun RiMeow) FAD SIOw (Olh). Green, often occurring basalic socks extestte “A mineral, S*S0 Or Thortomble, “The principal ore ot sont, ctor J. Characterized by small SA ocy divided metal ob- {tained by prodpiation. CY. rom {tre of natural hydswaic coment, Contains imo, sia and alsin ‘ims on 2 point alagram, The ie ae tg fl of boting poiot of pare water at {© preset 60) mm. ot ets fury A centage Serco Sta Fehenber depres? cendpote "Unit for mesoring ‘scelg, which ithe tendency ot id to. roee change of form. “The ‘Senipoue 1/100 ote, "See “ot” wooo, tion mvi/p, Where m i che maa, ‘the velocity, and ifthe radios Secure a tpt of 8 ‘oving partite, front Newton's Second law of motion. This force & equal to 2 belancing com nent, Fring, ciled the ec fipetal force, “or scelraton, where the vector F the Tat of applied forces and ‘he angular motion in {nto namerous interior chambers, (Cephalopoda Most highly deve- ‘oped clam of mollusks thet swam member of the aragonite proup. Grbothombie. An ore of lead, commonly formed by tbe oxide fon of lend wale, ef rar contre) To, compare. "Used fa paleontology to indicate {ats specimen of specimens Be closely comparable 10. but Dot the stme at a named spe ‘Gr (Lar, conformalis] Used in Dileontlony by many authors to {atest thats epecimen is it but loo poorly preserved, Ke ty sceuratly. cis” Gavi fot per Second, a meas. ure of the smouat of wet Pose fog a given point habtte A mlnenl of the zeolite forthe survey of publ the United Site. Pe chain isthe csnivalent of 3013 m The same “rived. from Edmond Gunter’ ‘Gham which was a series of Uns Sonnected by ving. Advanage in ‘suring in chain hat 10 9a. eine ser. 2: Any Sries of fe= fined, itersomnested, or salar fatafal feeures, ty chain of mountains, sands, kes ciuin coral A coloalal coral found commonly in the Sieran; the name rele 10 dhe chailike ‘appearance of tbe upper surface ff the colony. chaining "The operation of meat ‘ring * datzce om the earth by means" of a tape, -commoniy ‘ied x chain Gun srmucrone 0 ‘cuaneL-1A0 EPosTT BAK ™ in tractre, See momicarns packed Tao avers — ‘Shulcminte ve wc Amm Bo ted age eft ae Tea ‘er CusossEO, Teenie {ec of union meres i te aketony” Grpiocrstaline lea than 40%, rnre and much che common Chander mabe, Movement. of iP"icroncopicaly ‘Shou The ‘threaré axe that completes" aerial of ae ‘Gels tn tou 28 = ‘salt ot secondary eochment et of water fows. 2. The part chaleoplile elements "Elements of s body of water deep enough ‘ogizable appearance of ma cvest fr refeton on ecards Which Serves identy itor permit is Corriaion-aftcn ihdefinble fd witht bans, charatetle radiation A. spec- ‘ram of definite wave leaathe of fectromugneic radiation charae- {ert of he stomic aniber of Ie emiling element charge Is ssnmle work, the &x- lose "combination employed fora shot deine by the quan) Tying “bed.” Froquendy contain and type of explosive wed. i gold or other valuble min- churmoctite 7. quartzofld- fla ‘spate gnc or anu. with Epstling texte shrink come Sidetaby, which may account for the sbsidence of certain ares. contraction hype Theory that comprossion ening folding snd thrastag ‘arena of Shrinking of the earth The erat ‘must decrease in se’ to aes0m- ‘modate felt tothe ‘shaking Intersr of the earth ccontralle “Long aaizow clouds ned by the distance of the Atmosphere "during passage of ih ying et controlled morile A mossc fied ta comely nto ‘aphing the component vers Phowgeapha” to compensite for fale 'varition resling from fit and’ for vaistions in fight alse control stailon A poit on the ‘round whowe postion (borin {eh vectcal) if sed ot a base for a éependent survey. Geol? ‘iy sarveyed point (ele thot, Conerida Group of foursided ‘mare of lat eitinots foun of Slongated pyrsmidal form with Staite folds ‘closing the, I ferminal opening; of wncertaia 2oolotc afte onnlarid A roup of extinct me ‘ue animals that had. ehinous, Pyramidal, of fattened cone Sith Sarkadqundaterl Symmetry Generally considred stgrdate "son ofthe term convection ie nando senly Sith o both. 2. A supposed Saxe Imovement of subcrastal or mane material ether laterally, ori = ‘ward: of downward -iroted cone fection cell mainly as result of Yate, which denotes a dow ream movement of weter om the Take’ botton and. an upstream movement of watat at the sar. fee. In elrtion phesomens, the decreasing “of tho stance betwoen ‘orthogonals in the a rection” ot wave. rie. ‘This notes am yen of increatng wave height and enerey concen ation. 4. In 3indsctp phenom: cena the increase im sup ob- Setved over that which would Ge i ' ‘ E gp equivalent restnmlar ‘the new wave form, oon "A somally Tiga orgs, ued for cooling any at ofa recto ja hich Beat Benersted, Inclading the core, the Fellctor, shield, and other’ ele ‘ents thal ray be hecied by ab- ‘quanites. Casually ro-dimen- Sonal) which devenate the post ‘Gon ‘Walch a Point occupies in 2 ven reference plane or apsem- coordination mamiber The n- ‘ee of atoms io or ‘molecules that canbe dicey Muched to's cental som. Geol Refece most commonly t0 the rnumber of orygen toms. dat (at sound a central ton. copper "A mise, native eopner, romeire A minor bo formed Inportan oe of the metal. ‘Melanie, sername “Chalice, Ob ing type6 of red. algae. Sym: cout Nuuiarenss. 3, Applied to Bayo- 21 belore thelr roe nature was discovered. "Syn! zoornvns; orate Z. Skeleton of an in. ‘Sividual oral animal. 2, Skele- fon of an individual coral ia a hog conila The ealerows exo: Melson of an inddeal of compound orl coral mad nd sand_ Depots Tormed aroma corti and fang ordered ty cont ict, Spar “sbotin oem cena 1. Are formed ty he elo which speate ernst Wr hit ena ln om te mers fe calcium “and magnesium. The fora themselves may make ap Jose than onebale of reel yet fis axbtnoe and “incesce’ de. ends on the succenful growth of thew. snimels inspite of ‘constant battle with the aut 3, ‘A coral reef ia ripe or matt of limesione, the upper surface of ‘which Ls, or 1 at the Sino of Jes formation, neat the level of the fea, and ie predominanly com Posed ‘of cletum enrbonate se= reed ‘by organisms of which {hemos important" we. corals, rhe modern dein iahudes {the idea that the depos mast be firm enough 10 east erosion by waves, that the Skeleton of the orale) forma waveresitant coral rock Reef Umestone fers ‘om the majorigy of feagmental and organie deposit inthe fet cordlerte A mineral, (MeFe)® “AissOn. Ordornombie A coer fon ‘poe of amor fore. 1. Central part of the eacth ‘esonag at dant of about 220 ken, robahy contig of ® hollow object. 4. The heat of Iuclear resctor where energy reload. eet ore barrel A hollow eyes at- tached to a specially desened it and wed fo ebtain and preserve 4 continuous’ secion of sore of the rks penetrated Ia dling, ore deilig Dang ith hole ow bit and core barrel in oder ‘0 obtain a rock core come tet ok died witha ore dil, usually forthe pur= pose of securing” geologial” tn. formation, and" sotmetines with ths puro of vesting oe Corolle foes The appereat foros oted of large hormblende cry for at the contact between flo with poiklcally included corrosion Mort commoniy line crystals corondoli A rock cooing of oranda and iron exidox See corandum A miner, | ALO, Tisagonal. Sapphire and “raby resem varie cosmic "dest Fise pares of oroic ‘or meteoric On, OF {be reoaina of mall, metories trhich have been decompoted (on psig though thea scm” fatinton Vay hah ‘ocuty substomi partle which Srinnae i outer space and’ con Sephe. Pamary coamie n Se afomic oul which are a= Imost completely absorbed in he oper atmosphere, Secondary Stomic rae are these which reach ‘Be earth's surface, but have Je fermen "e.pimace ‘Gono raga ar 8 par of he tal backurousd radiation, conmochemibty Study ofthe di ‘eibotionof clement in tho wake fous geographic provinces. eospeciie. Conspesitc, fotean TF] A sal il oF fil ‘ck, In tho northern. part of the United” Stas Hewat nenraly appli by eanly French traveler {o'a range of his or £0 an er Serpect forming te dar of 2 plates coterie wrfuce A curved surface ins quateraury stom, repro: tng he ionecton "ot io primary’ phase ‘volues, “one oF Som of whieh are solid solution series It's the Biraraat equiv Feat of tho unariant.cotectc line i terary ystems cobgpe Used sometimes as ‘eguinent| to syne, ge 2 ‘Used sometimes ne euivlent paratype, Not recommended for” age" ia ler ene 3. Corypes ae plants thal were in a ifsentcllecton rom tht ropes coulee Fr} 1. A, short, bocky, Sterraided. tara to, ener of Base sdyolle. of ebaidan, ‘suing from the Bask of av ‘ani dome or from the samt ‘rater of a volcano. 2."Tis term foie" “peneratly appt fhrouhout the northern Her of sins to. any. stepaiged gulch fr water chanpel anda fies ‘hea to a steam valley of com Siderable™ length, VA” solid Sireu or bec of lve. cule lake ake fored when lava flow acts ah a dan arose tome stream vay soubor A deep pores: »_suly on a moustamide, pecially a the Swis Alba outomb. atiracton Attraction ‘con ome of opposite sect coun rok. A. nr term ap lied 19 the Tock sr Sn penetaied By mineral Yat in s wider sens apiied to the Yooks invaded by and surround core fA small bay or open Thator, i is also populsty ape plied fo smal aves of plsin or Walley that exiend Sno moun: tains or plateaus. In Neve Mexico ‘and Artz the roentran it tho borden of mesas and ple ‘caus ‘are iso called eincons (Sp fn inner corer), 2. Pracptousy ‘alled, ergusike opening at the Fae small step valley pro- iced by erosion of sale below ‘thick musive sandstone. cavelte A misery CoS, of ‘ndio-tiue color. Hexagonal. A cones ‘econdry mir a {cover material Soi tha is used to ‘cover eompucted sold waste in a Seniary lanl, cracking "Proce of breaking dowels ‘molecules, Partclstly “hydrocarbon, 1 Droducesaler simpler one proxcting point fof rock. 3. detached fraghsest of rock, A. seeming ope omeraly of conrte ‘San 2 Valea orice Fe oo ees Biel Gres cepa apt Aa inperepy slo, oe a eae Sot Seneca Soe re moe ceuusuane srmenert 102 stage cin be traced berneen a continuous linestone-band and oe the resale Sm Wh tas een roken pat cl fino small rounded fragments, so Was generally suitable for grown meteorites of stro 2 tb preset preisly the ap: Of continental glaciers lbars may have been lean (erase) A early circlat tea of starved srata which usa plate One of the sis mar Blocks ite which the lithospere Gilded, aecording tothe Scheme of ‘labal tectonics. 1 is ‘bout 100 kim. thick crurlicadon Those deposits of ‘minerls and ore that so in Posied from soln, ‘bate. sooghly clcalar structure cryopenie lke. Lake ia a resion formed by tat middeo, explosive ‘of perimneny fromm ground —telease of energy and’ exiting produced by local thawing. Intense, “offen Toealzed rock etreamie prod Tafrmal_ de dfration wih va i Tanston fer a time interval ie tion tg olsanie or tctone acu physteal properties cyst lass One of the 32 poss ‘le combinations of ental Sia metry operations, all of which five one pot fa common. Often ‘ferred 10 a8 “point group =m eur.” ryt foto Petrol: Tho act for proves of floating, of ight oystls in & body of magma Contested with erstal sting copsal fraedontion Magtic ‘ierentiation resking trom the Setting out ‘of eps fom a melt cstal gilding Translation lid- ‘he. cryeial lace ‘The reglar and Tepestedthree-damessional ar {aneement of atoms oF loos in senrtal ‘eqtalne Of of pertaining 10 ‘he nature of & exsta, having gular molecular stucioe. Coo teased wit crystalline rock. Rock conse ‘Be of incre in am obviosly cryutline sate, 2AM fnexact top of igh. from a oiagma Ite stage aqpeous fii. 2 saci. crevice I. A thallow fissure in t i I L f ctiieal ange Angie of ineidenss, ‘peasured from the perpendicular fb the cacontnaty, at Which the Fetzacied ray mateo a0 angle of Sos, tous fos grazing the surface ronan oplce to opt, couse, and bstace at ered] temper tre and under ii erical pres ela mast Tho minimum mount of a fasionable material ck ax uranium235 or lar fonkume233, that is required to ‘stain son fo a ucla rector For sPu the critcal ts fhoat $Hiograms. ital materiale "Those soaerate Vital to the netonal defense, the Inala ‘source of mich i within {he continental “mits cf the ‘Voined States, which may not be produced in quality and auantiy Sule 1g mbeet requirements ‘eieal point 7. The. point et Thich the propeies of » guid fed iu vapor become fndistin- shale, 2. That point on the Srface of the earth where the {eave tes of two waves having ‘SMorent spparest surace velo cclealprewere ‘The presse re. red Wo condense a gat the ‘lea temperature, above which, ‘Saanot be Hgnefed. tilieal lope "Angle of repose. ‘teal "temperature That ten erste shove "which sub: ance can exist only in the an ‘coum sate, no. mater het pes free crered ical “velocity: That rate of “Bow, in pipe, at which faminar fr streamfie changes to. trbu Jone fw. In the fate, parties move ia mous aed rae crocdolie “A sodium-contsinng ‘rarety of emphiboe. Be aster crocalte A. mlseral, P6CHOs ‘range: Monoclinic Groban "The youngest of thee “poche of the Cambriat Period crvstixiizanion 104 ‘cunic racine ‘ecifialy, when referring to a {Bren mira, tbe range or rages ff tenperaates over which tht Pcticular phase isin aqiibtam ‘wih quid: the caso of eae Moria long’ reaction line or reaction surfaces, crystallization Intervals 28 ths defined ncinge (emperature ranges where cert solid phases are setualy docras> ‘ng ia amoust with decrease fo temperature erysllzdon ‘calla noclelSnall_par- ‘les of any Kind around which sce crystals begin to form Whe ‘Substance freee, crytalaton ‘rpsial oles The science which eats of the. trenemiston of light in ryt, cial eimeinion Seng of a agus magma, ‘tal seding "See WocuraTION yt settling “Gravitatne. sine ing of crystals from the iswid fn which they formed, by virtue of thir greater densi cyst sractare The periodic or ‘epeating arrangemeat of toms ina cryal, cesta ystems One ofthe sx ub- cihedra of the common pheno. pts of Tava, and may be ‘Sheutbed in an eavelope of flame 220 indurated depo of ve Of niu coal Sige ‘exble cleavage “Ape of isomet- ‘le psa cleavage having elev ‘gs Ploes parle 9 the faces of enbe; eg, eens. ‘ible ‘packing ‘The, three-dimen- onal” arrangement | of equal ‘pers in wih the centers of a= Scent ‘spheres occupy the corners Of a cibe, Ths. arfangement i referred 10.8 ‘whereas acces: Bodysenteredcunic of ddtonsl spheres rs o0cupy the sromet- ters of each Cube face, oF isometric sytem, [Sp] 1. Used in the Valued States for ‘plain which i ere fo one side by sep fends abruptly in a rock wall His blocked ty ‘cave fil” ot ciprows Of, pertaining, 1, or containing” copper. Eapecially compounds io which copper Guhl hoes ony toy. temperature and” salinity Eiteresces current, coustal See cousrat con- current base Maximum depth “a standing water below which | Pier ome 105 saten of te cect i ai ‘Sort duration. AN ters m0 usr. 2:In-conodoats the large ‘main deatite which i ordinary above the aboral attachment sear fr cbicheon, sometimes. called the terior fag or main usp, coli ad Wi ‘somewhat ‘abroptly and. sharply ‘concavely ‘constricted into an longated sharply pointed Up. cutan A concentation of par= ‘ict soil coastuent slong nats ral parting surfaces witha the ‘oll opment of te manos tic ‘meat of "the ‘ Ica tn on ame Secompanied by ceposton on the oli 2A. secre fe Sling fom the. removal ots Small porton sta bad or lamina Por © deposition ofan rer Ine bed oraminn tba The concave wall of « ‘meandering ream thas ona : a i & 3 i a8 I hee | = i a wage file 1 livelaat i ser and wearing owe, ‘constitute w cycle of dee ‘rom. bate level back feel Ci. cree oF of of development has passes. 108 et if IRS arege sya ae eee 1 nee i ills i sfullna ai le He al i i i i Tea il ‘Givioals through ‘natoralscleo= ee Hie He tl an ng tctween succes dak ray slvr See rresnoresrs lanes n'a crystal Darvon Dectsine that orealc “The ist of Js obtained evolution resulted Trom vastaan ‘methods i characer- snd he sisction of favored. i= each, stance ands ‘used for miverl deat tom, Ie nf fisd 08]7°a22 al bi aul Ba i be] Hu latill eed ia pel of a ig ad ef i i bl : decay and aaa of rok, d below. Ie is amoeiated with ‘and with overtnrustng, is etely ¢desripive term. ppg og fngonis Tater ad: Gs aid in Freyeling autients, comporiton “Heduction of the tet -eneray level and change in Shemical componiion of orgaale fates because of the aclons of Serobic or ansarobie mlctoor sensi. aeconvolndon Any number of athematcal proceser designed {o restore a wave. shape 10. tbe form it had before i undecwent 8 couveluen. A popular data Drocesing technigte appli. to elamisrelletion dats fr the p= pose of Improving the. vistiy fod ceolition of teleced eves ‘Tho. bresingup, taually violent and with a crack: Iing noise, of mineral substances ‘when ‘exposed 10 heat, ns Whee Sammon alt is thrown upon fhe fre, fore is most noieeble fo rocks composed. dominsatly of miner sis with a columnar habe dfolomitzntion The destraction ‘of dolomite to form calcie and Devils, he “later” usally Eydrting to form brocit os bracts marble oF "predazite, Prenamably this takes" plsco by Contact metamorphism st rather {ow presure.Dedalomite so (cu in ustetamorpbosed car ‘one terse where cally prevented by alse limestones er bownded areas” win the Giomar Challenge, : scopes pats A bond and simone formed ‘ony evel area. forming by fat : ofa shor ether fe peste pat of he Soa or a ake. which Foor, ts depts “wares “om ‘redaion of the stout 200 f9 5000 fathoms, bet ‘ fame del (<0r islones are always very pent dnt which f tangata] epataterace "A troche fea. 7 Ion interned by sm ora ‘on, am acosion of amon fem, or the sbstiation of an wet Pecedieme lation The removal of mate “ia fom a beach or ofber and ftaton bas Topcpaphic be ation asia Toporrephic bee Sin reriing from wied chains detection 1. Ove tpe of patera ‘shown "by ups at bona dendtie. 1. A branching gure ‘esembling a shrub or ie pro- iced om or in. mineral or ook by the exystilization of a foreign’ miser ialy an onde enude "To wear away oF remors oa. ‘verlying mater from under cade delage “bate ‘The lying roc exposing them 0 ‘ie tine section plotted tp repre Senta geolops eros section, See ream tall ngs rinorote poison S's es ‘mat ‘oriopanhe pees of ins endrochrosology Study and Sn at eastwet wis of tleronee ‘matching of ie sings with the ‘The departure (dep) of a object ‘oe dating events in the set he difeence. of the cent past meridian dstnces or Tongs dense if. 2. Having fs pars of the ends of ibs Ine Ke Mased or “crowded. nutes; ast or pose, and. someincy close; compact 7 Petrol A tox: called the eating fora tne {url term npled 0 fo-prsind, whose ezimuth of beetag ie aphacite’ rocks Is Which the We ortbemt or souicag quad iain sae generally average less fant) fs Wet of moat and haa 005 04 mm. ‘Steines called the west. for entlog ‘Record of the varying lice whove asia or benny eoaig of socks pevetried ine In th southwest or nondiwe sgnadcat, ensty” J. The mass or quantity of depeuperate fuana_A fauna that A substance in grams per cubic le uxvally charcteded by only Geatimeter 2."The qusbty of belng small forse Pars | dense, clos or compset.3.'The of depaupersie faunas may com anti of cletsciy per unit of St of wut forme ef aorta spe ‘oltos at tint ofthe Gy bat mest ee to be ae ‘Suantiy- of doetiety por Species, or the reserved. innet area ata pola on a orf in pars of late pecs CF Drees tn ecololel sense density bi Pawan Pee ally subdivided into two cate. deperptsion Tho actor proces Fest (a) crade desi nam “of thawing permaseally owes tor of biomass er unit of tors Sround’ stenand (@)mecite demig-—ihe dfplamation A term that in fot shaped by destre- the mow a5 ia geology. a changes dis 10 bs been Tormed ty alteration. Syn: dutere tects fore Ip some tisht “fects whic havo taken place Teds in the contr of diet coutauaton of the magma fo tguecrnd that only ofthe rock tcl emma of te bed re- deuterlum J. Aa. isotope of y= center of thofolé. “drogen, 17, containing one net- “Ao. electric Tox of a gon and one proton ints mclens, ‘wih'a sealo expanded The hydrogen in “heavy watt.” 2 = ‘the conventional 1 inch _A proposed fuel for fusion. vi fot of dept made in deveopment 1. Geol Apis to mee Poritay mee ceary “tow pronase changes a fou ee: Mwhatons mm the for gonorn nd spies that have fle oe enstted by thofole” Swed one anor cuine te dop- fd erect ime wor, Sask aes mie gpm a nee ae fo open eer cru cf gees orice: ip re Dot Sing Salis 10, obtain Information and ving vl ee Ls dogg! a development well’ A well drilled Lee iative miineralogy That within the known or proved pro~ age ia nents formed by the fresmeato ‘Of mineralogy which uctive erce of am oil fil, with granitic fin, erosion, wed tranporation ‘oe daemon othe erection of otaing ol or = ins of uuderacked ato compositon, and as fom format Wise bose (Gecetomeracs) yet ot ion of minerals tall or formations in tbat fld. Ch. 2 4 sediment, ‘means available, as physi- EXPLORATORY WELL Bod fax, two of hot aray. development work Work, under a at fd the crtalopraphic and taken to open up ore bodies a olin pal properis, Ginguated trom he work ot mate Tine, loves, gy. seta! ore extacon, Sometnes ‘of minerals oseurring in evelopment” work is dlstae ry rock which ‘were pushed from exploratory work sd from. preextiog iane- on the one hand and from store sedimentary, or metamorphic preparation onthe ater. deviation Applied 10 the vertizat con Pome Sere eee 22 oma pene Pera etry merit? coerce Fo ote ear a Exoulseic orton [mramegeniersd Senn ciel So ere naa ich material 3. Any 820 par= The by Sea tome ce oe OO, ee eta oa Gee carmriecimne | apes Sacer dee pecan ae ara pat Soe Se Camb.-Rec, oa “Ol, and as a direct consequence order of ase of the periods d carbonado (ack die Back or drkcnieed Rk uy ding with bortaype: de Permsiting the Tight eh aust, xi of Son Ae ste tees Mats mchie com Damion of che, wich = 3 lopods with or without intern ante meet BURY Seles oa, ‘A. mineral, AIO(OR). ee yumomome ieee ont ot dco Se fas not been "contoured; Tine= tions aes, or poles of planet arc lee ie ie arting parallel 10 the front paca a 2001. Alaiye Separation ot collie trom oman fae solution, 2 permiting som to Gite" thrcugh a Membrane ace, iferendal erodlon The more api evsion of one portion of ce Which is" impervoug to "the [ ts compared omeme tole! ladocty, | Replacement or re- dlamayncte"Petaining 10. sub- shy or aemyat be Gane teva 2 fray Jie cmal atic by another.” ew tan that 2 aceon Teta ‘Genial"chagss in sopold by'a anes eco Sa oo ‘a manic Sos, 3, fediment afer “deposition that metalic Bamath, ant waniotse fomerts Kt consolidated rock} fora Kecides compaction, ccneats? damood. A miner tbe clement tio, Repptaliaon, sad per: “carom, the "harden mbeacs haps replacemest asin the "Sos own’ emate Uaed velopment of doloate sd dts ia cig ol are ot etal on ll de of & ouy and hence produce distor. Tn contrast to hydrostatic Dorenerut manson 120 tion of the material remains a8 fence ia preture Becween the fo. Ses of an orifice; the dilerence between fesrvolr and sd face presure; between prosure atthe Bottom of swell and at. the vwllhesdbetwaen flowing pees ‘tre atthe wellbead and that in {he gathering lie. Any alference Fock ‘became of masmatio erentidon of an orginally s magia into two ‘or more tions 5 eravitatlonal Dif. ereatation acomplited throvgh ‘the exstence of 4 pravitonad field, ‘ay by sinking ‘of a heavy Phase (igus or eral), oF he sing of light phase (iguld, fe, and ike, walls ro con a voleane regions. daivmare Peave, 2, Poston of vrganie matter” Dr 1. The expansion of ice fstion of sewage sludge tes fquarued_ or ext in accordance Sor rege Ginensions och One othe to forms aunt toma fa de ame we Sevan male and female, me ia nd salroapers sone. PMc: “ erysalirton ~ a uf LE Hl sae I itn nile! Hid ‘unequal ditess, 2. Refers to cell frnised with {v0 tes of chromosome, flip mete In Yolesaie and earthe the lip eared ibedp others Aoyama ip tip ‘The component of the slip parallel with the fault dip for it projection on a tne in the fault gurface perpendcalar to the fault see, show the strike and dip of some planar feature, such ee bedding, folistios, ont 6, taro ‘The. component of eral with course of tho ole is panned before driting. Such ‘hoes are ‘oualy drilled wih Toary equip. ‘practically in the “ormaton by rupture rather lscontngous permafrost rome 7. ee ae See Se oe ae oa aes es ie UR Poors mram the chine es er ned ee le area ag Sas come ‘lly where alterations of asic DIsmARMONIC RELATIONS 124 DISPLACEMENT: fd rigid beds occur, 2. A fold that change n form with dept Telalons Devistoa, ‘omg bes or lanes au faclnations var. tnintepatdon “I-A. term oftn ‘ppled to tbe ‘natural mechani al breaking down of a rook on ‘wentherng. 2. That stage in he Scompostion of vesetable and ‘lal subataees "which takes Dace in ‘the preence of oxyeea land moisture nnd which maybe Reperded as 2 low comburGon ff organic subaisnee,Tesving 20 fo carton compounds and pro- icing ony volte substances, Semel con Gone an wate. orucnon. 3. Tie Weakng im of rst fn a Praciopod. Aijoncive fold A fold ie which ‘the mare elle sista have frac: Decting: Patera of distrivtion’ ‘Of metal content of sol, 0c hse Solid atc ia he form of colloid supended in fis tterrd to a8 tho disper Son medion, Aipersion 1. Opt, minerals ‘Tha ‘opts! constants for diferent art of the spectrum, The indies St retraction of & sbetance vary ‘wih the wavelength of te trans Iited light in crystals of low sm ‘Bet (Swnoclaie and ini), ‘The. principal -opdeal directions ‘iia the cota vary with the drove length of Hight. 2, Seto Distortion in the shape of a sel tic wave train because of th Yacaton. of Yelosiy wih. fre: ageeney. Most prominent in sur fice waves ae presence of seat surface telocty” layering. See Puse vmoeny, 3 Biol The process wherety_organims toy wider sd wider goosraptie ares through tie. spersion halo “A 2008 or region ‘surrounding «mineral deposit i ‘which the metal concentration Intermediate betneen that of the Mineral deposit ‘and that of the {ominralized, county rock Aicphotie roae’ The dnl Ui 2006 ‘in bodies of water where there insufeent ght for photos hi oplacement J. The word “ee Placement” should’ eoete no) {echnical meaning, bot re ferred for eneral ose: i may. fe applied fo telatve move™ feat of the fo aides of the fff, measured in any’ dream, hen that_ diction te specified: for insttace the digplacement of ‘vtratum along a dnt ima mine Trould be the dtance, between Se two sections of te rte ‘measured alone’ the dei The ‘ford “dislocaton” will ls be ‘Bost wseful in a general sense 2° Chem A rnction in which DISPLACEMENT PLANE, 15 [DISTORTION WavES fronon ia deswoyng the com haition 2. The process of {inuiy of a reletely even sur decomposiion wherehy the ore face by cating ravines of valleys nal chitnows material of certain into Fone at Tet i leap, om diweminated ore A scattered dis- pen, and hydrogen, snd is now ‘riputon of genertllyGne-rained presented by a fim of car fre minerals throgghout A rock — Bonscoous There Soyo vein. ‘oval gf pares from emis dmaotation. ‘The breakdown of «by boing ‘condensed ssiaancy ister ober, ws Wack i a, GxcOrrce0'-COs by “heal, oc water; the pollatan NachNer+Cr by tolution in Concentrated residue, 3, The waz, cockation constant Tho equity water whoreby the saline water Hom comstat for a descaiion vaporized. and then condemied. Feectiony the product of seivides Distillation is generally done in {Gor lees eccurtey, of concentre’ several stages 0 thst the heat [Geo ot the products of dis) felewed during condeosation of fociaton divided by she acyity the steam can be utized to Yapo {er concentration) ofthe orginal i= more ea water ‘Sibetace, storton ‘waver Equivolumnee

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