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Calculus Optimization Worksheet, 1. The sum of two numbers is 6. The sum of their squares is a minimum.

What are the two numbers?


The product of two positive numbers is 16. Their sum is a minimum. What are the two numbers?


The sum of a positive number and 4 times the square of its reciprocal is a minimum. What is the number?


A rectan ular piece of land borders a wall. The land is to be enclosed and divided b! 2"" feet of fencin # as shown below. $%o fence is alon the wall&. What is the lar est area that can be enclosed?


An open rectan ular bo( has a square base and a volume of '"" cubic cm. What dimensions minimi)e the amount of cardboard needed to ma*e the bo(?


A rectan le with hori)ontal and vertical sides has one verte( at the ori in# one on the positive x+a(is# one on the positive y+a(is# and one on the line 2 x + y =1"" . What is the ma(imum possible area of this rectan le? A ri ht trian le with h!potenuse of ' 3 inches is revolved about one of its le s to enerate a cone. What is volume of the cone of the reatest possible volume?



The sum of two numbers is 1". The sum of their cubes is a minimum. What are the two numbers?


A rectan le with perimeter of 36 cm is revolved about one of its sides to form a c!linder. What is the ma(imum possible volume that could be enerated?

1". A c!linder is inscribed in a sphere with radius 3 cm. What is the volume of the c!linder with the reatest possible volume?

11. An open rectan ular bo( is formed b! cuttin con ruent squares from the corners of a piece of cardboard and foldin the sides up. /f the ori inal piece of cardboard was 24 cm b! 4' cm# what are the dimensions of the bo( with ma(imum volume?

12. A poster is to contain '" square centimeters of print. The top an bottom mar ins are 4 cm each# and the left and ri ht mar ins are 2 cm each. What dimensions minimi)e the area of the poster?

13. A rectan ular piece of land has an area of 2"" square meters# and is enclosed b! fencin on 3 sides. $The fourth side is alon a river&. What dimensions minimi)e the amount of fence needed?

AP Calculus Optimization Worksheet Answers0 1. 2. 3. 4. '. 6. ,. -. .. 1". 11. 12. 13. 1" feet b! 2" feet 3# and 3 4# and 4 2 2'"" square feet 1" cm# b! 1" cm# b! ' cm 12'" square units
2'" cubic inches 3

'# and '

-64 cubic cm
12 3

cubic cm

3' cm# b! 14 cm# b! ' cm

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