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Learning Showcase

Name ____________________________________________ Hour _______________ Driving Question: How can I express who I am to others in Spanish? Goal: Create an engaging display of your answers to the conversation questions. Method: Your choice! Ideas video interview, skit, interactive google presentation, cartoon, comic (toondoo/bitstrips/makebeliefscomix/glogster), prezi, etc. Sea creativo! Guidelines: It is up to you to creatively share your own answers to the conversation questions. However, you may use up to 2 additional people as extras if needed. Specifics: Include at least 30 of the 40 conversation questions/answers we have learned. Check out the rubric for details on comprehensibility, accuracy, and fluency. Timeline: o o o o o Monday, April 21, Tuesday, April 22, and Wednesday, April 23: Work days Thursday, April 24: Peer edit day Monday, April 28: In class check of initials: Show off your work to someone at home 18 or older and get their initials here: ________________ Tuesday, April 29: Final electronic submission date (Save your work to your google drive and then share it with Wednesday, April 30: Learning Showcase = Show off your work and do a live (shortened) conversation time with a friend

Mal (1) Content: How many questions/answers did I include? Comprehensibility: How many questions/answers are understandable? Accuracy: How many questions or answers (of 60) had errors? Fluency: How naturally does the conversation flow? Score: Total Percent Less than 20 Ms o menos (2) 20 - 24 Bien (3) 25 - 29 Excelente! (4) 30 - 40

Less than 75%

75% - 84%

85% - 94%

95% or more

More than 30

21 - 30 Conversation is somewhat choppy. 7


11 - 20 Conversation is relatively smooth. 10


10 or less

Conversation is hard to follow. 4


Conversation flows naturally. 14











Conversation Questions 1. Greet someone 2. Ask for someones name 3. Ask how someone doing 4. Ask where someone is from 5. Ask who someone is 6. Introduce someone (ste es / sta es) 7. Tell how you know someone 8. Ask for the date 9. Ask for the time 10. Ask for someones telephone number 11. Ask when someones birthday is 12. Ask how someone spells their name 13. Ask for someones email address 14. Ask what someone is like physical and personality characteristics 15. Ask what someone likes 16. Ask why they like it 17. Ask if someone likes a specific thing 18. Ask which item they like more 19. Ask what a specific item is like 20. Ask who likes a certain thing 21. Ask what someone likes to do 22. Ask why they like to do that activity 23. Ask what someone wants to do today 24. Ask what someone does on the weekends 25. Ask what someone does when the weather is good/bad 26. Ask how often someone does something or goes somewhere 27. Ask what the weather is like 28. Ask someone if they have something 29. Ask someone how many of something they have 30. Ask someone if they need something 31. Ask what someones favorite subject is 32. Ask what classes someone has in the morning 33. Ask what classes someone has after lunch 34. Ask what a certain class is like 35. Ask if someone is going to go to a certain place 36. Ask what someone is going to do on a certain day or at a certain time 37. Ask what time someone is going to get to a certain place 38. Invite someone to participate in an activity with you 39. Accept or decline an invitation to participate in an activity 40. Say a phrase to indicate you are leaving (goodbye, see you later, etc.)

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