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Tayler Green ENG 1103-003 Ms.

Caruso 18 January 2014 Literacy Memoir Critical Self-Assessment In my literacy memoir, I hope to have taken a fairly genuine tone because I honestly do care about literacy skills. However, as with anything in first person writing, I always feel as if my writing is a bit more proper and that because of this, my tone may come across more snobbish or negatively. I am not sure what other kind of tone I could have taken because the experiences stand for what they are and how the influenced my literacy. I suppose that since my attitude towards this assignment had been that it was a waste of time, I probably would not have included any experiences or positive thoughts towards the subject. However, if my tone had been any different, it would not have been genuine. I approached this assignment somewhat hesitantly for two reasons: I dislike writing academic papers in first person, and I thought the paper would end up in some form of peer revision. Because my classmates do not know me and would use judgment based on whatever I wrote, it was difficult to balance not trying to write like a goody-two-shoes, while maintaining a style of writing that sufficiently answered the prompt. In the end, I decided to write how I normally write, which I hope turned out well. While I did not have enough time to edit, I attempted to write the paper as best I as I could with the time I had available. Perhaps if I was not so worried about finishing the paper and not stressing over every sentence, I would have taken time to make sure my voice was not coming across as negative or heroic.

If I were to work on all of my assignments to this level, I believe that one would be able to see that I put effort into making sure that my writing is satisfactory and not slopped down on the paper. Beyond time management, if I were to approach this assignment differently in order to achieve better purpose, I would have revised away any present archetypes, grammatical errors, overuse of words such as make and that, and present my ideas as clearly as I intended for them to be understood. I also would have liked to add closure to the last paragraph, or a more traditional essay structure to the entire paper in general. If I were to give myself a grade on this assignment, I would give myself a high B. While there are some hints of archetype and few stylistic/grammatical errors, the overall paper compensates the mistakes with ample examples in evidence of my opinions and literacy history, presented in both an aesthetically pleasing and acceptable manner. My literacy memoir represents various archetypes, but certainly not one throughout the entire paper. The first paragraph seems to speak of the child prodigy and victim archetype, while others hint around literacy winner and success archetype. I feel that these probably do represent me accurately, but a combination of archetypes is not really an archetype, and not being merely one of the latter is likely a very good thing. Ultimately, I wanted to make visible in my Literacy Memoir that while I love to read and write, and sometimes communicate, and I feel relatively accomplished in my attempts, I still and always will have room for improvement. My goal is to take everything I can from the class and maintain a positive attitude while doing so. After reading my memoir, I feel that most of these ideas came through in the way that I intended despite hints of archetypes, because I managed to stay true to my voice in my writing, which kept the tone light and relatable.

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