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THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS Larry and Andy Wachowski October 27, 2000 5oL 502 GOLDENROD REVISIONS JUNE 27, 2002 1 INT. THE MATRIX - NIGHT 501 Fade in-— on the Matrix at code level, where we are traveling with the speed of thought—~ Rushing through streaks of coded light before pausing to survey an area from above, as a god might. We glide down for a slightly closer look at the encoded metropolis, effortlessly moving through the walls and rooms of a skyscraper, until we again accelerate beyond the speed of light to search-- INT. MJOLNIR - MAIN DECK - NIGHT 502 As the code forms the familiar drips and we pull out onto the monitors of the Mjolnir's operator’s station. AK, Link’s counterpart on this ship, beats his keyboard. aK I got nothing, sir. No sign of Niobe or Ghost. Nothing but blue pills. The crew of the Mjolnir are gathered on the main deck. MAUSER Should we jack in and try to contact them? ROLAND It won't matter. My gut says they’re down. MAUSER Then we should start back? ROLAND No. If that ship can still fly, we need ite MAUSER I was afraid you were going to say that. ROLAND Search every pipe, every hole, every crack we know. Sweep as wide as possible, as fast as possible. AK Captain, these lines are crawling with calamari. GOLDENROD REVISIONS JUNE 27, 2002 2. 502 502 ROLAND Then the sooner we find them the better. 503 INT. MJOLNIR - INFIRMARY - NIGHT 503 Neo lies unconscious. Trinity is at his bedside. The door opens and Maggie, the ship's medic, enters with a small plate of food. MAGGIE ‘Thought you could use something to eat. ‘TRINITY Thank you. Trinity takes the plate from her. MAGGIE Any change? She shakes her head. Maggie starts to check Neo’s monitors when Bane groans. She steps over to his bed which is a reverse of Neo’s position. TRINITY How is he? MAGGIE He’s going to be fine. At least until he wakes up. ‘TRINITY What do you mean? MAGGIE The Captain has some questions for him and he better have some good answers. Bane becomes silent and still. MAGGIE (CONT'D) You see these cuts on his body? Trinity nods. MAGGIE (CONT'D) I think they're self inflicted. TRINITY Why?

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