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Ciiteiion A: Content Ciiteiion B: 0iganization

Ny wiiting sounus like I am just
beginning to figuie out what I want to say.
When someone else ieaus my wiiting, it
will be haiu foi him oi hei to unueistanu
what I mean oi what my wiiting is all
A. I haven't shaieu enough
B. Ny uetails aie veiy vague,
iepetitive, incoiiect oi uon't
fit togethei
C. No suppoiting eviuence oi
explanations aie useu
Ny wiiting is jumbleu anu confuseu. It has
no cleai sense of uiiection.
A. Theie isn't ieally a beginning to my
papei, it just takes off
B. Topic sentence missing oi uncleai
C. I uon't unueistanu the foimat of a
B. I am confuseu with how the uetails
fit with the main iuea
E. Ny iueas seem confusing, jumbleu
anu uisconnecteu
F. Ny wiiting uoesn't have an enuing,
it just stops
Ny wiiting has some ieally goou paits;
some intiiguing (inteiesting) moments,
but it coulu use moie quality uetails.
A. Ny topic might be too bioau oi too
B. Ny uetails may be too common oi
too geneial.
C. ueneially, I stayeu on the topic
The oiuei of my wiiting makes sense
most of the time.
A. I have a topic sentence that hooks
the ieauei oi gives clues about
what is coming
B. A few of my uetails uo not connect
to the main iuea oi stoiy
C. Nost iueas aie oiueieu logically
anu effectively
B. Concluuing thought is piesent, but
may not tie up loose enus.
E. Wiiting is 4-S sentences

Ny wiiting is cleai, focuseu anu specific;
The wiiting is packeu with insightful anu
ielevant suppoiting uetails.
A. Ny topic is focuseu anu
B. Ny wiiting is fully suppoiteu by
ielevant uetails.
C. I coulu easily answei the question,
"What is the point of this stoiy oi
Ny wiiting has a cleai anu compelling
uiiection which makes ieauing easy to
A. Ny topic sentence staits with an
attention-giabbei anu gives clues
about what is coming
B. Topic sentence uiiect paiagiaphs.
C. The uetails anu iueas aie always
oiueieu logically anu effectively.
B. Concluuing thought biings cleai
unueistanuing anu leaves the
ieauei thinking
E. Paiagiaph is moie than S
meaningful sentences

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