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Inheraitance (extension) - child inherits its parent - Subclass can use all features of its super class - Parent

should exist for inheritance Advantage - Extension child class extends the functionality of its parent - Reusability we can reuse already existing class with new Functionly - Avoid redundancy write once, use many times e.g Calculator ScientificCal BusinessCaL ................................................. class Calculator{ public void add() { System.out.println("Add function");} public void sub(){ System.out.println("sub function");} } class ScCalculator extends Calculator{ public void sq() { System.out.println("sq function");} public void power(){ System.out.println("pow function");} } class Test { public static void main (String o[]) { Calculator c=new Calcultor(); c.add(); c.sub(); ScCalculator ob= new ScCalculator(); ob.add(); ob.sub(); ob.sq(); ob.power(); } } .......................................................... e.g Example with data Person(id,name) Student(marks,grade()) (UML Diagram on Board) Teacher(salary,tax())

// constructor excution top to bottom class Person{ private int id; private String name; public Person() {System.out.println("Person Created"); } Person(int d, String n) { id=d;//setId(d) name=n;//setName(n) System.out.println("Person Created"); } public void setName(String n) { if (n.length()<=30)

name=n; else name=null; } public void setId(int d ) { id=d;} public int getId() { return id;} public String getName(){return name;} }; class Student extends Person{ private int marks; public Student () { System.out.println("Student Created"); } public Student (int d,String n,int m) {super(d,n); marks=m; System.out.println("Student Created"); } void setMarks(int m) {marks=m;} int getMarks() {return marks;} char grade() { char g; if (marks>=80) g='A'; else if (marks>=70) g='B'; else if (marks>=60) g='c'; else if (marks>=50) g='D'; else g='F'; return g; } }; // same for teacher class

class Teacher extends Person{ private int salary; public Teacher ( ) { } public Teacher (int d,String n, int s){ super(d,n); salary=s; } public int getSalary() { return salary;} public void setSalary(int s){salary=s;} public double tax() { return salary*0.05;} } class Test { public static void main (String o[]) { Student ob=new Student(10,"Imran",80); //cout<<ob.getId()<<ob.getName()<<ob.getMarks()<<ob.grade()//<<endl; } }

............................................................. e.g Extend student class as BS and MS students Person(id,name) Student(marks,grade()) BSStudent(project) (UML Diagram on Board) class Person{ private int id; private String name; public Person(){System.out.println("Person Created");} public Person(int d, String n) { setId(d); setName(n); System.out.println("Person Created"); } void setName(String n) { name=n;} void setId(int d ) { id=d;} int getId() { return id;} String getName(){return name;} }; class Student extends Person{ private int marks; public Student(){System.out.println("Studentcreated");} public Student (int d,String n,int m) {super(d,n); marks=m; System.out.println("Studentcreated"); } public void setMarks(int m) {marks=m;} public int getMarks() {return marks;} public char grade() { char g; if (marks>=80) g='A'; else if (marks>=70) g='B'; else if (marks>=60) g='c'; else if (marks>=50) g='D'; else g='F'; return g; } }; class BsStudent:public Student{ private: char project[200]; public: BsStudent ( ) { cout<<"BS Student Created"<<endl; } BsStudent(int d, char n[],int m,char p[]):Student(d,n,m) { strcpy(project,p); Teacher(salary,tax()) MsStudent(Thesis)

cout<<"BS Student Created"<<endl; } void setProject(char p[]){strcpy(project,p);} char * getProject() { return project;} }; void main () { BsStudent ob (10,"Imran",80,"Graphics Game"); cout<<ob.getId()<<ob.getName()<<ob.getMarks()<<ob.grade()<<endl; cout<<ob.getProject()<<endl; } .......................................................... Mixture of Composition and Inheritance e.g Car must have Engine, Tyre,Body HondaCivic extends the concept of car with digital meter (see class diagram on board)

class Engine{ public : Engine() { cout<<"Engine created"<<endl; } void start() { cout<<"Engine Started 1800 hrspower"<<endl; } }; class Tyre{ public : Tyre() { cout<<"Tyre created"<<endl; } void size() { cout<<"Tyre Size is 17 inch"<<endl; } }; class Body{ public : Body() { cout<<"Body created"<<endl; } void type() { cout<<"Body type is saloon color is white"<<endl; } }; class Car { private: Engine e; Body b; Tyre t; public : Car () { cout<<"Car created"<<endl;

} void printSpecification(){ e.start(); b.type(); t.size(); } }; class HondaCivic:public Car{ private: int digitalMeter; public: HondaCivic() { cout<<"Honda Civic Created"<<endl;} HondaCivic(int p ) { digitalMeter=p; cout<<"Honda Civic Created"<<endl;} void printHondaSpecification(){ printSpecification(); cout<<digitalMeter<<endl; } }; void main (){ HondaCivic civic(300); civic.printHondaSpecification(); } .......................................................... Mixture of Composition and Inheritance (Same problem with data) e.g Car must have Engine(hrPower),Tyre(size),Body(type) HondaCivic extends the concept of car with digital meter (see class diagram on board) class Engine{ private: int hrPower; public : Engine() { cout<<"Engine created"<<endl; } ~Engine() { cout<<"Engine expired"<<endl; } Engine(int hp) { hrPower=hp; cout<<"Engine created"<<endl; } int getHrPower() { return hrPower;} void setHrPower(int hp) { hrPower=hp;} void start() { cout<<"Engine Started with "<<hrPower<<" hrspower"<<endl; } }; class Tyre{

private : int size; public : Tyre() { cout<<"Tyre created"<<endl; } ~Tyre() { cout<<"Tyre expired"<<endl; } Tyre(int s) { size=s; cout<<"Tyre created"<<endl; } int getSize() { return size;} void setSize(int s) { size=s;} void printSize() { cout<<"Tyre Size is "<<size<<" inch"<<endl; } }; class Body{ private: char type[50]; public : Body() { cout<<"Body created"<<endl; } ~Body() { cout<<"Body expired"<<endl; } Body(char t[]) {strcpy(type,t); cout<<"Body created"<<endl; } char * getType() { return type;} void setType(char t[]){strcpy(type,t);} void printType() { cout<<"Body type is "<<type<<endl; } }; class Car { private: int price; Engine e; Body b; Tyre t; public : Car () { cout<<"Car created"<<endl; } ~Car () { cout<<"Car Expired"<<endl; } Car (int hp,int s, char ty[],int p):e(hp),t(s),b(ty) { price=p; cout<<"Car created"<<endl; } void printSpecification(){ cout<<"Price="<<price<<endl;

e.start(); b.printType(); t.printSize(); } }; class HondaCivic:public Car{ private: int digitalMeter; public: HondaCivic() { cout<<"Honda Civic Created"<<endl;} ~HondaCivic() { cout<<"Honda Civic Expired"<<endl;} HondaCivic(int hp,int s, char ty[],int pr,int dm ):Car(hp,s,ty,pr) { digitalMeter=dm; cout<<"Honda Civic Created"<<endl; } void printHondaSpecification(){ printSpecification(); cout<<"digitalMeter="<<digitalMeter<<endl; } }; void main (){ HondaCivic hc(1800,15,"Saloon",10000,240); hc.printHondaSpecification(); } } ....................................................... Mixture of Composition and Inheritance (Same problem with data) e.g A Room must have Wall(size),Door(type),window(size) A house consist of rooms. GuestHouse extends the concept of House with 20 Rooms Junaid(a Guest) stays in room 1; Khalid(a Guest) stays in room 2; (see class diagram on board) class Wall{ private int size; } class Door{ private String type; } class Window{ private int size; } class Room { private Wall wall; private Door door; private Window window; public Room ( ) { wall = new Wall(); door= new Door(); window=new Window();

} public Room (int s,String t, int si ) { wall = new Wall(s); door= new Door(t); window=new Window(si); } } class House { private Room r[]; private int roomSize; public Room (int s) { roomSize=s; r= new Room[roomSize]; } public void assignGuest(Guest g, int no) { } class GuestHouse extends House { public GuestHouse(int s) { super(s);} public void stays(Guest p,int no) { assignGuest(p,no); } } .................................................. Multiple Inheritance -no support in java ............................................................ Object (java defined class) - by default all classes inherites from object class -The Object class is the top of the class hierarchy. All classes are descendants from this class and inherit methods from it. Useful methods inherited from Obje ct include toString(), equals(), clone(), and getClass(). class Abc{ } java compiler rewrites codes as class Abc extends Object{ } ...................................................... methods in object class 1- Object clone() 2- String toString() 3- boolean equals(Object ) etc... ............................................ Car c1; { Car c2= new Car();

c1=(Car)c2.clone(); } ............................................... toString methods String toString() class Employee{ private String name; private String id; public Employee ( ){ id=10; name="Ahmed";} public String toString() {return id + " " +name;} } class Test { public static void main(String o[]){ Emplyee e= new Employee(); System.out.println(e); // 10 Ahmed } } .................................................. 3- equals Car c1=new Car(); car c2=new Car(); if (c1.equals(c2)) // false Car c1=new Car(); car c2=(Car)c1.clone(); if (c1.equals(c2)) // true ............................. Check it yourself Car c1=new Car(); car c2=c1; if (c1.equals(c2)) // ????? .................................

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