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Peter Schumann 4-7-14 Engl 10600-67 Halliday


At Purdue my major currently is undecided, but I have been taking classes that have been pushing me towards management. When people think of management, they look at is a dealing with managing companies & managing business that they own. When looking for a article dealing with management, an article came across my eye by John A. Davis, Managing the Family Business: Leadership Roles. I chose this article because if is a little different type of field of management, that maybe not everyone thinks about. Management has many different types of ways in being uses and running a family business is a big way management is used. In Daviss article about Managing a Family Business, he breaks the article into 3 main parts: Leading, Managing, & Governing. He points on how every single one of these aspects are different and require something for each one. When Leading the business he talks about how it is about identifying where the group needs to go, and how the leader connects with all the people and convincing them. He then talks about the characteristics that a leader needs in the business and how to be the most effective leaders. Next he talks about managing the business, and how instead of leading you have to get the group to operate effectively together and have good planning, budgeting and much more. The final piece that he talks about is the lack of governance families have in businesses. He points on how families dont have a clear vision of their mission and core values, which is what hurts families businesses

these days. In the leadership area he talks about how they dont have a clear vision of the future or adapted to the change in the environment, which takes deep inspiration to tackle these challenges. Writing Scenario: Question 1: Question 2: Citation Summary of Article Explanation of your opinion on the article Analyze Introduction w/ Swales CARS model 1. Establish a Territory -Importance of General Subject -Make Gernalizations about the subject -Review items of previous Research 2. Establish a Niche -Counter Claim (Contrary to Expectations) -Raise a question -Essay following a Tradition (Following footsteps of Previous research) 2. Occupy the Niche - Outline purpose of the essay - State principal findings of the essay (What the reader can expect the essay will have accomplished for them by the end.) - Indicate the structure of the essay (what will appear in it & what order.) Analyze the research models the author uses for citing sources - Sources cited? - Integral or non-integral citations? - Citations show = longer on-going conversation? (Greene) Describe Tone/writing style Describe Format/Design Explain what both of these factors tell us about the discourse of the community

Question 3:

Question 4:

With having the 4 questions here written out, it helps be take a little better understanding of what my papers needs to include. It also gives me a little summary of each question and an easier way to comprehend what it is asking for simplicity when writing.

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