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1eucher(s): Susun Curmody CousejContent: Lunguuge Arts
Crude Level(s): Uer Crudes Lurutlon: cluss erlods

!"#$%#&%'()* ,-. /%0#'()* 1((0$"-#2 340("-5$'()*
R. Reud closely to determlne whut the text suys exllcltly
und to muke loglcul lnferences from lt, clte seclflc textuul
evldence when wrltlng or seuklng to suort concluslons
druwn from the text.

R.z. Letermlne centrul ldeus or themes of u text und
unulyze thelr develoment, summurlze the key suortlng
detulls und ldeus.
Lveryone ls entltled to un olnlon ubout
whut the text meuns, but the text suorts
some lnterretutlons more thun others.
vhut loglcul lnferences cun l druw bused
on the text, und whut evldence suorts
my concluslons?
67 897:
LL1LRMlNL exllclt text content
MAlL loglcul lnferences
Cl1L seclflc text evldence
SUPPCR1 concluslons druwn
LL1LRMlNL centrul ldeus
ANALY2L develoment of ldeus
SUMMARl2L suortlng ldeus
Leurnlng Cbjectlve(s):
Leurners wlll be uble to stute the centrul ldeu of u text und descrlbe how the uuthor
develoed thut ldeu, cltlng evldence from the text to suort thelr unulysls.
Lvuluutlon Crlterlu: Assessment Lescrltlon:
develoed ldeus, cltutlons to suort ldeus, thorough
vrlte un exosltory essuy to lnform reuders of how one's envlronment lmucts one's

;0(54&<0 =-"20* >5?@20A-"B 95"0(* C%%-"-5$#2 95"0(*
!"# %&'(# &) *+),& -./##. by Sundru Clsneros 8cL, quulltutlve feuture thut lncreuses
comlexlty: flgurutlve lunguuge
"1he Eouse on Mungo Street' und "Mungo Suys
Coodbye Sometlmes'

D5<4( E0((5$ F G/ 65H
=I-$J C254%: Lurlng the thlnk uloud, the teucher wlll reud uloud to students, uuslng ut noted olnts und model resondlng to the textdeendent
questlons. Students wlll huve u coy of the text wlth the textdeendent questlons lncluded ut the stolng olnts. As the teucher ls thlnklng uloud,
students wlll record notes next to the questlons.

=0A" K$%0& 6-(<4((-5$ 340("-5$ L /$("&4<"-5$#2 95"0(
ve dldn't ulwuys llve on Mungo Street. 8efore thut we llved on Loomls
on the thlrd floor, und before thut we llved on leeler. 8efore leeler lt
wus Puullnu, und before thut l cun't remember. 8ut whut l remember
most ls movlng u lot. Luch tlme lt seemed there'd be one more of us. 8y
the tlme we got to Mungo Street we were slx - Mumu, Puu, Curlos, llkl,
my slster Nenny und me.

1he house on Mungo Street ls ours, und we don't' huve to uy rent to
unybody, or shure the yurd, or be cureful not to muke too much nolse,
und there lsn't u lundlord bunglng on the celllng wlth u broom. 8ut even
so, lt's not the house we'd thought we'd get.

:I#" -( %-MM0&0$" #N54" "I0 I54(0 5$ O#$.5 !"&00" M&5? "I0 $#&&#"5&P(
5"I0& I54(0(Q
012 )&.343), ."+. ."# )+//+.&/ "+( 536#7 3) 2+)8 95+4#( +)7 "&'(#(: 0)
."# ;3/(. 9+/+,/+9"< ("# #6#) (+8( ("# /#2#2=#/( 2&63), + 5&. +;.#/
53(.3), ."/## (./##. )+2#( +)7 (+83), ("# 7&#( )&. /#2#2=#/ ."# &)#(
."+. 4+2# =#;&/# ."&(#: -"# =#,3)( ."# )#>. 9+/+,/+9" =8 (+83), ."3(
"&'(# 3( ?&'/(:@ A;.#/ ."+.< ("# .+5B( +=&'. (&2# &; ."# 9/&=5#2( C3."
."# "&'(#( ."+. 4+2# =#;&/# D ("+/3), (9+4#< 9+83), /#).< "+63), .& =#
E'3#.< #.4: !"3( "&'(# (##2( .& =# 73;;#/#). =#4+'(# 3. 3( ."# ;3/(. "&'(#
"#/ ;+2358 "+( &C)#7:
ve hud to leuve thut flut on Loomls qulck. 1he wuter les broke und the
lundlord wouldn't flx them becuuse the house wus too old. ve hud to
leuve fust. ve were uslng the wushroom next door und currylng wuter
over ln emty mllk gullons. 1hut's why Mumu und Puu looked for u
house, und thut's why we moved lnto the house on Mungo Street.
:I#" -$M0&0$<0 <#$ B54 %&#R #N54" RI#" "I0 M#?-2B I5@0% R542% N0
"&40 5M "I0 I54(0 5$ O#$.5 !"&00"Q
!"# )+//+.&/ (.+.#( E'+53.3#( &; ."# "&'(#( ."#8 "+6# 536#7 3) ."+. C#/#
')95#+(+).< 3)45'73), =/&B#) 939#( +)7 + =/&B#) /#(./&&2: -"# ."#)
(.+.#( ."&(# +/# ."# 4+'(#( ;&/ 2&63), .& *+),& -./##.: !"# )+//+.&/
"&9#7 ."# "&'(# &) *+),& -./##. C&'57 =# C#55 2+3).+3)#7:

1hey ulwuys told us thut one duy we would move lnto u house, u reul
house thut would be ours for ulwuys so we wouldn't huve to move euch
yeur. And our house would huve runnlng wuter und les thut worked.
And lnslde lt would huve reul stulrs, not hullwuy stulrs, but stulrs lnslde
llke the houses on 1.v. And we'd huve u busement und ut leust three
wushrooms so when we took u buth we wouldn't huve to tell everybody.
Cur house would be whlte wlth trees uround lt, u greut blg yurd und gruss
growlng wlthout u fence. 1hls wus the house Puu tulked ubout when he
held u lottery tlcket und thls wus the house Mumu dreumed u ln the
storles she told before we went to bed.

:IB %50( "I0 $#&&#"5& 2-(" "I0 S4#2-"-0( (I0 R#( "52% R542% N0 "&40 5M
"I0 I54(0 I0& M#?-2B R542% (5?0%#B 5R$Q
0) 9+/+,/+9" F< ."# )+//+.&/ .+5B( +=&'. &)# 9/&=5#2 &; &)# &; ."#
/#).+5 "&2#(: !"#) 3) 9+/+,/+9" G< ("# 53(.( E'+53.3#( ."+. (##2 .& 2+B#
+ )34# "&2#: 0) +773.3&) .& )+23), ."# ,&&7 E'+53.3#(< ."&',"< ("#
3)45'7#( ."# +5.#/)+.36#: H&/ #>+295#< 3. C355 "+6# /#+5 (.+3/(< )&. "+55C+8
(.+3/(< +)7 ."/## C+("/&&2(< (& ."# ;+2358 2#2=#/( 7& )&. "+6# .& .#55
&."#/( C"#) ,&3), .& ."# =+."/&&2: I8 53(.3), ."# E'+53.3#( ("# +)7 "#/
;+2358 +5C+8( C+).#7< ."# /#+7#/ 5#+/)( 2&/# +=&'. ."# 95+4#( ("# "+(
536#7 =#;&/# +)7 C"+. ("# 737 )&. 53B# +=&'. ."&(# "&2#(:

T4-%0% /$("&4<"-5$ F G:0 65 /" =5.0"I0&H
Lurlng gulded lnstructlon, the teucher guldes u dlscusslon of the text us students ure reudlng. 1he teucher oses the questlons, glvlng
students tlme to thlnk und wrlte, ulr und shure, und ultlmutely shure us u grou.

Students ure reudlng the text. lor euch questlon, students thlnk und wrlte, ulr und shure, und the teucher uses u coldculllng strutegy to
ellclt student resonses und enguges students ln u dlscusslon of the questlons.

=0A" K$%0& 6-(<4((-5$ 340("-5$ L /$("&4<"-5$#2 95"0(
8ut the house on Mungo Street ls not the wuy they told lt ut ull. lt's smull
und red wlth tlght stes ln front und wlndows so smull you'd thlnk they
were holdlng thelr breuth. 8rlcks ure crumbllng ln luces, und the front
door ls so swollen you huve to ush hurd to get ln. 1here ls no front yurd,
only four llttle elms the clty lunted by the curb. Cut buck ls u smull
guruge for the cur we don't own yet und u smull yurd thut looks smuller
between two bulldlngs on elther slde. 1here ure stulrs ln our house, but
they're ordlnury hullwuy stulrs, und the house hus only one wushroom.
Lverybody hus to shure u bedroom - Mumu und Puu, Curlos und llkl, me
und Nenny.
:IB -( -" -?@5&"#$" M5& "I0 $#&&#"5& "5 ?0$"-5$ "I#" "I0&0 #&0 (-A @05@20
2-U-$. -$ "I0 I54(0 -$ "I0 M-&(" @#&#.&#@IQ :I0&0 -$ "I-( @#&#.&#@I %5
&0#%0&( 20#&$ ?5&0 #N54" "I0 (-.$-M-<#$<0 5M (-A @05@20 -$ "I0 I54(0Q
0) ."# ;3/(. 9+/+,/+9"< ."# )+//+.&/ =#,3)( .& 3)./&7'4# ."# 4"+55#),#(
"#/ ;+2358 ;+4#( C"#) 3. 4&2#( .& ."#3/ "&'(3),: 0) ."3( 9+/+,/+9"< ("#
(.+.#( ."+. #6#/8&)# ("+/#( + =#7/&&2 C3." (&2#&)#: I8 3)./&7'43),
."3( 37#+ 3) ."# ;3/(. 9+/+,/+9"< /#+7#/( "+6# + (./&),#/ ')7#/(.+)73),
&; "&C 4"+55#),3), 3. 2+8 =# ;&/ ."# ;+2358 .& 536# 3) + (2+55 (9+4# C"#)
."#8 #)4&').#/ )#C 7#.+35( +=&'. ."# "&'(# &) *+),& -./##. +)7 5#+/)
&; 3.( (3J#:

Cnce we were llvlng on Loomls, u nun from my school ussed by und suw
me luylng out front. 1he Luundromut downstulrs hud been bourded u
becuuse lt hud been robbed two duys before und the owner hud ulnted
on the wood YLS vL'RL CPLN so us not to lose buslness.
vhere do you llve? she usked.
1here, l suld olntlng u to the thlrd floor.
You llve ."#/#?
!"#/#. l hud to look to where she olnted - the thlrd floor, the
ulnt eellng, wooden burs Puu hud nulled on the wlndows so we
wouldn't full out. You llve ."#/#? 1he wuy she suld lt mude me feel llke
nothlng. !"#/#. l llved ."#/#. l nodded.

:IB %50( "I0 $#&&#"5& (I#&0 "I0 ("5&B 5M RI#" I#@@0$0% RI0$ (I0 2-U0%
5$ E55?-( !"&00"Q
K) L&&23( -./##.< ."# )+//+.&/ ;#5. #2=+//+((#7 +=&'. "#/ "&2#: -"#
(+8( ."# 4&)6#/(+.3&) C3." ."# )') 2+7# "#/ ;##5 53B# )&."3),: !"3(
("&C( ."# 329+4. "#/ "&2# "+( &) "#/ ;##53),(: 0. "#59( /#+7#/(
')7#/(.+)7 C"8 "#/ "&2# 3( 329&/.+). .& "#/ D =#4+'(# 3. /#9/#(#).(
l knew then l hud to huve u house. A reul house. Cne l could olnt to. 8ut
thls lsn't lt. 1he house on Mungo Street lsn't lt. lor the tlme belng, Mumu
suys. 1emorury, suys Puu. 8ut l know how those thlngs go.
:I#" %50( "I0 $#&&#"5& ?0#$ NB G# &0#2 I54(0QH V5R %5 B54 J$5RQ
M"#) ."# )+//+.&/ /#;#/( .& ?+ /#+5 "&'(#<@ ("# 2#+)( &)# ."+. ("#
4&'57 =# 9/&'7 &;: !"3( 9+/+,/+9" (.+.#(< ?K)# 0 4&'57 9&3). .&@ +( +)
#>95+)+.3&) &; ?+ /#+5 "&'(#:@

>522#N5&#"-U0 F GW54 65 /" =5.0"I0&H
X2#<0?#" >5$(0$(4(
Students wlll be luced ln grous of three to four students. vlthln euch grou, students wlll reud the "1hose vho Lon't,' ulternutlng
reuder ut deslgned olnts.

vhen students comlete the reudlng, they wlll use the lucemut consensus strutegy to resond to: V5R %5 G=I5(0 RI5 %5$P" J$5R #$B
N0""0&H %0M-$0 "I0 -%0$"-"-0( 5M "I0 @05@20 -$ I0& $0-.IN5&I55%Q V5R -( "I-( %-MM0&0$" "I#$ 1(@0&#$Y#P( -%0#( #N54" "I0 @05@20 -$ I0&
. Luch grou wlll usslgn u letter, A through L, to members of the grou.
z. Person 8 wlll collect the muterluls: lece of churt uer, murkers. Person C wlll creute the lucemut temlute on the churt uer.
. Luch member of the grou wlll resond to the questlon for mlnutes ln hlsjher lndlvlduul suce on the lucemut.
. At the end of four mlnutes, grou members wlll shure ldeus from thelr lndlvlduul suces wlth the whole grou ln roundrobln formut,
beglnnlng wlth Person L.
. As ldeus ure shured, lf ull grou members lncluded the ldeu ln thelr lndlvlduul suce, the erson seuklng wlll wrlte the ldeu ln the
center clrcle. lf ut leust one other erson, but not ull grou members, lncluded the ldeu, the erson seuklng und uny grou
members who lncluded thut ldeu wlll clrcle lt ln thelr lndlvlduul suces.
6. Round robln of ldeus und Ste wlll contlnue untll ull grou members huve shured ull ldeus from thelr lndlvlduul clrcles.

Cnce grous huve comleted thelr lucemuts, they wlll work together to develo one unswer to the questlon, uslng the ldeus ln the center
clrcle of thelr lucemut, us well us other ldeus lndlvlduul grou members contrlbuted thut ull members ugree uon.

Luch grou wlll shure lts resonse wlth the whole cluss. 1he resonse must uddress the questlon und lnclude two leces of evldence from
the text.

/$%0@0$%0$" X&#<"-<0 F GW54 65 /"H
654N20Z1$"&B [54&$#2* lndlvlduully, students wlll reud "Mungo Suys Coodbye Sometlmes'. vhlle reudlng, students wlll comlete the
doubleentry journul. ln the lefthund column of the churt, students wlll ldentlfy words, text from the reudlng selectlon thut serves us un
exumle of euch heudlng. ln the rlghthund column, they wlll record thelr thlnklng to exluln how the exumle relutes to the heudlng.

Centrul ldeu
Suortlng Lvldence
Suortlng Lvldence

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