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Breanna Dougherty Professor Rich ELD-307-01 April 10, 2014 Miscue Analysis Students are progressing their learning

in school daily. Literacy plays a major role in ensuring that students progress through school effectively. If students are on a specific reading level, and are reading literature that may be too advanced or too easy for them, it could hurt their progress more; this reason is why teachers complete different reading assessments to find the perfect reading level for their students. After completing the assessment, teachers can identify books that are appropriate to help students advance their reading skills with an appropriate amount of challenge. Lucas is a third grade student at Hawk Elementary School; I used the Columbia Reading assessment to evaluate Lucass independent reading level. The reading assessment consisted of a 101 word read aloud prompt, and a 194 word prompt to read silently. The assessment then asks for a literal and inferential retelling of the story, and literal and inferential questions about comprehension. The score is judged by the amount of mistakes in the read aloud, and how well the student does on the retelling and the comprehension questions. Fluency is another determining factor in how well a student does at the reading level they are being assessed on. If a student can pass all of the sections of a level, they can progress to the next reading level. After assessing Lucas, I found that he was extremely fluent in his reading. He read at a level P (A being the lowest, being the highest), and is now ready to move

onto level Q to find his just right reading level. Lucas was extremely comfortable when he was reading out loud; he used dynamic voices to represent different characters, and actually ended up inserting some words, which occurs when the reader is very fluent. He inserted the word just twice in the read aloud section because he was so comfortable in his reading. The Columbia assessment has him at the highest level of fluency, and 99% reading accuracy; although there are two miscues, repetition of a mistake counts only a one miscue. His retelling is strong, touching on all of the major subjects of the text, and it is apparent he comprehends the story on a literal and inferential basis. Lucas was able to infer how the characters were feeling based on their actions which shows a higher level of understanding. Due to Lucass impressive assessment results, I feel the best way to teach for him is to look for more challenges. He should move up a reading level to challenge himself a bit more and maybe open himself up to more complex vocabulary words. I would also review what books he was reading, and assign him questions to correspond that would draw more inferential answers, not answers that are written directly in the text. In class now, students are working on placing themselves in the story situation, and addressing social issues that are mentioned in the text. Lucas would have to give responses as to how he may handle an issue in the book, or identify the social issues that were implicated in the book. He has great potential to grow into a more fluent reader with a deeper understanding of text material.

Subject/Topic: Third Grade Individualized Lesson Plan-Miscue Analysis, Lucas Rationale: This lesson will allow Lucas to enhance his reading skills further. Although he is capable of retelling and discussing the events that took place in a story, Lucas can now focus on comparing how characters change throughout stories. This will give him the chance to retain information from a text, and reference it against another theme. Standards: RL.3.9-Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characteristics (e.g., in books from a series) Objectives: Lucas will be able to compare a characters growth throughout a series. He will also be able to relate how the characters growth related to the outcome of the story. Materials: Harry Potter Series, Post-Its **I selected Harry Potter because I know Lucas has begun the series and has an interest in continuing; he is up to book three. I am also fluent in this book as I have read the series multiple times. Procedures (include teacher talk) Engagement/Anticipatory Set: Lucas, can you recall from Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets how you remember Harry being described? Are there any differences between Harry in the two books? Mentor teach and model: I will write down the characteristics that Lucas has described onto Post-Its, and sort them as book one characteristics and book two characteristics. I will put the Post-Its in Lucass reading journal to ensure they are kept neat and safe. I will t hen show him how we will begin to compare the differences of Harrys character, and how that changed the book. One example I can give is how Harry is unsure of himself when he first discovers he is a wizard, and how when he arrived at Hogwarts, his confidence began to grow. I will tell him how I feel the book may have been different without Harrys growth. I will then take that characteristic and compare it to book two. Lucas will write about three sentences to describe the changes he notices.

Guided Practice: Together, Lucas and I can take a second characteristic of his choosing, and begin comparing it to what he observed in the second book, and even further into his third book that he is reading now. We will compare the characteristics and begin examining the changes that Harry goes through. At this point, I will be able to assess how Lucas understands the assignment at this point and see how well he is able to compare. Lucas will be keeping Post-Its in his book and transfer them to his journal to keep himself current with his recordings. Independent Application: This will become a long term assignment for Lucas to be completed throughout the course of the year. I will encourage him to utilize DEAR time, and allow ten to fifteen minutes for him three days a week to ensure he can progress through the assignment. This will give Lucas a long term responsibility to ensure he understands the text, and comprehending the changes Harry goes through.

Closure: Each week, I will meet with Lucas to see how he is progressing through the assignment, and ensuring that he is growing as a reader. We can conference each week on his findings.

Assessment: Lucass Post-Its will be how I keep track of his improvement. Also, his sentence descriptions and comparisons will allow me to see how well he is tracking Harrys changes.

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