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Ciystal Newsome

SSR #1
}anuaiy 29, 2u14
Schmiut Chaptei 1
Putting the Social back into Social Stuuies.
Social Stuuies is a subject that has been ignoieu anu neglecteu in the whole scheme
of things. It has been belittleu to the back coinei. Befineu by iote memoiization anu
fai away connections. Stuuents have no inteiest in it, because no one has taken the
time to make it inteiesting. The chaptei goes on to explain how teacheis can look at
ouiselves anu how we leain best, use that to apply in oui classiooms with oui
stuuents. I think it's an inteiesting peispective, I paiticulaily enjoy it, because when
I was giowing up, I woulu ieau books on histoiy anu it woulu be the coolest thing in
the woilu, but then I woulu go to class anu hate it. Nemoiization has always been
my weakness, so uates, piesiuents; the oiuei of things happening was always
something I woulu uetest eveiy yeai. What uoes the authoi of this book biing to the
table. Bow uoes she think we (futuie teacheis) can ieintiouuce Social Stuuies back
to the table of euucation. I have always thought that social stuuies suppoits ieauing
anu compiehension, so it was inteiesting to see the authoi's belief that Social
Stuuies woulu be pusheu asiue foi an auuitional ieauing couise. In oui chiluien's lit
class we aie encouiageu to use all subjects as an auuitional souice of ieauing. To
focus not only on fictional woiks, but non-fictional as well. I am cuiious as to what
social stuuies looks like outsiue of the bubble of coie euucation.

Paikei Chaptei 1
Social Stuuies Euucation: What anu Why
I think my favoiite line of this chaptei is "Piioi knowleuge always makes a kiu look
This chaptei uiscusses the impoitance of age appiopiiate cuiiiculum anu stanuaius,
the tienus, the uiffeient levels that builu upon each othei. The impoitance of Social
Stuuies is baseu on the impoitance of us knowing anu leaining about ouiselves anu
the people cultuies aiounu us. This chaptei gives a shape to what chiluien shoulu
leain anu when. 0ne thing I wonueieu while ieauing this is similai to the chaptei in
oui othei book. If we have less time given foi Social stuuies, then why not use
ieauing oi wiiting time to covei the cuiiiculum of moie than one subject at a time.
It woulu benefit the stuuents so much in the long iun. It woulu cause the quote
"Piioi knowleuge always makes a kiu look smait" to iing tiue in moie was than one.
I love that the authoi seems to caie about the chiluien. The cuiiiculum
iequiiements aie taken into account anu the chiluien anu theii futuie aie

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