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Lesson Plan Teacher: LaMonte 04/27/14 School: !

D T"tle: ntrod#ct"on to A#tode$% Le$$on &:'1' o( '1' BHS Grade Level: 9-12 Date: Content Area:

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

De$")n A**l"cat"on$ +1,2- M 4,.- T!!A Standard 12, St#dent$ /"ll develo* the a0"l"t"e$ to #$e and 1a"nta"n technolo)"cal *rod#ct$ and $2$te1$,

Understandings: 3t"l"4e the (eat#re$ "n A#tode$% to *rod#ce *art- dra/"n)$ "ncl#d"n) d"1en$"on$- 0a$"c dra/"n) la2o#t and 0#"ld"n) a$$e10l"e$,

Inquiry Questions: Ho/ three d"1en$"onal *art$ *rod#ced and /hat are the 0ene("t o( 0e"n) a0le to *rod#ce *art$ on a co1*#ter, 5hat are the $*ec"al re6#"re1ent$ that are needed (or *rod#c"n) dra/"n)$ and ho/ to 1a%e "nd"v"d#al *art$ "nto a$$e10l"e$

Evidence Outcomes: Learn the 0a$"c %no/led)e o( ho/ dra/"n)$ are created- create dra/"n)$ and *rod#ce 0a$"c a$$e10l"e$ (ro1 "nd"v"d#al *art$ Every student will be able to: Students will be able to follow instructions for part development. I can: Create a two dimensional drawing with the a sim le assembly in !utodes" ro riate annotation and build a

#his means: Using the a

licable rogram $or art roduction

%ist o$ !ssessments: 1, Three dimensional part completion

&lanned %esson !ctivities

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Lesson Plan 'ame and &ur ose o$ %esson Should be a creative title for you and the students to associate with the activity. Think of the purpose as the mini-rationale for what you are trying to accomplish through this lesson. ! ro() #ime and *aterials !ow long do you e"pect the activity to last and what materials will you need# !ntici atory Set The &hook' to grab students( attention. These are actions and statements by the teacher to relate the e"periences of the students to the ob)ectives of the lesson, To put students into a receptive frame of mind. To focus student attention on the lesson. To create an organi*ing framework for the ideas, principles, or information that is to follow +advanced organi*ers, n anticipatory set is used any time a different activity or new concept is to be introduced. &rocedures +-nclude a play-by-play account of what students and teacher will do from the minute they arrive to the minute they leave your classroom. -ndicate the length of each segment of the lesson. List actual minutes., -ndicate whether each is. -teacher input -modeling -/uestioning strategies -guided0unguided. -whole-class practice -group practice -individual practice -check for understanding -other Closure Those actions or statements by a teacher that are designed to bring a lesson presentation to an Page 2 Three Dimensional drawing creation, where the student makes a basic drawing using utodesk and a basic assembly

Time allotted is $.% hrs with a computer that has the associated program loaded on to it. 7"deo a0o#t the "1*ortance o( dra/"n) creat"on and $o1e o( the *ro0le1$ that can 0e $olved 02 #$"n) the$e *ro)ra1$,

Students will follow instructions about making a drawing and assembly in utodesk.

The closure of the pro)ect consists of a print of the drawing and assembly that was created.

Lesson Plan appropriate conclusion. 1sed to help students bring things together in their own minds, to make sense out of what has )ust been taught. & ny 2uestions# 3o. 45, let(s move on' is not closure. 6losure is used. To cue students to the fact that they have arrived at an important point in the lesson or the end of a lesson. To help organi*e student learning To help form a coherent picture and to consolidate. +i$$erentiation To modify. -f the activity is too advanced for a child, how will you modify it so that they can be successful# To e"tend. -f the activity is too easy for a child, how will you e"tend it to develop their emerging skills# !ssessment !ow will you know if students met the learning targets# 7rite a description of what you were looking for in each assessment.

The students that have the basic understandings of the use of utodesk will be asked to assist other students that are having difficulties.

-f the student completes the part creation, then they have a basic understanding of the pro)ect

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