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University of North Texas Name: Anna Carter I. Facilitation Date: Art Education

Lesson Title and Rationale: Art and Geometry

This lesson gives the students an opportunity to learn about the history of Cubism and how to create art in the Cubist style. They will also get the opportunity to use the Internet to gain information regarding this art movement. Students will see how using geometric shapes you can create art just like Pablo Picasso and Georges ra!ue.

II. Grade Le el: !rd " #t$ %rade III. Lesson & (in relation to unit): ' I(. End)rin% *nderstandin%: Identify the big idea to be investigated in this lesson. Identity can +e seen t$ro)%$ t$e s,eci-ic style o- art .e )se. (. /ey Conce,ts: Identify the key concepts to be investigated in this lesson Identity can +e e0,ressed t$ro)%$ sel-1,ortraits. (I. Essential 2)estion: Identify the essential uestion(s) to be investigated in this lesson. 3o. can .e descri+e o)rsel es )sin% sim,le %eometric s$a,es4 (II. Lesson O+5ecti es: !ist "#$ ob%ectives for each lesson. The ob%ectives should include the expected learning as &ell as the 'eans through &hich that learning &ill be achieved. An activity( such as )The student &ill paint a painting(* is not an appropriate ob%ective (it is closer to the activity). The ob%ective should focus on &hat the student &ill learn as a result of engaging in the activity and in relationship to the essential uestion under investigation. +efore &riting each ob%ective( please think )After the lesson, the student will be able to* and then &rite the ob%ective. The ob%ective 'ust be very specific( and should be observable( 'easurable and assessable. A-ter t$e lesson6 t$e st)dent .ill +e a+le to connect t$eir identity to t$e C)+ist art mo ement +y creatin% a sel-1,ortrait. A-ter t$e lesson6 t$e st)dent .ill +e a+le to )se %eometric s$a,es in creatin% a 7 dimensional rendition o- t$emsel es. A-ter t$e lesson6 t$e st)dent .ill +e a+le to %o on a .e+8)est to learn more a+o)t a s,eci-ic artist and art mo ement. (III. S,eci-ic Art Content: !ist the specific art content to be taught( such as concepts about art( the nature of art( skills( ele'ents and principles( processes( and techni ues used to co''unicate ideas. Also include in this section infor'ation about artists exa'ples.

T$is lesson .ill )se art $istory s,eci-ically .it$ t$e art mo ement6 C)+ism. T$is lesson .ill also incl)de )sin% t$e element6 s$a,e and t$e tec$ni8)e o- colla%e. I9. Reso)rces : Materials -or Teac$er: !ist the instructional resources needed##reproductions( ob%ects( &ebsites( e uip'ent( videos( dvds( parents( experts( literature( perfor'ances( local sites,etc. In the case of i'ages-reproductions or 'otion pictures to be used in the lesson( be sure to include the artist-director. title of the &ork(s). and( if the reproduction is co''ercially available( the source for obtaining the'. T$is lesson .ill re8)ire com,)ters or iPads alon% .it$ t$e )se o- a .e+site on T$is lesson also )ses Pa+lo Picasso;s art.or< to instr)ct st)dents on t$e C)+ist mo ement. 9. Reso)rces : Materials -or St)dents: !ist all 'aterials needed for students/ art 'aking( discussions( and-or other activities( and vocabulary list. St)dents .ill need s<etc$ ,a,er6 constr)ction ,a,er6 %l)e6 ,encils6 mar<ers and com,)ters. 9I. Instr)ction and Its Se8)encin%: 0or each day( (see belo&)( describe the steps necessary in teaching the lesson content. This includes the essential uestion( the key concepts( any discussion uestions( use of supporting 'aterials( instructions and de'os for students( and classroo' procedures that include ho& 'aterials &ill be distributed and collected. Instruction focuses on facilitating &hat the students &ill do during the lesson and in relationship to the essential uestion. +e sure to select and vary instructional strategies appropriate for your unit (i.e. de'onstration( presentation-lecture( class discussion( audio-visual( individual &ork( collaborative group activities( field trips( ga'es( student reports( visual displays( . . .etc). 1lan each day. Day=s> -or Lesson Day One: '. Introd)ction?Moti ation: =t$is m)st incl)de disc)ssion 8)estions> 2o& &ill I get students interested (the )hook* to get a student/s attention) in today exploration of the essential uestion3 4our goal is to present infor'ation about your unit in a fun and exciting &ay that facilitates learning a'ong students. E0,lain to st)dents .$en t$ey come in t$at .e %et to )se com,)ters to e0,lore C)+ism. As< st)dents to %)ess .$at t$ey t$in< C)+ism means and tell t$em to %et o)t s<etc$ ,a,er to record .$at t$ey learn on t$e .e+8)est. 7. P)r,ose?O+5ecti e: 5hat do I &ant students to learn or acco'plish today3 I .ant st)dents to learn .$at C)+ism is and see e0am,les o- t$e art style. !. Instr)ction: 5hat do I need to do (de'onstration( lecture( discussion( activity) to help students build ne& kno&ledge today3 5hat &ill 'y students do (de'onstrate( discuss) to build ne& kno&ledge today3 S$o. t$e class $o. to na i%ate t$e .e+site and $el, .it$ .ords t$at mi%$t +e )n-amiliar to t$em. S$o. t$e class $o. to record in-ormation )sin% <ey .ords li<e C)+ism and Pa+lo Picasso. @. G)ided Practice

2o& &ill I help students practice the ne& kno&ledge to 'ake it their o&n3 !ist any reflective uestions here. Gi e t$e st)dents 8)estions to $el, %)ide t$eir searc$ on t$e .e+8)est. 2)estion li<e -rom .$at yo) t$o)%$t C)+ism .as e0,lain .$at yo) -o)nd on t$e .e+8)est4 A$at is t$e de-inition o- C)+ism4 3o. does t$is style o- art ma<e yo) -eel4 Try to -ind ins,iration -or yo)r o.n C)+ist sel- ,ortrait. #. Inde,endent Practice 2o& &ill students de'onstrate their kno&ledge &ithout 'y help3 Allo. st)dents time to na i%ate t$e .e+site on t$eir o.n .it$o)t teac$er;s $el,. B. Clos)re 5hat concluding event can I design that allo&s students to reflect on the essential uestion and ho& your lesson helps to investigate the big idea. As< t$e class to %i e me .ords to .rite on t$e +oard t$at ma<e t$em t$in< o- t$eir o.n identity and t$ese .ords can $el, in creatin% t$eir sel- ,ortraits. C. Formati e E al)ation 2o& &ill I docu'ent student learning3 2o& &ill I check to see if students have constructed kno&ledge for the'selves in relationship to the essential uestion3 5hat &ill I do if students need re#teaching3 A-ter st)dents $a e researc$ed t$e .e+8)est t$e class .ill $a e a disc)ssion on .$at t$ey learned and .rote on t$eir s<etc$ ,a,er. D. Classroom Mana%ement Proced)res 5hat &ill you do to keep students on task and safe3 Teac$er .ill monitor internet )se to ma<e s)re st)dents stay on t$e .e+8)est. Di ide class into small %ro),s to <ee, in-ormation and com,)ter )se mana%ea+le. E. Ada,tations -or St)dents .it$ S,ecial Needs: 5hat acco''odations &ill be 'ade to 'ake sure your students &ith special needs &ill be successful3 Things to consider6 7o students need to sit close to the teacher3 5ill peer sponsors be used during the pro%ect3 7o any of your supplies or directions need to 'odified for physical or 'ental disabilities3 7oes your student need extra ti'e on pro%ects or &riting assign'ents3 Ma<e s)re st)dents .it$ learnin% disa+ilities $a e t$e o,,ort)nity to na i%ate t$e .e+8)est and .rite t$eir -indin%s .it$o)t +ein% r)s$ed. Team st)dents .it$ ,$ysical disa+ilities ), .it$ st)dents .$o <no. to +e ,atient .it$ t$eir classmates. Day T.o: '.Introd)ction?Moti ation: =t$is m)st incl)de disc)ssion 8)estions> 2o& &ill I get students interested (the )hook* to get a student/s attention) in today exploration of the essential uestion3 4our goal is to present infor'ation about your unit in a fun and exciting &ay that facilitates learning a'ong students. A$en st)dents .al< in t$e class room $a e ta+les set ), .it$ lar%e s$a,es laid and tell t$em t$ey are %oin% to e0,lore $o. t$ey can )se s$a,es to ma<e ,ict)res li<e Pa+lo Picasso. 7.P)r,ose?O+5ecti e: 5hat do I &ant students to learn or acco'plish today3 St)dents .ill s<etc$ o)t and create sel- ,ortraits )sin% s$a,es. !.Instr)ction:

5hat do I need to do (de'onstration( lecture( discussion( activity) to help students build ne& kno&ledge today3 5hat &ill 'y students do (de'onstrate( discuss) to build ne& kno&ledge today3 Teac$er .ill s$o. st)dents $o. t$ey can come ), .it$ sel- ,ortraits +y ma<in% a demo o- t$e ty,e o- ,ro5ect st)dents .ill ma<e. Teac$er .ill as< st)dents .$at .ords t$ey .o)ld )se to identi-y t$e teac$er and t$en t$e teac$er can s$o. $o. ma<in% a sel,ortrait can re-lect t$e .ords +y ,ic<in% s,eci-ic s$a,es and colors to create t$e ,ro5ect. @. G)ided Practice 2o& &ill I help students practice the ne& kno&ledge to 'ake it their o&n3 !ist any reflective uestions here. Teac$er s$o)ld .al< aro)nd classroom as<in% 8)estions on $.o t$ey are ,ro%ressin% on t$eir ,ro5ect and %i e t$em cl)es and ti,s to $el, ma<e t$eir ideas ma<e sense. #. Inde,endent Practice 2o& &ill students de'onstrate their kno&ledge &ithout 'y help3 Allo. st)dents t$e o,,ort)nity to .or< o)t t$eir o.n ideas. B. Clos)re 5hat concluding event can I design that allo&s students to reflect on the essential uestion and ho& your lesson helps to investigate the big idea. Ma<e s)re all st)dents $a e com,leted t$eir sel- ,ortrait and ,)t it a.ay -or t$eir art.or< to dry. C.Formati e E al)ation 2o& &ill I docu'ent student learning3 2o& &ill I check to see if students have constructed kno&ledge for the'selves in relationship to the essential uestion3 5hat &ill I do if students need re#teaching3 Ma<e s)re eac$ st)dents sel- ,ortrait re-lects t$eir o.n identity. D.Classroom Mana%ement Proced)res 5hat &ill you do to keep students on task and safe3 /ee, an eye on $o. st)dents are ,acin% t$emsel es and ma<e s)re e eryone is +ein% res,onsi+le .it$ t$e art s),,lies. E.Ada,tations -or St)dents .it$ S,ecial Needs: 5hat acco''odations &ill be 'ade to 'ake sure your students &ith special needs &ill be successful3 Things to consider6 7o students need to sit close to the teacher3 5ill peer sponsors be used during the pro%ect3 7o any of your supplies or directions need to 'odified for physical or 'ental disabilities3 7oes your student need extra ti'e on pro%ects or &riting assign'ents3 3a e st)dents .it$ ,$ysical disa+ilities stay close to teac$er and monitor )se os),,lies and assist .$ere needed. Re,eat as Needed 9II. Interdisci,linary Connections: +riefly list and describe any 'eaningful connections or extensions of the lesson into other sub%ect areas. It is beneficial to be able to include any TE89 in the non#art sub%ect area pertinent to the interdisciplinary connection. Not all art lessons have legiti'ate connections across the curriculu'.

T$e st)dents can connect art to mat$ +eca)se o- t$eir )se o- %eometric s$a,es in t$eir sel,ortraits. 9III. S)mmati e Assessment and E al)ation: Assess'ent should align &ith the ob%ectives and instruction. :onsider 'ultiple &ays the lesson 'ight be assessed throughout its course. Allo& the students to be involved in assess'ent. +e sure to deter'ine ho& progress &ill be reported to students( ad'inistrators (if applicable)( and parents. The student should be a&are of his-her o&n progress. 4ou ;U9T include the specific assess'ent instru'ent (rubric designed specifically for your lesson-unit( specific checklist( ui<( or exa'( etc.) Turning an ob%ective into a )yes-no* uestion (i.e.( )7id the student ,3*) is never an appropriate assess'ent 'ethod.

9I(. Re-erences : Reso)rces: !ist all references used to develop this lesson. Pa+lo Picasso6 T$ree M)sicians6 'E7' $tt,:??....d)c<$istory?art?c)+ism.,$, $tt,:??mrn)ss+a),a+lo1,icasso1.or<s1-or1<ids? $tt,:??+lo%.s,oon%ra,$<?articles?!F1modern1e0am,les1o-1t$e1c)+ism1style1in1 di%ital1art 9(. Art TE/S

0oundations6 observation and perception. The student develops and organi<es ideas fro' the environ'ent and expands visual literacy skills( utili<ing critical thought( i'agination( and the senses to observe and explore the &orld by learning about( understanding( and applying the Ele'ents of Art( 1rinciples of 7esign( and expressive ualities. 9tudents use &hat they see( kno&( and have experienced as sources for exa'ining( understanding( and creating art&orks. The student is expected to6

explore ideas fro' life experiences about self( peers( fa'ily( school( or co''unity and fro' the i'agination identify sensory kno&ledge (")(A) and life experiences as sources for original &orks of art ideas about visual sy'bols( self( and life events. and

= :handler( >( 9Es should be clear and specific # :larifying language that provides a richer learning experience 5e believe that the ter'inology )foundations6 observation and perception* adds clarity to the differences bet&een the fine arts disciplines and allo&s the teacher to better understand the discipline# specific content of the strand. 1rofessional 7evelop'ent Ideas6 :onsider an in#service on child develop'ent = re&orded to clarify per E?( added the i'agination as a source for ideas 9y'bols 'ore appropriate for higher grade levels 9+@E-E?#2aynes =inclusion of self( fa'ily( school( and co''unities as sources for life experience 1rofessional 7evelop'ent Ideas6 Exploring identity through self portraits Exploring relationships through group scenes Exa'ining artists &ho &ork fro' the i'agination as inspiration for art&ork (Aoan ;iro( 0rida 8ahlo( 0aith ?inggold)

2istorical- and cultural relevance heritage. The student de'onstrates an understanding of art history and culture as records of hu'an achieve'ent by analy<ing artistic styles( historical periods( and a variety of cultures. 9tudents develop global a&areness and respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. The student is expected to6 9epte'ber $B"$

:?9. broadened the scope of the study of historical heritage to expand the role of the study of cultures( &hich &as previously &eakly represented( and represents valid and i'portant visual arts career fields( and artistic applications.

Art( Crade D


identify si'ple 'ain ideas expressed in art &orks fro' various ti'es and places. and

Expanded verbiage to include various ti'e periods and genres for further clarification and rigor. 1rofessional 7evelop'ent Ideas6 9uggest looking at genres-ti'e periods such as6 0auvis'( Expressionis'( @p Art( I'pressionis'( ?enaissance(

9(I. National Art Standards

4. Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures Achievement Standard: Students 1. know that the visual arts have both a history and specific relationships to various cultures 2. identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places 3. demonstrate how history, culture, and the visual arts can influence each other in making and studying works of art 6. Content Standard: Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines Achievement Standard: Students 1. understand and use similarities and differences between characteristics of the visual arts and other arts disciplines 2. identify connections between the visual arts and other disciplines in the curriculum

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